50 research outputs found


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    Marriage recording aims to realize marital order in society. It is an effort regulated by legislation, to protect the dignity and sanctity (mitsaq al-ghalidz) of marriage, and more particularly of women in domestic life. Through the marriage certificate proven by the marriage certificate, each of which the husband and wife shall obtain a copy, in the event of a dispute or quarreling between them, or one irresponsible, the other may make any legal remedy in order to retain or obtain the rights of the individual, respectively. Because by the deed, the husband and wife have authentic proof of their legal deeds. Among Islamic societies there are still two views on the existing legal or regulatory norms, especially marriage rules. Thus, when looking at the reality of Muslims in particular, there are still many cases of unregistered marriages. Thus there is a dichotomy between religious law and state law. The type of this research is library research (library research).Keywords: Nikah siri, Problem, Islamic La


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is clarity which can make it easy for Mustahiq (beneficiaries) to find business capital by borrowing capital at BAZNAS (The National Zakat Board) of Bengkulu City and the results of this study can be used as material for further study to produce legislation regarding the rights of Mustahiq in existing regulations. It is field research using qualitative descriptive methods. Descriptive research is to analyze the data that the author has obtained, the author uses a comparative analysis method, namely research that aims to systematically, factually, and accurately compare facts, situations or events in the field. From the results of research on the effectiveness of zakat funds received by the community, a total of eight asnaf (a Muslim person who is entitled to receive zakat and fitrah) received professional zakat assistance, those who are, fakir (a Muslim person who (a) has no property or income; or (b) has property or income but does not reach fifty per cent of the kifayah limit of himself and his dependants), poor, fisabilillah (the struggle, efforts and activities for the purpose of upholding and propagating the religion of Islam),  mu'allaf (a call for individuals who are non-Muslims or non-Muslims who have the hope of converting to Islam or those who are new to Islam whose faith still needs to be supported and reinforced), and musafir (traveler), as well as productive zakat for small traders in advancing their business. The distribution of productive zakat given by BAZNAS of Bengkulu City through the "Program" to mustahik in the Bengkulu City area can improve two factors of Mustahik's welfare. Keywords: productive zakat; mustahik


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    ABSTRAK Tinjuauan hukum Islam dalam perkara cerai dengan alasan salah satu pihak selingkuh dalam media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Pendekatan ini bertujuan untuk memahami bahwa hukum itu tidak semata-mata sebagai suatu seperangkat aturan perundang-undangan yang bersifat normatif Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Pendekatan ini bertujuan untuk memahami bahwa hukum itu tidak semata-mata sebagai suatu seperangkat aturan perundang-undangan yang bersifat normatif belaka akan tetapi hukum dipahami sebagai perilaku masyarakat yang mengejala dalam kehidupannya, selalu berinteraksi dan berhubungan dengan aspek kemasyarakatan, seperti;  aspek ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Kata Kunci : Media Sosial, Cera


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    ABSTRAK Efektivitas dalam meningkatkan jumlah zakat, infak dan sedekah, upaya BAZNAS dalam mengumpulkan adalah sosialisasi kepada masyarakat, agar masyarakat sadar membayar ZISnya. Kemudian untuk lebih efektif BAZNAS melakukan koordinasi kepada para UPZ yang ada di Bengkulu untuk membantu mensosialisasikan kepada rekan dan masyarakat sekitar untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran mereka dalam membayar ZIS untuk mengembangkan perekonomianmasyarakat yeng membutuhkannya terutama masyarakat yang ingin berusaha dalam meningkatkan ekonomi. penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian lapangan (field reseach) dengan menggunakanmetode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif untuk menganalisis data yang telah penulisperoleh, penulis menggunakan cara analisis komperatif yakni penelitian yang bertujuanmembandingkan secara sistematis, faktual, dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, situasi atau kejadianyang ada di lapangan.Kata kunc i : Efektifitas, zakat, Produkti


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil pengintegrasian prinsip ESD pada pembelajaran matematika serta menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran terintegrasi prinsip ESD yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matemais dan sikap sosial siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, uji coba produk dilakukan di salah satu SMA di kabupaten lima puluh kota, Propinsi Sumater Barat. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI pada SMA yang ditetapkan. Pada penelitian ini dikembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika terintegrasi prinsip ESD, meliputi: Silabus, RPP, bahan ajar, LKS, serta instrumen kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan sikap sosial siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dengan rata-rata persentase keseluruhan validator mencapai 82,45%; 2) perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis dengan rata-rata respon mencapai 4,19; 3) pembelajaran matematika terintegrasi prinsip ESD dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa dengan kategori peningkatan sedang; 4) pembelajaran matematika terintegrasi prinsip ESD dapat meningkatkan sikap sosial siswa dengan kategori peningkatan sedang. Kata kunci: Education for Sustainable Development, Pembelajaran Matematika, Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis, Sikap Sosial. ABSTRACT Jaya Dwi Putra (2021). Integration of Principles of Education for Sustainable Development in Mathematics Learning to Improve Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability and Social Attitudes. This study aims to describe the results of integrating ESD principles in mathematics learning and to produce ESD principles integrated learning tools that can improve students' mathematical critical thinking skills and social attitudes. This research is a development research, the product trial was conducted in one of the high schools in the district of fifty cities, West Sumatra Province. The research subjects were students of class XI at the designated high school. In this study, an integrated mathematics learning device with ESD principles was developed, including: syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, worksheets, as well as instruments for students mathematical critical thinking abilty and social attitudes. The results showed that 1) the learning tools developed were valid with an average overall percentage of validators reaching 82.45%; 2) the learning tools developed were stated to be practical with an average response reaching 4.19; 3) integrated mathematics learning with ESD principles can improve students' critical thinking skills with moderate improvement categories; 4) integrated mathematics learning with ESD principles can improve students' social attitudes in the moderate improvement category. Keywords: Education for Sustainable Development, Mathematics, Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability, Students Social Attitudes


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    Abstract: To know the direction of Qiblah is already a lot of tools. Can be through measurements, can also use a prayer rug that has a compass Qiblah direction that is widely used in mosques. However, in order to attain the virtue of charity, it is necessary to make sure that the direction approached in the direction precisely facing the Temple. The way of determining the direction of the Qiblah for mosques has evolved in accordance with the development of knowledge held by Islamic societies, in the early stages using a very simple way, then progressed by using tools to measure it, among them Trigonometry, the shadow of the sun, compass magnet, transparent compass, compass Qibla, protractor, Rubu ‘mujayyab, string or thread, stick istiwa’ and waterpas, lot, elbow

    Hambatan Guru Matematika Dalam Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka Di Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this research is to identified and described the obstacles for teachers to implement an merdeka curriculum in mathematics learning. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method through interviews and observations to 27 participants of mathematics teachers primary school in West Java. The results of this study indicated that teachers experience obstacles in implementing the merdeka Curriculum in learning Mathematics. Obstacles experienced by teachers in planning, implementing, and evaluating learning. Obstacles to learning planning include (1) lack of understanding of how to reduce/translate CP into learning objectives; (2) heterogeneity of students in the classroom; (3) lack of reference for differentiated learning models; (4) limited facilities and infrastructure in schools; (5) limited initial knowledge and subject matter. Obstacles to the implementation of learning include (1) limited understanding of the subject matter with other relevant knowledge; (2) limitation of accommodating opening questions; (3) the limitations of students' psychological understanding; (4) the limitations of translating knowledge into easily understood language. Obstacles to learning evaluation include (1) an inappropriate preliminary assessment paradigm; (2) the limitations of identifying the learning process; (3) limited understanding of formative assessment


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    Abstract: There are still many violations in every general election such as administrative, criminal and ethical code violations in Bengkulu City. There are two problems examined in this thesis reviewing the Effectiveness of the General Election Supervisory Agency in handling violations in the general election and sanctions given by the Election Supervisory Agency in settlement of handling violations that occur in the general election. This research used the normative-empirical legal research method, namely legal research on the enforcement or implementation of normative legal provisions in action on any particular legal event that occurs in the community. Normative research is a legal research that examines written law from aspects of theory, history, philosophy, comparison, structure and composition, scope and material, general explanation of article by article, formality and the strength of binding a law but does not bind the applied aspects or its implementation whereas the Empirical research is an unwritten positive legal research concerning the behavior of community members in community relations. The resolution in handling of violations in the general election is still less effective because there are still many violations that still occur at the time the general election takes place and the sanctions given have no clear firmness and have not caused a deterrent effect for who committed violations. Keywords: Effectiveness, Supervision, Violation

    Juridical Review of the Crime of Illegal Logging in the Utilization of Private Forest Timber in the Perspective of Law Number 18 of 2013 Concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the regulation on the utilization of private forest timber and the category of illegal logging acts. This type of research is normative research and the research approach is a statutory approach. The primary source of legal material is statutory regulations. The results of the research show that the regulation on the use of private forest wood based on Law 41 of 1999 concerning Godhead and Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction and Minister of Forestry Regulation Number 30 of 2012 concerning Administration of Forest Products Derived from Private Forests can work. together. For evidence of the legality of utilization of private forest, the two laws still refer to the Regulation of the Minister of Forestry Number 30 of 2012 concerning Administration of Forest Products Derived from Private Forests. Categories of illegal logging crimes in the utilization of private forest wood:(a) the use of a document of Transport Note or Self-Use Transport Note or SKAU which is proven to be used as a document for transporting timber originating from state forest areas, (b) if the legitimacy of the origin of private forest products cannot be proven. The conclusion is that it is a crime to exploit private forest wood, if evidence of land legality cannot be proven based on the Minister of Forestry Regulation Number 30 of 2012 concerning Administration of Forest Products Derived from Private Forests

    Study on Optimization of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat in Bengkulu City in Giving Productive Zakat

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    Effectiveness in increasing the amount of zakat, infaq and alms, BAZNAS's efforts in collecting are socialization to the community, so that people are aware of paying their ZIS. Then to be more effective, BAZNAS coordinates with UPZs in Bengkulu to help disseminate information to colleagues and the surrounding community to raise their awareness of paying ZIS to develop the economy of people who need it, especially people who want to try to improve the economy. This research uses field research (field research) using qualitative descriptive methods. Descriptive research to analyze the data that the authors have obtained, the authors use a comparative analysis method, namely research that aims to compare systematically, factually, and accurately about facts, situations or events that exist in the field