152 research outputs found

    Les municipalités à la conquête des réseaux sociaux. Mais pour quoi faire ?

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    Les municipalités françaises, qui misent de plus en plus sur la communication numérique, marquent depuis peu leur présence sur les réseaux sociaux. Ce constat provenant de l’observation de la toile est confirmé par certains chercheurs en marketing territorial et en sciences de l’information et de la communication. Pourtant, les recherches existantes se focalisent sur les conséquences de l’usage des réseaux sociaux par les municipalités tout en restant relativement silencieuses sur les motifs de ce choix et les raisons pour lesquelles elles consacrent du temps et de l’énergie à ces nouvelles arènes publiques, comme si l’usage des réseaux sociaux allait de soi. Notre contribution, appuyée sur l’étude de cas de la promotion d’un projet municipal sur les réseaux sociaux, vise à démontrer les enjeux de la présence des municipalités sur les réseaux sociaux. Nous distinguons les enjeux sociopolitiques comme l’objectif d’atteindre un public large et un public spécifique habituellement peu intéressé par le politique (les jeunes) ainsi que le but de devenir compétitif vis-à-vis d’autres municipalités. Les réseaux sociaux représentent également pour les municipalités des enjeux communicationnels comme la mobilisation des citoyens à travers un rappel des événements ou la création des hyperliens avec d’autres dispositifs web dédiés au projet. Cette perception du rôle des réseaux sociaux dans la promotion d’une politique publique est ensuite relativisée par une démonstration des limites de la stratégie de la forme de communication politique analysée.French municipalities have been increasingly present on social networks as confirmed both by empirical examples and literature review. However, existing research remains relatively silent on the reasons explaining this strategy, which in majority of cases is not very successful. This chapter aims to demonstrate the challenges and the limits of the municipalities’ presence on social networks, studying a case of municipal project promotion on Facebook and Twitter. I argue that social networks represent diverse challenges for municipalities but their use is limited by the lack of adapted strategy. Firstly, I distinguish the socio-political and communicational issues of the phenomenon. Secondly, I identify the limits of this new form of political communication in promoting public policy

    Kreowanie produktu turystycznego na przykładzie browaru „Zwierzyniec”

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    Gromadzenie zbiorów w Bibliotece Głównej Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie – problemy i kierunki rozwoju

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    The paper attempts to present some problems of work organization at the Acquisition and Collection Development Department of the MCS University Main Library. This article discusses the changes effected in the Department organizational structure over the last 20 years. The acquisition strategy has been discussed together with the forms of cooperation with readers in relation to the selection of new titles.Artykuł nie posiada streszceznia w języku polskim

    Komputeryzacja procesów gromadzenia zbiorów – z doświadczeń Biblioteki Głównej Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie

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    Collecting library resources is the basic task of every library, which translates into the quality of resources and user satisfaction. The article discusses the course of computerization of collection processes in the Main Library of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. It was presented how the It tools used have changed since the 1990s and their impact on the organization of the work in the Department of Acquisition and Collection Development. In order to document the activities related to the discussed process, the following methods were used: document analysis and case study. The described experiences of the unit's employees may prove useful to other libraries.Gromadzenie zbiorów to podstawowe zadanie każdej biblioteki przekładające się na jakość zasobów i zadowolenie użytkowników. w artykule omówiono przebieg komputeryzacji procesów gromadzenia w Bibliotece Głównej Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. przedstawiono, jak zmieniały się stosowane narzędzia informatyczne, począwszy od lat 90. XX wieku oraz ich wpływ na organizację pracy Oddziału Gromadzenia i Uzupełniania zbiorów. w celu udokumentowania działań związanych z omawianym procesem wykorzystano metody: analizy dokumentów oraz case study. Opisane doświadczenia pracowników jednostki mogą okazać się przydatne dla innych bibliotek


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    Short and long-term effects of high-intensity interval training applied alone or with whole-body cryostimulation on glucose homeostasis and myokine levels in overweight to obese subjects.

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    Background: COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problem of physical inactivity and weight gain. Consequently, new strategies to counteract weight gain are being sought. Because of their accessibility, interval training and cold therapy are the most popular such strategies. We here aimed to examine the effect of 6 units of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), applied alone or in combination with 10 sessions of whole-body cryotherapy (WBC; 3 min at -110 ∘C per session) on incretins, myokines, and adipokines levels. Materials and methods: The study involved 65 subjects (body mass index of approximately 30 kg•m-2). The subjects were randomly divided into training group (TR; n = 27) and training supported by WBC group (TR-WBC; n = 38). Blood samples were collected before, immediately following, and 4 weeks after the intervention. Results: Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) levels significantly increased (p = 0.03) and adiponectin levels increased in the TR group (p = 0.05) compared with those recorded in TR-WBC group 24 h after the end of experimental protocol. Beneficial changes in the lipid profile (p = 0.07), a significant drop in visfatin levels (p < 0.05), and the improvement in β-cell function (HOMA-B; p = 0.02) were also observed in the TR group in the same time point of study. While TR-WBC did not induce similar changes, it ameliorated blood glucose levels (p = 0.03). Changes induced by both interventions were only sustained for 4 weeks after treatment. Conclusion: Collectively, HIIT, alone and in combination with WBC, positively affects metabolic indicators, albeit, most likely, different mechanisms drive the beneficial effects of different treatments

    Treatment of severe mitral regurgitation with MitraClip system — a single-centre study

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    Introduction. MitraClip (MC) is a catheter-based device to treat mitral regurgitation (MR). This method uses a transseptal approach and is based on the creation of a double orifice mitral valve by suturing of the middle scallops of the mitral valve’s leaflets. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of MC method in treating patients with severe MR. We analysed MR severity, patient’s clinical condition evaluated by New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, and the function of the left ventricle evaluated by Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction (LVEF). Methods. A retrospective single-centre study with patients hospitalised at the Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine in Bydgoszcz. All diagnosed with severe MR and treated by performing MC procedure in the time period from August 2010 to December 2014. The following data from medical history (NYHA class) and echocardiography examinations (MR severity and LVEF) were analysed in three time points: before, right after the procedure, and after the follow-up period (four weeks since discharge). Results. The studied group consisted of 11 patients — 8 male, 3 female, aged 64.4 ( ± 10.2) years, treated with MC. All of the three analysed parameters improved relevantly as a result of the evaluated procedure. The percentage of patients classified as NYHA class III/IV presents as follows: 90% before the procedure, 55% after MC implantation (ns), and 44% after the follow-up period (p = 0.01). All patients suffered from severe-to-moderate (3+) and severe (4+) MR before the procedure. After implantation only 9% (ns) were still classified with 3+/4+ MR, and after the follow-up this percentage reached 18% (p = 0.0005). We observed relevant changes of LVEF. The average LVEF at baseline was 27.9 ± 2%, which increased to 29.6 ± 2% (ns) after the MC implantation and 34 ± 7% (p = 0.02) after the follow-up. Conclusion. MC therapy is effective in patients with severe symptomatic MR with congestive heart failure and decreased LVEF. It reduces MR severity both acutely and after the follow-up period and improves NYHA class and LVEF.