7 research outputs found

    Analysis of commuting inside and between functional regions of Slovenia

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    In this graduation thesis, we analysed the influence of various social and economic factors on labour commuting in the functional regions of Slovenia and between them with an extended spatial interaction model. Delimitation of functional regions in Slovenia were taken from the thesis of Zupanc (2012) and the analysis was carried out for each year for the period from 2000 to 2010.The analysis included several factors and assessed their influences in origins as well as in destinations to the labour commuting between the municipalities of Slovenia; namely: the distance between the origin and destination, the number of population, employment of inhabitants, gross personal income, beneficial\ud residential surfaces, municipality income, the average price of apartments, and the aging index in the municipality. In order to assure a more a schematic interpretation and explanation of diverse obtained results, we edited them in tables and created a graphic representation of the results in the form of graphs

    Effects of whole-body vibration treatment on balance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and knee osteoarthrosis - literature review

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    Uvod: Med najpogostejše poškodbe in bolezni kolenskega sklepa sodita pretrganje sprednje križne vezi in artroza kolena. Oba pojava v kolenskem sklepu močno vplivata na ravnotežje posameznika. Vibracija celotnega telesa je že večkrat dokazana terapija, ki pozitivno vpliva na ravnotežje, držo telesa, mišično zmogljivost in funkcijske sposobnosti. Napravam za vibracijo celotnega telesa se v zadnjem času namenja precej pozornosti, saj se te zdijo enostavne in varne za uporabo v kliničnem okolju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti in primerjati učinke vibracije celotnega telesa na ravnotežje pri osebah po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi in pri osebah z artrozo kolenskega sklepa. Metode dela: Pregled strokovne literature je s pomočjo analize člankov potekal po podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed, Science Direct, PEDro in Cobbis. Literatura je bila iskana v angleškem jeziku s ključnimi besedami whole body vibration AND acl ter whole body vibration AND osteoarthrosis. Izključili smo članke, starejše od 10 let. Rezultati: V pregled literature je bilo vključenih osem raziskav. Štiri raziskave so preučevale osebe po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi in štiri osebe z artrozo kolena. Rezultati vseh raziskav so pokazali pozitivne učinke vibracije celotnega telesa na ravnotežje. Štiri raziskave so preučevale samo vadbo s pomočjo vibracije celotnega telesa, medtem ko so druge vključevale še druge programe vadbe. Tri raziskave, ki so preučevale osebe po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi, so pokazale pomembno izboljšanje ravnotežja. Statistično značilnih učinkov vibracije celotnega telesa niso uspeli dokazati samo v eni raziskavi. Ravnotežje se je pomembno izboljšalo v vseh raziskavah, osredotočenih na osebe z artrozo. Parametri vibracije so se med posameznimi raziskavami precej razlikovali. Razprava in zaključek: S funkcijskimi in laboratorijskimi protokoli je bilo ugotovljeno, da vibracija celotnega telesa pripomore k izboljšanju ravnotežja ne samo pri osebah po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi, ampak tudi pri tistih z artrozo kolena. Za doseganje dobrih rezultatov jo je smiselno uporabiti v kombinaciji z drugimi programi vadbe. Vibracija celotnega telesa se je izkazala za zelo uporabno pri osebah po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi, če se izvaja vsaj 4 tedne. Enkratna vadba s pomočjo vibracije celotnega telesa pri teh pacientih nima učinka na ravnotežje. Tudi pri osebah z artrozo kolena vibracija celotnega telesa pomembno vpliva na izboljšanje ravnotežja. Mora pa vadba trajati dlje časa za doseganje dobrih rezultatov. Za najbolj optimalno se je izkazala vibracija s frekvenco 30–45 Hz. Ta tema je do danes še precej slabo raziskana, zato bi bilo v prihodnje koristno narediti analizo raziskav, ki so bolj osredotočene na vadbo s pomočjo vibracije celotnega telesa in na njen vpliv na ravnotežje.Introduction: Anterior cruciate ligament rupture and osteoathritis are one of the most common injuries and diseases of the knee joint. They both have a strong affect on body balance. Whole-body vibration is a proven therapy that has a positive effect on balance, posture, muscle performance and functional abilities. Whole-body vibration devices have been receiving a lot of attention lately as they seem easy and safe to use in a clinical practice. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present and compare the effects of whole-body vibration on balance in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and in individuals with osteoarthritis. Methods: The review was carried out through the databases PubMed, Science Direct and Cobbis. The literature was searched in English with keywords whole body vibration AND acl and whole body vibration AND osteoarthrosis. Articles older than 10 years were excluded. Results: There were eight studies icluded in this review. Four of them studied patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and four individuals with osteoarthritis. The results of all included studies showed positive effects of whole-body vibration on balance. Four studies have only studied whole-body vibration, while others have included other exercise programs. Three studies focused on people after ACL reconstruction showed a significant improvement in balance. Only one study failed to demonstrate statistically significant effects of whole-body vibration. Balance significantly improved in all studies focused on people with osteoarthritis. Vibration parameters varied considerably between individual studies. Discussion and conclusion: Using functional and laboratory protocols, whole body vibration has been found to improve balance in both ACL reconstruction individuals and those with knee osteoarthritis. It makes sense to use it in combination with other exercise programs to achive the best results. Whole body vibration has been shown to be very useful in individuals after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction when done for at least 4 weeks. A single whole-body vibration exercise has no effect on balance in this group of studies. Whole body vibration has a significant effect on improving balance even for people with knee arthrosis. However, the exercise must last for a long time to achieve good results. Vibration with frequency between 30 and 45 Hz proved to be the most optimal. This topic is still poorly researched to date, so it would be useful in the future to do a review of researches that are more focused on exercise through whole-body vibration and its impact on balance

    Bio-Based Epoxy Adhesives with Lignin-Based Aromatic Monophenols Replacing Bisphenol A

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    A bio-epoxy surface adhesive for adherence of the metal component species to glass substrate with desirable adhesion strength, converted controlled removal upon request, and bio-based resource inclusion was developed. For the development of resin, three different lignin-based aromatic monophenols, guaiacol, cresol, and vanillin, were used in the chemical epoxidation reaction with epichlorohydrin. The forming transformation process was studied by viscoelasticity, in situ FTIR monitoring, and Raman. Unlike other hydroxyl phenyls, guaiacol showed successful epoxide production, and stability at room temperature. Optimization of epoxide synthesis was conducted by varying NaOH concentration or reaction time. The obtained product was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and viscosity measurements. For the production of adhesive, environmentally problematic bisphenol A (BPA) epoxy was partially substituted with the environmentally acceptable, optimized guaiacol-based epoxy at 20, 50, and 80 wt.%. Mechanics, rheological properties, and the possibility of adhered phase de-application were assessed on the bio-substitutes and compared to commercially available polyepoxides or polyurethanes. Considering our aim, the sample composed of 80 wt.% bio-based epoxy/20 wt.% BPA thermoset was demonstrated to be the most suitable among those analyzed, as it was characterized by low BPA, desired boundary area and recoverability using a 10 wt.% acetic acid solution under ultrasound

    Genome sequence of a lethal strain of xylem-invading Verticillium nonalfalfae

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    Verticillium nonalfalfae, a soilborne vascular phytopathogenic fungus, causes wilt disease in several crop species. Of great concern are outbreaks of highly aggressive V. nonalfalfae strains, which cause a devastating wilt disease in European hops. We report here the genome sequence and annotation of V. nonalfalfae strain T2, providing genomic information that will allow better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of highly aggressive strains