6,743 research outputs found

    Labor Market Transitions in Peru

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    Traditional labor market analysis based solely on the net unemployment rate fails to explain the apparent paradox between a relatively moderate unemployment rate in Peru (around 10%, with a weak sensibility to wide macroeconomic fluctuations), and the fact that unemployment is one of the major issues in Peru. One possible explanation is that this static indicator of cross section net unemployment balance is compatible with high flows in and out of employment states. To address these issues we needed to conduct a dynamic analysis using panel data. Using the Peruvian national household survey (ENAHO), we constructed a panel of working age individuals at the national level for the period 1997-1999. Like previous work in developing countries, we found that there is an important degree of job mobility in Peru. We also found that most of the transitions occur between employment and inactivity instead of between employment and unemployment. We also showed that the rate of permanent unemployment is very low so that unemployment would be essentially a frictional phenomenon. Further, considering the different transition states, we elaborated an unconditional transition profile, including individual and household characteristics, like gender, age and education levels for example, associated with each transition status. Finally, after examining these labor market transitions and the possible sample selection bias, we estimated a multinomial logit model. This model allowed us to appreciate the (conditional) incidence of individual and household characteristics as well as the effects of different shocks on the labor transition states.

    Le village camerounais à l'heure de l'ajustement

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    Tiempo momificado y coqueteo con la muerte en Los Abrazos Rotos de Pedro Almodóvar. A propósito de la cita de Viaggio in Italia de Roberto Rossellini

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    Desde nuestro punto de vista Los Abrazos rotos supone dentro de la trayectoria de Almodóvar una culminación provisional de todas las características que han definido la peculiaridad de su estilo posmoderno, una de las cuales, el robo de imágenes procedentes de otras películas y otros directores, se ha convertido casi en una obsesión. Dentro de ese proceder, en dicha película, adquiere especial relevancia una cita directa que realiza de una secuencia muy reveladora de Viaggio in Italia de Roberto Rossellini que le sirve a Almodóvar para plantear la relación amor-muerte de una forma muy original y así apropiarse para sí del concepto rosselliniano del cine como fluir de la vida y alejarse de la concepción del cine como versión de la realidad

    Governance, Democracy and Poverty Reduction: Lessons drawn from household surveys in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America

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    Public statistics face quite a challenge when it comes to measuring new dimensions of development (institutions, governance, and social and political participation). To take up this challenge, modules on Governance, Democracy and Multiple Dimensions of Poverty have been appended to household surveys by National Statistics Institutes in twelve African and Latin-American developing countries. This paper presents the issues addressed and the methodological lessons learnt along with a selection of findings to illustrate this innovative approach and demonstrate its analytic potential. We investigate, for instance, the population’s support for democratic principles, the respect for civil and political rights and the trust in the political class; the “need for the State”, particularly of the poorest; the extent of petty corruption; the reliability of expert surveys on governance; the perception of decentralisation policies at local level; the level and vitality of social and political participation, etc. The conclusive appraisal made opens up prospects for the national statistical information systems in the developing countries. The measurement and tracking of this new set of objective and subjective public policy monitoring indicators would benefit from being made systematic.Africa, Latin America, Democracy, Monitoring Mechanism, Household Surveys,

    Classification of Dairy Units at the Valle del Perú Cattle Raising Enterprise.

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    Thirty dairies from a dairy company were characterized. Discriminant Function Analysis was applied. Eleven variables were used: annual milk production; milk production/cow/day; births; percent of milking cows; total cows; empty cows; Percent of areas with  Pennisetum  purpureum  vc.  Cuba CT-115;  percent of areas with improved pas-tures, milk L cost; total costs in CUP; and  number of workers.  The dairies were divided into three groups, based on annual milk production for three years (high, medium, low).  Dairies in group 1 showed a more favorable behavior than in group 2; and the latter had higher values than group 3, except for the total costs.  The most significant variables causing group differences were total births, percent of milking cows ,  and total cows. The results proved that, relatively, there were three types of dairies in the company: high, medium, and low annual milk production.  That in-formation was useful to set up technological strategies to improve the performance  of the least producing dairies

    Turistas hispanohablantes en Corea del Sur

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    Dada la evolución económica que ha experimentado en los últimos años y el aumento de las llegadas de turistas internacionales debido a fenómenos como el Hallyu, Corea del Sur se está convirtiendo en un foco de atención turística que requiere de estudios para conocer mejor su turismo y la importancia que la cultura popular supone para éste. La presente investigación recopila los elementos más destacables del turismo surcoreano y demuestra la influencia que la „ola coreana‟ provoca en sus seguidores hispanohablantes, así como su capacidad para mejorar la imagen de Corea del Sur como país y destino turístico. Además, trata de averiguar los tipos de viajes realizados por los turistas hispanoparlantes y sus motivaciones. Por último, se pretende descubrir las preferencias entre los principales elementos de la industria del entretenimiento surcoreano y el perfil sociodemográfico de las personas interesadas en Corea del Sur.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Consumption growth and spatial poverty traps : an analysis of the effect of social services and community infrastructures on living standards in rural Peru.

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    Why are there areas with persistenly low levels of income or consumption? This could result from the concentration of households with a low capital endowment or from variations in households’ environment. Peru is a country with a very much fragmented topography and climate, that combines dry deserts, high mountains and rain forest. One important question is to assess the weight of the geographic endowment in the growth process. If differences in geographic endowment matter more than those in households’ characteristics, then encouraging migration to better endowed regions might be a good development policy whereas, in the opposite, it might be better to invest in households’ capital. Of course several factors, either geographic or not, can combine to explain persistent poverty in a given area. In this chapter we test the effect of local geographic endowment of capital on household growth in living standards in rural Peru, using a four years unbalanced panel data set. Our theoretical model of household consumption growth allows for the effect of community variables to modify the returns to augmented capital in the household production function. Three different sources of data are used: the ENAHO 1997-2000 households surveys, the population census of 1993 and the district infrastructure census of 1997. Altogether the addition of these different data sources makes an unusually rich data set, at least when considered with developing country standards. As in Jalan and Ravallion (2002), we use a quasi-differencing method to identify the impact of locally determined geographic and socioeconomic variables, while removing unobserved household and community level fixed effects. GMM are then used to estimate the model parameters. Several significant interesting results appear, showing that private consumption growth depends on local geographic variables, but more on local endowments of private and public assets than on pure geographic characteristics. This suggests to combine policies focused on private and public asset endowments that will reinforce local positive externalities, with infrastructure investments that will help poor households to take advantage of growth opportunities, offered by more dynamic markets across local communities.Pauvreté; Développement; Inégalités spatiales;

    Consumption growth and spatial poverty traps: an analysis of the effect of social services and community infrastructures on living standards in rural Peru

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    We test the effect of local geographic endowment of capital on household growth in living standards in rural Peru, using a four years unbalanced panel data set. Our theoretical model of household consumption growth allows for the effect of community variables to modify the returns to augmented capital in the household production function. Three different sources of data are used: the ENAHO 1997-2000 household surveys, the population census of 1993 and the district infrastructure census of 1997. Altogether the addition of these different data sources makes an unusually rich data set, at least when considered with developing country standards. As in Jalan and Ravallion (2002), we use a quasi-differencing method to identify the impact of locally determined geographic and socioeconomic variables, while removing unobserved household and community level fixed effects. GMM are then used to estimate the model parameters. Several significant interesting results appear, confirming that private consumption growth depends on local geographic variables.