568 research outputs found

    Construcció d’una nau industrial per a una empresa de lents orgàniques: Disseny, càlcul estructural i cimentacions

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    La finalitat d’aquest projecte és la construcció d’una nau industrial per una empresa de lents orgàniques correctores de la visió. Es farà especial èmfasi en el disseny, el càlcul estructural i les cimentacions. Primerament, es farà un anàlisi de la problemàtica actual de l’empresa Òptica S.A., la qual es veu en la necessitat d’incrementar el volum de producció de la planta ubicada a Vilafant, però per una sèrie de raons, no pot fer-ho amb les instal·lacions actuals. S’estudiaran les possibles alternatives, i es triarà la que es considera més adequada: la construcció d’una nova nau industrial en un altre municipi (en aquest cas, Vic). Llavors, a partir del sistema productiu requerit i de la disponibilitat del terreny, es dissenyarà la nova fàbrica, l’estructura de la qual serà metàl·lica. Per als tancaments, es buscaran opcions de ràpid i fàcil muntatge, com poden ser plafons de formigó prefabricat, o cobertes de tipus Deck. No obstant, es vetllarà en tot moment per a què la solució aportada sigui un compromís entre funcionalitat i disseny. En el present volum es descriuran els aspectes referents a estructura, tancaments i cimentacions, d’una manera més generalista, per tal que lectors que no estiguin habituats al càlcul estructural puguin conéixer la solució adoptada, i fer una valoració al respecte. L’anàlisi de caràcter tècnic, amb tots els càlculs i comprovacions, es mostra en l’Annex A, corresponent a la Memòria Tècnica. Per tant, tot i que en el present volum es presenten els resultats finals, des d’un punt de vista més comercial, l’essència del Projecte la constitueix la Memòria Tècnica, ja que és en ella on es justifica la solució adoptada. En la resta de volums es mostra tot allò que es considera necessari en el projecte global de construcció de la planta, com els plànols, l’estudi d’impacte ambiental, el pressupost, etc

    Wavelet Lifting over Information-Based EEG Graphs for Motor Imagery Data Classification

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    The imagination of limb movements offers an intuitive paradigm for the control of electronic devices via brain computer interfacing (BCI). The analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data related to motor imagery potentials has proved to be a difficult task. EEG readings are noisy, and the elicited patterns occur in different parts of the scalp, at different instants and at different frequencies. Wavelet transform has been widely used in the BCI field as it offers temporal and spectral capabilities, although it lacks spatial information. In this study we propose a tailored second generation wavelet to extract features from these three domains. This transform is applied over a graph representation of motor imaginary trials, which encodes temporal and spatial information. This graph is enhanced using per-subject knowledge in order to optimise the spatial relationships among the electrodes, and to improve the filter design. This method improves the performance of classifying different imaginary limb movements maintaining the low computational resources required by the lifting transform over graphs. By using an online dataset we were able to positively assess the feasibility of using the novel method in an online BCI context

    Ancient Cartographies as a Basis for Geolocation Models in Public Space: The Case of Giambattista Nolli and its Heritage Application

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    In 1748, the architect and surveyor Giambattista Nolli mapped an abstract reality of the city of Rome. As a challenge to the inherited projections, it represented the city mixing streets, halls, corridors, churches, baths and markets as part of a unique public space network. A new way to design public space and rethink the whole urban system was opened by the possibility of containing in these representations a single layer with all kinds of public space (including the interior of public buildings). Despite this, Nolli's plan remained as a useless instrument since the hegemony of automobile mobility appeared as a pre-eminent system. This research tries to understand how the application of the ancient cartographies' methodology can improve the pedestrian mobility of historic cities by means of enhancing the graphic value of the system of Giambattista Nolli. Nowadays, free public space is represented as empty and built ones, as solid. This proposal would revert this reified conception of the city, understanding this baroque representation as an instrument of identification and assessment of the transitional heritage. The clues unveiled by Nolli seem to be able to integrate the plans of public buildings within the urban tissue, which would result in a step towards the full integration of cartography and mobility. The success of the comprehensive tools offered by large servers such as Alphabet inc. (Google) or Bing Maps confirm the suitability of the combination of new technologies and Big Data with urban planning, reaching the synchronisation of Smart Cities. Nowadays, open public space can be 'walked in' from any electronic device, consequently, the application of the "Nolli methodology" would implement the model of urban geolocation with the assimilation of inner public spaces. In the creation of a great global map of the public space, a chimaera could be intuited. This would be discussed within a tangible reality: every open public space is already housed in the Big Data and it is accessible through geolocation tools. The inclusion of the of the public buildings' interiors would contribute to develop a greater permeability between city and citizens. Furthermore, this representation would optimize pedestrian travel times and would be able to expand the geolocation system network as a documentary repository

    Hydrodynamic Transport Coefficients of Granular Gases

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    Some transport properties of granular gases are investigated. Starting from a kinetic theory level of description, the hydrodynamic transport equations to Navier-Stokes order are presented. The equations are derived by means of the Chapman-Enskog procedure. To test the existence of a normal solution and the possibility of a hydrodynamic description, the theoretical predictions are compared with numerical simulations of the underlying kinetic equation for small deviations around the reference homogeneous state. An excellent agreement is found for all the range of dissipation in collisions considered. Similar analysis is presented for self-diffusion and Brownian motion. In the former case, also Molecular Dynamics results are shown to agree with the theoretical predictions. Quantitative and also qualitative differences with the elastic limit are discussed

    Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXML

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    As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group

    Steady state of a fluidized granular medium between two walls at the same temperature

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    The steady state of a low-density gas of inelastic hard spheres confined between two parallel walls at the same temperature is studied. Because of the dissipation in collisions, the state is not uniform but highly inhomogeneous with a nonlinear temperature profile. Direct Monte Carlo simulations show that in the nearly elastic limit the pressure is uniform, but the state exhibits anisotropy of the diagonal terms of the pressure tensor, contrary to the predictions of the Navier-Stokes equations. For larger inelasticity, the pressure becomes nonuniform. These rheological effects, peculiar to granular systems, are explained by means of a model kinetic equation based on the Boltzmann equation. The equation is solved by constructing a systematic perturbative expansion in the square root of the degree of inelasticity. The theoretical predictions compare well with the simulation results for small inelasticity, but they are in conflict for larger values of the degree of inelasticity. The analysis provides strong evidence that this is due to the asymptotic but divergent character of the expansion, similarly to what happens when the usual Chapman-Enskog expansion is applied to molecular fluids.This research was partially supported by Grant No. PB96- 0534 from the Dirección General de Investigación Científica yTécnica (Spain

    Key activities for successful ventures scaling up

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    The generation of new business models and the renewal of competencies are crucial for mature companies’ survival in the long term. Corporate venturing is a recognized mechanism to ensure balancing exploration and exploitation activities in established corporations. Due to fundamental differences in business organizations and culture, and in risk taking behaviors, the integration of these new ventures in existing business units is difficult. A key factor, as well as one of the less studied, is to determine the venture readiness for the scaling up and the right moment to be incorporated in the existing business. Premature venture scaling up could provoke growth failure and reduced post-transition performance because of a number of unresolved market and technology uncertainties. On the contrary, when the corporate organization integrates the venture too late, the established business might miss its window of advantage position. Based on the results of an empirical study carried out in fifteen corporate venture innovation processes, we identified certain specific activities that will help determine the venture readiness and proper timing to scale up, and integrated the results of the empirical study with knowledge from extant literature, to develop a set of propositions for improving the success of the scaling up. These principles provide practical guidelines to improve corporate venture growth processes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An adequacy of laboratory requests of vitamin D levels

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    Introducción: ante las nuevas implicaciones atribuidas a la vitamina D y la asociación con enfermedades tales como el cáncer, diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares, autoinmunes y mortalidad, no es de extrañar que se haya defendido la medición de los niveles de vitamina D en la población general. Sin embargo, no existen datos experimentales que demuestren la viabilidad y rentabilidad de la estrategia de cribado en la población y tampoco se ha comprobado la existencia de benefi cios para la salud, por lo que en la actualidad solo es aconsejable la medida de 25 (OH) vitamina D en los grupos de personas de alto riesgo como indican las guías clínicas internacionales. Objetivos: analizar las peticiones de vitamina D comprobando si se adecuan a las guías clínicas. Métodos: realizamos un estudio descriptivo transversal en el Área de Salud de Badajoz (España) estudiando las peticiones de determinación de vitamina D durante 12 meses consecutivos (n = 3.907). En dicho estudio revisamos el diagnóstico de petición y la historia clínica del paciente para discriminar entre peticiones que se adecuaban a las guías clínicas y peticiones injustificadas. Por último, realizamos el estudio económico. Resultados: en nuestros resultados encontramos que casi un tercio de peticiones no se adecuaban a las guías clínicas, en patologías tales como diabetes, dislipemias e hipertensión en las que no está recomendada la medición de los niveles de vitamina D, por lo que suponía un exceso de gasto para el sistema sanitario. Gasto que se incrementa cada año, tanto es así que se ha producido un aumento en las peticiones de más del 1.000% en los últimos 6 años. Conclusiones: concluimos la necesidad de crear protocolos de petición de vitamina D que se ajusten a las guías clínicas hasta que existan más estudios experimentales sobre las nuevas implicaciones de la vitamina D y así conseguir una correcta utilización de los recursos económicos del hospital.Introduction: Regarding the new implications assigned to vitamin D and its association with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart and autoimmune diseases and mortality, it isn’t surprising that the measurements of the levels of vitamin D in general population had been defended. Introduction: Regarding the new implications assigned to vitamin D and its association with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart and Nevertheless, there aren’t any experimental data which show the viability and rentability of the screening strategy in population, and there is a lack of benefi ts for health. That’s why, currently, it is only advisable the measurement of 25 (OH) vitamin D in groups of people at high risk as international clinical guides indicate. Objectives: Analyse vitamin D petitions confi rming if they adequate to clinical guides. Methods: We carried out a descriptive study in the health area of Badajoz (Spain) studying the petitions for vitamin D analysis for 12 consecutive months (n = 3,907), in which we checked the diagnosis requested and the medical records of the patient to select between petitions that fi t in the clinical guides, and those unjustifi ed. Lastly, we also carried out an economical study. Results: In our results we found that almost a third of the petitions didn’t fi t the clinical guides, in pathologies like diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension where the measurement of the vitamin D levels is not recommended, so this would mean an enormous expense for public health. This cost it is growing every year, so it has been an increase in requests over 1,000% in the last 6 years. Conclusions: We conclude with the idea of creating vitamin D petition protocols which fi t the clinical guides until more experimental studies about the new implications on vitamin D are published, and fi nally achieve a correct use of the economical resources of the hospital.peerReviewe

    Comportamiento por contacto esférico de dos sistemas con recubrimiento WC/C bajo cargas monotonicas y cíclicas

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    En aplicaciones como la conformación en frío, se utilizan ampliamente materiales específicos para herramientas como aceros rápidos y metales duros recubiertos con capas cerámicas. En este contexto, la prevención de la aparición de la grieta es el criterio a seguir ya que el inicio del daño puede ser crítico en condiciones de fatiga. Por ello, es necesario conocer las condiciones límite de trabajo de los materiales para optimizar la vida útil de las herramientas. Los ensayos por contacto Hertziano permiten simular las solicitaciones mecánicas reales en estas aplicaciones. Además, resultan muy reproducibles y de aplicación sencilla. El objetivo de la presente investigación es estudiar la respuesta mecánica bajo contacto esférico monotónico y cíclico de un metal duro (de calidad referida como GD13) y un acero rápido pulvimetalúrgico (de calidad referida como S390) recubiertos con una película de WC-C depositada mediante PVD. Los ensayos bajo solicitaciones monotónicas se realizan mediante indentadores de diámetros 1,25, 2,5 y 5 m. Por otra parte, los ensayos cíclicos se llevan a cabo con un indentador de 2,5mm de diámetro, variando el número de ciclos desde 103 hasta 106. Este análisis mecánico se complementa con una inspección detallada del daño generado en profundidad y en superficie. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que 1) la presencia del recubrimiento en los sistemas (sustratorecubrimiento) no afecta la respuesta al contacto del sustrato como ente individual, 2) el daño por fisuración aparece siempre para valores de presión de contacto superiores al límite elástico, por lo que existe siempre cedencia plástica o cuasi-plástica previa a la generación de grietas, 3) bajo fatiga aparece fisuración a presiones aplicadas por debajo de la crítica, lo que implica que ambos sistemas son sensibles a fatiga