71 research outputs found

    Nonwoven Mats Based on Segmented Biopolyurethanes Filled with MWCNT Prepared by Solution Blow Spinning

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    To prepare nonwoven mats constituted by submicrometric fibers of thermally responsive biopolyurethanes (TPU) modified with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), solution blow spinning (SBS) was used. The TPU was the product of synthesis using poly(butylene sebacate)diol, PBSD, ethyl ester L-lysine diisocyanate (LDI), and 1,3-propanediol (PD) (PBSe:LDI:PD) as reactants. TPU was modified by adding different amounts of MWCNT (0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt.%). The effect of the presence and amount of MWCNT on the morphology and structure of the materials was studied using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), respectively, while their influence on the thermal and electric behaviors was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and capacitance measurements, respectively. The addition of MWCNT by SBS induced morphological changes in the fibrous materials, affecting the relative amount and size of submicrometric fibers and, therefore, the porosity. As the MWCNT content increased, the diameter of the fibers increased and their relative amount with respect to all morphological microfeatures increased, leading to a more compact microstructure with lower porosity. The highly porous fibrous morphology of TPU-based materials achieved by SBS allowed turning a hydrophilic material to a highly hydrophobic one. Percolation of MWCNT was attained between 2 and 3 wt.%, affecting not only the electric properties of the materials but also their thermal behavior.This research was funded by the Fondos de Investigación de Fco. Javier González Benito, política de reinversión de costes generales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid [2012/00130/004], the Acción Estratégica en Acción Estratégica en Materiales nanocompuestos multifuncionales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid [2011/00287/003], and the Project PID2020-112713RB-C22–C21 supported by AEI [Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain], the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and (GIU18/216 Research Group)

    Validation of a specific measure to assess health-related quality of life in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: the 'Tolerability and quality of life' (TOOL) questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Perception of quality of life may differ depending on the perspective. The aim of the study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the 'TOlerability and quality Of Life' (TOOL) questionnaire, a specific self-rated instrument to evaluate the impact of side effects of antipsychotic drugs on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The questionnaire consists of eight items answered on a four-point Likert scale.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A psychometric study was conducted with clinically stable outpatients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder under antipsychotic treatment. The translation and cultural adaptation of the questionnaire was performed according to international standards. Internal consistency using the Cronbach α coefficient and test-retest reliability using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess the reliability of the instrument. Patients completed generic and specific measures of quality of life and clinical severity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 238 patients were analysed, with a mean age of 42 years (SD 10.9). The mean completion time was 4.9 min (SD 4.4). Internal consistency and intraclass correlation coefficient were adequate (Cronbach α = 0.757 and ICC = 0.90). Factorial analysis showed a unidimensional structure (a single eigenvalue >1, accounting for 39.1% of variance). Significant Spearman's rank correlations between the TOOL and both generic and specific measures were found. The questionnaire was able to discriminate among the Clinical Global Impression - Severity scores (Mann-Whitney U test, <it>P </it>< 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The TOOL questionnaire shows appropriate feasibility, reliability, and discriminative performance as a patient-reported outcome. TOOL constitutes a valuable addition to measure the impact of adverse events of antipsychotic drugs from the patient perspective.</p

    Cognitive Effects of Combined Amisulpride and Quetiapine Treatment in Patients With Refractory Schizophrenia: A Naturalistic, Prospective Study.

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    Background: There are different treatment options, but little support of evidence in the treatment of patients with resistant schizophrenia. In this study we used antipsychotic polypharmacy (AP) comprising 1200 mg of amisulpride and 600 mg of quetiapine, using neurocognitive evaluations to measure clinical change. Study Question: The AP of amisulpride and quetiapine implicará una mejoría clínica en pacientes with resistant schizophrenia que reflejará especialmente en una mejoría cognitiva. Study Design: Naturalistic and prospective study. 26 patients with no biological response to medication, high social maladjustment, a long history of the disease, to whom Kane's and Brenner's criteria for treatment-resistant schizophrenia were applied and assessed by a battery of neurocognitive evaluations desde a pre-treatment baseline y a los six months treatment. Measures and Outcomes: La mejoría cognitiva implicara una mejora significativa in the cognitive test: Stroop test, WAIS Coding Subtest, Continuous Trail Making Test (CTMT) desde la línea base y los 6 meses de tratamiento. También implicará mejoría en las escalas de Calgary Depression Scale (CDS), Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) and a Visual Analogue Scale (EVA) con las que fueron evaluados en línea base, a los 3 meses y a los 6 meses. Results: Subjects, after six months treatment with amisulpride and quetiapine, did statistically significant difference in the assessed areas: WAIS Coding Subtest (P <0.001), CTMT A & B (CTMTA P< 0,034; CTMTB P< 0,000) and in Stroop tests: Word (P< 0,001), word-color (P< 0,007) and interference (P< 0,039). Furthermore they showed a statistically significant difference in CDS (P< 0,002), SAS (P< 0,019), and EVA (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The results of this report show a cognitive and clinical improvement in refractory patients after the administration of amisulpride and quetiapine.pre-print523 K

    Construct validity of the physical activity questionnaire for adolescents (paq-a): maximal oxygen uptake

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    Introduction: The Physical Activity Questionnaire for adolescents (PAQ-A) is a cost-effective tool to assess physical activity (PA) patterns during adolescence and it has been widely used in research and field settings. Convergent validity of PAQ-A has been confirmed in several countries (Bervoets et al., 2014; Janz, Lutuchy, Wenthe, & Levy, 2008; Martinez-Gomez et al., 2009). However, the construct validity has often been overlooked. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the construct validity of PAQ-A, using maximal oxygen uptake as criterion. Methods: One hundred and seventy-eight (n=99 boys, n=79 girls) adolescents (14.2±1.9 years, 21.1±4.1 BMI) participated in this study. A PA score was estimated by PAQ-A and additionally a sport history was recorded. BMI, waist circumference (WC) and fat mass percent (FMP) were assessed by anthropometric measurements as adiposity markers. Aerobic fitness (VO2Max) was assessed by a progressive continuous test (Chester Step Test). Associations between PA-score and criterions were analyzed by Spearman correlations; a one-way ANOVA was conducted to detect differences between each item level from the PAQ-A; independent sample t tests were used to compare values between boys and girls, and athletes and non-athletes. Results: The results showed moderate significant positive correlations between VO2Max and the PAQ-C for total score (rho = 0.28, P<0.01) and items 5, 6, 7 and 8 (rho = 0.24; rho = 0.25; rho = 0.22; rho = 0.25, all P<0.05; respectively). Adolescents who were enrolled in competitive and organized sport practice had higher scores on the questionnaire (2.8 vs 2.5 average score) as well as higher VO2Max values (37.4 vs 34.2 ml/kg/min). Discussion: Our data confirm the PAQ-A had acceptable construct validity when using VO2Max as criterion. Moreover, our results suggest that information from some items could be more related with some health markers than others. References: Bervoets, L., Van Noten, C., Van Roosbroeck, S., Hansen, D., Van Hoorenbeeck, K., Verheyen, E., . . . Vankerckhoven, V. (2014). Reliability and Validity of the Dutch Physical Activity Questionnaires for Children (PAQ-C) and Adolescents (PAQ-A). Arch Public Health, 72(1), 47. doi: 10.1186/2049-3258-72-47 Janz, K. F., Lutuchy, E. M., Wenthe, P., & Levy, S. M. (2008). Measuring activity in children and adolescents using self-report: PAQ-C and PAQ-A. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40(4), 767-772. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181620ed1 Martinez-Gomez, D., Martinez-de-Haro, V., Pozo, T., Welk, G. J., Villagra, A., Calle, M. E., . . . Veiga, O. L. (2009). [Reliability and validity of the PAQ-A questionnaire to assess physical activity in Spanish adolescents]. Rev Esp Salud Publica, 83(3), 427-439. Contact: [email protected] This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (AP2010-0583), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2011-30565) and the University of Málaga (Campus of International Excellence Andalucía Tech).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Associations of physical activity with blood pressure, body composition and maturation level in adolescents: the GEOS Study

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    Introduction The association between physical activity (PA) and resting blood pressure (BP) is poorly understood in adolescents (Kelley, Kelley, & Tran, 2003), since several variables such as body composition, maturation level or sex, which interfere with, must be analyzed (Muntner, He, Cutler, Wildman, & Whelton, 2004). Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the association of PA, body composition, blood pressure, and maturation in adolescent boys and girls. Methods: Two hundred and nine (n=114 boys, n=95 girls) healthy adolescents (15.6±1.6 years, 21.9±4.3 BMI) were volunteers. A PA score was estimated by Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ-A). BMI, waist circumference (WC) and fat mass percent (%FM) were assessed by anthropometric measurements as adiposity markers. Tanner’s maturation stages were evaluated and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) were measured by OMRON sphygmomanometer. SBP and DBP indexes (SBPI and DBPI) were calculated as mmHg/height (cm). Spearman rank order correlations were used to explore associations between variables after control to maturation. Results: All the relationships between parameters showed a positive correlation. There were significant associations between BP variables and BMI (SBP r=0.202, P<0.01; DBP r=0.305, P<0.001), and WC (SBP r=0.197, P<0.01; DBP r=0.295, P<0.001). PA score was only related with body composition variables either girls or boys. Also, there were significant correlations between %FM and BP variables (SBP r=0.332, P <0.01; DBP r=0.330, P<0.01; DBPI r=0.308, P <0.01) in girls but not in boys. Discussion: Our data confirm the relationship between BP and body composition variables as WC and BMI (Rosa, Fonseca, Oigman, & Mesquita, 2006). Nevertheless, we could not find any association between PA and BP. The recently developed SBPI and DBPI were not better associated with any variable than simple BP. These results should be considered carefully since measuring physical activity by objective methods could have changed the conclusions. So, other studies have reported a negative association between PA measured by accelerometry and BP (Hearst, Sirard, Lytle, Dengel, & Berrigan, 2012; Kelley, Kelley, & Tran, 2003). Further prospective studies using accelerometry or larger samples must be need in order to explore deeply the impact of PA on BP in adolescents. References Hearst, M. O., Sirard, J. R., Lytle, L., Dengel, D. R., & Berrigan, D. (2012). J Phys Act Health, 9(1), 78-85. Kelley, G. A., Kelley, K. S., & Tran, Z. V. (2003). Prev Cardiol, 6(1), 8-16. Muntner, P., He, J., Cutler, J. A., Wildman, R. P., & Whelton, P. K. (2004). JAMA, 291(17), 2107-2113. Rosa, M. L., Fonseca, V. M., Oigman, G., & Mesquita, E. T. (2006). Arq Bras Cardiol, 87(1), 46-53.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (AP2010-0583), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2011-30565) and Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estimation of internal abdominal fat from anthropometry measurements in children

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    Introduction: Internal abdominal fat (IAF) measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has been proposed as subrogate of visceral adipose tissue, which is a cornerstone measurement for screening of metabolic syndrome1,2. However, measuring IAF is time-consuming, expensive and impractical for field studies with children. Since 1990, anthropometric models have been developed to estimate IAF in adults, but no models exist for children. Because of the high prevalence of childhood obesity, the assessment of IAF is a major factor in the evaluation metabolic risk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop an anthropometry-based model to estimate IAF in children. Methods: Forty-one (n=24 boys, n=17 girls) healthy Caucasian children (age 11.4±0.6 years, BMI 20.1±3.9 Kg/m2) were volunteers. Anthropometric measurements (waist and hip circumferences, abdominal sagittal diameter and skinfolds) were taken in accordance with ISAK guidelines. Total body and IAF (dependent variable) body composition were measured by DXA. Stepwise regression analysis was carried out to obtain the fittest variables and beta coefficients in order to develop the equation that predicts IAF with a high squared R and a low standard error of estimation. Results: The best-correlated variables with IAF were BMI, waist circumference, calf and subscapular skinfolds (r=0.900; r=0.946; r=0.901; r=0.900; respectively, all P<0.001). The best model for estimating the IAF included waist circumference and subscapular skinfold (R2=0.93 SEE=115.43; P<0.001). The estimated model was IAF (g) = -1332.89 + (18.515*WC) + (773.39*SubSKF). Conclusion: We developed a model, which accurately predict IAF in children, affording a practical tool to quantify this variable without expensive techniques such as DXA. However, external cross-validation must be performed in order to confirm the model validity. Additionally, construct validity should be carried out to determine the applicability of this measurement in children. References: 1. Hill AM, La_Forgia J, Coates AM, Buckley JD, Howe PR. Estimating abdominal adipose tissue with DXA and anthropometry. Obesity. 2007 Feb;15(2):504-10. 2. Kaul S, Rothney MP, Peters DM, Wacker WK, Davis CE, Shapiro MD, et al. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for quantification of visceral fat. Obesity. 2012 Jun; 20(6):1313-8.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (AP2010-0583), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2011-30565) and University of Málaga. Campus of International Excellence Andalucía Tec

    Desarrollo de un programa de modificación de conductas en población infantil obesa deportista

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    Cada vez existen más niños clasificados como activos obesos. La adquisición de hábitos saludables implica un cambio de actitud y comportamiento del individuo y su entorno. Este cambio se debe basar en la modificación de hábitos de actividad física y de alimentación. Este estudio de campo experimental de investigación aplicada se ha realizado entre junio de 2009 a junio de 2010. La muestra la formaron cinco familias con niños con sobrepeso u obesidad entre 10 y 14 años que realizaban deporte de forma organizada. Entre los resultados destacamos que todos los sujetos consiguieron romper la tendencia ascendente del peso y disminuirlo, existiendo diferencias significativas, al igual que en el IMC, sumatorio de 6 pliegues y peso graso. Los sujetos pasaron de realizar entre 380-720 min/semana de actividad física a superar, todos menos uno, los 630 min/semana. Los fines de semana y vacaciones son periodos pasivos en cuanto a la actividad física. Hay que transformar el ocio pasivo en ocio activo. En cuanto a la alimentación pasaron de no realizar 5 comidas al día, no llevar una dieta variada ni equilibrada realizando una ingesta entre 3.500-4.000 kcal a realizar 5 comidas, llevar una dieta variada y equilibrada y realizar una ingesta entre 1.500-2.000 kcal. Son necesarios programas conductuales de larga duración. Los cambios deben de ser graduales. Las familias necesitan la comprensión y apoyo externo para poder modificar sus hábitos

    Age and Training-Related Changes on Body Composition and Fitness in Male Amateur Cyclists

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    Master athletes are considered as a model of healthy aging because they can limit the age-related decline of physiological abilities compared to sedentary individuals. The main objective of this study is to analyze age-related changes and annual training on body composition (BC) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) parameters. The participants in this retrospective cross-sectional study were 176 male cyclists, aged 40–60 years. BC was evaluated through anthropometric measurements and CRF was determined by an incremental cycle ergometer test to exhaustion. A comparative study between age groups was carried out through a one-way ANOVA test and the associations between the variables were assessed by Spearman’s correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis to estimate the performance. Training was generally associated with a decrease in both body weight and body fat (p 0.05). In the performance prediction model, the included variables explained 52% of the variance. In summary, the changes induced by age were minimal in BC and negligible in CRF, whereas HR decreased with age. Training load was generally associated with a decrease in body weight, BMI and body fat percentage that was particularly notable in the abdominal skin folds. A decrease in HRrest was observed as a vagal effect due to kilometers cycled per year, and age did not seem to have a significant effect. The annual cycling kilometers were associated with to high PPO that is greater in the M40 group and a non-significant upward trend in VO2max

    Desenvolupament d’un programa de modificació de conductes en població infantil obesa esportista

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    Cada vegada hi ha més nens classificats com a actius obesos. L’adquisició d’hàbits saludables implica un canvi d’actitud i comportament de l’individu i el seu entorn. Aquest canvi s’ha de basar en la modificació d’hàbits d’activitat física i d’alimentació. Aquest estudi de camp experimental d’investigació aplicada s’ha fet entre juny de 2009 i juny de 2010. La mostra la van formar cinc famílies amb nens amb sobrepès o obesitat entre 10 i 14 anys que feien esport de manera organitzada. Entre els resultats destaquem que tots els subjectes van aconseguir trencar la tendència ascendent del pes i disminuir-lo, amb diferències significatives, igual que en l’IMC, sumatori de 6 plecs i pes gras. Els subjectes van passar de fer 380-720 min/setmana d’activitat física a superar, tots menys un, 630 min/setmana. Els caps de setmana i vacances són períodes passius quant a l’activitat física. Cal transformar l’oci passiu en oci actiu. Quant a l’alimentació, van passar de no fer 5 àpats al dia, no fer una dieta variada ni equilibrada, amb una ingesta de 3.500-4.000 kcal, a fer 5 àpats, fer una dieta variada i equilibrada i fer una ingesta de 1.500-2.000 kcal. Són necessaris programes conductuals de llarga durada. Els canvis han de ser graduals. Les famílies necessiten la comprensió i el suport extern per poder modificar els seus hàbits

    Bladder endometriosis and endocervicosis: presentation of 2 cases with endoscopic management and review of literature

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    Urinary tract endometriosis and endocervicosis are an uncommon pathologic finding, with a common embryological origin. We present 2 cases of female patients with bladder mass. The first one was a finding of a nodular formation in the bladder during study of a nonviable foetus and the second was an incidental finding of a neoformation in the fundus of the bladder during the realization of an ultrasound. In both cases, we performed a surgical management with transurethral resection. Histopathological examination revealed a bladder endometrioma in the first case and endocervicosis with associated endometriosis in the second