876 research outputs found

    Polymer Nanofiber Based Reversible Nano-Switch/Sensor Diode (Nanosssd) Device

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    A nanostructure device is provided and performs dual functions as a nano-switching/sensing device. The nanostructure device includes a doped semiconducting substrate, an insulating layer disposed on the doped semiconducting substrate, an electrode formed on the insulating layer, and at least one polymer nanofiber deposited on the electrode. The at least one polymer nanofiber provides an electrical connection between the electrode and the substrate and is the electroactive element in the device

    Graphene Based Reversible Nano-Switch/Sensor Schottky Diode (NANOSSSD) Device

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    A nanostructure device is provided and performs dual functions as a nano-switching/sensing device. The nanostructure device includes a doped semiconducting substrate, an insulating layer disposed on the doped semiconducting substrate, an electrode formed on the insulating layer, and at least one layer of graphene formed on the electrode. The at least one layer of graphene provides an electrical connection between the electrode and the substrate and is the electroactive element in the device

    Polymer Nanofiber Based Reversible Nano-Switch/Sensor Schottky Diode (Nanosssd) Device

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    A nanostructure device is provided and performs dual functions as a nano-switching/sensing device. The nanostructure device includes a doped semiconducting substrate, an insulating layer disposed on the doped semiconducting substrate, an electrode formed on the insulating layer, and at least one polymer nanofiber deposited on the electrode. The at least one polymer nanofiber provides an electrical connection between the electrode and the substrate and is the electroactive element in the device

    A pilot study of circulating levels of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 as biomarkers of bone healing in patients with non-hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis of long bones

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    Regeneración ósea; Células estromales mesenquimales multipotentes; PseudoartrosisRegeneració òssia; Cèl·lules estromals mesenquimals multipotents; PseudoartrosiBone regeneration; Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells; PseudoarthrosisBackground Pseudoarthrosis or non-union is a complication with an incidence of 5–10% of bone fractures, most frequently located in the diaphysis of long bones. The management of this complication is addressed by means of complex surgical procedures and is a concern for orthopaedic and trauma surgeons nowadays. The use of biomarkers for diagnosing patients at risk of non-union would help us to establish special measures for early corrective treatment. Methods Prospective exploratory pilot study with a cohort of 20 patients diagnosed of non-hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis of long bones who were treated surgically with either autologous bone graft or a Tissue Engineering Product composed of bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Patients were followed for 12 months and plasma blood samples were obtained to determine circulating levels of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 and Beta 2 (TGF-β1 and TGF-β2, respectively) at inclusion, and at 1 week, 2 weeks, and months 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 after surgery. Radiological bone healing was evaluated by the Tomographic Union Score (TUS). Results Basal levels of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 were determined in the twenty patients (26,702 ± 14,537 pg/mL and 307.8 ± 83.1 pg/mL, respectively). Three of them withdrew from the study, so complete follow-up was conducted on 17 patients (9 successfully healed vs. 8 that did not heal). Statistically significant differences between the bone healing group and the non-union group were found at month 12 for both TGF-β1 (p = 0.005) and TGF-β2 (p = 0.02). Conclusions TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 are biomarkers that correlate with clinical evidence of bone regeneration and may be used to monitor patients, although early predictive value after intervention needs to be further studied in combination with other molecules

    Practical application of the ATOM study: Treatment efficacy of antihypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination (ATOM metaanalysis according to PRISMA statement); tables for the use of antihypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination

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    Background: The response to antihypertensive drugs is predictable. The absence of precise prescription recommendations to treat arterial hypertension (HT) lead to use drugs unable to reduce blood pressure (BP) to target values. We published ATOM study, in which we found significant differences in the ability to reduce BP between the different drugs. The objective of the study was to determine the expected decrease in blood pressure with the use of commercialized doses of the drugs commonly used in the treatment of HT in clinical practice, to avoid the use of drugs or combinations that even with the best response, are unable to obtain the necessary BP decrease to reach the goal. Methods: The analysis was based on the results of the ATOM study. To convert the mean doses of the different drugs and combinations in commercialized doses, the conclusions of the study by Law et al have been applied. Results: Based on the results, two tables were drawn, one for systolic BP and the other for diastolic BP, where the doses of the different drugs and combinations are classified according to the BP decrease that can be expected from them. In order to favor the use of the tables in clinical practice, the different drugs have been grouped in intervals of 10 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) for the decrease of the systolic BP and of 5 mmHg for the diastolic BP. Conclusions: Recommendations for the use of antihypertensive treatments should not be limited to pharmacological families. They should also consider differences between drugs or specific combinations. From the data of the ATOM study we have implemented tables that express the effect of the drugs commonly used in clinical practice and that should allow the clinicians to choose with care the treatment to use

    Increased synovial immunohistochemistry reactivity of TGF-β1 in erosive peripheral psoriatic arthritis

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    [Abstract] Background: Immune and non-immune cells contribute to the pathology of chronic arthritis, and they can contribute to tissue remodeling and repair as well as disease pathogenesis. The present research aimed to analyze inflammation and bone destruction/regeneration biomarkers in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods: Samples were obtained from the inflamed knee of patients with knee arthritis who had been referred for undergoing arthroscopies. The synovial membrane was processed for pathological description, IHC analysis, and quantification of mRNA expression ratio by qRT-PCR. Serum levels of TGF-β1, IL-23, IL-6, IL-17 A, IL-22, Dkk1, Sclerostin, BMP2, BMP4, Wnt1, and Wnt5a were measured by ELISA. All these data were analyzed and compared with the demographic, clinical, blood tests, and radiological characteristics of the patients. Results: The synovial membrane samples were obtained from 42 patients for IHC, extraction, and purification of RNA for synovial mRNA expression analysis, and serum for measuring protein levels from 38 patients. IHC reactivity for TGF-β1 in the synovial tissue was higher in patients with psoriatic arthritis (p 0.036) and was positively correlated with IL-17 A (r = 0.389, p = 0.012), and Dkk1 (r = 0.388, p = 0.012). Gene expression of the IL-17 A was higher in PsA patients (p = 0.018) and was positively correlated with Dkk1 (r = 0.424, p = 0.022) and negatively correlated with BMP2 (r = -0.396, p = 0.033) and BMP4 (r = -0.472, p = 0.010). It was observed that IHC reactivity for TGF-β1 was higher in patients with erosive PsA (p = 0.024). Conclusions: The IHC reactivity of TGF-β1 in synovial tissue was higher in patients with erosive psoriatic arthritis, and TGF-β1 was in relation to higher levels of gene expression of IL-17 A and Dkk1.info:eu-repo/grabntAgreement/MICINN/Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia/ES/PI11%2F00390/Análisis de biomarcadores sinoviales, implicados en la inflamación y destrucción ósea articular en la artritis psoriásic

    Ejection-accretion connection in NLS1 AGN 1H 1934-063

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    Accretion and ejection of matter in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are tightly connected phenomena and represent fundamental mechanisms regulating the growth of the central supermassive black hole and the evolution of the host galaxy. However, the exact physical processes involved are not yet fully understood. We present a high-resolution spectral analysis of a simultaneous \xmm\ and \nustar\ observation of the narrow line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) AGN 1H 1934-063, during which the X-ray flux dropped by a factor of 6\sim6 and subsequently recovered within 140 kiloseconds. By means of the time-resolved and flux-resolved X-ray spectroscopy, we discover a potentially variable warm absorber and a relatively stable ultra-fast outflow (UFO, vUFO0.075cv_\mathrm{UFO}\sim-0.075\,c) with a mild ionization state (log(ξ/ergcms1)1.6\log(\xi/\mathrm{erg\,cm\,s^{-1})}\sim1.6). The detected emission lines (especially a strong and broad feature around 1\,keV) are of unknown origin and cannot be explained with emission from plasmas in photo- or collisional-ionization equilibrium. Such emission lines could be well described by a strongly blueshifted (z0.3z\sim-0.3) secondary reflection off the base of the equatorial outflows, which may reveal the link between the reprocessing of the inner accretion flow photons and the ejection. However, this scenario although being very promising is only tentative and will be tested with future observations.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Comparative Analysis of Soil Loss Tolerance and Productivity of the Olive Groves in the Protected Designation of Origin(PDO) Areas Norte Alentejano (Portugal) and Estepa (Andalusia, Spain)

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    Olive groves are Mediterranean systems that occupy more than 2.5 M ha in Spain and 0.352 M ha in Portugal. Assuming the differences between both countries in terms of olive grove regulation and considering their multifunctionality, it is useful to implement agronomic indices to estimate their sustainability. The Soil Loss Tolerance Index (SLTI) and the Soil Productivity Index (SPI) are two such indices. We calculated both indices in the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Norte Alentejano (Portugal). The SLTI index was adapted considering specific variables of the analysed olive groves (i.e., SLTIog). The values obtained were compared with those previously estimated for PDO Estepa (Spain). The negative impacts of erosion and the underlying agricultural practices on the sustainability of olive groves became evident, resulting in decreased soil productivity at the regional level. The SLTIog index showed higher values for crops, being a more realistic tool to analyse sustainability. A higher soil loss tolerance was detected for integrated groves in the PDO Norte Alentejano than for PDO Estepa due to the shorter age of olive cultivation in Portugal, with incipient soil impacts. These indices provide information on the degree of soil erosion, allowing farmers and decision-makers to apply practices to maximise the sustainability of olive groves.To the University Complutense of Madrid, for awarding the lead author a short-term fellowship through which this research could be carried out. To MED-Universidade de Évora (Portugal), for providing to the main author with the opportunity to jointly perform field work and analytical tasks in Portugal. The time devoted by J.M.-R. and T.P.-C. to retrieve and treat the data and to write and revise the article has received partial funding from the following sources: (a) FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) under the Project UIDB/05183/2020; (b) SUSTAINOLIVE research project (https://sustainolive.eu/?lang=en [accessed on: 29 March 2021]), funded by the PRIMA EU program. Lastly, we thank María Aurora Rodríguez Sousa for her support and advice