359 research outputs found

    Consistent treatment for valence and nonvalence configurations in semileptonic weak deacys

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    We discuss the semileptonic weak decays of P→PP\to P (PP denotes a pseudoscalar meson). In these timelike processes, the problem of the nonvalence contribution is solved systematically as well as the valence one. These contributions are related to the light-front quark model (LFQM), and the numerical results show the nonvalence contribution of the light-to-light transition is larger than of the heavy-to-light one. In addition, the relevant CKM matrix elements are calculated. They are consistent with the data of Particle Data Group.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries

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    Digital steganography is rooted in the ancient practice of hiding messages and has evolved dramatically with technology. In the Christian worldview, modern technology\u27s ethical application is rooted in the creation mandate, where Genesis 1:28 commands mankind to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. The Bible tells of examples where God directly instructs time-period specific technological application. For example, in Exodus 36, two men were charged with the task of using their technological skills to create objects for the purpose of housing the unique presence of God. Exodus 36:1 says, “Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the Lord has commanded.” If Christians today are craftsmen in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence, then the technology available today can help to fulfill God’s mandate to them in the Great Commission to spread the Gospel, especially where traditional methods of evangelism face constraints or persecution. Digital steganography offers secure, covert channels for data transmission, presenting unique applications for Christian evangelism in restricted regions. This paper explores the versatility of file-appending methods in digital steganography, which bypass traditional limitations on data size and type. Utilizing a full copy of the Bible in text form and a sample image in .png form, we showcased the efficacy and security of this steganography method. Results demonstrate not only high levels of data integrity but also an incredibly easy to use methodology for implementation, making it an effective tool for discreetly disseminating religious texts. This paper argues for the ethical application of these techniques in the spread of the Christian Gospel, particularly where traditional evangelistic efforts are hindered by legal or social constraints

    Spiritually Artificial: Divine Intersection Exploration

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    This paper examines the broad topic of personhood within the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how consciousness, namely the free will aspect, can frame our interactions, especially when considering a typical evangelical hermeneutic. AI which is simply a Bio-Inspired design from God’s glorious creation has a long and rich history spanning almost 70 years. AI as a term was first coined in 1956, although the mathematics of computing in general, then dubbed “Turing Machines” was two decades earlier. Despite going through “AI winters” or periods where AI fell out of popularity due to high expectations and overpromising of researchers, AI became prominent in the general culture of the world through media representations. This paper looks at the prominent media portrayal of AI consciousness before going into brief technical details concerning media depictions of AI consciousness. From movie portrayals in decade spanning franchises (both in film narrative and in production) such as Blade Runner, Terminator, and Star Wars; to smaller narratives each depicting heavy philosophical pushes such as Bicentennial Man, and I-Robot, AI has grasped the imagination and attention of the world wide community regardless of it prominence in research and application. This paper investigates consciousness, with its highly debated myriad of definitions, focusing on free will and AI’s deterministic aspects which prohibit a true free will. A comparative is presented on free will as it is portrayed in Scripture and ultimately examines the Biblical aspects missing from AI such as stewardship, human flourishing, original sin, and life and death. This paper ends by easing fears through brief technological highlights and a praise for God’s perfection in creation

    Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries

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    Digital steganography is rooted in the ancient practice of hiding messages and has evolved dramatically with technology. In the Christian worldview, modern technology\u27s ethical application is rooted in the creation mandate, where Genesis 1:28 commands mankind to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. The Bible tells of examples where God directly instructs time-period specific technological application. For example, in Exodus 36, two men were charged with the task of using their technological skills to create objects for the purpose of housing the unique presence of God. Exodus 36:1 says, “Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the Lord has commanded.” If Christians today are craftsmen in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence, then the technology available today can help to fulfill God’s mandate to them in the Great Commission to spread the Gospel, especially where traditional methods of evangelism face constraints or persecution. Digital steganography offers secure, covert channels for data transmission, presenting unique applications for Christian evangelism in restricted regions. This paper explores the versatility of file-appending methods in digital steganography, which bypass traditional limitations on data size and type. Utilizing a full copy of the Bible in text form and a sample image in .png form, we showcased the efficacy and security of this steganography method. Results demonstrate not only high levels of data integrity but also an incredibly easy to use methodology for implementation, making it an effective tool for discreetly disseminating religious texts. This paper argues for the ethical application of these techniques in the spread of the Christian Gospel, particularly where traditional evangelistic efforts are hindered by legal or social constraints

    Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries

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    Digital steganography is rooted in the ancient practice of hiding messages and has evolved dramatically with technology. In the Christian worldview, modern technology\u27s ethical application is rooted in the creation mandate, where Genesis 1:28 commands mankind to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. The Bible tells of examples where God directly instructs time-period specific technological application. For example, in Exodus 36, two men were charged with the task of using their technological skills to create objects for the purpose of housing the unique presence of God. Exodus 36:1 says, “Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the Lord has commanded.” If Christians today are craftsmen in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence, then the technology available today can help to fulfill God’s mandate to them in the Great Commission to spread the Gospel, especially where traditional methods of evangelism face constraints or persecution. Digital steganography offers secure, covert channels for data transmission, presenting unique applications for Christian evangelism in restricted regions. This paper explores the versatility of file-appending methods in digital steganography, which bypass traditional limitations on data size and type. Utilizing a full copy of the Bible in text form and a sample image in .png form, we showcased the efficacy and security of this steganography method. Results demonstrate not only high levels of data integrity but also an incredibly easy to use methodology for implementation, making it an effective tool for discreetly disseminating religious texts. This paper argues for the ethical application of these techniques in the spread of the Christian Gospel, particularly where traditional evangelistic efforts are hindered by legal or social constraints

    Electromagnetic form factor of the pion in the space- and time-like regions within the front-form dynamics

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    The pion electromagnetic form factor is calculated in the space- and time-like regions from -10 (GeV/c)2(GeV/c)^2 up to 10 (GeV/c)2(GeV/c)^2, within a front-form model. The dressed photon vertex where a photon decays in a quark-antiquark pair is depicted generalizing the vector meson dominance ansatz, by means of the vector meson vertex functions. An important feature of our model is the description of the on-mass-shell vertex functions in the valence sector, for the pion and the vector mesons, through the front-form wave functions obtained within a realistic quark model. The theoretical results show an excellent agreement with the data in the space-like region, while in the time-like region the description is quite encouraging.Comment: 9 pages + 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Lifetimes of the b-flavored baryons in the light-front quark model

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    The calculation of lifetimes of heavy-flavored baryons in the light-front quark model approach is briefly reviewed.Comment: 4 pages, proceedings of the IV International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, Valencia, June 27--30, 200

    Hard Constituent Quarks and Electroweak Properties of Pseudoscalar Mesons

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    The high momentum components generated in the wave function of pseudoscalar mes* by the one-gluon-exchange interaction are investigated within a relativistic constituent quark model. Adopting the light-cone formalism, the sensitivity of the weak decay constant and the charge form factor to hard constituent quarks is illustrated.Comment: 11 pages and 5 figs. (to be requested), LaTeX, INFN-ISS 94/3. To appear in Physics Lett.

    New effective treatment of the light-front nonvalence contribution in timelike exclusive processes

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    We discuss a necessary nonvalence contribution in timelike exclusive processes. Following a Schwinger-Dyson type of approach, we relate the nonvalence contribution to an ordinary light-front wave function that has been extensively tested in the spacelike exclusive processes. A complicate four-body energy denominator is exactly cancelled in summing the light-front time-ordered amplitudes. Applying our method to Kℓ3K_{\ell3} and D0→K−ℓ+ÎœlD^0\to K^- \ell^+ \nu_l where a rather substantial nonvalence contribution is expected, we find not only an improvement in comparing with the experimental data but also a covariance(i.e. frame-independence) of existing light-front constituent quark model.Comment: 10 pages including 5 figures; Changes: 1-added some sentences; 2-enlarged the figures; 3-added some reference
