159 research outputs found


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    Keanekaiagaman primata Indonesia meiupakan suatu kekayaan yang tidak terdapat di negaia lain. Kawasan Indonesia mempunyai primata mulai dari yang berevolusi iendah yaitu Tarsius bancanus sampai yang berevolusi tihggi seperti orangutan (Portgopygmaeus). Beberapa primata ada yang bersifat endemik, seperti lutung meiah di Kalimantan (Davis1962, Medway 1970, Stott & Selsor 1961).Tempat hidup lutung meiah, yaitu pulau Kalimantan, pada dasa waisa sekaiang ini sedang giat dieksploitasi.Eksploitasi diketahui banyak menimbulkan kerugian terhadap penghuninya, misalnya adanya emigrasi dan kepunahan tidak langsung. Beberapa hewan telah menunjukan kelangkaan di daerah yang diekploitasi hutannya.Lutung merah sebagai hewan arboreal mungkin sekali akan terganggu oleh adanya eksploitasi hutan tersebut.Oleh karena kerusakan hutan mungkin akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkah laku lutung, maka penelitian mendasar terhadap hewan ini perlu dilakukan Untuk memulainya dilakukan penelitian awal dalam taraf pengamatan aktivitas, pergerakan dan beberapa segi tingkah laku lutung. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu cara pelestarian hewan ini

    Spatial Dynamics Model for Sustainability Landscape in Cimandiri Estuary, West Java, Indonesia

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    AbstractPopulation in Estuary Cimandiri area and the Pelabuhanratu Town increase continuously, which will cause an occurrence of land use changes from open space to built-up area. Due to the need of built up area, while the existing land area is very limited, so the shortage land will occur in the future. In this context, spatial dynamic model based on a combination between system dynamics and Geographic Information System (GIS) has to be elaborated for land availability model in Cimandiri Estuary, West Java. Thus, the existing surface can be a sustainability landscape. Population growth projection has an exponential growth pattern. Built-up area variable has a sigmoid pattern, which means that the land in estuarine area will be occupied for built-up activities in the future. Land availability variable has a decay pattern, which means that the available land will be run out to be used up by human settlement. The relationship between population growth and land availability will be contradictory. The intervention effect 60% ratio land restriction of built-up area will delay the development of built-up area, and after those delays it will remain constant. The projection of populations growth is implemented through projection development of built-up area which adapted by the landscape to be a sustainability landscape

    Indigenous Dayak Iban customary perspective on sustainable forest management, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Indigenous Dayak Iban customary perspective on sustainable forest management, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 424-435. Borneo is the third-largest island in the world, is rich in biodiversity and has diverse unique ecosystems. However, deforestation and land tenure conflicts continue to threaten the indigenous people who rely on forest resources for their livelihoods and well-being. This study aimed to identify the ecosystem services and the value of customary forest resources, identify local wildlife species, and document the traditional knowledge that the Iban indigenous community of West Kalimantan use to manage their customary forest. We collected relevant data using Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA), in-depth interviews, and wildlife surveys. The customary forest provides significant ecosystem services, mainly carbon sequestration (exceeds US52million/year),water−relatedservices(exceedsUS 52 million/year), water-related services (exceeds US 21 million/year), and the 52 wildlife species recorded in the customary forest. Forest resources are managed successfully by the community through traditional knowledge and customary laws passed down for generations. The integration of local and expert knowledge and involvement from all related stakeholders would boost sustainable forest management and enhance the economic benefits and livelihoods of the community. Following current trends, recognizing customary forest and appropriate sustainable forest management could effectively tackle deforestation and land tenure conflicts in Borneo. Further studies should be considered to develop specific activities on managing the forest sustainably that the community can implement and evaluate

    Dapatkah Pembayaran Jasa Lingkungan Mencegah Deforestasi dan Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat? Pelajaran dari Hutan Desa Laman Satong, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat

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    In order to reduce deforestation, the Government of Indonesia has introduced several initiativies, including a Hutan Desa (village forest) program to bring local communities to become actor in the forest management. The Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD+) and Payment for Environmental Services (PES) scheme for the hutan desa is one of the alternative scheme to provide economic incentives for their effort to manage their forest sustainably. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the initiation of REDD+ and PES funds for hutan desa to deforestation and community wellbeing. The impact to deforestation is measured through quantitative approach by comparing quantitatively forest cover on 1070ha of village forest through satelite image analysis. The impact to community wellbeing is measured through participatory wellbeing assessment involving 30 informants during a focus group discussion. An attribution to the variables are conducted qualitatively by in-depth interviews to 25 key informants. The result shows eventhough the benefit provided by the initiation of REDD+ and PES (the money) is much less than the opportunity cost, the community is still accepting the scheme and succeeds reducing deforestation. However, the benefit is not sufficient enough yet to improve community wellbeing


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    The main effects of human activities on the environment result in land use and land cover changes. Land over exploitation and development activities in West Kalimantan of Indonesia necessitated the focus of this research which aims to analyzing and predicting land use changes in West Kalimantan. The results of such a study assist researchers, planners and policy makers to formulate suitable land use policies in the future in order to balance economic development and natural resource conservation. Moreover, it makes Indonesia shift from middle incomes to become a developed country in 2030.  Methodology employs field observation, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and system dynamics modeling. The field observation covered communities in several locations in the study site to identify pattern of land use. The system dynamics was applied to analyze the land use change system and estimate the extents of land cover change in the future. The study showed several outcomes: (i) The main leverage factors in the land use change system in West Kalimantan were the desire to reach the expected economic growth and the increased per capita consumption of edible oil globally; (ii) In the business as usual modeling, the increasing global demand  for edible oil will lead to significant increment of oil palm plantation area, even the total area of plantation could be wider compare to that of the remaining forest area by 2030; (iii) Key interventions that need to be considered in the future is to conduct reforestation (with reforestation rate of at least 0.5% per year) and limited oil palm plantation development to maximum of 50% of developed  area

    Pengetahuan Lokal Dan Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Obat Pada Kelompok Sub Etnis Batak Karo Di Sumatera Utara

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tumbuhan etnomedisinal pada etnis Karo di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Kaban Tua Kecamatan Munthe Kabupaten Karo Propinsi Sumatera Utara Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan tradisional subetnis Batak Karo dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan untuk menjaga kesehatannya. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani melalui wawancara bebas, semi terstruktur, mendalam, observasi parsitifatif dan pebble distribution methods (PDM). Wawancara dilakukan pada 39 orang yang terdiri dari 7 informan kunci dan 32 orang responden umum. Responden umum dengan umur 30-50 tahun dan > 50 tahun dengan perbandingan 1:1. Tumbuhan yang digunakan dan dikenali masyarakt sebagi obat sebanyak 152 spesies 64 famili untuk mengatasi 21 jenia penyakit. Family yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Zingeberaceae (11 spesies), Poaceae (7 spesies) dan Lamiaceae (7 spesies). Pia (Allium cepa Liliaceae) merupakan tumbuhan yang memiliki nilai use values (UVs) dan indeks cultural significance (ICS) tertinggi sebesar secara berurutan dengan nilai 7,03 dan 243,5

    Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Obat Pada Satuan Lanskap dan Pemanfaatannya oleh Sub-etnis Batak Toba di Desa Peadundung Sumatera Utara

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat pada berbagai satuan lanskap dan pemafaatannyc oleh sub-etnis Batak Toba di desa Peadundung, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat pada sub-etnis Batak Toba dan persebaran tumbuhan obat pada satuan-satuan lanskap yang dikenali aleh masyarakat lokal. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani dan pendekatan ekologi. Pendekaian etnobotani dilakukan melalui wawancara bebas mendalam, semi terstruktur, dan observasi parsivatif untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat. Pendekatan ekologi dilakukan melalui jelajah bebas pada setiap satuan lanskap dan analisis vegetasi di agroforest karet (Hevea brasiliensis). Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 148 spesies (64 famili) tumbuhan obat yang dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi sebanyak 19 jenis penyakit. Sebagian besar tumbuhan obat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi gangguan saluran pencernaan (48 spesies), luka (38 spesies), dan demam (32 spesies). Agroforest karet merupakan sumber utama perolehan tumbuhan obat (75 spesies), diikuti dengaru kebun (55 spesies), dan pekarangan (33 spesies). Hasil analisis vegetasi ditemukan bahwa baja (Rhodamnia sp.) merupakan tumbuhan obat dominan berhabitus pohon maupun belta dengan nilai kepentingan (NK) secara berturut-turut 91,89 dan 78,59; sedangkan herba dominan dimiliki oleh Gleichenia linearis (NK 68'73)

    High-risk infrastructure projects pose imminent threats to forests in Indonesian Borneo

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    Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan) sustains ~37 million hectares of native tropical forest. Numerous large-scale infrastructure projects aimed at promoting land-development activities are planned or ongoing in the region. However, little is known of the potential impacts of this new infrastructure on Bornean forests or biodiversity. We found that planned and ongoing road and rail-line developments will have many detrimental ecological impacts, including fragmenting large expanses of intact forest. Assuming conservatively that new road and rail projects will influence only a 1 km buffer on either side, landscape connectivity across the region will decline sharply (from 89% to 55%) if all imminently planned projects proceed. This will have particularly large impacts on wide-ranging, rare species such as rhinoceros, orangutans, and elephants. Planned developments will impact 42 protected areas, undermining Indonesian efforts to achieve key targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity. New infrastructure will accelerate expansion in intact or frontier regions of legal and illegal logging and land colonization as well as illicit mining and wildlife poaching. The net environmental, social, financial, and economic risks of several imminent projects—such as parallel border roads in West, East, and North Kalimantan, new Trans-Kalimantan road developments in Central Kalimantan and North Kalimantan, and freeways and rail lines in East Kalimantan—could markedly outstrip their overall benefits. Such projects should be reconsidered in light of rigorous cost-benefit frameworks
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