228 research outputs found

    The Effect of Frozen Storage on The Microflora of Raw Milk

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    The proper handling of milk samples prior to bacterial analysis has been somewhat of a problem to dairy processors of South Dakota. There have been, and still are, many queries by these people about the treatment of o milk sample prior to the determination of a bacterial count. Should the milk samples be frozen prior to determining the number of bacteria? If it is feasible, what effect will the freezing have on the number of bacteria found? No tangible information about this problem has been found in the literature. Standard procedure emphasize mainly the icing of milk sample before analyzing for number of bacteria. In this study a comparison has been made of the iced and frozen samples from the bacteriological viewpoint. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of frozen storage of milk samples on the number of bacteria

    A Study of the Soft Skills that Contribute to the Success of Newly Graduated Business Students in the Workplace

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    This quantitative study is focused on assessing the soft skills that newly graduated business students possess. Using the first and only skills inventory in the United States that has been endorsed by Department of Labor, the study seeks to determine what sets employees apart based on their level of performance on the job. The main purpose was to assess and interpret the soft skills that employees bring to the workplace soon after graduating. The population for the current study was human resources professionals from a variety of industry sectors in the state of Minnesota. The businesses represented a range of sizes from small and medium businesses to large, global corporations. Results of the survey could benefit not just the businesses that hire graduates but also those in higher education and current and future students

    Predicting the Exclusive Diffractive Electron-Ion Cross Section at small xx with Machine Learning in Sarttre

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    The event generator Sarttre has been used extensively for simulations of electron-ion collisions in preparation for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). Sarttre simulates exclusive diffraction in eeA collisions, in principle for any nuclear species and exclusive final state, usually a vector meson. The coherent and incoherent cross sections for each process are calculated in the colour dipole model for small xx from the first and second moments of the respective amplitude, averaged over initial state spatial configurations. Taking these averages is a very CPU demanding task. In order to function as an efficient event generator, these amplitude moments are saved into lookup tables which are used as input for the event generation, making the latter a very fast process. However, there are many recent and ongoing developments of the dipole models underlying the calculations, both in terms of fits of the model parameters to new data as well as new parametrisations of the dipole or proton geometries. Therefore, it is desirable to have a more flexible method for producing the lookup tables. Here, we propose a method using neural networks which can reduce the table production time by 90% while retaining the same precision in the resulting cross sections.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Comparative evaluation of glipizide and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds as monotherapy and combination therapy on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes is commonly associated with dyslipidemia, which is one of the major risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD), the leading cause of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetic. It is thus desirable that an anti-diabetic drug must provide good glycaemic control and in addition cause correction of dyslipidaemia, at the same time being safe. Fenugreek, a traditional drug has been found to have beneficial effect on glycaemic control as well as lipid profile and may be thus useful in such patients. The study was thus planned to further explore the effect of fenugreek seed on glycaemic control and lipid profile by comparing it with a standard anti-diabetic drug glipizide.Methods: This 12 week, prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel group comparative study was conducted on 60 patients with type 2 diabetes. The patients were randomized to receive either glipizide 5 mg once daily (group A, n=20), fenugreek seed extract 500 mg twice a day (group B, n=20), or a combination of glipizide 2.5 mg and fenugreek seed extract 500 mg once daily (group C, n=20). The primary endpoint were the change in fasting blood glucose (FBG), glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), and lipid profile from baseline after 12 weeks of treatment.Results: A statistically significant decline in mean FBG levels                    (group A -33.97%, p<0.001; versus group B -24.62%, p<0.001; versus group C -29.96%, p<0.001), and in HbA1c levels (group A -12.98 %, p<0.0001; group B -9.38%, p<0.0001; and group C -10.62%, p<0.0001) was seen in all three treatment groups. Total cholesterol (TC) reduced non-significantly in group A (-0.98%, p=0.1982), whereas in group B (-5.66%, p<0.001) and group C (-3.87%, p<0.001) it decreased significantly. Non-significant reduction in plasma triglycerides (TG) were seen in group A (-0.74%, p=0.0669), and significant reductions were seen in both group B (-17.23%, p<0.001) and group C (-11.34%, p<0.001). Low density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-C) showed non-significant reductions in group A (-0.74%, p=0.5482), and significant reductions in both group B (-4.15%, p<0.001) and group C (-2.68%, p=0.0463). High-density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) showed non-significant changes in all three groups (group A -0.60%, p =0.1529; group B 0.65%, p=0.2072; and group C 0.76%, p = 0.0543). The adverse drug reactions seen were mild in nature and none of the patients was withdrawn from the study because of serious adverse drug reactions.Conclusions: Monotherapy with fenugreek produced significant improvement in glycaemic control and dyslipidaemia. Glipizide monotherapy was more efficacious in controlling FBG and HbA1c levels than fenugreek monotherapy or in combination with fenugreek; glipizide monotherapy had no effect on lipid profile whereas fenugreek monotherapy was more efficacious in controlling dyslipidaemia than in combination with glipizide. Both drugs as monotherapy or in combination were well-tolerated by the patients

    Identifying ancestral wheat introgressions and traits for improved tolerance to hostile soils

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    Wheat is the third most widely consumed crop after rice and maize globally. The Green Revolution increased the Indian wheat production tremendously since the 1960s using semi-dwarf wheat varieties and subsequent trait-based breeding under non-hostile soils. In addition to grain yield, wheat is an important source of dietary zinc (Zn) and other mineral elements in many countries. Dietary Zn deficiency is widespread, especially in developing countries, and there are wide scale efforts to breed wheat with increased grain Zn concentrations in South Asia. It is not clear if further grain yield and quality traits such as grain Zn concentration improvements can be sustained due to 1) narrow genetic diversity in modern wheat, and 2) limited land availability e.g., many soils are marginal due to salinity, alkalinity, acidity and mineral nutrient imbalances. The first aim of this thesis was to quantify grain yield and yield components, including juvenile root traits, and grain Zn concentration of a panel of 36 Indian diverse wheat genotypes to explore the potential for site specific trait selection for hostile soils and characterise the baseline effect of genotype (G), site (E), and genotype x site interaction (G*E) under a wide range of soil conditions. Mean grain yields ranged from 1.0 to 5.5 t ha-1 at hostile and non-hostile sites, respectively. G*E interactions affected many yield and component traits, which support the value of site-specific traits selection for hostile soils. The mean grain Zn concentration of 36 genotypes ranged from 25 to 35 mg kg-1. Despite a relatively small overall contribution of G to the overall variation in grain Zn concentration, biofortifying wheat through breeding is likely to be effective at scale given that some genotypes (e.g. Kharchia 65) performed consistently across diverse soil types. Root angle and lateral root traits were associated with grain yield and some mineral composition traits. The second aim of this thesis was to study the performance of eight amphidiploids derived from Thinopyrum bessarabicum, a tall wheat grass, for yield, yield components and grain Zn concentration under saline soils. Reduction in GYD in amphidiploids were less than in Indian genotypes under saline soils and grain Zn concentration ranged from 36-43 mg kg-1. The third aim of this thesis was to explore wild wheat relatives, non-relatives and their derivatives to increase the genetic diversity for grain Zn concentration. The mean grain Zn concentration of 225 wild wheat accession ranged from 47 to 178 mg kg-1. Notably, Amblyopyrum muticum, derived amphidiploids and double haploid lines could be useful sources of grain Zn variation that can be used in breeding programmes to increase the grain Zn concentration in modern wheat varieties to alleviate the dietary Zn deficiency

    Effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on two cryptogamic plants pigments growing at high altitude of central Himalayan region, India

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    Chlorofluorocarbons are mainly responsible for the depletion of stratospheric ozone layer which results in  increase of UV-B radiation on earth’s environment and causing adverse effects on flora. In the present  study we have investigated the effect of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on two cryptogamic plants  (Xanthoria elegans and Bryum argenteum) growing at high altitude of central Himalayan region of India.  These plants were naturally receiving UV-B radiation and were analyzed for photosynthetic pigments, UV-B absorbing compounds and phenolics. In the field experiments, both of these plants contain higher amounts of UV-B absorbing compounds and phenolics and no major changes in total chlorophyll and carotenoid  under UV-B exposed conditions were recorded. B. argenteum contains higher amounts of total chlorophyll, carotenoids, UV-B absorbing compounds and phenolics than the X. elegans at the duration of 120 h. The maximum average UV-B irradiance was 4.38 Minimal Erythemal Dose per hour (MED/ h) at the  experimental site while minimum average UV-B irradiance was 1.72 MED/ h. The UV-B absorbing compounds and phenolics provide protection to these plants against UV-B radiation.Key words: Total chlorophyll, high altitude, pigments, UV-B absorbing compounds, UV-B radiation

    The effect of Ramipril and Telmisartan on blood pressure and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients

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    Background: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) have become keystones of therapy for hypertension but there are very few studies where they have been compared with each other. This study attempted to compare the effect of Ramipril and Telmisartan on Blood Pressure and Insulin Resistance in Hypertensive patients (JNC 8).Methods: An open label, randomized, prospective and comparative study of twelve- week duration was conducted on 60 patients of hypertension (JNC-8), with the collaboration of Department of Pharmacology and Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, Amritsar. Group A and B were given Telmisartan 40mg and Ramipril 2.5 mg OD respectively. Blood Pressure was recorded on every visit, whereas, fasting plasma insulin and HOMA-IR values were recorded at the baseline and at the end of the study. Fasting blood sugar was done at 0, 4 and 12 weeks.Results: At the end of 12 weeks, a significant reduction in Systolic/Diastolic blood pressure was observed in group A with a drop of ~14/9 mmHg (p<0.001) and in group B too, the fall of ~11.6/7.2 mmHg was significant (p<0.001). However, in inter-group comparison only SBP difference was significant between two groups (p<0.05). Change in HOMA-IR value was also significant in both the groups (p<0.001). The inter-group difference for HOMA-IR between both the groups (A vs B) was also statistically significant (p<0.01).Conclusions: Telmisartan 40 mg OD was more effective than Ramipril 2.5 mg OD in controlling the SBP and improving Insulin resistance at the end of 12 weeks


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to enlist the ethnobotanical uses of wild plants of Solang Valley, Kullu District, Himachal Pardesh. Due to the specific geographical location of the valley, it possesses a high amount of endemic plant diversity. The plants are being used medically by local people against many ailments such as rheumatism, gastric disorders, muscular pain, asthma, dysentery, diabetes, constipation, cold, cough, fever, etc.Methods: For documentation of ethnomedicinal information, a questionnaire containing vernacular name, plant part/s used, medicinal uses, method of preparation and amount of dose taken was prepared. To gather such information, personal interviews/interactions were conducted with medicine men (vaids and hakims), local healers, village elders, tribals and shepherds.Results: Presently, 42 plant species belonging to 41 genera and 24 families are included for ethnobotanical study with respect to their scientific names, vernacular names, plant parts used, ethnomedicinal purposes, mode of preparation, and dose/amount taken. As many as 23 species are used for treating more than one ailment. By consulting the previous literature, it was found that there are 19 species which have not been reported earlier and are used by the natives for different medicinal purposes.Conclusion: The unsustainable harvesting such as uprooting of whole plant of medicinal use from the wild is resulting into a serious decline in plant populations. Therefore various cultivation techniques should be designed, and implemented especially for the highly medicinally important and endangered plant species. Grazing should be restricted in high altitudinal zones possessing high endemic plant diversity. Further, information gathered on ethnobotanical aspects of plants of medicinal use will be helpful in the selection of elite genotypes/chemotypes which could provide a base for future plantation programmes which will be helpful for sustainable development of the valley

    Rainfall Runoff Modeling of Walnut Creek Watershed using Two-dimensional Shallow Water Equations

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv