237 research outputs found

    Do Our Airmen Value Their CCAF Degree?

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    A recent article, “CCAF Continues to Provide Value to Air Force, Enlisted Members,” posted in the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) alumni group on LinkedIn generated over 100 comments from CCAF graduates regarding the value of that college’s degree.1 Their perceptions of the worth of the CCAF degree ranged from no value at all to its having a tremendous impact on careers and goals.2The foregoing served as the catalyst for this two-phased research. Only by comparing both sides of the problem will we have truly answered the question regarding the value of the degree. Phase one consisted of the current research project, focused on the collection and analysis of CCAF graduates’ perceptions regarding the value of their degree. Phase two will involve the collection of data collected from hiring managers from various fields of industry regarding their perception of the CCAF degree and their estimation of it during a review of an applicant’s credentials

    Leveraging existing data sets to generate new insights into Alzheimer’s disease biology in specific patient subsets

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    To generate new insights into the biology of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), we developed methods to combine and reuse a wide variety of existing data sets in new ways. We first identified genes consistently associated with AD in each of four separate expression studies, and confirmed this result using a fifth study. We next developed algorithms to search hundreds of thousands of Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) data sets, identifying a link between an AD-associated gene (NEUROD6) and gender. We therefore stratified patients by gender along with APOE4 status, and analyzed multiple SNP data sets to identify variants associated with AD. SNPs in either the region of NEUROD6 or SNAP25 were significantly associated with AD, in APOE4+ females and APOE4+ males, respectively. We developed algorithms to search Connectivity Map (CMAP) data for medicines that modulate AD-associated genes, identifying hypotheses that warrant further investigation for treating specific AD patient subsets. In contrast to other methods, this approach focused on integrating multiple gene expression datasets across platforms in order to achieve a robust intersection of disease-affected genes, and then leveraging these results in combination with genetic studies in order to prioritize potential genes for targeted therapy

    The progression of deoxynivalenol-induced growth suppression in nursery pigs and the potential of an algae-modified montmorillonite clay to mitigate these effects

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    Citation: Frobose, H. L., Erceg, J. A., Fowler, S. Q., Tokach, M. D., DeRouchey, J. M., Woodworth, J. C., . . . Goodband, R. D. (2016). The progression of deoxynivalenol-induced growth suppression in nursery pigs and the potential of an algae-modified montmorillonite clay to mitigate these effects. Journal of Animal Science, 94(9), 3746-3759. doi:10.2527/jas2016-0663Two experiments were conducted to characterize the progression of deoxynivalenol (DON)-induced growth suppression and to investigate algae-modified montmorillonite clay (AMMC) as a means to alleviate the effects of DON in nursery pigs. In both experiments, naturally DON-contaminated wheat was used to produce diets with desired DON levels. In Exp. 1, 280 barrows and gilts (10.0 +/- 0.2 kg BW) were used in a 28-d experiment arranged in a 2 x 2 + 1 factorial design with 8 replicates per treatment. The 5 treatments consisted of 2 positive control (PC) diets with DON below detection limits and with or without 0 or 0.50% AMMC and 3 negative control (NC) diets with 5 mg/kg of DON and containing 0, 0.25, or 0.50% AMMC. No DON x AMMC interactions were observed. Overall, pigs fed DON had decreased (P < 0.001) ADG and final BW regardless of AMMC addition. Feeding DON-contaminated diets elicited the most severe depression (P < 0.001) in ADFI and G:F from d 0 to 3, remaining poorer overall (P < 0.01) but lessening in severity as exposure time increased. Pigs fed DON diets had greater (P < 0.05) within pen BW variation (CV) on d 28. Although the addition of 0.50% AMMC to diets restored (P < 0.05) ADFI from d 14 to 21 to levels similar to the PC, no other differences were observed for AMMC inclusion. In Exp. 2, 360 barrows (11.4 +/- 0.2 kg BW) were used in a 21-d experiment with 9 dietary treatments arranged in a 3 x 3 factorial design with DON and AMMC inclusion as main effects. There were 8 replicate pens per treatment. Treatments consisted of 3 PC diets without DON, 3 low-DON (1.5 mg/kg DON) NC diets, and 3 high-DON (3 mg/kg DON) NC diets with 0, 0.17, or 0.50% AMMC incorporated at each DON level. No DON x AMMC interactions were observed. As DON level increased, ADG and final BW decreased (quadratic, P < 0.05), driven by decreased (quadratic, P < 0.01) ADFI and poorer (quadratic; P < 0.05) G:F. At both 1.5 and 3 mg/kg DON, reductions in ADG were most marked from d 0 to 7 (15 to 22% lower) and were least distinct from d 14 to 21 (5 to 6% lower). Incorporating AMMC at increasing levels had no effect on ADG, ADFI, G:F, or final BW. Overall, these experiments reinforce DON effects on feed intake but also indicate that the effects of DON on G: F may be more severe than previously thought. Furthermore, some pigs appear to develop tolerance to DON, as effects on ADFI and G: F lessen over time. However, the addition of AMMC did not offset the deleterious effects of DON

    L-Edge Spectroscopy of Dilute, Radiation-Sensitive Systems Using a Transition-Edge-Sensor Array

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    We present X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements on the iron L-edge of 0.5 mM aqueous ferricyanide. These measurements demonstrate the ability of high-throughput transition-edge-sensor (TES) spectrometers to access the rich soft X-ray (100-2000eV) spectroscopy regime for dilute and radiation-sensitive samples. Our low-concentration data are in agreement with high-concentration measurements recorded by conventional grating-based spectrometers. These results show that soft X-ray RIXS spectroscopy acquired by high-throughput TES spectrometers can be used to study the local electronic structure of dilute metal-centered complexes relevant to biology, chemistry and catalysis. In particular, TES spectrometers have a unique ability to characterize frozen solutions of radiation- and temperature-sensitive samples.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Potential Cost-effectiveness of Early Identification of Hospital-acquired Infection in Critically Ill Patients

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    Limitations in methods for the rapid diagnosis of hospital-acquired infections often delay initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy. New diagnostic approaches offer potential clinical and cost-related improvements in the management of these infections. We developed a decision modeling framework to assess the potential cost-effectiveness of a rapid biomarker assay to identify hospital-acquired infection in high-risk patients earlier than standard diagnostic testing. The framework includes parameters representing rates of infection, rates of delayed appropriate therapy, and impact of delayed therapy on mortality, along with assumptions about diagnostic test characteristics and their impact on delayed therapy and length of stay. Parameter estimates were based on contemporary, published studies and supplemented with data from a four-site, observational, clinical study. Extensive sensitivity analyses were performed. The base-case analysis assumed 17.6% of ventilated patients and 11.2% of nonventilated patients develop hospital-acquired infection and that 28.7% of patients with hospital-acquired infection experience delays in appropriate antibiotic therapy with standard care. We assumed this percentage decreased by 50% (to 14.4%) among patients with true-positive results and increased by 50% (to 43.1%) among patients with false-negative results using a hypothetical biomarker assay. Cost of testing was set at 110/d.Inthebasecaseanalysis,amongventilatedpatients,dailydiagnostictestingstartingonadmissionreducedinpatientmortalityfrom12.3to11.9110/d. In the base-case analysis, among ventilated patients, daily diagnostic testing starting on admission reduced inpatient mortality from 12.3 to 11.9% and increased mean costs by 1,640 per patient, resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of 21,389perlifeyearsaved.Amongnonventilatedpatients,inpatientmortalitydecreasedfrom7.3to7.121,389 per life-year saved. Among nonventilated patients, inpatient mortality decreased from 7.3 to 7.1% and costs increased by 1,381 with diagnostic testing. The resulting incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was 42,325perlifeyearsaved.Thresholdanalysesrevealedtheprobabilitiesofdevelopinghospitalacquiredinfectioninventilatedandnonventilatedpatientscouldbeaslowas8.4and9.842,325 per life-year saved. Threshold analyses revealed the probabilities of developing hospital-acquired infection in ventilated and nonventilated patients could be as low as 8.4 and 9.8%, respectively, to maintain incremental cost-effectiveness ratios less than 50,000 per life-year saved. Development and use of serial diagnostic testing that reduces the proportion of patients with delays in appropriate antibiotic therapy for hospital-acquired infections could reduce inpatient mortality. The model presented here offers a cost-effectiveness framework for future test development

    Foraging Behavior and Success of a Mesopelagic Predator in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Insights from a Data-Rich Species, the Northern Elephant Seal

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    The mesopelagic zone of the northeast Pacific Ocean is an important foraging habitat for many predators, yet few studies have addressed the factors driving basin-scale predator distributions or inter-annual variability in foraging and breeding success. Understanding these processes is critical to reveal how conditions at sea cascade to population-level effects. To begin addressing these challenging questions, we collected diving, tracking, foraging success, and natality data for 297 adult female northern elephant seal migrations from 2004 to 2010. During the longer post-molting migration, individual energy gain rates were significant predictors of pregnancy. At sea, seals focused their foraging effort along a narrow band corresponding to the boundary between the sub-arctic and sub-tropical gyres. In contrast to shallow-diving predators, elephant seals target the gyre-gyre boundary throughout the year rather than follow the southward winter migration of surface features, such as the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front. We also assessed the impact of added transit costs by studying seals at a colony near the southern extent of the species’ range, 1,150 km to the south. A much larger proportion of seals foraged locally, implying plasticity in foraging strategies and possibly prey type. While these findings are derived from a single species, the results may provide insight to the foraging patterns of many other meso-pelagic predators in the northeast Pacific Ocean

    Host-Based Th2 Cell Therapy for Prolongation of Cardiac Allograft Viability

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    Donor T cell transfusion, which is a long-standing approach to prevent allograft rejection, operates indirectly by alteration of host T cell immunity. We therefore hypothesized that adoptive transfer of immune regulatory host Th2 cells would represent a novel intervention to enhance cardiac allograft survival. Using a well-described rat cardiac transplant model, we first developed a method for ex vivo manufacture of rat host-type Th2 cells in rapamycin, with subsequent injection of such Th2.R cells prior to class I and class II disparate cardiac allografting. Second, we determined whether Th2.R cell transfer polarized host immunity towards a Th2 phenotype. And third, we evaluated whether Th2.R cell therapy prolonged allograft viability when used alone or in combination with a short-course of cyclosporine (CSA) therapy. We found that host-type Th2.R cell therapy prior to cardiac allografting: (1) reduced the frequency of activated T cells in secondary lymphoid organs; (2) shifted post-transplant cytokines towards a Th2 phenotype; and (3) prolonged allograft viability when used in combination with short-course CSA therapy. These results provide further support for the rationale to use “direct” host T cell therapy for prolongation of allograft viability as an alternative to “indirect” therapy mediated by donor T cell infusion