156 research outputs found

    Decreasing Medication Delays: Maximizing the Efficiency of Patient Assistance Program Applications Through an Electronic System at a Student-Run Free Clinic

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    Patient outcomes are highly dependent on the accurate and timely receipt of medications. Patient assistance programs (PAPs) provide key medications to uninsured patients at little to no cost. In Texas and our county, nearly 1 in 5 people are uninsured. Approximately 3,500 uninsured patients over the past year have received care from our clinic. PAP applications require various administrative steps to obtain approval for medication assistance, resulting in delays for patients to receive their medications. To combat these delays, we implemented a new electronic system, which has significantly decreased all administrative steps in completing applications

    A National Action Plan for Promoting Preconception Health and Health Care in the United States (2012–2014)

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    Preconception health and health care (PCHHC) has gained increasing popularity as a key prevention strategy for improving outcomes for women and infants, both domestically and internationally. The Action Plan for the National Initiative on Preconception Health and Health Care: A Report of the PCHHC Steering Committee (2012–2014) provides a model that states, communities, public, and private organizations can use to help guide strategic planning for promoting preconception care projects. Since 2005, a national public–private PCHHC initiative has worked to create and implement recommendations on this topic. Leadership and funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention combined with the commitment of maternal and child health leaders across the country brought together key partners from the public and private sector to provide expertise and technical assistance to develop an updated national action plan for the PCHHC Initiative. Key activities for this process included the identification of goals, objectives, strategies, actions, and anticipated timelines for the five work-groups that were established as part of the original PCHHC Initiative. These are further described in the action plan. To assist other groups doing similar work, this article discusses the approach members of the PCHHC Initiative took to convene local, state, and national leaders to enhance the implementation of preconception care nationally through accomplishments, lessons learned, and projections for future directions

    Propuesta de virtualización de servidores con Hyper-V en el centro de datos de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la UNAN-Managua

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    La importancia del crecimiento en la potencia de cómputo y la existencia de problemas relacionados con el uso del hardware, ha hecho de la virtualización la solución más idónea para resolver tales dificultades, dentro de sus propósitos se encuentran hacer uso eficiente de los recursos y disminuir el costo total asociado a los mismos. Este trabajo de investigación fue realizado con la finalidad de proponer una solución para la virtualización servidores. La virtualización es una tecnología que permite la creación de equipos, basados en software, que reproducen el ambiente de una máquina física en sus aspectos de CPU, memoria, almacenamiento y entrada y salida de dispositivos. Se limita a trabajar básicamente con Hyper-V con el fin de acotar y definir la solución de virtualización , debido a la numerosa cantidad de soluciones que existen actualmente, como lo son VMware, Cytrix, entre otros. El enfoque principal se encontrará relacionado principalmente a la virtualización de servidores, a la disposición de Hyper-V para trabajar en cluster y al tipo de cluster que se puede implementar. El objetivo general de este trabajo es entonces, proponer una solución para efectuar la virtualización ya manera explicativa se describe como trabaja un cluster de alta disponibilidad con Hyper-V para efectuar tareas de migración de maquinas virtuales, empleando técnicas propias que vienen incorporadas en el software, como Live Migration ó Quick Migration que facilitan de gran forma la gestión y administración del entorno virtual. También se describirá brevemente los detalles técnicos para la implementación del centro de datos, la disposición de las áreas funcionales, el diagrama de distribución y otros parámetros importantes a tenerse en cuenta para disponer de un centro de datos confiable

    Compassionate care in the community: reflections of a student nurse.

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    Reflecting on practice and analysing situations when compassionate care has been delivered can be a valuable way of helping student nurses develop their understanding of humanising care. This exemplar showcases a scenario when a second-year student nurse studying for a BSc (Honours) in adult nursing explored an experience while working in the community. She critically reflected on an incident highlighting a simple yet powerful example of how she helped an older couple manage an aspect of their care. This exercise helped the student to explore and understand what compassionate care means and highlighted how the value of reflection can be used to gain new insights to enhance the care of older people in her future practice in the community

    Rudimentary G-Quadruplex-Based Telomere Capping In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    Telomere capping conceals chromosome ends from exonucleases and checkpoints, but the full range of capping mechanisms is not well defined. Telomeres have the potential to form G-quadruplex (G4) DNA, although evidence for telomere G4 DNA function in vivo is limited. In budding yeast, capping requires the Cdc13 protein and is lost at nonpermissive temperatures in cdc13-1 mutants. Here, we use several independent G4 DNA-stabilizing treatments to suppress cdc13-1 capping defects. These include overexpression of three different G4 DNA binding proteins, loss of the G4 DNA unwinding helicase Sgs1, or treatment with small molecule G4 DNA ligands. In vitro, we show that protein-bound G4 DNA at a 3\u27 overhang inhibits 5\u27-\u3e 3\u27 resection of a paired strand by exonuclease I. These findings demonstrate that, at least in the absence of full natural capping, G4 DNA can play a positive role at telomeres in vivo

    Combating subclonal evolution of resistant cancer phenotypes

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    Metastatic breast cancer remains challenging to treat, and most patients ultimately progress on therapy. This acquired drug resistance is largely due to drug-refractory sub-populations (subclones) within heterogeneous tumors. Here, we track the genetic and phenotypic subclonal evolution of four breast cancers through years of treatment to better understand how breast cancers become drug-resistant. Recurrently appearing post-chemotherapy mutations are rare. However, bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing reveal acquisition of malignant phenotypes after treatment, including enhanced mesenchymal and growth factor signaling, which may promote drug resistance, and decreased antigen presentation and TNF-α signaling, which may enable immune system avoidance. Some of these phenotypes pre-exist in pre-treatment subclones that become dominant after chemotherapy, indicating selection for resistance phenotypes. Post-chemotherapy cancer cells are effectively treated with drugs targeting acquired phenotypes. These findings highlight cancer's ability to evolve phenotypically and suggest a phenotype-targeted treatment strategy that adapts to cancer as it evolves

    Pregnancy outcome in thoracic aortic disease data from the Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death during pregnancy with thoracic aortic dissection being one of the main causes. Thoracic aortic disease is commonly related to hereditary disorders and congenital heart malformations such as bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Pregnancy is considered a high risk period in women with underlying aortopathy. Methods: The ESC EORP Registry Of Pregnancy And Cardiac disease (ROPAC) is a prospective global registry that enrolled 5739 women with pre-existing cardiac disease. With this analysis, we aim to study the maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancy in women with thoracic aortic disease. Results: Thoracic aortic disease was reported in 189 women (3.3%). Half of them were patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS), 26% had a BAV, 8% Turner syndrome, 2% vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and 11% had no underlying genetic defect or associated congenital heart defect. Aortic dilatation was reported in 58% of patients and 6% had a history of aortic dissection. Four patients, of whom three were patients with MFS, had an acute aortic dissection (three type A and one type B aortic dissection) without maternal or fetal mortality. No complications occurred in women with a history of aortic dissection. There was no significant difference in median fetal birth weight if treated with a beta-blocker or not (2960 g (2358-3390 g) vs 3270 g (2750-3570 g), p value 0.25). Conclusion: This ancillary analysis provides the largest prospective data review on pregnancy risk for patients with thoracic aortic disease. Overall pregnancy outcomes in women with thoracic aortic disease followed according to current guidelines are good

    Association of genetic susceptibility variants for type 2 diabetes with breast cancer risk in women of European ancestry.

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    Purpose: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) has been reported to be associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer. It is unclear, however, whether this association is due to shared genetic factors. Methods: We constructed a genetic risk score (GRS) using risk variants from 33 known independent T2D susceptibility loci and evaluated its relation to breast cancer risk using the data from two consortia, including 62,328 breast cancer patients and 83,817 controls of European ancestry. Unconditional logistic regression models were used to derive adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) to measure the association of breast cancer risk with T2D GRS or T2D-associated genetic risk variants. Meta-analyses were conducted to obtain summary ORs across all studies. Results: The T2D GRS was not found to be associated with breast cancer risk, overall, by menopausal status, or for estrogen receptor positive or negative breast cancer. Three T2D associated risk variants were individually associated with breast cancer risk after adjustment for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni method (at p < 0.001), rs9939609 (FTO) (OR 0.94, 95 % CI = 0.92–0.95, p = 4.13E−13), rs7903146 (TCF7L2) (OR 1.04, 95 % CI = 1.02–1.06, p = 1.26E−05), and rs8042680 (PRC1) (OR 0.97, 95 % CI = 0.95–0.99, p = 8.05E−04). Conclusions: We have shown that several genetic risk variants were associated with the risk of both T2D and breast cancer. However, overall genetic susceptibility to T2D may not be related to breast cancer risk
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