26 research outputs found


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    Background: This paper explores problematic Internet gaming in the context of other forms of risky behaviour. The basic premise is that children and adolescents at risk will display different types of risky behaviour in various settings. Subjects and methods: Children and adolescents (N=1150) were surveyed about (cyber)violence, problematic gaming (habits, motives and symptoms), self-disclosure via Facebook and self-esteem. Results: Regular gamers were more violent both face-to-face and via the Internet, and were more prone to problematic gaming than occasional gamers. Those who played games for more than five hours per day (9% of respondents) were classified as potentially problematic gamers. They experienced and committed more violence both face-to-face and via the Internet, were more involved in self-disclosure and had more problematic gaming symptoms than those who played for less than five hours a day, but these groups did not differ in self-esteem. Participants could choose from a list of eight different motives for their gaming; those motivated by peer communication, a sense of control, relaxation, conformism, self-efficacy and to distract from problems reported more symptoms of problematic gaming than those not motivated by these factors. Gender, age, self-esteem, self-disclosure and committing violence contributed to explaining the variance in problematic gaming, accounting for about 26% of its variance. Boys, lower self-esteem, more self-disclosure and committing both types of violence more regularly were connected with reporting more symptoms of problematic gaming. The results will be discussed in the context of a general proneness to risky behaviour. Conclusion: Committing violence against peers (both traditional and cyber) predicts significantly problematic gaming. This supports the premise that children and adolescents at risk are prone to exhibiting different forms of risky behaviour in different settings

    Socijalna distanca premavršnjacima različitih etničkih grupa – utjecaj percipiranih razrednihnormi i ostvarenog kontakta

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi ulogu percipiranih razrednih normi i međugrupnog kontakta u zauzimanju socijalne distance prema vršnjacima etničkih grupa Nijemaca i Roma. Kako bi se zahvatile moguće razvojne promjene u socijalnoj distanci, istraživanje je ponovljeno nakon godinu dana na istim sudionicima. Uzorak u istraživanju činilo je 275 učenika sedmog razreda (143 dječaka) u prvoj te 245 učenika (121 dječak) u drugoj točki mjerenja. Višu razinu socijalne distance sudionici su iskazali prema grupi Roma te je pronađen utjecaj percipirane razredne norme isključivanja na razinu socijalne distance prema toj grupi. Sudionici koji su imali ranije ostvaren kontakt s Nijemcima iskazali su manje razine socijalne distance prema Nijemcima. U drugoj točki mjerenja socijalna distanca prema Romima se smanjila, a prema Nijemcima povećala, ali je i dalje ostala veća prema grupi Roma

    Begünstigt gemeinsame körperliche Betätigung von Müttern und Kindern deren Lebensqualität?

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    The aim of this research was to explore some patterns of physical activity (PA) in the mother-preschool child dyads, as well as contribution of different aspects of physical and sedentary activities to preschool children’s quality of life (QoL). The participants were mothers who have at least one preschool child (N = 202) and their average age was M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21). Mothers fulfilled research questionnaire for themselves and their preschool children. The questionnaires contained some children/mothers demographic variables, measures of different joint mother/child physical/sedentary activities (indoor physical activities, outdoor physical activities, joint sedentary activities, and solitary sedentary activities) and child’s quality of life. There were N = 202 children in the sample (46% boys and 54% girls). Mothers reported that 59% of them spent physically active time with their children on workdays and 78% on weekends. Employed mothers and mothers of older children spent less joint physically active time with a child. Furthermore, it was found that 32% of children regularly participated in some form of physically active behaviour. Mothers estimated their child’s quality of life as very good in average M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558). Gender, outdoor physical activities and joint sedentary activities were significantly positive predictors of child’s quality of life.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati prakticiraju li majke i djeca fizičke aktivnosti tijekom zajedničkog vremena te utječu li neke osobine djeteta, majke i obitelji na količinu vremena provedenog u nekoj fizičkoj aktivnosti. Nadalje, provjeravano je doprinose li zajedničke aktivnosti majke i djeteta (sjedilačke / fizičke) kvaliteti djetetova života. Sudionice su bile majke koje imaju barem jedno predškolsko dijete (N = 202), prosječne dobi M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21). Ispitane su demografske varijable majke i djeteta, mjere različitih zajedničkih aktivnosti majke i djeteta (fizička aktivnost u kući, fizička aktivnost na otvorenom, zajedničke “sjedilačke” aktivnosti, samostalne “sjedilačke” aktivnosti djeteta) i djetetova kvaliteta života. Ukupan uzorak sastojao se od 46% dječaka i 54% djevojčica. Ukupno je 59% majki izjavilo kako zajedničko vrijeme provedeno s djetetom tijekom tjedna uključuje neki oblik fizičke aktivnosti, a tijekom vikenda taj je postotak i veći (78%). Zaposlene majke i majke starije djece provode manje fizički aktivnog vremena sa svojom djecom. Nadalje, 32% djece regularno sudjeluje u nekim oblicima fizičke aktivnosti. Kvalitetu života vlastite djece majke su procijenile vrlo dobrom M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558), a spol, količina fizičke aktivnosti na otvorenom i količina zajedničkih sjedilačkih aktivnosti bili su značajni prediktori djetetove kvalitete života.Betätigen sich Mütter und Kinder während der Zeit, die sie gemeinsam verbringen, körperlich? Bestimmen bestimmte Eigenschaften des Kindes, der Mutter oder der Familie wie viel Zeit miteinander verbracht wird? Begünstigen gemeinsame Aktivitäten von Mutter und Kind (sitzend/körperlich) die Lebensqualität des Kindes? Mit den genannten Fragen beschäftigt sich unsere Untersuchung. Die Teilnehmerinnen waren Mütter, die wenigstens ein Vorschulkind haben (N = 202), wobei das Durchschnittsalter M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21) beträgt. Untersucht wurden folgende Variablen: demographische Angaben von Mutter und Kind, Messungen verschiedener, gemeinsamer Aktivitäten (körperliche Betätigung im Haus, körperliche Betätigung im Freien, „sitzende“ Beschäftigungen, selbstständige, sitzende Beschäftigungen des Kindes) sowie die Lebensqualität des Kindes. Befragt wurden 46% Jungen und 54% Mädchen. Insgesamt 59% Prozent der Mütter erklärten, dass die unter der Woche verbrachte Zeit mit dem Kind eine körperliche Tätigkeit einschließt; am Wochenende liegt dieser Prozentsatz sogar höher (78%). Berufstätige Mütter und Mütter älterer Kinder sind mit ihren Kindern weniger körperlich aktiv. Die Untersuchung ergab außerdem, dass 32% Prozent der Kinder sich regelmäßig auf irgendeine Weise körperlich betätigen. Die Lebensqualität ihrer Kinder schätzten die Mütter als gut ein M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558), während das Geschlecht, die Dauer der körperlichen Tätigkeit im Freien und der Anteil gemeinsamer, sitzender Beschäftigungen wichtige Prädiktoren für die Lebensqualität der Kinder waren

    Testing Assumptions of the Developmental Subjective Group Dynamics Model on Ad Hoc Groups of Youth

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    Cilj rada bio je na ad hoc grupama mladih provjeriti temeljne postavke razvojnoga modela subjektivne grupne dinamike (Abrams, Rutland i Cameron, 2003). Ispitane su: a) diferencijalna evaluacija (razlika u procjeni članova grupe ovisno o poštivanju normi vlastite grupe); b) diferencijalno uključivanje (percepcija sudionika da ostali pripadnici grupa različito evaluiraju članove ovisno o poštivanju normi); c) unutargrupna pristranost i d) identifikacija s grupom. Pretpostavljeno je da će diferencijalno uključivanje biti medijator odnosa unutargrupne pristranosti i diferencijalne evaluacije. Nadalje, dob sudionika moderirat će odnos opće pristranosti i diferencijalne evaluacije, a identifikacija s grupom odnos diferencijalne evaluacije i diferencijalnog uključivanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 349 učenika od 12 do 16 godina. U skladu s pretpostavkama, utvrđene su diferencijalna evaluacija i uključivanje te unutargrupna pristranost. Odnos unutargrupne pristranosti i diferencijalne evaluacije nije bio moderiran dobi sudionika. Unutargrupna pristranost direktno je utjecala na diferencijalnu evaluaciju, ali je taj utjecaj bio i posredovan diferencijalnim uključivanjem. Potvrđeno je i da identifikacija s grupom moderira odnos diferencijalnog uključivanja i evaluacije.The aim of this paper is to test some of the assumptions of the Developmental Subjective Group Dynamics Model (Abrams, Rutland, & Cameron, 2003) on ad hoc groups of youth. The variables included were: a) differential evaluation; b) differential inclusion; c) intragroup bias; and d) group identification. It was assumed that the participants' age would moderate the relationship of intragroup bias and differential evaluation, while differential inclusion would be a mediator of this relationship. Furthermore, the moderation effect of group identification on the relationship of differential evaluation and differential inclusion was expected. The participants were students 12 to 16 years of age (N = 349). As assumed, the existence of differential evaluation, differential inclusion and intragroup bias was found. However, age had no moderating effect on the relationship between intragroup bias and differential evaluation. Intragroup bias had a direct effect on differential evaluation; however, this relationship was also mediated by differential inclusion. Furthermore, group identification moderated the relationship of differential inclusion and differential evaluation

    Predictors of body dissatisfaction and dissorderly eating habits in the sociokultural model context

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    Tjelesna aktivnost i prehrambene navike imaju značajnu ulogu u očuvanju zdravlja. Prema socio-kulturalnom modelu, mlade žene uslijed internalizacije društvenog standarda ljepote tijela mogu biti sklonije nezadovoljstvu vlastitim tjelesnim izgledom i posljedično sklonije nepoželjnim zdravstvenim ponašanjima. Željele smo ispitati doprinos tjelesne aktivnosti važnosti tjelesnoga izgleda, internalizacije ideala tjelesnoga izgleda, te indeksa tjelesne mase objašnjenju nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, te doprinos indeksa tjelesne mase i nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom objašnjenju odstupajućih navika hranjenja. Sudjelovalo je 228 studentica koje su popunile Upitnik o sociodemografskim podacima i antropometrijskim mjerama, Upitnik općeg nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, Skalu sociokulturalnih stavova o tjelesnom izgledu i Upitnik navika hranjenja. Više od polovine ispitanih studentica (55,7%) je nedovoljno tjelesno aktivno, dok je 18 sudionica (7,9%) postiglo rezultat koji se smatra dovoljno odstupajućim za preporuku savjetovanja kod stručnjaka za poremećaje hranjenja. Pri objašnjenju nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, značajni prediktori su indeks tjelesne mase, opća internalizacija društvenoga standarda poželjnog izgleda, pritisak za ostvarivanje tog izgleda, kao i internalizacija sportskog ideala, te važnost koju studentice pridaju svom izgledu. Za odstupajuće navike hranjenja, značajnim prediktorima pokazali su se indeks tjelesne mase i nezadovoljstvo tjelesnim izgledom. Ipak, analize su pokazale da postoje značajni neizravni efekti različitog tipa (cross-over supresija pri objašnjenju ukupnog rezultata, medijacija pri objašnjenju držanja dijeta i klasična supresija pri objašnjenju bulimije i oralne kontrole), a smjer povezanosti ukazuje na različitu prirodu povezanosti pojedinih subskala Upitnika navika hranjenja s istim korelatima.Physical activity and eating habits have a significant role in maintaining health. According to the sociocultural model, young women in the midst of internalisation of society\u27s beauty standards can be more prone to dissatisfaction with their own physical appearance and as a consequence be more prone to undesirable health behaviours. The goal was to examine the contribution of physical activity, the importance of physical appearance, internalisation of the ideal body image and body mass index in explaining dissatisfaction with body image and the contribution of the body mass index and dissatisfaction with body image to the explanation of disordered eating habits. 228 university students participated. They completed a Socio-demographic and Anthropology Measures Questionnaire, Body Shape Questionnaire, Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale and Eating Attitudes Test. More than half of the examined students (55.7%) were not sufficiently physically active, while 18 participants (7.9%) achieved the result considered divergent enough that a consultation with an eating disorders expert was recommendable. Body mass index, general internalisation of society standards of the ideal body image, pressure to achieve the ideal body image and internalisation of the sport ideal, and also, the importance that students give to their physical appearance were significant predictors of dissatisfaction with body image. Significant predictors of disordered eating habits proved to be body mass index and dissatisfaction with their own body image. The analysis showed different types of significant indirect effects (cross – over suppression for explaining the total result, mediation for explaining dieting and classical suppression for explaining both bulimia and oral control), while the correlation pattern suggested the different nature of relations among particular Eating Attitudes Test subscales and the same set of correlates


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u stavovima prema starijim osobama, razlike u setovima stereotipa i očekivanjima vezanim uz starenje u skupinama osoba rane i kasne odrasle dobi te utvrditi učinke kvalitete i kvantitete kontakta sa starijim ljudima na stav prema starijima. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku sudionika kasne (n = 96; 60-75 godina) i rane (n = 122; 18-25 godina) odrasle dobi. Prosječna dob sudionika kasne odrasle dobi iznosila je 67,52 (SD = 4,73), a osoba rane odrasle dobi 21,14 (SD = 1,59) godina. Rezultati su pokazali da se dvije skupine ne razlikuju u stavovima prema starijim osobama, odnosno da obje grupe imaju blago pozitivne stavove prema toj grupi. Nadalje, pozitivnija očekivanja »uspješnog« starenja pronađena su u mlađoj skupini sudionika, a sudionici koji imaju kvalitetniji kontakt s bakama/djedovima imali su i pozitivnije stavove prema starijim osobama. Hijerarhijskom klaster analizom ispitani su stereotipi koje dvije skupine imaju o starijim osobama. Pri tome su dobivena tri stereotipa kod sudionika rane odrasle dobi, te četiri u skupini kasne odrasle dobi. Njihovom usporedbom utvrđeno je konceptualno preklapanje tri seta stereotipa koji su s obzirom na sadržaj osobina koje obuhvaćaju nazvani »savršena baka/djed«, »onaj koji uspješno stari« te »susjed«.The aim of this research is to examine the differences in attitudes towards the elderly, and the differences in sets of stereotypes and expectations related to ageing in groups of persons of early and late adulthood, as well as to assess the effects of quality and quantity of contact with the elderly on attitudes towards them. The research was conducted on a representative sample of participants in late (n = 96; 60-75 years) and early (n = 122; 18-25 years) adulthood. The average age of participants in late adulthood was 67.52 (SD = 4.73), whereas the average age of participants in early adulthood was 21.14 (SD = 1.59) years. The results have shown that the two groups do not differ in their attitudes towards the elderly, i.e. that both groups have mildly positive attitudes towards the group. Furthermore, expectations of "successful" ageing are more positive in the younger group, and those participants who have better contact with their grandparents also have more positive attitudes towards the elderly. The stereotypes that the two groups have towards the elderly were investigated by means of hierarchical cluster analysis. The results show that there are three stereotypes in the early adulthood group and four stereotypes in the late adulthood group. Their comparison revealed the existence of a conceptual overlap of three sets of stereotypes, designated on the basis of their characteristics as "perfect grandmother/grandfather", "ageing well" and "neighbour"

    Messskala für Gewalterlebnisse und Cyberbullying sowie die Ergebnisse der Anwendung dieser Skala bei Mittelschülern aus Vinkovci

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    Skala doživljavanja/činjenja nasilja preko interneta (Cetin, Yaman i Peker, 2011) prevedena je na hrvatski jezik za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Skala ispituje doživljavanje i činjenje nasilja preko interneta u posljednjih godinu dana, a nastala je zbog sve veće zloupotrebe tehnologije i opasnosti njezine zloupotrebe. Sastoji se od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu (supskala Doživljavanje nasilja preko interneta) sudio-nici procjenjuju jesu li doživjeli opisano ponašanje. U drugom dijelu (supskala Činjenje nasilja preko interneta) na identičnim česticama sudionici procjenjuju jesu li se tako ponašali. Svaki dio sadrži 22 čestice. Provjereni koeficijenti pouzdanosti iznose 0,91, odnosno 0,92. U ovom istraživanju sudjelovali su učenici drugih razreda dviju vinkovačkih sred-njih škola, ukupno njih 249. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako je učestalost nasilja preko interneta na odabranom uzorku 24,9% za doživljavanje i 27,7% za činjenje nasilja preko interneta. Na objema skalama najviše sudionika odgovorilo je kako nije imalo iskustva s ponašanjima koja uključuju hakiranje tuđih internetskih stra-nica i uređivanje fotografija na uvredljiv način. S druge strane, najčešća su sljedeća ponašanja: ogovaranje preko interneta i ruganje preko interneta. Pronađene su i raz-like s obzirom na spol, odnosno dječaci značajno više i doživljavaju i čine nasilje preko interneta.For the purposes of this research, the Cyber Victim and Bullying Scale (Cetin, Yaman and Peker, 2011) was translated into the Croatian language. The scale examines cyber victimization and cyber bullying over the past year, as a result of the increasing abuse of technology and the dangers of its misuse. The Scale consists of two parts. In the first part (Cyber Victim subscale), the study participants assess whether they have experienced the described behaviour. In the second part (Cyber Bully subscale) the participants use identical items to assess whether they have acted the way described. Each part contains 22 items. The proven reliability coefficients amount to 0.91 or 0.92. The study included a total of 249 second year high school students from two Vinkovci high schools. The obtained results show that the incidence of cyber bullying over the Internet on the selected sample is 24.9% for cyber victimization, and 27.7% for cyber bullying. On both scales, most study participants responded that they had had no experience with behaviours that include hacking into other people\u27s websites and editing photos in an offensive manner. On the other hand, the most common behaviour is gossiping and mockery over the Internet. Differences have been established with regard to sex, i.e. boys experience and perpetrate cyber bullying to a significantly higher extent.Die Skala für Gewalterlebnisse und Cyberbullying (Cetin, Yaman und Peker, 2011) wurde für diese Forschungsarbeit ins Kroatische übersetzt. Sie wurde für die Untersuchung von Gewalterlebnissen und Cyberbullying im letzten Jahr eingesetzt. Entstanden ist die Skala wegen des immer häufiger vorkommenden Missbrauchs neuer Technologien und den daraus entstehenden Gefahren.Sie besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil (die Subskala für Gewalterlebnisse mittels/im Internet) bewerten die Versuchspersonen, ob sie ein Erlebnis wie das beschriebene erfahren haben. Im zweiten Teil (die Subskala für Cyberbullying) bewerten die Versuchspersonen anhand derselben Items aus dem Testbogen, ob sie auf die gleiche Weise gehandelt haben. Jeder Teil enthält 22 Items. Der Reliabilitätskoeffizient beträgt 0,91 bzw. 0,92. An der Untersuchung nahmen insgesamt 249 Schüler der 10. Klasse zweier Mittelschulen in Vinkovci teil. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die Häufigkeit von Gewalterlebnissen bei den Versuchspersonen 24,9% beträgt, während Cyberbullying bei 27,7% liegt. Auf die Fragen für beide Skalen antworteten die Versuchspersonen, dass sie keine Erfahrungen mit dem Hacking von Internet-Seiten oder dem beleidigenden Bilder-Editing hätten. Am häufigsten kommen folgende Verhaltensformen vor: Cyberklatschen und –verspotten. Es gibt auch Unterschiede bezüglich des Geschlechts d. h. Jungen erfahren und unternehmen mehr Cyberbullying als Mädchen

    Physical Activity and Quality of Life of Mothers of Preschool Children

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    Aim of this study was to explore physical activity of mothers of preschool children and connection of different aspects of their physical activity (at work, during commuting, in free time, while doing housework) with subjective quality of life. Another aim was to investigate factors that are obstacles of living physically active life in this population. Participants of the study were 252 Croatian women, who had at least one preschool child older than three years. The World Health Organization Quality Of Life - BREF questionnaire and International Physical Activity Questionnaire were used. Participants also gave some personal demographic data, and answered the question about factors that complicate organized physical activities practising. Results of this research showed that mothers of preschool children were more physically active than the population of adults in general, but their physical activity was mostly housework activity. Physical activity in their free time was the only aspect of physical activity that was significantly correlated with different aspects of mother\u27s subjective quality of life. Employed mothers and those who live in towns had more physical activities in the free time. Organizational factors and feeling that family suffers for their absence were the most frequent factors that complicate organized physical activities practising. Results revealed that only physical activity in free time contributes to mother’s quality of life. Mothers of preschool children mostly do housework physical activity, so support of the social community for physical activity in their free time in this population is recommended. Such activities should be especially directed to unemployed mothers and those who live in the villages

    Sociodemografske odrednice kvalitete života osoba kasne odrasle dobi

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    Osobe kasne životne dobi koje žive u okviru vlastitih kućanstava, skupina su koja svojim potrebama i udjelom u općoj populaciji zaslužuje veliku pažnju znanstvenika i stručnjaka. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je ispitati neke sociodemografske odrednice kvalitete života osoba kasne odrasle dobi koje žive na području Slavonije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo N=692 osoba (62,5% žena) prosječne dobi 73,98 (SD=6,398) godina. Ispitanici su odgovarali na pitanja o sociodemografskim karakteristikama i na Upitnik kvalitete života (WHOQOL – BREF, 1998) Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Upitnik mjeri četiri domene kvalitete života: tjelesno zdravlje, psihičko zdravlje, socijalne odnose i okruženje. Rezultati su pokazali zadovoljavajuću kvalitetu života osoba kasne odrasle dobi, pri čemu su se slične odrednice pokazale značajnima za različite domene kvalitete života. Iz rezultata je vidljivo kako muškarci (čak i kada je varijabla dob kontrolirana), mlađi ispitanici, ispitanici koji su u vezi/braku (za razliku od samaca i udovaca), ispitanici s višim stupnjem obrazovanja, materijalno neovisni, koji imaju stalne prihode mirovine, te ne boluju od kroničnih (fizičkih/psihičkih) bolesti, izvještavaju o višim razinama kvalitete života vezane uz tjelesno i psihičko zdravlje, te okruženje. Kvaliteti socijalnih odnosa, osim već navedenih varijabli, doprinosi i roditeljski status. Za razliku od mjesta stanovanja (grad/selo) koje se nije pokazalo značajnom odrednicom niti za jednu domenu kvalitete života, članstvo u udruzi ili KUD-u pozitivno doprinosi kvaliteti života

    Ethnic Identity and Patriotism in Adolescents: The Role of Age, Group Status and Social Context

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    Cilj je bio provjeriti razlikuju li se adolescenti različite dobi, pripadnici manjine i većine u razini etničkog identiteta, unutargrupne pristranosti (kao oblika etničke vezanosti) te konstruktivnoga i slijepoga patriotizma (kao oblika nacionalne vezanosti). Istraživanje je provedeno u četiri višeetnička konteksta u Hrvatskoj: hrvatsko-češkom, hrvatsko-mađarskom, hrvatsko- -srpskom i hrvatsko-talijanskom. Analiza je provedena na N = 924 učenika osnovne škole (šesti, sedmi i osmi razred) i srednje škole (drugi, treći i četvrti razred). Prosječna dob iznosila je M = 14,99, SD = 2,17 godina. Utvrđeno je kako mlađi sudionici iskazuju više razine etničkog identiteta i slijepoga patriotizma, a stariji konstruktivnoga patriotizma. Nije utvrđena dobna razlika u razini unutargrupne pristranosti. Pripadnici manjine iskazuju niže razine pristranosti, dok su pripadnici većine skloniji pristranosti u hrvatsko-srpskom i hrvatsko-mađarskom kontekstu. Nadalje, većina je spremnija iskazati konstruktivni patriotizam, ali i slijepi patriotizam.The aim of this study was to examine age differences of minority and majority adolescents regarding ethnic identity, in-group bias (as a form of ethnic attachment), and constructive and blind patriotism (as a form of national attachment). The study was conducted in four multi-ethnic contexts in Croatia: Croatian-Czech, Croatian-Hungarian, Croatian-Serbian and Croatian-Italian. The results of N = 924 students of primary (sixth, seventh and eighth grade) and secondary (second, third and fourth grade) schools were analysed. The average age was M = 14.99, SD = 2.17 years. Younger pupils express higher levels of ethnic identity and blind patriotism, whereas constructive patriotism was more expressed in older students. There were no age differences in in-group bias. Minority pupils exhibit lower levels of bias, while majority members are more prone to bias in the Croatian-Serbian and Croatian- -Hungarian contexts. Furthermore, majority pupils are more willing to express constructive, but also blind patriotism