55 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Jawa Barat sebagai Provinsi Jasa

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    Jawa Barat as the next province after DKI Jakarta has many strategic roles. Jawa Barat has a vision to be the most advance province in 2012, according to the vision Jawa Barat has to achieve that vision and reach the opportunity. There are so much to do and big challenges that Jawa Barat has to deal with. But the important things is how the government recognize classification of services and knows the challenge they face

    Incorporating Ethics into Economics: Problems and Possibilities

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    In traditional economics the decision-making process for individuals has effectively no role for ethics as individuals are self-interested. The key concepts in economics which determine the role of ethics in the decision-making process are utility, rationality and methodological individualism and hence how these can be and are formulated and combined determines different roles for ethics in economics. Amitai Etzioni, Amartya Sen and John Broome use different definitions of these concepts and hence find different problems and possibilities for a greater role for ethics in economics. This paper integrates the different approaches of these authors and suggests a general mono-utility framework for incorporating ethics into economics whereby the concept of utility requires adaptation

    Students\u27 Response to Ethical Dilemmas

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    The teaching of ethics in hospitality curricula is an important part of students’ overall education. Past research has indicated that college students are generally as ethically aware as their professional counterparts. The authors replicated a study by Damitio and Schmidgall (1993) in which over 700 college students were asked if they agreed with decisions in 15 hypothetical scenarios. Students were also asked if the decisions were in fact ethical. Results are reported. The authors use these results as further evidence that ethical awareness in hospitality students needs to be raised. There does not appear to be any change in students’ ethical awareness since the original study in the early 1990s. A discussion of the direction ethics education might take follows. Implications for hospitality curricula and hospitality students are analyzed. A course of action is recommende

    Effect of Default on Profitability in Kenyan Listed Companies

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    The study investigated the whether the default measures of liquidity and solvency are associated and whether default measures are related to firm profitability. A total of 41 firms were selected to be in the study sample out of 46 non-financial listed firms in the Nairobi Securities Exchange during years 2013 to 2017 and panel data regression analysis was employed. The findings revealed that liquidity and solvency are significantly and negatively associated while the default measures lacked a significant relationship with profitability in Kenyan listed companies. The findings implied that there is no need for firms to focus too much on the relationship between default and profitability including invest heavily in liquidity in order to meet short term obligations as nowadays it is possible for firms to either convert non-cash assets quickly or borrow on short notice from financial institutions in case of an urgent need to meet liquidity shortages. These findings are consistent with the shitability theory

    The Landscape of FDI Flows

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    Over the last forty years, the world has experienced a rapid rise in the level and significant shift in the composition of recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI) flows. Researching FDI is critical because of the increasingly important role it has in the global economy and the many potential benefits it provides investors and host countries. This paper will examine the past, current, and future state of FDI flows. An aggregate inflows dataset as well as a specific pair flows dataset will be analyzed to gain a better understanding of the drivers of FDI. The aggregate flows dataset contains data on FDI inflows and the potential determinants of market potential, stability, information, infrastructure, natural resources, and international trade for 229 countries from 1970-2010. The specific pair flows dataset contains data on the total level of FDI a parent country has in a host country and potential determinants of a gravity model, skilled labor differences, and cultural proximity variables for the years 2000 and 2004. Through the use of fixed effects panel and first differenced estimation techniques on the aggregate flows dataset market potential, information, natural resources, and the occurrence of an attempted coup are found to be positive and significant determinants of FDI. Using OLS estimation techniques for the specific pair flows dataset, a gravity model and cultural proximity are found to be positive and significant determinants of FDI, while skilled labor differences are found to have a negative and significant impact on FDI flows. This paper reinforces the previously researched importance of market potential, information, natural resources, the gravity model, and cultural proximity. For the most part, the impact of stability, international trade, and skilled labor differences on FDI is not clearly seen. The most interesting finding in the paper is the positive and significant sign on the attempted coup variable, which appears to be showing investors regaining confidence in the government in power after they witness an attempted coup fail. This research sheds further light on global patterns of FDI flows, but it is only the first step of many that need to be taken


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    Jawa Barat as the next province after DKI Jakarta has many strategic roles. Jawa Barat has a vision to be the most advance province  in 2012, according  to the vision Jawa Barat has to achieve that vision and reach the opportunity. There are so much  to do and big challenges that Jawa Barat has  to deal with. But  the important things is how  the government recognize classification  of services and knows the challenge they  face


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    Jawa Barat as the next province after DKI Jakarta has many strategic roles. Jawa Barat has a vision to be the most advance province  in 2012, according  to the vision Jawa Barat has to achieve that vision and reach the opportunity. There are so much  to do and big challenges that Jawa Barat has  to deal with. But  the important things is how  the government recognize classification  of services and knows the challenge they  face

    PENGARUH KUALITAS JASA TERHADAP LOYALITAS NASABAH ASURANSI JIWASRAYA : Survei pada Nasabah Pemegang Asuransi Perseorangan di Kantor Cabang Perwakilan Bandung Timur

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    Perkembangan dunia bisnis asuransi di Indonesia semakin kuat dan berkembang seiring dengan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap keamanan dan perlindungan diri yang semakin bertambah. Akibat dari risiko yang akan ditanggung tidak akan pernah dapat diperkirakan kapan akan datangnya. Perkembangan asuransi jiwa pada tahun 2007 semakin meningkat namun pada asuransi umum belum terlihat perkembangannya. Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwasraya yang berdiri 147 tahun yang lalu ini harus bersaing dengan perusahaan-perusahaan asuransi tainnya. Persaingan industri yang semakin kuat, yang harus bisa diimbangi dengan pelayanan yang baik yang diberikan perusahaankepada nasabah. Asuransi Jiwasraya yang sudah tersebar di Indonesia, di Bandung sendiri, Asuransi Jiwasraya memiliki 3 kantor yaitu satu Regional Office dan dua Branch Office. Kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh nasabah asuransi pada tahun 2007 menurun dari tahun 2006. Selain itu loyalitas dari tahun 2006 menurun, juga nilai merek untuk perusahaan pada tahun 2007 semakin menurun juga nilainya bila dibandingan dengan perusahaan lainnya. Kepuasan ini bisa berpengaruh pada kualitas jasa yang diberikan oleh perusahaan, karena apabila pelanggan tidak memiliki persepsi puas atas barangatau jasa yang dimilikitentunyaloyalitas tidak dimiliki oleh pelanggan atau nasabah. Penelitian ini menganalisis mengenai pengaruh kualitas jasa terhadap loyalitas nasabah Asuransi Jiwasraya, yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah nasabah Asuransi Jiwasraya Cabang Bandung Timur dengan nasabah pemegang asuransi perseorangan yaitu yang berjumlah 711 nasabah, yang menjadi variabel bebas adalah kualitas jasa yang memiliki 5 dimensi yaitu tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empaty dan yang menjadi variabel terikatnya adalah loyalitas nasabah. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif verifikatif, dengan memakai metode survey explanatory terhadap sample yang disebarkan pada 75 nasabah pemegang asuransi perseorangan dan penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam kurun waktu kurang dari satu tahun sehingga metode yang digunakan adalah metode cross sectional method. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder yaitu berdasarkan studi kepustakaan dan kuesioner. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas jasa terhadap loyalitas nasabah menggunakan analisis jalur e&mpath analysis dengan bantuan program SPSS 11.5 untuk mengolah data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat pengaruh kualitas jasa terhadap loyalitas nasabah asuransi jiwasraya, dengan hasil hipotesis Ho ditolak dan Hi diterima. Maka semakin baik kualitas jasa yang diberikan maka semakin baik pula loyalitas yang diberikan oleh nasabah