178 research outputs found

    Strong congruence spaces and dimension in F1\mathbb{F}_1-geometry

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    In this paper we introduce strong congruence spaces, which are topological spaces that provide a useful concept of dimension for monoid schemes. We study their properties and show that the strong congruence space of a toric monoid scheme and the complex toric variety associated to its fan have the same dimension.Comment: 24 pages; minor edit

    On Smirnov's approach to the ABC conjecture

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    We use algebraic geometry over pointed monoids to give an intrinsic interpretation for the compactification of the spectrum of the ring of integers of a number field KK, for the projective line over algebraic extensions of F1\mathbb{F}_1 and for maps between them induced by elements of KK, as introduced by Alexander Smirnov in his approach to the ABC conjecture.Comment: 13 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.1595

    Exterior algebras in matroid theory

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    Ordered blueprints are algebraic objects that generalize monoids and ordered semirings, and F1±-algebras are ordered blueprints that have an element ϵ that acts as - 1. In this work we introduce an analogue of the exterior algebra for F1±-algebras that provides a new cryptomorphism for matroids. We also show how to recover the usual exterior algebra if the F1±-algebra comes from a ring, and the Giansiracusa Grassmann algebra if the F1±-algebra comes from an idempotent semifield.</p

    Exports, domestic demand and economic growth in Ethiopia: Granger causality analysis

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    Fundamental relationships between different macroeconomic variables may follow certain common theories but local preferences are also decisive in determining their behavior since, macro economy of every country is unique and they need to be treated after considering their peculiarities. In this regard, looking into domestic demand-growth nexus and export-growth nexus are, therefore, needed in order to understand the long -run economic stance and to capture the short-run dynamics in the national economy as well as to find evidence about the source of economic growth. However, the causal relationship between exports, domestic demand and economic growth in Ethiopia has not received adequate attention. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find a causal relationship between export, domestic demand and economic growth in Ethiopia using time series data over the period 1960161-201011 I. This study uses two measures for domestic demand, namely household consumption and government consumption. Granger causality and Johansen co integration test are employed in the empirical analysis. Result of Johansen cointegration test indicates the existence of long run relationship among the variables. The result of Granger causality test shows that there is a dynamic relationship between export and economic growth and between domestic demand and economic growth. Export and domestic demand are important for economic growth as well as, economic growth have an impact on export and domestic demand in Ethiopia. A successful and sustained economic growth requires growth in both export and domestic demand. Nevertheless, a balance emphasis should be to domestic demand to push the economy towards higher growth path. Key words: Domestic demand, Ethiopia, Exports, Granger causality.Jimma Universit


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    Tesis de Licenciatura de la modalidad de artículo científico en revista indexada. El trabajo consistió en determinar la distribución espacial del barrenador de la rama del aguacate. Se encontró que tiene un tipo de distribución agregada, que su superficie infestada nunca alcanza el 100%. Se logró realizar los mapas de densidad del insecto plaga, de tal manera que estos puedan servir para dirigir las medidas de control hacia zonas específicas de infestación y obtener con ello ahorros económicos y ahorros medioambientales (al reducir el impacto ambiental en el sistema aguacate). Todo lo anterior permitirá establecer Programas de manejo integrado más oportunos, eficientes y pertinentes.Copturus aguacatae es una de las plagas de importancia en el cultivo de aguacate en el Estado de México, donde está catalogada como plaga cuarentenaria. La presencia de este insecto dentro de las áreas productoras de aguacate en el Estado de México representa un riesgo para la salida de este fruto a otros lugares, esto puede causar una reducción importante a la producción. Por consecuente, es importante y necesario hacer estudios que permitan conocer los patrones de comportamiento de esta plaga y la distribución espacial del insecto dentro de este cultivo. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el comportamiento espacial del índice de población de adultos de C. aguacatae mediante técnicas geoestadísticas en el cultivo de aguacate en el Estado de México. Se encontró que el comportamiento espacial del insecto se presenta en agregados dentro de las parcelas. Las infestaciones del insecto en algunos meses se distribuyeron en el 100 % de la superficie, pero con densidades poblacionales variables. Estos resultados pueden mejorar los programas de detección y muestreo de la plaga, así como, las medidas de control sobre áreas específicas de infestación

    Motivation and reading comprehension in students of the eighth cycle of the Physical Therapy career at a private university in Lima, 2022.

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    Esta investigación parte del objetivo general de determinar la relación entre la comprensión lectora y la motivación en estudiantes del octavo ciclo de la carrera profesional de Terapia física pertenecientes a una universidad privada de lima, 2022. El es

    Optimización del diseño actual de la red de agua potable de la Avenida Ángela Saberbein en Chachapoyas – Amazonas, 2020

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    El actual trabajo de investigación se elaboró con la finalidad de proponer una mejora de optimización a un diseño de red de agua potable de la Av. Ángela Saberbein en la población de Chachapoyas en el departamento Amazonas, dicha localidad viene atravesando un ineficiente abastecimiento de agua potable debido a que dicha red se encuentra en etapa de proyecto, presentando parámetros que no satisfacen las condiciones de la población y no cumplen con lo señalado en la normativa encargada de la obras sanitarias. Por lo cual, se planteó calcular, analizar y ajustar los parámetros y criterios del diseño de la red principal, mediante cálculos hidráulicos con base en las normativas técnicas de diseño, estudios de campo y población, y del expediente técnico. De esta manera se obtuvo los valores de diámetros, presiones y caudales de la tubería matriz que generaron la determinación de la propuesta. Con base a lo expuesto, se obtuvo como resultado la propuesta de una ampliación del diámetro de la línea principal, las cuales radican entre 110mm con ampliaciones de 160mm, con presiones variadas de 17.6 mca y 42.2 mca y caudales medios de 9.5 lt/s; así como también se asignaron válvulas y accesorios de control a la línea para un óptimo funcionamiento y así satisfacer las necesidades de consumo de la zona, además de cumplir con las regulaciones sanitarias respectivas

    Leishmaniose en Equateur : 6. Note épidémiologique et entomologique sur le foyer de leishmaniose de Zumba

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    La région de Zumba se trouve au sud de la province méridionale amazonienne d'Equateur de Zamora-Chinchipe, considérée comme la seconde zone d'endémie leishmanienne de ce pays. Une enquête clinico-épidémiologique a été effectuée sur 83 patients en détection passive. De plus, tous les biotopes du foyer de Zumba, dont les habitations, ont été échantillonés, de février à septembre 92, pour la récolte des phlébotomes au piège lumineux et sur appât humain (2.547 phlébotomes récoltés). La faune anthrophile est pauvre et trois espèces seulement ont été observées. #Lutzomyia serrana est une espèce abondante piquant même de jour. #Lu. maranonensis est une nouvelle espèce proche de #Lu. nevesi. Lu. castanea, autre nouvelle espèce, est rare. La localisation de nombreuses lésions à la face suggère, au moins en partie, une transmission domiciliaire, pour laquelle #Lu. serrana serait un candidat-vecteur possible étant donné son omniprésence et son anthropophile. (Résumé d'auteur

    Reliability of Some Clinical Parameters for Field Diagnosis of African Animal Trypanosomosis in Cattle

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    Presumptive and inaccurate diagnosis of cattle trypanosomosis among field veterinarians has led to misuse of trypanocides, development of drug resistance, toxicities and huge economic losses. This study assessed the reliability, specificity and sensitivity of some identified trypanosomosis associated signalments (anaemia using FAMACHA® guide, body condition score (BCS), superficial lymph nodes enlargement and jugular pulsation) as field diagnostic parameters. Blood and faecal samples were collected from 273 subjectively selected cattle for the determination of packed cell volume (PCV) and screening for trypanosome, and for helminth egg using McMaster technique, respectively. Data obtained from assessment of packed cell volume based on BCS, FAMANCHA score, superficial lymph nodes enlargement and jugular pulsation were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square, while comparison of data using independent student ttest and one-way ANOVA was similarly conducted. Of the screened cattle, 16.5% (45/273) were positive for trypanosome. Single infection due to Trypanosoma spp. was found in 13.5% (37/273) cattle, while 2.9% (8/273) had trypanosome concurrently with Babesia spp. or helminth infections. The prevalence of Trypanosoma infection was higher in animals with mild or moderately pale mucous membrane, slight emaciation, palpable superficial lymph nodes and pulsating jugular vein. The mean PCV of Trypanosoma infected cattle (27.65±0.056) was lower than in non-infected cattle (31.30±0.36) (p&lt;0.05). Based on the jugular pulsation status, enlargement of the superficial lymph nodes, trypanosomosis state and Famancha category, there was no significant (p&lt;0.05) variation in the PCV of the examined cattle. A negative and low correlation (r = -0.054) existed between BCS and FAMACHA® anaemia score. Each of the clinical diagnostic parameters showed poor sensitivity when employed separately, but the sensitivity improved when applied together and showed 80% specificity to Trypanosoma infection. The results of the present study showed that Trypanosoma infected cattle were associated with anaemia, emaciation, weight loss, jugular pulsation and lymphadenophathy. Key Words: Trypanosomosis, Diagnosis, Cattle, Anaemia, Treatmen

    IL-22 Protects Against Liver Pathology and Lethality of an Experimental Blood-Stage Malaria Infection

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    The host response following malaria infection depends on a fine balance between levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators resulting in the resolution of the infection or immune-mediated pathology. Whilst other components of the innate immune system contribute to the pro-inflammatory milieu, T cells play a major role. For blood-stage malaria, CD4+ and γδ T cells are major producers of the IFN-γ that controls parasitemia, however, a role for TH17 cells secreting IL-17A and other cytokines, including IL-17F and IL-22 has not yet been investigated in malaria. TH17 cells have been shown to play a role in some protozoan infections, but they also are a source of pro-inflammatory cytokines known to be involved in protection or pathogenicity of infections. In the present study, we have investigated whether IL-17A and IL-22 are induced during a Plasmodium chabaudi infection in mice, and whether these cytokines contribute to either protection or to pathology induced during the infection. Although small numbers of IL-17- and IL-22-producing CD4 T cells are induced in the spleens of infected mice, a more pronounced induction is observed in the liver, where increases in mRNA for IL-17A and, to a lesser extent, IL-22 were observed and CD8+ T cells, rather than CD4 T cells, are a major source of these cytokines in this organ. Although the lack of IL-17 did not affect the outcome of infection or pathology, lack of IL-22 resulted in 50% mortality within 12 days after infection with significantly greater weight loss at the peak of infection and significant increase in alanine transaminase in the plasma in the acute infection. As parasitemias and temperature were similar in IL-22 KO and wild-type control mice, our observations support the idea that IL-22 but not IL-17 provides protection from the potentially lethal effects of liver damage during a primary P. chabaudi infection