8 research outputs found

    Editorial . „Totenkultur“: Umrlci a oživené hroby

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    Methods of personality social Development in preprimary Education

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    The Bachelor thesis is divided into three parts, a theoretical part, a practical part and a research part. The starting point for the theoretical part is Framework education programme for pre-primary education and the methods that are recommendedas suitable for working with preschool children. In particular, the methods are of creative drama, experiential, cooperative, situational, spontaneous social learning, and learning through game. The practical part follows up the theoretical part by the processed and integrated complex with the described methods. It includes an intent, a planning, an implementation and evaluation of complex. Research methods are a direct observation and a questionnaire examination

    Aesthetics as a norm of life

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    Title: Aesthetics as a norm of life Author: PhDr. Helena Jarošová Department of Aesthetics Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Vlastimil Zuska, CSc. The thesis focuses on body (corporeality), things and private (home) interior as the exemplary areas of a contemporary aesthetics of life. In the thesis, I do consider this relatively autonomous domain of general aesthetics (a field of aesthetic function outside art, according to Mukařovský), or more precisely a sphere of growing influence of all-embracing aestheticization of the world (G. Lipovetsky) not only as a phenomenon, with which we have to deal today, but as a much older process, the roots of which can be traced back at least two centuries to the past. In this subject matter I especially emphasize primary and derived relations of this kind of aestheticization to a public space, i.e. an aesthetic function that originally only supports the main function of a given thing or event can eventually become dominant and independent and finally influence the very domain from which it originated (e.g. female decorative make-up used to be, historically, an accompanying effect of male dominance in the society, later it became a mean of female emancipation or of an individually designed style of life). I also pay attention to a phenomenology of an aesthetic experience;..

    Le statut du corps et ses conséquences idéologiques, esthétiques et alimentaires dans les pays tchèques au xxe siècle

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    Attention is concentrated on changes to the body under the different political and cultural conditions prevailing in the country, with the aim of showing the extraordinary uniformity of bodily habits, personal appearance and alimentation in totalitarian Czechoslovakia, 1984-1989.In this period the population nearly lost its social and cultural distinguishing features, both as a consequence of standardization of food and methods of cooking in canteens and restaurants, and under the influence of a limited incentive to care for personal appearence. On the contrary the peoples’ looks and the opportunity of a more varied choice of food and nutritional regime correspond with the democratic regimes of Czechoslovakia, 1918-1939 and the Czech Republic after 1989

    Isolation and characterization of multiple-stress tolerant bacteria from radon springs.

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    Radon springs, characterized by their high concentrations of radon gas (Rn222), are extreme environments with unique physicochemical conditions distinct from conventional aquatic ecosystems. Our research aimed to investigate microbial life in radon springs, focusing on isolating extremophilic bacteria and assessing their resistance to adverse conditions. Our study revealed the prevalence of Actinomycetia species in the radon spring environment. We conducted various tests to evaluate the resistance of these isolates to oxidative stress, irradiation, desiccation, and metal ion content. These extremophilic bacteria showed overall higher resistance to these stresses compared to control strains. Lipidomic analysis was also employed to provide insights into the adaptive mechanisms of these bacteria which were found mainly in the correlations among individual clusters and changes in content of fatty acids (FA) as well as differences between content and type of FAs of environmental isolates and type strains

    Recurrent breakpoints in 14q32.13/TCL1A region in mature B-cell neoplasms with villous lymphocytes

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    The genetic background of mature B-cell neoplasms with villous lymphocytes is poorly understood. We identified a novel breakpoint region at 14q32.13 that was rearranged together with IGH/14q32.33 in four cases of BRAF/V600E-negative leukemia/lymphoma with villous lymphocytes carrying either t(14;14)(q32.13;q32.33) (three patients) or del(14)(q32.13q32.33) (one patient). The 14q32.13 breakpoints were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the region harboring the TCL1A/TCL1B/TCL6 genes, known to be affected by TCRA/D-mediated t(14;14)(q11;q32)/inv(14)(q11q32) occurring in T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. To identify the target of t(14;14)(q32.13; q32.33) and del(14)(q32.13q32.33), quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis of 25 candidate genes located centromerically and telomerically to the 14q32.13 breakpoint was performed. Any of the analyzed genes was commonly overexpressed in the presented cases. Of note, up-regulated transcription of TCL1A was observed in two cases. In summary, we provide evidence that IGH-mediated chromosomal aberrations affecting the 14q32.13/TCL1A-TCL6 region are recurrent in mature B-cell neoplasms with villous lymphocytes. Despite extensive qRT-PCR studies, molecular consequences of these novel aberrations remain elusive

    Un aliment sain dans un corps sain

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    Un aliment sain dans un corps sain : au cœur des préoccupations actuelles, les liens qu’entretiennent le corps, l’alimentation et la santé ont une longue histoire. Souvent considérées sous leurs rapports antagonistes, dans le cadre (réel ou supposé) des peurs et des pathologies qui ont l’alimentation pour origine, les relations entre nourritures, corps et santé doivent également être envisagées à travers l’émergence d’un souci de soi qui se manifeste par une certaine idée du corps, de son esthétique, de sa représentation et du bien-être corporel en général. Entre les attentes, les désirs, les habitudes mais aussi les craintes des consommateurs, les discours, les normes et les réglementations médicales, civiles, politiques et religieuses, quels rôles, quels effets sur le corps attribue-t-on à l’alimentation et à quelles pratiques ces conceptions donnent-elles naissance au cours des siècles ? Dégager des évolutions dans le cadre d’une réflexion pluridisciplinaire : ce livre traite d’une Histoire qui s’inscrit dans la longue durée

    A European collection of the Critical Thinking skills and dispositions needed in different professional fields for the 21st century

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    Within the scope of the project CRITHINKEDU, this report provides an overall analysis of the understanding of Critical Thinking (CT) by employers and establishes similarities and differences in its expression, need and practical application at the workplace. Adopting a qualitative research methodology, 32 focus groups were conducted enrolling 189 professionals from 9 European countries. The focus groups comprised graduates from 4 different professional fields, namely Biomedical Sciences, STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Social Sciences and the Humanities. Based on the Facione’ theoretical framework (Facione, 1990), key findings are in line with previous studies (Jones, 2009; Jones, 2010; Grace & Orrock, 2015; Sin, Jones & Wang, 2015), suggesting that CT is widely understood and interpreted as a set of interdependent skills and dispositions that are unquestionably needed in recent graduates. This is due to today’s labour market and societal demands, although with slight differences in their practical application which vary across professional fields. For professionals, ideal Critical Thinker employees hold a well-educated way of thinking, fed by the motivation and willingness to learn and improve, anchored on a set of interdependent cognitive and propensive aspects allowing them not only to anticipate and be ready for any situation, but also to regulate and monitor their own thinking and behaviour during the process. These findings suggest that CT seeks for strong propensity elements (e.g., dispositions and attitudes) and arises from experience, lifelong learning, effort and persistence, dealing with long-term goals and development. Additionally, CT is frequently associated with problem-solving and decision-making purposes, and its application depends not only on a stand-alone ability, but also in the convergence and inter-connectedness of several other skills and dispositions out of the applied framework, such as proactivity, adaptability, creativity, emotional maturity, communication and teamwork. In Biomedical Sciences, for Health professionals, CT requires clinical reasoning that understands the thinking over different aspects of healthcare and wellbeing, in order to obtain a plausible decision regarding prevention, diagnosis or treatment of a specific patient, taking into account different ethical concerns. In STEM, for Engineering and ICT professionals, CT requires thinking about problems and different approaches to achieve the best solutions attending to the needs, goals and expectations of a specific customer. In Social Sciences, for Education, Administration and Tourism professionals, CT is seen as a desirable set of skills and dispositions for professional improvement and brings an added responsibility especially to teachers and educators, affecting directly the development and learning of future citizens, assuming themselves as the key agents of this modeling process. In the Humanities, for professionals from Arts and Culture, CT is expressed by the thinking about reality, about what is around the actor and the audience, and through this observation and thought modify that reality transforming it into an artistic object/expression. CRITHINKEDU - Critical Thinking Across the European Higher Education Curricula vi A European collection of the Critical Thinking skills and dispositions needed in different professional fields for the 21st century Finally, and resulting in the main outcome and novelty of the current report, we present a proposal for a “European Inventory of Critical Thinking skills and dispositions for the 21st century". This inventory is constituted not only by a list of different CT skills and dispositions categorized upon the applied framework according to its overall interpretation by professionals, but also attending to their specific understanding in the different professional fields, linking them to the tendencies, differences and context- based scenarios which better illustrate their practical application and needs within the fields. Rather than guiding teachers and higher education institutions on how to teach or promote CT, this inventory aims to provide them with a consistent basis of needed skills and dispositions in main professions that can be useful to define new learning objectives, goals and outcomes, leading to adaptations that can be incorporated into the existing European university curricula. Additionally, we also expect to support organizations and human resources in the design of internal training programs to attend existing needs, as well as to identify future graduates for recruitment. Some issues were encountered when conducting this study. They relate to design of the research methodology (the use of a qualitative research approach can’t lead to generalized results), the research sample (e.g., background or the experience of the representatives from the diverse professional fields), or even the data analysis procedures (e.g., language barriers in the process of data translation, difficulties to assign and categorize some quotes per certain skills and/or dispositions). However, having worked across multiple disciplines in 9 countries, it was felt that these represented minor constraints. In overcoming these, the team established report objectives and obtained valid information on the labour market needs towards CT skills and dispositions in newer graduates.nrpages: 64status: publishe