22 research outputs found

    A Scoping Review of Cerebral Doppler Arterial Waveforms in Infants

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    Cerebral Doppler ultrasound has been an important tool in pediatric diagnostics and prognostics for decades. Although the Doppler spectrum can provide detailed information on cerebral perfusion, the measured spectrum is often reduced to simple numerical parameters. To help pediatric clinicians recognize the visual characteristics of disease-associated Doppler spectra and identify possible areas for future research, a scoping review of primary studies on cerebral Doppler arterial waveforms in infants was performed. A systematic search in three online bibliographic databases yielded 4898 unique records. Among these, 179 studies included cerebral Doppler spectra for at least five infants below 1 y of age. The studies describe variations in the cerebral waveforms related to physiological changes (43%), pathology (62%) and medical interventions (40%). Characteristics were typically reported as resistance index (64%), peak systolic velocity (43%) or end-diastolic velocity (39%). Most studies focused on the anterior (59%) and middle (42%) cerebral arteries. Our review highlights the need for a more standardized terminology to describe cerebral velocity waveforms and for precise definitions of Doppler parameters. We provide a list of reporting variables that may facilitate unambiguous reports. Future studies may gain from combining multiple Doppler parameters to use more of the information encoded in the Doppler spectrum, investigating the full spectrum itself and using the possibilities for long-term monitoring with Doppler ultrasound

    Prediction of passenger load on busses in Oslo using data from Automatic Data Collection-systems

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    Public transport is key to reducing the usage of private vehicles, and by extension carbon emission in urban areas. Ruter is responsible planning and coordinating public transport in Oslo. Through different Automatic Data Collection-systems (ADC-systems) they have access to data about the performance of all vehicles in operation. In this thesis we explore the possibility of using data from Automatic Vehicle Location- and Automatic Passenger Counting-systems in order to predict passenger load on busses in Oslo. Predictions of load can be used by passengers when planning a trip, who may choose a departure where the predicted load is lower. This can serve a dual purpose, giving the passenger a more pleasant trip, but also reducing the pressure on public transport by encouraging a better distribution of the load. Predictions of load can also be used by those monitoring public transport, helping inform decisions when trying to resolve incidents affecting public transport. Two operation situations are explored in this thesis, one where predictions are only based on plan-data, and one where real-time location-data is included. For the first operation situations the model with best performance yielded a mean absolute error (MAE) in predicted passenger load of 7.10, providing a reasonable prediction of load when no major delays or other factors were affecting the flow of traffic. Models developed for the second operation situation managed to account for differing passenger behaviour caused by deviations in planned trips. The best performing model in this situation had a MAE of 6.26. ADC-systems for public transport are complex systems with many potential sources of error. Emphasis it therefor put on how to prepare data for analysis. A machine learning method, isolation forest, is used for automatic detection of trips with erroneous data. This method is compared to manual screening based on observed fallacies on the data, with the result that model performance were slightly better when models were trained on data screened using isolation forest.M-D

    Visualizing Energy Use in Smart Grids - Developing a User Display for the Dynamic Microgrid Tariff

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    Increasing demands for energy in Norwegian households are stretching the capacity of the electrical grid to its limits. To avoid having to expand the electrical grid, peak loads must be reduced, and power companies are dependent on energy consumers to distribute their energy use more evenly throughout the day. Smart Meters are to be installed in every Norwegian household within January 1st, 2019, and can help provide customers with the information and control needed in order to achieve peak reductions. Demo Steinkjer is a national project testing new solutions for energy usage, and is currently running a project testing a tariff which focuses on increasing electricity prices when the grid is heavily loaded. They plan to use a tablet display to inform users about consumption and pricing. However, it is not determined what kind of, and how, this information should be communicated. This thesis explores how such a display tool should be developed in terms of context of use, user requirements, and design. Based on findings obtained from literature reviews, a survey and a focus group, a prototype has been developed and tested on potential users. The research has been carried out following theDesign and Creation strategy andHuman-centered design for interactive systems. The research showed that a majority of our participants to a little extent reflect upon their energy consumption. However, many expressed a willingness to adapt their energy consumption according to information given to them. In order to take action, users should be provided with concise information, and a visualization of energy consumption should focus on readability rather than detail in data. Test participants found the display tool useful for handling the tariff and gaining better control of their energy consumption and costs. Appliance control, preferably automatic, was considered themost interesting and useful feature. A display tool should cover the needs of its potential users, and not simply force them into solving the needs of the power companies. Users show willingness to change behavior and adopt new technology, but only if they are providedwith the appropriate tools that help them achieve their goals in their everyday lives

    Medisineksamen og kunstig intelligens

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    Til tross for at kunstig intelligens så langt har hatt begrenset utbredelse og betydning innen medisinen, så har utviklingen det siste tiåret vært enorm. I 2022 har to tjenester fra OpenAI blitt gjort tilgjengelig for allmennheten som demonstrerer hvor langt deler av industrien har kommet: (1) DALL-E for tekst-til-bilde-generering, og (2) ChatGPT for tekstlig dialog. I dette forsøket vil vi undersøke hvordan ChatGPT vil forholde seg til en medisin-eksamen fra NTNU og hvorvidt ChatGPT vil være i stand til å bestå en slik eksamen

    Verneplan for tekniske og industrielle kulturminner

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    Naturresurser som malm och mineraler, skog, fiske och inte minst stora vattenkraftsresurser utgör grunden för Norges viktigaste industrier. I arbetet med kulturmiljövårdens bevarandeplan har Riksantikvaren koncentrerat insatserna till större anläggningar och hela miljöer som representerar verksamheter och näringar som varit väsentliga för Norges utveckling som industrination. Tyngdpunkten ligger på kulturminnen och kulturmiljöer från landets tidiga industrialiseringsfas. Stor vikt har också lagts vid den geografiska spridningen

    Prediction of passenger load on busses in Oslo using data from Automatic Data Collection-systems

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    Public transport is key to reducing the usage of private vehicles, and by extension carbon emission in urban areas. Ruter is responsible planning and coordinating public transport in Oslo. Through different Automatic Data Collection-systems (ADC-systems) they have access to data about the performance of all vehicles in operation. In this thesis we explore the possibility of using data from Automatic Vehicle Location- and Automatic Passenger Counting-systems in order to predict passenger load on busses in Oslo. Predictions of load can be used by passengers when planning a trip, who may choose a departure where the predicted load is lower. This can serve a dual purpose, giving the passenger a more pleasant trip, but also reducing the pressure on public transport by encouraging a better distribution of the load. Predictions of load can also be used by those monitoring public transport, helping inform decisions when trying to resolve incidents affecting public transport. Two operation situations are explored in this thesis, one where predictions are only based on plan-data, and one where real-time location-data is included. For the first operation situations the model with best performance yielded a mean absolute error (MAE) in predicted passenger load of 7.10, providing a reasonable prediction of load when no major delays or other factors were affecting the flow of traffic. Models developed for the second operation situation managed to account for differing passenger behaviour caused by deviations in planned trips. The best performing model in this situation had a MAE of 6.26. ADC-systems for public transport are complex systems with many potential sources of error. Emphasis it therefor put on how to prepare data for analysis. A machine learning method, isolation forest, is used for automatic detection of trips with erroneous data. This method is compared to manual screening based on observed fallacies on the data, with the result that model performance were slightly better when models were trained on data screened using isolation forest

    Cerebral Hemodynamics in Normal Neonates During Tilt: Computer Modelling and Experiments

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    Nyfødte barn er sårbare for å få forstyrret blodstrømmen i hjernen. I verste fall kan forstyrrelsen føre til hjerneskader og ende med død eller livsvarige funksjonsnedsettelser. Et ultralyd-system kalt NeoDoppler har nylig blitt utviklet for å overvåke den cerebrale blodstrømmen kontinuerlig over tid. Samtidig er det slik at mye ved normale nyfødtes hemodynamikk er lite forstått. I dette prosjektet ble det utviklet en konsentrert (eng. lumped) modell i MATLAB for å simulere den cerebrale blodstrømmen hos nyfødte ved 90° vipping med hodet oppover. Det ble implementert reguleringsmekanismer for hjertefrekvens og perifer og cerebral karmotstand. Ulike kombinasjoner av de tre reguleringsmekanismene ble brukt for å undersøke hvilken effekt de hadde alene og sammen med hverandre. NeoDoppler-opptak av to nyfødte som gjennomgikk en eksperimentell vippe-test ble brukt for å tilpasse og validere modellen. Modellen var i stand til å gjenskape mange av trekkene som ble observert i den eksperimentelle vippe-testen. De ulike kombinasjonene av reguleringsmekanismer gav resultater som gjenspeilte noe av variasjonen i vippe-responsen funnet i tidligere studier. Overensstemmelsen med dataene fra de to nyfødte var best med alle reguleringsmekanismene aktivert. Det ser ut til at modellen kan være et lovende utgangspunkt for senere studier, men den bør utvikles videre og valideres med ytterligere eksperimentelle data


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    Employee stock options and company performance on the Oslo Stock Exchange

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    This paper investigates the usage of employee stock options for the largest companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange in the period 2009 to 2019, and the effect granting employee stock options has on long-term performance. We find evidence that granting employee stock options positively affects accounting-based performance four and five years after the grant. The positive effect is particularly strong when employee stock options are granted at-themoney, and the effect is most prominent four years after grant. The effect is curvilinear, and we locate both the relative value and number of employee stock options that optimizes performance, though the findings suggest granting extreme values that are beyond the observed praxis. We further find that companies granted options out-of-the-money below optimal levels, making the praxis inefficient. Consequently, our findings indicate that practitioners should consider granting more employee stock options at-themoney with higher value to enhance long-term performance. The findings from this study are in line with international literature, and we provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first evidence of employee stock options having a positive effect on long-term performance in a Norwegian context