1,063 research outputs found

    Exoplanet Transit Variability: Bow Shocks and Winds Around HD 189733b

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    By analogy with the solar system, it is believed that stellar winds will form bow shocks around exoplanets. For hot Jupiters the bow shock will not form directly between the planet and the star, causing an asymmetric distribution of mass around the exoplanet and hence an asymmetric transit. As the planet orbits thorough varying wind conditions, the strength and geometry of its bow shock will change, thus producing transits of varying shape. We model this process using magnetic maps of HD 189733 taken one year apart, coupled with a 3D stellar wind model, to determine the local stellar wind conditions throughout the orbital path of the planet. We predict the time-varying geometry and density of the bow shock that forms around the magnetosphere of the planet and simulate transit light curves. Depending on the nature of the stellar magnetic field, and hence its wind, we find that both the transit duration and ingress time can vary when compared to optical light curves. We conclude that consecutive near-UV transit light curves may vary significantly and can therefore provide an insight into the structure and evolution of the stellar wind.Comment: 9 Pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Societ

    M-dwarf stellar winds: the effects of realistic magnetic geometry on rotational evolution and planets

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    We perform three-dimensional numerical simulations of stellar winds of early-M dwarf stars. Our simulations incorporate observationally reconstructed large-scale surface magnetic maps, suggesting that the complexity of the magnetic field can play an important role in the angular momentum evolution of the star, possibly explaining the large distribution of periods in field dM stars, as reported in recent works. In spite of the diversity of the magnetic field topologies among the stars in our sample, we find that stellar wind flowing near the (rotational) equatorial plane carries most of the stellar angular momentum, but there is no preferred colatitude contributing to mass loss, as the mass flux is maximum at different colatitudes for different stars. We find that more non-axisymmetric magnetic fields result in more asymmetric mass fluxes and wind total pressures ptotp_{\rm tot} (defined as the sum of thermal, magnetic and ram pressures). Because planetary magnetospheric sizes are set by pressure equilibrium between the planet's magnetic field and ptotp_{\rm tot}, variations of up to a factor of 33 in ptotp_{\rm tot} (as found in the case of a planet orbiting at several stellar radii away from the star) lead to variations in magnetospheric radii of about 20 percent along the planetary orbital path. In analogy to the flux of cosmic rays that impact the Earth, which is inversely modulated with the non-axisymmetric component of the total open solar magnetic flux, we conclude that planets orbiting M dwarf stars like DT~Vir, DS~Leo and GJ~182, which have significant non-axisymmetric field components, should be the more efficiently shielded from galactic cosmic rays, even if the planets lack a protective thick atmosphere/large magnetosphere of their own.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Isolation of 10 cyclosporine metabolites from human bile

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    Ten metabolites of cyclosporine were isolated from the ethyl ether extract of bile from four liver transplant patients receiving cyclosporine. Two of the metabolites were unique and previously unidentified. Liquid-liquid partitioning into diethyl ether with subsequent defatting with n-hexane was used for the initial extraction form bile. Separation of the individual metabolites (A-J) was performed using a Sephadex LH-20 column and a gradient high performance liquid chromatographic method. The molecular weights of the isolated metabolites were determined by fast atom bombardment/mass spectrometry. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometic amino acid analysis was also used to identify the amino acid composition and the hydroxylation position of metabolites A, B, C, D, and G. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were utilized to disinguish the chemical shifts of N-CH3 singlets and NH doublets of metabolites A, B, C, and D. Metabolites A, E, F, H, I, and J were reported previously in human urine and animal bile. Metabolites C and D are dihydroxylated compounds which cannot be clearly described as previously isolated compounds. Metabolites B and G are novel metabolites with a mass fragment which corresponded to a loss of 131 Da from the protonated molecular ion (MH+) in the fast atom bombardment/mass spectrometry, suggesting that the double bond in amino acid 1 has been modified. Metabolites B and G were primarily isolated from the bile of one of the liver transplant patients which contained abnormally high concentrations of these two metabolites. The method described is an efficient procedure for isolating milligram quantities of the major metabolites with greater than 95% purity

    Considerações Sobre o Bioetanol Lignocelulósico para Subsidiar a Elaboração de Conteúdo da Árvore do Conhecimento Agroenergia.

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    De acordo com a previsão da Agência Internacional de Energia (AIE) até o ano de 2030, os biocombustíveis representarão cerca de 7% do combustível utilizado no transporte, sendo a União Européia, os Estados Unidos e o Brasil os principais produtores e consumidores. Esse crescimento no mercado internacional é esperado devido ao aumento do preço do petróleo e, também porque os países desenvolvidos que assinaram o Protocolo de Kyoto se comprometeram a reduzir suas emissões de gases poluentes (BRASIL, 2005). Os constantes conflitos envolvendo os países do Oriente Médio, que estão nas regiões das reservas de petróleo, causam instabilidade ao suprimento e oscilações nos preços dos combustíveis fósseis, forçando vários países a buscarem alternativas que possibilitem reduzir a dependência em relação às importações desse produto. Todos esses fatores, cuja importância varia de país para país, vêm criando oportunidades para a viabilização econômica de novas fontes de energia de biomassa. O uso do etanol, biodiesel, carvão vegetal, biogás e energia obtida a partir de resíduos do agronegócio desperta interesse crescente em muitos países, não restando dúvidas de que ocupará posição de destaque na economia mundial no futuro próximo. O bioetanol pode ser obtido de diferentes matérias-primas, cada qual com um custo de produção e um valor de venda.bitstream/item/17345/1/doc95.pd

    Considerações sobre biodiesel como biocombustível alternativo ao diesel.

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    Biodiesel é definido como o produto da reação de gordura animal ou vegetal com álcool (ou transesterificação). Tecnicamente podemos dizer que dos triglicerídeos presentes nessas matérias graxas (óleos vegetais ou animais), ésteres monoalquílicos (como os ésteres de etila e de metila) são produzidos pela reação com um álcool primário (etanol ou metanol) em meio preferencialmente alcalino. Esses ésteres também podem ser obtidos a partir de ácidos graxos livres, mas, nesse caso, a reação é de esterificação, e sua condução deve ser em meio preferencialmente ácido. As principais matérias-primas para a produção nacional do biodiesel são: soja, milho, girassol, amendoim, algodão, canola, mamona, babaçu, palma (dendê) e macaúba, entre outras oleaginosas existentes no país. O combustível também pode ser obtido a partir de óleos residuais e de gorduras animais. Além de ser uma tecnologia limpa, o emprego do biodiesel no óleo diesel de petróleo polui menos o meio ambiente, pode reduzir a dependência brasileira das importações de petróleo e trazer vantagens econômicas, pois sua produção e o cultivo das matérias-primas podem criar milhares de novos empregos, inclusive na agricultura familiar, principalmente nas regiões mais pobres do Brasil.bitstream/item/17275/1/doc93-1.pd

    Indicações de aspecto tecnológico sobre o bioetanol de matéria-prima amilácea.

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    A matriz energética mundial ainda é fortemente inclinada para as fontes de carbono fóssil, com participação total de 80%, sendo 36% de petróleo, 23% de carvão mineral e 21% de gás natural. São muitos os estudos que apontam o esgotamento das fontes de energia fóssil para as próximas quatro a cinco décadas, destacando a necessidade de buscar outras fontes alternativas de energia.bitstream/item/17276/1/doc94-1.pd

    Principal infinity-bundles - General theory

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    The theory of principal bundles makes sense in any infinity-topos, such as that of topological, of smooth, or of otherwise geometric infinity-groupoids/infinity-stacks, and more generally in slices of these. It provides a natural geometric model for structured higher nonabelian cohomology and controls general fiber bundles in terms of associated bundles. For suitable choices of structure infinity-group G these G-principal infinity-bundles reproduce the theories of ordinary principal bundles, of bundle gerbes/principal 2-bundles and of bundle 2-gerbes and generalize these to their further higher and equivariant analogs. The induced associated infinity-bundles subsume the notions of gerbes and higher gerbes in the literature. We discuss here this general theory of principal infinity-bundles, intimately related to the axioms of Giraud, Toen-Vezzosi, Rezk and Lurie that characterize infinity-toposes. We show a natural equivalence between principal infinity-bundles and intrinsic nonabelian cocycles, implying the classification of principal infinity-bundles by nonabelian sheaf hyper-cohomology. We observe that the theory of geometric fiber infinity-bundles associated to principal infinity-bundles subsumes a theory of infinity-gerbes and of twisted infinity-bundles, with twists deriving from local coefficient infinity-bundles, which we define, relate to extensions of principal infinity-bundles and show to be classified by a corresponding notion of twisted cohomology, identified with the cohomology of a corresponding slice infinity-topos. In a companion article [NSSb] we discuss explicit presentations of this theory in categories of simplicial (pre)sheaves by hyper-Cech cohomology and by simplicial weakly-principal bundles; and in [NSSc] we discuss various examples and applications of the theory.Comment: 46 pages, published versio

    Mass Accretion onto T Tauri Stars

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    It is now accepted that accretion onto classical T Tauri stars is controlled by the stellar magnetosphere, yet to date most accretion models have assumed that their magnetic fields are dipolar. By considering a simple steady state accretion model with both dipolar and complex magnetic fields we find a correlation between mass accretion rate and stellar mass of the form M˙Mα\dot{M} \propto M_{\ast}^{\alpha}, with our results consistent within observed scatter. For any particular stellar mass there can be several orders of magnitude difference in the mass accretion rate, with accretion filling factors of a few percent. We demonstrate that the field geometry has a significant effect in controlling the location and distribution of hot spots, formed on the stellar surface from the high velocity impact of accreting material. We find that hot spots are often at mid to low latitudes, in contrast to what is expected for accretion to dipolar fields, and that particularly for higher mass stars, the accretion flow is predominantly carried by open field lines.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Improving binding affinity prediction by using a rule-based model with physical-chemical and structural descriptors of the nano-environment for protein-ligand interactions.

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    In order to improve binding affinity prediction, we developed a new scoring function, named STINGSF, derived from physical-chemical and structural features that describe the protein-ligand interaction nano-environment of experimentally determined structures.C.047

    Electrostatic potential at the alpha carbon atoms along the alpha helices and beta strands.

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    We present here analysis of pre-calculated values for the electrostatic potential at the alpha carbons, previously stored in the STING_RDB.PABMB