113 research outputs found

    On extension of solutions of a simultaneous system of iterative functional equations

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    Some sufficient conditions which allow to extend every local solution of a simultaneous system of equations in a single variable of the form φ(x)=h(x,φ[f1(x)],,φ[fm(x)]), \varphi(x) = h (x, \varphi[f_1(x)],\ldots,\varphi[f_m(x)]), φ(x)=H(x,φ[F1(x)],,φ[Fm(x)]),\varphi(x) = H (x, \varphi[F_1(x)],\ldots,\varphi[F_m(x)]), to a global one are presented. Extensions of solutions of functional equations, both in single and in several variables, play important role (cf. for instance [M. Kuczma, Functional equations in a single variable, Monografie Mat. 46, Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1968, M. Kuczma, B. Choczewski, R. Ger, Iterative functional equations, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications v. 32, Cambridge, 1990, J. Matkowski, Iteration groups, commuting functions and simultaneous systems of linear functional equations, Opuscula Math. 28 (2008) 4, 531-541])

    Iterations of mean-type mappings and invariant means

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    It is shown that, under some general conditions, the sequence of iterates of every mean-type mapping on a finite dimensional cube converges to a unique invariant mean-type mapping. Some properties of the invariant means and their applications are presented

    On a system of simultaneous iterative functional equations

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    A system of two simultaneous functional equations in a single variable, related to a generalized Gołąb-Schinzel functional equation, is considered

    A remark on periodic entire functions

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    Periodicity of an entire function is characterized by the behavior of coefficients of its Maclaurin expansion

    Explicit solutions of the invariance equation for means

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    Extending the notion of projective means we first generalize an invariance identity related to the Carlson log given in a recent paper of P. Kahlig and J. Matkowski, and then, more generally, given a bivariate symmetric, homogeneous and monotone mean M, we give explicit formula for a rich family of pairs of M-complementary means. We prove that this method cannot be extended for higher dimension. Some examples are given and two open questions are proposed

    On the commutation of generalized means on probability spaces

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    Let ff and gg be real-valued continuous injections defined on a non-empty real interval II, and let (X,L,λ)(X, \mathscr{L}, \lambda) and (Y,M,μ)(Y, \mathscr{M}, \mu) be probability spaces in each of which there is at least one measurable set whose measure is strictly between 00 and 11. We say that (f,g)(f,g) is a (λ,μ)(\lambda, \mu)-switch if, for every LM\mathscr{L} \otimes \mathscr{M}-measurable function h:X×YRh: X \times Y \to \mathbf{R} for which h[X×Y]h[X\times Y] is contained in a compact subset of II, it holds f1 ⁣(Xf ⁣(g1 ⁣(Ygh  dμ))dλ) ⁣=g1 ⁣(Yg ⁣(f1 ⁣(Xfh  dλ))dμ) ⁣, f^{-1}\!\left(\int_X f\!\left(g^{-1}\!\left(\int_Y g \circ h\;d\mu\right)\right)d \lambda\right)\! = g^{-1}\!\left(\int_Y g\!\left(f^{-1}\!\left(\int_X f \circ h\;d\lambda\right)\right)d \mu\right)\!, where f1f^{-1} is the inverse of the corestriction of ff to f[I]f[I], and similarly for g1g^{-1}. We prove that this notion is well-defined, by establishing that the above functional equation is well-posed (the equation can be interpreted as a permutation of generalized means and raised as a problem in the theory of decision making under uncertainty), and show that (f,g)(f,g) is a (λ,μ)(\lambda, \mu)-switch if and only if f=ag+bf = ag + b for some a,bRa,b \in \mathbf R, a0a \ne 0.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. Fixed minor details. Final version to appear in Indagationes Mathematica

    On homogeneous Lagrange means

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