40 research outputs found

    Gravitational redshifts in electromagnetic bursts occuring near Schwarzschild horizon

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    It was suggested earlier that the gravitational redshift formula can be invalid when the effect of the backscattering is strong. It is demonstrated here numerically, for an exemplary electromagnetic pulse that is: i) initially located very close to the horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole and ii) strongly backscattered, that a mean frequency does not obey the standard redshift formula. Redshifts appear to depend on the frequency and there manifests a backscatter-induced blueshift in the outgoing radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Class. Q. Gra

    Kaluza-Klein reduction scheme on supermanifolds

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    Kaluza–Klein reduction scheme is generalized to a supermanifold which is a product of some basic supermanifold and a classical simple Lie supergroup with nondegenerate Killing form. The resulting theory and its invariances are discussed in detail

    Supersymmetric electric and magnetic monopoles

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    The spherically symmetric Yang–Mills theory with GSU(2) gauge supergroup is analysed. The solution is found consisting of electric and magnetic monopoles coupled with some scalar anticommuting field. Long range terms (∼1r\sim \frac{1}{r} if r →∞\rightarrow \infty ) appear in the electric and magnetic fields

    Chaos in Yang-Mills mechanics

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    Classical Yang-Mills mechanics is studied numerically in detail. Several typical trajectories corresponding to different values of energy were found. The Lyapunov characteristic functions together with the general qualitative analysis suggest that the system for sufficiently big energy exhibits weak chaotic behaviour

    Review of bifurcations in Yang-Mills mechanics

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    Classical Yang–Mills mechanics is shortly reviewed. The family of basic periodic orbits corresponding to different values of energy was found. Several unstable bifurcations existing in this family are presented in detail and compared with their counterparts from the ZOO of stable bifurcations. A brief discussion of the separatrix splitting is also included