154 research outputs found

    Interakcje roślin z owadami mogą być kształtowane przez stechiometrię ekologiczną

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    International audienceThe energy budget of organisms is a primary factor used to generate hypotheses in ecosystem ecology and evolutionary theory. Therefore, previous studies have focused on the energy costs and benefits of adaptations, the efficiency of energy acquisition and investment, and energy budget limitations. The maintenance of stoichiometric balance is equally important because inconsistency between the chemical composition of the consumer's tissues and that of its food sources strongly affects the major life-history traits of the consumer and may influence the consumer's fitness and shape plant–herbivore interactions. In this short review, the framework of ecological stoichiometry is introduced, focusing on plant–insect interactions in terrestrial ecosystems. The use of the trophic stoichiometric ratio (TSR) index is presented as a useful tool for indicating the chemical elements that are scarce in food and have the potential to limit the growth and development of herbivores, thereby influencing plant – herbivorous insect interactions. As an example , the elemental composition and stoichiometry of a pollen consumer (mason bee Osmia bicornis) and its preferred pollen are compared. The growth and development of O. bicornis may be colimited by the scarcity of K, Na, and N in pollen, whereas the development of the cocoon might be colimited by the scarcity of P, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Ca, and N. A literature review of the elemental composition of pollen shows high taxonomical variability in the concentrations of bee-limiting elements. The optimized collection of pollen species based on the elemental composition may represent a strategy used by bees to overcome stoichiometric mismatches, influencing their interactions with plants. It is concluded that the dependence of life-history traits on food stoichiometry should be considered when discussing life history evolution and plant–herbivore interactions. The TSR index may serve as a convenient and powerful tool in studies investigating plant-insect interactions.Głównym czynnikiem, którego wpływ na organizmy uwzględnia się w ekologii ekosystemów i ekologii ewolucyjnej, jest bilans energetyczny. Wskutek tego badacze skupiają się na energetycznych korzyściach i kosztach adaptacji, wydajności przyswajania i inwestycji energii oraz ograniczeniach budżetu energetycznego. Jednak równie ważny jest problem bilansu stechiometrycznego i rozbieżności pomiędzy składem budulca tworzącego tkanki konsumenta oraz jego pokarmu. Ta rozbieżność kształtuje cechy historii życiowych organizmów (np. tempo wzrostu, wielkość ciała czy strategię reprodukcji) oraz wpływa na interakcje roślin z roślinożercami. W związku z tym stechiometria (proporcje pierwiastków) tkanek konsumenta i jego pokarmu może służyć jako narzędzie badawcze podczas studiowania mechanizmów kształtujących interakcje roślin z owadami roślinożernymi. W części przeglądowej niniejszej pracy przedstawione są ramy programu badawczego stechiometrii ekologicznej, w kontekście oddziaływań roślina-owad w ekosystemach lądowych. Zaproponowany jest wskaźnik trophic stoichiometric ratio (TSR) – narzędzie użyteczne do wykrywania pierwiastków stężonych w pożywieniu w zbyt małych ilościach względem potrzeb konsumenta, potencjalnie limitujących wzrost i rozwój roślinożercy, tym samym kształtując zależności między roślinami, a roślinożercami. Rozwijając idee przedstawione w części przeglądowej, zaprezentowano, na przykładzie murarki ogrodowej (Osmia bicornis – pszczoła samotna, pyłkożerca), jak zastosowanie programu stechiometrii ekologicznej do badania interakcji roślina-owad, może owocować interesującymi hipotezami i ważkimi wyjaśnieniami. Wzrost i rozwój murarki może być kolimitowany przez niedór K, Na oraz N w pożywieniu (pyłku roślinnym), natomiast produkcja kokonu może być kolimitowana przez niedobór P, Mg, K, Na, Zn Ca oraz N. Skład pierwiastkowy pyłku odznacza się wysoka zmiennością taksonomiczną. Konieczność stechiometrycznego zbilansowania diety może kształtować strategie zdobywania pokarmu i reprodukcji oraz wpływać na śmiertelność i dostosowanie pyłkożercy, kształtując interakcje owada z roślinami. Zależność cech historii życiowych od stechiometrii pożywienia powinna być brana pod uwagę podczas badania ewolucji historii życiowych oraz interakcji roślin z owadami. Wskaźnik TSR może służyć jako poręczne, a zarazem skuteczne narzędzie podczas takich badań

    Nutritional dynamics during the development of xylophagous beetles related to changes in the stoichiometry of 11 elements

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    The present study examines the adaptive strategy used by wood-boring beetles to compensate for the lack of nutrients in dead wood. The contents of nutritional elements in growing wood-boring beetles (Stictoleptura rubra L. and Chalcophora mariana Dejean) are compared with the elemental composition of decaying dead wood (pine stumps), showing changes during the beetles' ontogenetic (i.e. larval) development. The stoichiometric ratios of C and other nutritional elements (N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) are investigated to identify the most important nutrients for larval development. The degree of nutritional mismatch that is encountered by the beetle larvae changes dramatically over 3-4 years of simultaneous larval growth and wood decay. Excluding C, the relative contents of nutritional elements increase substantially in decaying wood, whereas the opposite tendency is found in larvae, most likely because of carbon deposition in fat. The elements limiting larval development because of their scarcity in dead wood are N, P, K, Na, Mg, Zn and Cu. Fungal activity (i.e. the transport of nutrients from the surrounding environment to decaying stumps) can explain the observed mitigation of the original mismatch, although prolongation of the larval development time is still necessary to compensate for the scarcity of some of the required elements in food

    How to make a beetle out of wood : multi-elemental stoichiometry of wood decay, xylophagy and fungivory

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    The majority of terrestrial biomass is wood, but the elemental composition of its potential consumers, xylophages, differs hugely from that of wood. This causes a severe nutritional imbalance. We studied the stoichiometric relationships of 11 elements (C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Na) in three species of pine-xylem-feeding insects, Stictoleptura rubra, Arhopalus rusticus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) and Chalcophora mariana (Coleoptera, Buprestidae), to elucidate their mechanisms of tissue growth and to match their life histories to their dietary constraints. These beetles do not differ from other Coleoptera in their absolute elemental compositions, which are approximately 1000 (N), 100 (P, Cu) and 50 (K, Na) times higher than in dead but undecayed pine wood. This discrepancy diminishes along the wood decay gradient, but the elemental concentrations remain higher by an order of magnitude in beetles than in highly decayed wood. Numerical simulation of the life history of S. rubra shows that feeding on nutrient-poor undecayed wood would extend its development time to implausible values, whereas feeding on highly decomposed wood (heavily infected with fungi) would barely balance its nutritional budget during the long development period of this species. The changes in stoichiometry indicate that the relative change in the nutrient levels in decaying wood cannot be attributed solely to carbon loss resulting from decomposer respiration: the action of fungi substantially enriches the decaying wood with nutritional elements imported from the outside of the system, making it a suitable food for wood-eating invertebrates

    Maximum rate of energy assimilation in the bank vole

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    Fungal transformation of tree stumps into a suitable resource for Xylophagous Beetles via changes in elemental ratios

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    The elements present in dead pine stumps inhabited by larvae of wood-boring beetles (Stictoleptura rubra, Arhopalus rusticus and Chalcophora mariana) were analyzed over the initial (first 5 years; a chronosequence) stages of wood decay. The quantities of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu and Na (but not S) increased with increases in the content of ergosterol (used as a proxy for the amount of fungal tissue). In fact, the amounts of P, N, K, Fe and Cu presented marked increases. These findings show that fungi stoichiometrically rearrange dead wood by importing externally occurring nutrients to decaying stumps. During the first years of wood decay, the ratios of C to other elements decrease substantially, but differently, for various elements, whereas the N:Fe, N:Cu, N:P and N:K ratios remain relatively stable. Therefore, the stoichiometric mismatch between xylophages and their food is greatly reduced. By changing the nutritional stoichiometry of dead wood, fungi create a nutritional niche for wood-eaters, and these changes enable the development of xylophages

    The effect of pre-analytical treatment on the results of stoichiometric measurements in invertebrates

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    Growing interest in the application of stoichiometric approaches to community ecology has resulted in an increasing number of studies examining invertebrate body composition. Our experiments demonstrate various sources of possible error related to the use of pre-analytical procedures. We examined the effects of different preservatives (ethanol and formaldehyde) used in pitfall traps, time of preservation (2 weeks or 3 days) and drying method (vacuum drying at 50 °C and freeze-drying) on the determination of body composition in invertebrates representing taxa often used in such studies: earthworms and five species of insects (adults or larvae). The contents of C, N, S, P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ca, Mg and K in each animal were measured. The use of solvents (ethanol or formaldehyde) in pitfall traps and for preservation significantly affects the body composition and stoichiometry of earthworms, even during short exposure times. Insects (both adults and larvae) were affected only during a 2-week exposure; 3 days of exposure did not significantly change their chemical composition. Vacuum-oven drying of animals at 50 °C does not affect their body composition relative to freeze-drying

    Metabolic constraints to mammalian energy budgets

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    U12-type Spliceosomal Introns of Insecta

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    Most of eukaryotic genes are interrupted by introns that need to be removed from pre-mRNAs before they can perform their function. This is done by complex machinery called spliceosome. Many eukaryotes possess two separate spliceosomal systems that process separate sets of introns. The major (U2) spliceosome removes majority of introns, while minute fraction of intron repertoire is processed by the minor (U12) spliceosome. These two populations of introns are called U2-type and U12-type, respectively. The latter fall into two subtypes based on the terminal dinucleotides. The minor spliceosomal system has been lost independently in some lineages, while in some others few U12-type introns persist. We investigated twenty insect genomes in order to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of U12-type introns. Our work confirms dramatic drop of U12-type introns in Diptera, leaving these genomes just with a handful cases. This is mostly the result of intron deletion, but in a number of dipteral cases, minor type introns were switched to a major type, as well. Insect genes that harbor U12-type introns belong to several functional categories among which proteins binding ions and nucleic acids are enriched and these few categories are also overrepresented among these genes that preserved minor type introns in Diptera

    Ecological stoichiometry of the honeybee : Pollen diversity and adequate species composition are needed to mitigate limitations imposed on the growth and development of bees by pollen quality

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    The least understood aspects of the nutritional needs of bees are the elemental composition of pollen and the bees’ need for a stoichiometrically balanced diet containing the required proportions of nutrients. Reduced plant diversity has been proposed as an indirect factor responsible for the pollinator crisis. We suggest stoichiometric mismatch resulting from a nutritionally unbalanced diet as a potential direct factor. The concentrations and stoichiometric ratios of C, N, S, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu were studied in the bodies of honeybees of various castes and sexes and in the nectar and pollen of various plant species. A literature review of the elemental composition of pollen was performed. We identified possible co-limitations of bee growth and development resulting mainly from the scarcity of Na, S, Cu, P and K, and possibly Zn and N, in pollen. Particular castes and sexes face specific limitations. Concentrations of potentially limiting elements in pollen revealed high taxonomic diversity. High floral diversity may be necessary to maintain populations of pollen eaters. Single-species crop plantations, even if these species are rich in nectar and pollen, might limit bee growth and development, not allowing for gathering nutrients in adequate proportions. However, particular plant species may play greater roles than others in balancing honeybee diets. Therefore, we suggest specific plant species that may (1) ensure optimal growth and production of individuals by producing pollen that is exceptionally well balanced stoichiometrically (e.g., clover) or (2) prevent growth and development of honeybees by producing pollen that is extremely unbalanced for bees (e.g., sunflower). Since pollen is generally poor in Na, this element must be supplemented using "dirty water". Nectar cannot supplement the diet with limiting elements. Stoichiometric mismatch should be considered in intervention strategies aimed at improving the nutritional base for bees

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection modulates adipose tissue biology

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) primarily resides in the lung but can also persist in extrapulmonary sites. Macrophages are considered the prime cellular habitat in all tissues. Here we demonstrate that Mtb resides inside adipocytes of fat tissue where it expresses stress-related genes. Moreover, perigonadal fat of Mtb-infected mice disseminated the infection when transferred to uninfected animals. Adipose tissue harbors leukocytes in addition to adipocytes and other cell types and we observed that Mtb infection induces changes in adipose tissue biology depending on stage of infection. Mice infected via aerosol showed infiltration of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) or arginase 1 (Arg1)-negative F4/80+ cells, despite recruitment of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Gene expression analysis of adipose tissue of aerosol Mtb-infected mice provided evidence for upregulated expression of genes associated with T cells and NK cells at 28 days post-infection. Strikingly, IFN-γ-producing NK cells and Mtb-specific CD8+ T cells were identified in perigonadal fat, specifically CD8+CD44-CD69+ and CD8+CD44-CD103+ subpopulations. Gene expression analysis of these cells revealed that they expressed IFN-γ and the lectin-like receptor Klrg1 and down-regulated CD27 and CD62L, consistent with an effector phenotype of Mtb-specific CD8+ T cells. Sorted NK cells expressed higher abundance of Klrg1 upon infection, as well. Our results reveal the ability of Mtb to persist in adipose tissue in a stressed state, and that NK cells and Mtb-specific CD8+ T cells infiltrate infected adipose tissue where they produce IFN-γ and assume an effector phenotype. We conclude that adipose tissue is a potential niche for Mtb and that due to infection CD8+ T cells and NK cells are attracted to this tissue