32 research outputs found

    Berufsfeld Wissenschaftsmanagement

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    In diesem Band werden zentrale Ergebnisse aus dem Verbund „KaWuM – Karrierewege und Qualifikationsanforderungen im Wissenschafts- und Hochschulmanagement” vorgestellt. KaWuM erarbeitet derzeit erstmals fĂŒr Deutschland eine breite Bestandsaufnahme zum Wissenschafts- und Hochschulmanagement. Zentrale (Forschungs-)Fragen, die hierbei beantwortet werden, sind: Welche BildungsabschlĂŒsse und fachlichen HintergrĂŒnde haben die im Wissenschafts- und Hochschulmanagement TĂ€tigen? Was kennzeichnet die Weiterbildung im Wissenschafts- und Hochschulmanagement? Welche Bedarfe gibt es hierfĂŒr bei den Wissenschaftsmanager*innen und aus Sicht von Personalverantwortlichen? Wie werden die vorhandenen Angebote angenommen und bewertet? Wie stark spielt das Wissenschafts- und Hochschulmanagement selbst eine Rolle, bei der Weiterentwicklung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen bzw. deren „Organisationswerdung“? Methodisch wird dabei dem Ansatz gefolgt, dass die durch eine Kombination von qualitativen Interviewergebnissen (aus dem Teilprojekt KaWuM-ZENTRAL der Deutschen UniversitĂ€t fĂŒr Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer), mit ĂŒbersichtlich dargestellten Zahlen und Fakten, die aus bundesweit reprĂ€sentativen Onlinebefragungen gewonnen wurden (aus dem Teilprojekt KaWuM-SURVEY der Humboldt- UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin) sowie den zentralen Ergebnissen der Diskussion mit Interessierten an den Ergebnissen und ihren potenziellen Nutzer*innen (aus dem Teilprojekt KaWuM-TRANSFER der IU – International University) integriert werden. Bei letzterem ist das Besondere, dass die Ergebnisse bereits mit Praktiker*innen diskutiert und handlungspraktische Empfehlungen entwickelt wurden. Hierdurch konnten die (Zwischen-)Ergebnisse zeitnah in Transfer-Workshops einfließen, durch welche wiederum auch vertiefende Forschungshypothesen im Sinne eines zweiseitigen Transfers generiert und gemeinsam im Verbund bearbeitet werden. Die Erkenntnisse versprechen auch daher eine hohe Relevanz fĂŒr Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowohl bei (angehenden) Wissenschaftsmanager*innen, mit Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in der Wissenschaft Befassten sowie Hochschulpolitik und Hochschul-/Wissenschaftsforschung. Die Gliederung des Buches folgt insgesamt grob einer Art “life cycle” der Berufswegeentscheidungen von Wissenschaftsmanager*innen. (DIPF/Orig.

    A randomized controlled trial comparing intensive non-surgical treatment with bariatric surgery in adolescents aged 13-16 years (AMOS2): Rationale, study design, and patient recruitment.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous non-randomized studies show similar outcomes in adolescents and adults after bariatric surgery. We describe the study protocol, recruitment, and selected baseline data of patients in a randomized multi-center study, the Adolescent Morbid Obesity Surgery 2 (AMOS2). METHODS: Three clinics in Sweden collaborated in designing the study and recruitment of patients from August 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. Patients were selected among adolescents 13-16 years of age attending third-level obesity care for at least one year. Patients were randomized 1:1 to bariatric surgery (predominantly Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) or intensive non-surgical treatment starting with an eight-week low-calorie-diet. RESULTS: Fifty adolescents (37 girls) were randomized, 25 (19 girls) to bariatric surgery. Mean age was 15.7 years (range 13.3-16.9), weight 122.6 kg (range 95-183.3), Body Mass Index (BMI) 42.6 kg/m2 (range 35.7-54.9) and BMI-SDS 3.45 (range 2.9-4.1). One patient had type 2 diabetes mellitus, and 12/45 (27%) had elevated liver enzymes. There were no significant differences between the groups. For the 39 eligible patients who were offered but declined inclusion, BMI was not different from included patients. However, patients who declined were younger, 15.2 years (p = 0.021). A sex difference was also noted with more of eligible girls, 37/53 (69.8%), than boys, 13/36 (36.1%), wanting to participate in the study (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: This clinical trial, randomizing adolescents with severe obesity to bariatric surgery or intensive non-surgical treatment, aims at informing about whether it is beneficial to undergo bariatric surgery in early adolescence. It will also enlighten the outcome of comprehensive non-surgical treatment. The study was registered at www.clinicalTrials.gov number NCT02378259

    Glacial History of the North Atlantic Marine Snail, Littorina saxatilis, Inferred from Distribution of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages

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    The North Atlantic intertidal gastropod, Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792), exhibits extreme morphological variation between and within geographic regions and has become a model for studies of local adaptation; yet a comprehensive analysis of the species' phylogeography is lacking. Here, we examine phylogeographic patterns of the species' populations in the North Atlantic and one remote Mediterranean population using sequence variation in a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (607 bp). We found that, as opposed to many other rocky intertidal species, L. saxatilis has likely had a long and continuous history in the Northwest Atlantic, including survival during the last glacial maximum (LGM), possibly in two refugia. In the Northeast Atlantic, several areas likely harboured refugial populations that recolonized different parts of this region after glacial retreat, resulting in strong population structure. However, the outlying monomorphic Venetian population is likely a recent anthropogenic introduction from northern Europe and not a remnant of an earlier wider distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. Overall, our detailed phylogeography of L. saxatilis adds an important piece to the understanding of Pleistocene history in North Atlantic marine biota as well as being the first study to describe the species' evolutionary history in its natural range. The latter contribution is noteworthy because the snail has recently become an important model species for understanding evolutionary processes of speciation; thus our work provides integral information for such endeavours

    Indiscriminate Males: Mating Behaviour of a Marine Snail Compromised by a Sexual Conflict?

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    Background: In promiscuous species, male fitness is expected to increase with repeated matings in an open-ended fashion (thereby increasing number of partners or probability of paternity) whereas female fitness should level out at some optimal number of copulations when direct and indirect benefits still outweigh the costs of courtship and copulation. After this fitness peak, additional copulations would incur female fitness costs and be under opposing selection. Hence, a sexual conflict over mating frequency may evolve in species where females are forced to engage in costly matings. Under such circumstance, if females could avoid male detection, significant fitness benefits from such avoidance strategies would be predicted. Methodology/Principal Findings: Among four Littorina species, one lives at very much higher densities and has a longer mating season than the other three species. Using video records of snail behaviour in a laboratory arena we show that males of the low-density species discriminate among male and female mucous trails, trailing females for copulations. In the high-density species, however, males fail to discriminate between male and female trails, not because males are unable to identify female trails (which we show using heterospecific females), but because females do not, as the other species, add a gender-specific cue to their trail. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that there is likely a sexual conflict over mating frequency in the high-densit

    Standardized monitoring of cytomegalovirus-specific immunity can improve risk stratification of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Recurrence of cytomegalovirus reactivation remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Monitoring cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity using a standardized assay might improve the risk stratification of patients. A prospective multicenter study was conducted in 175 intermediate- and high-risk allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients under preemptive antiviral therapy. Cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity was measured using a standardized IFN-Îł ELISpot assay (T-TrackÂź CMV). Primary aim was to evaluate the suitability of measuring cytomegalovirus-specific immunity after end of treatment for a first cytomegalovirus reactivation to predict recurrent reactivation. 40/101 (39.6%) patients with a first cytomegalovirus reactivation experienced recurrent reactivations, mainly in the high-risk group (cytomegalovirus-seronegative donor/cytomegalovirus-seropositive recipient). The positive predictive value of T-TrackÂź CMV (patients with a negative test after the first reactivation experienced at least one recurrent reactivation) was 84.2% in high-risk patients. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a higher probability of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation in high-risk patients with a negative test after the first reactivation (hazard ratio 2.73; p=0.007). Interestingly, a post-hoc analysis considering T-TrackÂź CMV measurements at day 100 post-transplantation, a time point highly relevant for outpatient care, showed a positive predictive value of 90.0% in high-risk patients. Our results indicate that standardized cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity monitoring may allow improved risk stratification and management of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT02156479

    Sex-specific reproductive behaviours and paternity in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

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    In a wide variety of species, male reproductive success is determined by contest for access to females. Among multi-male primate groups, however, factors in addition to male competitive ability may also influence paternity outcome, although their exact nature and force is still largely unclear. Here, we have investigated in a group of free-ranging Barbary macaques whether paternity is determined on the pre- or postcopulatory level and how male competitive ability and female direct mate choice during the female fertile phase are related to male reproductive success. Behavioural observations were combined with faecal hormone analysis for timing of the fertile phase (13 cycles, 8 females) and genetic paternity analysis (n = 12). During the fertile phase, complete monopolisation of females did not occur. Females were consorted for only 49% of observation time, and all females had ejaculatory copulations with several males. Thus, in all cases, paternity was determined on the postcopulatory level. More than 80% of infants were sired by high-ranking males, and this reproductive skew was related to both, male competitive ability and female direct mate choice as high-ranking males spent more time in consort with females than low-ranking males, and females solicited copulations mainly from dominant males. As most ejaculatory copulations were female-initiated, female direct mate choice appeared to have the highest impact on male reproductive success. However, female preference was not directly translated into paternity, as fathers were not preferred over non-fathers in terms of solicitation, consortship and mating behaviour. Collectively, our data show that in the Barbary macaque, both sexes significantly influence male mating success, but that sperm of several males generally compete within the female reproductive tract and that therefore paternity is determined by mechanisms operating at the postcopulatory level

    Undervisning och individuell trÀning vid Gluteal Tendinopati : En SSED studie

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    Introduktion: Gluteal tendinopati (GT) Ă€r en vanligt förekommande orsak till smĂ€rta pĂ„ utsidan av höften. SmĂ€rtan provoceras vid gĂ„ng, sittande, trappgĂ„ng och sidliggande. GT har negativ inverkan pĂ„ individens livskvalitĂ© och drabbar oftast kvinnor över 40 Ă„r. Tre tidigare studier har studerats trĂ€ningseffekten vid GT men ingen har undersökt effekten av ett individuellt trĂ€ningprogram.  Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om utbildning och individanpassad trĂ€ning enligt principer för trĂ€ning vid gluteala tendinopatier har inverkan pĂ„ smĂ€rta och höftfunktion hos personer med Gluteal tendinopati. Metod: En SSED studie med multipel baslinje design inkluderande Ă„tta deltagare. Interventionen bestod av sex trĂ€ffar med undervisning och individuell trĂ€ning omfattande isometrisk trĂ€ning, rörelsekontroll, styrketrĂ€ning och plyometrisk trĂ€ning. PrimĂ€ra utfallsmĂ„tt var antal steg/dag, smĂ€rta pĂ„ kvĂ€llen och vid aktivitet mĂ€tt med numeric rating scale (NRS). SekundĂ€ra utfallsmĂ„tt var Victorian Instute of Sport Assessment–gluteal tendinopathy (VISA–G) samt förmĂ„gan att hĂ„lla bĂ€ckenet horisontellt stĂ„ende pĂ„ ett ben. Resultat: Fem deltagare ökade antalet steg/dag. Sex deltagare skattade lĂ€gre smĂ€rta pĂ„ kvĂ€llen och tvĂ„ av fem hade lĂ€gre smĂ€rta vid aktivitet. Sju deltagare skattade förbĂ€ttrad höftfunktion med VISA–G. Alla kunde hĂ„lla bĂ€ckenet horisontellt stĂ„ende pĂ„ ett ben. Slutsats: Undervisning och individanpassad trĂ€ning omfattande isometrisk trĂ€ning, rörelsekontroll, styrketrĂ€ning och plyometrisk trĂ€ning pĂ„verkar inte höftfunktion mĂ€tt i antal steg/dag och smĂ€rta vid aktivitet men har effekt pĂ„ smĂ€rta och sjĂ€lvskattad höftfunktion hos personer med GT. Vidare studier behövs för att faststĂ€lla vilket trĂ€ningskvalitĂ© som Ă€r effektivast vid GT

    Education and indiviual exercises for Gluteal Tendinopathy: a SSED study

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    Sammanfattning: Introduktion: Gluteal tendinopati (GT) Ă€r en vanligt förekommande orsak till smĂ€rta pĂ„ utsidan av höften. SmĂ€rtan provoceras vid gĂ„ng, sittande, trappgĂ„ng och sidliggande. GT har negativ inverkan pĂ„ individens livskvalitĂ© och drabbar oftast kvinnor över 40 Ă„r. Tre tidigare studier har studerats trĂ€ningseffekten vid GT men ingen har undersökt effekten av ett individuellt trĂ€ningprogram.  Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om utbildning och individanpassad trĂ€ning enligt principer för trĂ€ning vid gluteala tendinopatier har inverkan pĂ„ smĂ€rta och höftfunktion hos personer med Gluteal tendinopati. Metod: En SSED studie med multipel baslinje design inkluderande Ă„tta deltagare. Interventionen bestod av sex trĂ€ffar med undervisning och individuell trĂ€ning omfattande isometrisk trĂ€ning, rörelsekontroll, styrketrĂ€ning och plyometrisk trĂ€ning. PrimĂ€ra utfallsmĂ„tt var antal steg/dag, smĂ€rta pĂ„ kvĂ€llen och vid aktivitet mĂ€tt med numeric rating scale (NRS). SekundĂ€ra utfallsmĂ„tt var Victorian Instute of Sport Assessment–gluteal tendinopathy (VISA–G) samt förmĂ„gan att hĂ„lla bĂ€ckenet horisontellt stĂ„ende pĂ„ ett ben.  Resultat: Fem deltagare ökade antalet steg/dag. Sex deltagare skattade lĂ€gre smĂ€rta pĂ„ kvĂ€llen och tvĂ„ av fem hade lĂ€gre smĂ€rta vid aktivitet. Sju deltagare skattade förbĂ€ttrad höftfunktion med VISA–G. Alla kunde hĂ„lla bĂ€ckenet horisontellt stĂ„ende pĂ„ ett ben. Slutsats: Undervisning och individanpassad trĂ€ning omfattande isometrisk trĂ€ning, rörelsekontroll, styrketrĂ€ning och plyometrisk trĂ€ning pĂ„verkar inte höftfunktion mĂ€tt i antal steg/dag och smĂ€rta vid aktivitet men har effekt pĂ„ smĂ€rta och sjĂ€lvskattad höftfunktion hos personer med GT. Vidare studier behövs för att faststĂ€lla vilket trĂ€ningskvalitĂ© som Ă€r effektivast vid GT

    Publizieren um jeden Preis? Zehn Gedanken zum Schluss

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    Undervisning och individuell trÀning vid Gluteal Tendinopati : En SSED studie

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    Introduktion: Gluteal tendinopati (GT) Ă€r en vanligt förekommande orsak till smĂ€rta pĂ„ utsidan av höften. SmĂ€rtan provoceras vid gĂ„ng, sittande, trappgĂ„ng och sidliggande. GT har negativ inverkan pĂ„ individens livskvalitĂ© och drabbar oftast kvinnor över 40 Ă„r. Tre tidigare studier har studerats trĂ€ningseffekten vid GT men ingen har undersökt effekten av ett individuellt trĂ€ningprogram.  Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om utbildning och individanpassad trĂ€ning enligt principer för trĂ€ning vid gluteala tendinopatier har inverkan pĂ„ smĂ€rta och höftfunktion hos personer med Gluteal tendinopati. Metod: En SSED studie med multipel baslinje design inkluderande Ă„tta deltagare. Interventionen bestod av sex trĂ€ffar med undervisning och individuell trĂ€ning omfattande isometrisk trĂ€ning, rörelsekontroll, styrketrĂ€ning och plyometrisk trĂ€ning. PrimĂ€ra utfallsmĂ„tt var antal steg/dag, smĂ€rta pĂ„ kvĂ€llen och vid aktivitet mĂ€tt med numeric rating scale (NRS). SekundĂ€ra utfallsmĂ„tt var Victorian Instute of Sport Assessment–gluteal tendinopathy (VISA–G) samt förmĂ„gan att hĂ„lla bĂ€ckenet horisontellt stĂ„ende pĂ„ ett ben. Resultat: Fem deltagare ökade antalet steg/dag. Sex deltagare skattade lĂ€gre smĂ€rta pĂ„ kvĂ€llen och tvĂ„ av fem hade lĂ€gre smĂ€rta vid aktivitet. Sju deltagare skattade förbĂ€ttrad höftfunktion med VISA–G. Alla kunde hĂ„lla bĂ€ckenet horisontellt stĂ„ende pĂ„ ett ben. Slutsats: Undervisning och individanpassad trĂ€ning omfattande isometrisk trĂ€ning, rörelsekontroll, styrketrĂ€ning och plyometrisk trĂ€ning pĂ„verkar inte höftfunktion mĂ€tt i antal steg/dag och smĂ€rta vid aktivitet men har effekt pĂ„ smĂ€rta och sjĂ€lvskattad höftfunktion hos personer med GT. Vidare studier behövs för att faststĂ€lla vilket trĂ€ningskvalitĂ© som Ă€r effektivast vid GT