3,326 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial protein abundance gradients require the distribution of separated mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that interchange their contents mediated by fission and fusion. However, it has previously been shown that the mitochondria of cultured human epithelial cells exhibit a gradient in the relative abundance of several proteins, with the perinuclear mitochondria generally exhibiting a higher protein abundance than the peripheral mitochondria. The molecular mechanisms that are required for the establishment and the maintenance of such inner-cellular mitochondrial protein abundance gradients are unknown. We verified the existence of inner-cellular gradients in the abundance of clusters of the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Tom20 in the mitochondria of kidney epithelial cells from an African green monkey (Vero cells) using STED nanoscopy and confocal microscopy. We found that the Tom20 gradients are established immediately after cell division and require the presence of microtubules. Furthermore, the gradients are abrogated in hyperfused mitochondrial networks. Our results suggest that inner-cellular protein abundance gradients from the perinuclear to the peripheral mitochondria are established by the trafficking of individual mitochondria to their respective cellular destination

    Somatomedin C in dairy cows related to energy and protein supply and to milk production

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    Somatomedin C and other hormones, as well as blood metabolites, were measured during the dry period and during lactation in dairy cows, given different amounts of energy and protein, to study metabolic and endocrine adaptations. Somatomedin C, specifically measured by radioimmunoassay after separation from its binding protein, did not exhibit typical diurnal variations, in contrast to somatotropin and insulin, which increased particularly after concentrate intake. Somatomedin C markedly decreased at parturition and reached lowest values around the peak of lactation, while levels of somatotropin, nonesterified fatty acids and ketone bodies were high and those of glucose, insulin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine were low. Thereafter somatomedin C values slowly increased up to the 12th week of lactation and remained elevated. Low energy and protein balances were characterized by particularly low somatomedin C concentrations. An additional protein deficit at peak lactation, when cows were already provided with low amounts of energy, did not further decrease somatomedin C levels. However, when high amounts of energy were given in the form of starch or crystalline fat, somatomedin C increased. Overall, there was a positive correlation of somatomedin C primarily with energy, but also with protein balances and a negative correlation with milk yield. Conversely, somatotropin increased markedly after parturition and was positively correlated with milk production and negatively with protein and energy balances. Thus, somatomedin C levels were paradoxically low in the presence of high circulating somatotropin. Insulin most closely paralleled somatomedin C levels. Therefore the anabolic state of metabolism at the end of pregnancy was characterized by high somatomedin C and insulin and relatively low somatotropin, whereas the catabolic state of early lactation was characterized by high somatotropin, low somatomedin C, insulin and thyroid hormone

    The Role of Community in Understanding Involvement in Community Energy Initiatives

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    Community energy initiatives are set up by volunteers in local communities to promote sustainable energy behaviors and help to facilitate a sustainable energy transition. A key question is what motivates people to be involved in such initiatives. We propose that next to a stronger personal motivation for sustainable energy, people’s perception that their community is motivated to engage in sustainable energy and their involvement in the community (i.e., community identification and interpersonal contact) may affect their initiative involvement. We tested this proposition with a questionnaire study among inhabitants of seven local communities (N = 439). Results suggested that community factors are uniquely related to initiative involvement (willingness to actively participate and attendance of an initiative meeting) next to personal sustainable energy motivations. In particular, stronger community identification and more interpersonal contact with other community members increased the likelihood that people become involved in a community initiative, but the perception of the sustainable energy motivation of one’s community was not uniquely related to initiative involvement. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these findings

    Direction of light propagation to order G^2 in static, spherically symmetric spacetimes: a new derivation

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    A procedure avoiding any integration of the null geodesic equations is used to derive the direction of light propagation in a three-parameter family of static, spherically symmetric spacetimes within the post-post-Minkowskian approximation. Quasi-Cartesian isotropic coordinates adapted to the symmetries of spacetime are systematically used. It is found that the expression of the angle formed by two light rays as measured by a static observer staying at a given point is remarkably simple in these coordinates. The attention is mainly focused on the null geodesic paths that we call the "quasi-Minkowskian light rays". The vector-like functions characterizing the direction of propagation of such light rays at their points of emission and reception are firstly obtained in the generic case where these points are both located at a finite distance from the centre of symmetry. The direction of propagation of the quasi-Minkowskian light rays emitted at infinity is then straightforwardly deduced. An intrinsic definition of the gravitational deflection angle relative to a static observer located at a finite distance is proposed for these rays. The expression inferred from this definition extends the formula currently used in VLBI astrometry up to the second order in the gravitational constant G.Comment: 19 pages; revised introduction; added references for introduction; corrected typos; published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Intravitreal Ampicillin Sodium for Antibiotic-Resistant Endophthalmitis: Streptococcus uberis First Human Intraocular Infection Report

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    Purpose. To describe the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment with intravitreal ampicillin sodium of a postoperative endophthalmitis case due to Streptococcus uberis; an environmental pathogen commonly seen in mastitis cases of lactating cows. Methods. Case Report. A 52-year-old, Hispanic diabetic patient who suddenly developed severe pain and severe loss of vision, following vitrectomy. Results. The patient was diagnosed with postoperative endophthalmitis secondary to a highly resistant strain of Streptococcus uberis that did not respond to intravitreal antibiotics. He was treated with an air-fluid interchange, anterior chamber washout, intravitreal ampicillin sodium (5 mg/0.1 mL), and silicon oil tamponade (5000 ck). The eye was anatomically stabilized, though there was no functional recovery. Conclusion. Streptococcus uberis is an uncommon pathogen to the human eye, which has unique features that help the strain in developing resistance to antibiotics. While treatment with intravitreal ampicillin is feasible, there are still concerns about its possible toxicity

    Mutations in the CDSN gene cause peeling skin disease and hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp

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    Peeling skin disease is a rare genodermatosis characterized by superficial exfoliation or peeling of the skin. Peeling skin disease is caused by biallelic mutations in CDSN as an autosomal recessive trait. Monoallelic mutations in CDSN have also been described in an autosomal dominant inherited genodermatosis: hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp. This disease is characterized by progressive hair loss of the scalp with onset after early childhood. Clinical data were obtained from a patient with lifelong generalized skin peeling and both his parents. The patient's parents did not suffer from skin peeling, but the mother had a history of thin scalp hair since early childhood. Mutation analysis in the patient showed compound heterozygous mutations in exon 2 of CDSN, a nonsense mutation c.598C>T (p.[Gln200*]), previously associated with hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp, and a frame-shift mutation c.164_167dup (p.[Thr57Profs*6]), previously described in peeling skin disease. The p.(Gln200*) mutation was also found in the mother of the proband. Our study strengthens the previously established link between mutations in CDSN to peeling skin disease and hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp

    Types and Size Distribution of Parrotfish (Family Scaridae) Caught with Gillnets in the Waters off Taduna Village, Kabaruan Island.

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    The objective of this research is to identify the types and size distribution of parrotfish in the waters of Taduna Village. The research was conducted using sampling methods. Samples were collected over a period of two months from the catches landed in Taduna Village by local fishermen. The fishermen used gillnets for their catches. The length of each fish was measured from the tip of the mouth to the end of the tail using a millimeter-scale ruler with a precision of 0.1 cm. The weight of the fish was measured using a digital scale with a resolution of one gram. The length of each species was analyzed using frequency distribution and presented in length and weight histograms. Based on the data obtained from the measurements of Family Scaridae fish, a total of 53 individuals were collected, consisting of 8 species: Chorurus bleekeri (11 individuals), Calotomus carolinus (4 individuals), Chorurus japanensis (6 individuals), Chlorurus microrhinos (2 individuals), Scarus frenatus (16 individuals), Scarus russell (4 individuals), Scarus spinus (5 individuals), and Scarus tricolor (5 individuals). The distribution of Family Scaridae fish in the waters off Taduna Village shows varying lengths and weights for each species. For example, Chorurus bleekeri ranged from 18.9 to 26.5 cm in length and weighed between 150 and 394 grams, Chorurus japanensis had a length distribution between 17.5 and 27.4 cm and weighed from 119 to 465 grams, and Scarus frenatus ranged from 18.3 to 24.5 cm in length and weighed between 117 and 308 grams." Keywords: Parrotfish, Scaridae, Types, Size, Kabaruan. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis dan distribusi ukuran ikan kakatua di perairan Desa Taduna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dalam waktu dua bulan dari hasil tangkapan nelayan yang didaratkan di Desa Taduna. Alat yang digunakan nelayan adalah jaring insang mono filamen.  Seluruh panjang ikan diukur dari ujung mulut hingga ujung ekor dengan penggaris skala milimeter dengan ketelitian 0,1 cm. Berat ikan diukur dengan timbangan digital dengan resolusi satu gram. Panjang setiap spesies dianalisis menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan ditampilkan dalam histogram panjang dan berat. Berdasarkan data hasil pengukuran ikan Famili Scaridae diperoleh sebanyak 53 individu yang terdiri dari 8 spesies yaitu Chorurus bleekeri (11 individu), Calotomus carolinus (4 individu), Chorurus japanensis (6 individu), Chlorurus microrhinos (2 individu), Scarus frenatus (16 individu), Scarus russellii (4 individu), Scarus spinus (5 individu) dan Scarus tricolor (5 individu). Distribusi ikan Famili Scaridae di perairan depan Desa Taduna memiliki ukuran panjang  dan berat yang bervariasi yaitu spesies Chorurus bleekeri berkisar 18,9-26,5 cm dan berat 150-394 gram, Chorurus japanensis memiliki distribusi ukuran panjang berkisar 17,5-27,4 cm dan berat 119-465 gram dan Scarus frenatus memiliki distribusi ukuran panjang berkisar 18,3-24,5 cm dan berat 117-308 gram. Kata kunci : Ikan kakatua, Scaridae, Jenis, Ukuran, Kabarua