959 research outputs found

    The Prague School

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    The name the “Prague school of Brentano” refers to three generations of thinkers who temporarily or permanently lived in Prague, bound together by teacher/student relationships, and who accepted the main views of Franz Brentano’s philosophy. This chapter discusses central aspects of the philosophical work done in the School

    Load bearing structure of a tennis hall

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem dřevěné nosné konstrukce tenisové haly. Půdorysné rozměry haly jsou 56,4 x 48 m. Výška haly je v nejvyšším bodě 14,65 m. Konstrukce je navržena pro oblast Třebíč. Jedná se o trojkloubovou konstrukci z lepeného lamelového dřeva. Osová vzdálenost příčných vazeb je 4 m. Oblouky jsou propojeny vaznicemi. Vaznice jsou řešeny jako prosté nosníky. Kloubové připojení je provedeno čepovými spoji.This bachelor's thesis deals with design of the timber structure tennis hall. Plan dimensions of the hall are 56,4 x 48 m. In the highest point, height of the hall is 14,65 m. The structure is designed for the Třebíč. It is a three-hinged arch of glued lamineted timber. The axial distance of arches is 4 m. Arches are connected by purlins. Purlins are designed as simple beams. Articulated connection is made by pivotal connections.

    Design of control production unit with product dimension verification

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    Tato bakalářská práce řeší problematiku návrhu řídicího systému výrobní linky se strojovým viděním pro získání polohy a rozměrů výrobků. Součástí řešené linky je digitální kamera, delta robot a pneumatické manipulátory. V úvodu jsou nastíněny cíle práce, následuje výklad problematiky třídicích linek včetně příkladu třídicí linky v praxi. Hlavní částí práce je analýza a řešení problematiky strojovém vidění pro použití na výrobní lince a jeho integrace do řídicího systému. Výsledkem této práce je jak navržený řídicí systém pro řízení popsané linky, tak funkční určování polohy a rozměrů výrobků procházejících výrobní linkou. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny dosažené cíle práce.This thesis solves the issue of design of control system for production line with machine vision to obtain the position and size of products. Part of the line is a digital camera, a delta robot and pneumatic manipulators. The introduction outlines the objectives of the thesis, followed by a discussion of sorting lines, including an example of a sorting line in practice. The main part of the thesis lies in the analysis and solution of problems relating to the machine vision and its use on the production line as well as its integration into the control system. The result of this work is a control system for management of the line and functional positioning and dimensions checking of the product passing through the production line. The conclusion of the thesis reviews the outcomes of the thesis.

    The Role of Retrotransposons in Gene Family Expansions: Insights from the Mouse \u3ci\u3eAbp\u3c/i\u3e Gene Family

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    Background: Retrotransposons have been suggested to provide a substrate for non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) and thereby promote gene family expansion. Their precise role, however, is controversial. Here we ask whether retrotransposons contributed to the recent expansions of the Androgen-binding protein (Abp) gene families that occurred independently in the mouse and rat genomes. Results: Using dot plot analysis, we found that the most recent duplication in the Abp region of the mouse genome is flanked by L1Md_T elements. Analysis of the sequence of these elements revealed breakpoints that are the relicts of the recombination that caused the duplication, confirming that the duplication arose as a result of NAHR using L1 elements as substrates. L1 and ERVII retrotransposons are considerably denser in the Abp regions than in one Mb flanking regions, while other repeat types are depleted in the Abp regions compared to flanking regions. L1 retrotransposons preferentially accumulated in the Abp gene regions after lineage separation and roughly followed the pattern of Abp gene expansion. By contrast, the proportion of shared vs. lineage-specific ERVII repeats in the Abp region resembles the rest of the genome. Conclusions: We confirmed the role of L1 repeats in Abp gene duplication with the identification of recombinant L1Md_T elements at the edges of the most recent mouse Abp gene duplication. High densities of L1 and ERVII repeats were found in the Abp gene region with abrupt transitions at the region boundaries, suggesting that their higher densities are tightly associated with Abp gene duplication. We observed that the major accumulation of L1 elements occurred after the split of the mouse and rat lineages and that there is a striking overlap between the timing of L1 accumulation and expansion of the Abp gene family in the mouse genome. Establishing a link between the accumulation of L1 elements and the expansion of the Abp gene family and identification of an NAHR-related breakpoint in the most recent duplication are the main contributions of our study

    Design of a Solely Bolting Bracing an Entry Gallery on Circumstances of the Czech Part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin

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    Import 07/02/2011V mé diplomové práci se zabývám návrhem svorníkové výztuže pro ražbu porubní chodby 331 229 ve sloji 33a, 2.a kře na závodě Sever Dolu ČSM. Porubní chodba je navrhována jako přípravné dílo pro porub 331 209 ve sloji 33a, 2.a kře závodu Sever Dolu ČSM. Výpočtu parametrů svorníkové výztuže předchází vyhodnocení přírodních a báňsko – technických podmínek pro vedení ražby. Parametry samostatné svorníkové výztuže byly vypočteny programem ANKER. Součástí projektu samostatné svorníkové výztuže je návrh geotechnického monitoringu, který zahrnuje kontrolu upevnění svorníků, extenzometrická měření a konvergenční měření.Theme of my diploma thesis, Design of solely bolting bracing an entry gallery 331 229 situated in seam 33a in mine ČSM Sever. Entry gallery 331 229 is designed for faces 331 209 in seam 33a in mine ČSM Sever. Geological conditions around entry gallery and mining technical conditions for mintage has been evaluated first. Parameters of bolts has been calculated by program ANKER. Geotechnical monitoring is a part of desing of solely bolting, includes tensile test, extensometer measurement and convergence measurement.Prezenční224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Truck driveline vibration modeling using multi-body system

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    Prediction of NVH parameters of driveline in construction phase is a significant topic nowadays because it can save time and development costs, but requires more complex mathematical models. This paper describes the use of MBS simulation tool for prediction of driveshaft vibration where shaft is modeled as a flexible body. MBS approach can take into account various input parameters, i.e. unbalanced mass of shaft, geometry deviation from ideal shape, mounting points of eccentricity or contact between the shaft and other parts of the driveline. MBS model of driveshaft was verified by measurement on a real vehicle


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    The aim of the paper is to recognise the relationship among Gross Premiums Written and Average Gross Nominal Wage (Average Wage) in the Czech Republic. The literature review has characterised insurance market in the Czech Republic. Based on the secondary data of Czech Insurance Association, Czech Statistical Office and Czech National Bank has been created PESTEL analysis, determined the rate of influence of the factors influencing the insurance brokers, evaluated by scale from 1 to 5. The secondary data for regression analysis has been obtained from annual reports of CNB and CSO in period 1996 to 2015. The method of regression analysis has tested the relationship among average gross nominal wage as one of the macroeconomic factor and the “premiums written “which is used for measurement of the overall insurance market level in the Czech Republic. The model was verified through the economic, statistical and econometric verification. The statistical data has been elaborated in software Gretl. Part discussion and conclusion have been focused to the comparison of obtained results and reaction recommendation on upcoming predicted situations on the market

    Detection of steel phase transition using magneto-resistive sensors in eddy current testing

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    This article deals with utilization of advanced magnetic sensors for detection of steel phase transformations. Giant- Magneto-Resistive and Anisotropic-Magneto-Resistive sensors are used for the magnetic properties evaluation under harmonic excitation of the eddy currents. Various material specimens are inspected. Gained results will be presented and discussed in the fullpaper

    Gated Graphene Electrical Transport Characterization

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    Graphene is a very interesting new material, and promises attractive applications in future nanodevices. It is a 2D carbon structure with very interesting physical behavior. Graphene is an almost transparent material that has higher carrier mobility than any other material at room temperature. Graphene can therefore be used in applications such as ultrahigh-speed transistors and transparent electrodes. In this paper, we present our preliminary experiments on the transport behavior of graphene at room temperature. We measured the resistivity of Hall-bar samples depending on gate voltage (backgated graphene). Hysteresis between the forward and backward sweep direction was observed