245 research outputs found

    What animals do not do or fail to find: A novel observational approach for studying cognition in the wild

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    Abstract To understand how our brain evolved and what it is for, we are in urgent need of knowledge about the cognitive skills of a large variety of animal species and individuals, and their relationships to rapidly disappearing social and ecological conditions. But how do we obtain this knowledge? Studying cognition in the wild is a challenge. Field researchers (and their study subjects) face many factors that can easily interfere with their variables of interest. Although field studies of cognition present unique challenges, they are still invaluable for understanding the evolutionary drivers of cognition. In this review, I discuss the advantages and urgency of field-based studies on animal cognition and introduce a novel observational approach for field research that is guided by three questions: (a) what do animals fail to find?, (b) what do they not do?, and (c) what do they only do when certain conditions are met? My goal is to provide guidance to future field researchers examining primate cognition

    Compost levert complete bemesting

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    Compost is een zeer goed bemestingsproduct. Het kan kort voor het zaaien worden aangebracht, belemmert de wortelgroei niet en levert een kant-en-klaar ecosysteem als aanvulling en versterking van de bodembiologie. Ook de pH van de bodem en de lucht- en waterhuishouding varen wel bij de toepassing van rijpe compost

    Wat is goede compost?

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    Compost wordt voor meerdere doelen ingezet. Als meststof, maar ook om de organische stofbalans op peil te houden. Maar compost heeft nog meer voordelen. Zo worden aan compost ziektewerende eigenschappen toegekend. Het doel van compostgebruik bepaalt voor een groot deel welke prijs er voor wordt betaald. Maar hoe kan de kwaliteit en daarmee de waarde van compost worden vastgesteld? Om dit te beoordelen is kennis van het eindproduct en vooral ook het composteringsproces nodig. In dit BioKennisbericht geven we richtlijnen voor het vaststellen van compostkwaliteit gerelateerd aan de toepassing

    Travel linearity and speed of human foragers and chimpanzees during their daily search for food in tropical rainforests

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    To understand the evolutionary roots of human spatial cognition, researchers have compared spatial abilities of humans and one of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). However, how humans and chimpanzees compare in solving spatial tasks during real-world foraging is unclear to date, as measuring such spatial abilities in natural habitats is challenging. Here we compared spatial movement patterns of the Mbendjele BaYaka people and the TaĂŻ chimpanzees during their daily search for food in rainforests. We measured linearity and speed during off-trail travels toward out-of-sight locations as proxies for spatial knowledge. We found similarly high levels of linearity in individuals of Mbendjele foragers and TaĂŻ chimpanzees. However, human foragers and chimpanzees clearly differed in their reactions to group size and familiarity with the foraging areas. Mbendjele foragers increased travel linearity with increasing familiarity and group size, without obvious changes in speed. This pattern was reversed in TaĂŻ chimpanzees. We suggest that these differences between Mbendjele foragers and TaĂŻ chimpanzees reflect their different ranging styles, such as life-time range size and trail use. This result highlights the impact of socio-ecological settings on comparing spatial movement patterns. Our study provides a first step toward comparing long-range spatial movement patterns of two closely-related species in their natural environments

    Use of immunohistochemical biomarkers as independent predictor of neoplastic progression in Barrett's oesophagus surveillance

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    __Introduction:__ The low incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) in Barrett's oesophagus (BE) patients reinforces the need for risk stratification tools to make BE surveillance more effective. Therefore, we have undertaken a systematic revi

    Molecular Profile of Barrett's Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Development of Translational Physiological and Pharmacological Studies

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    Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a premalignant condition caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), where physiological squamous epithelium is replaced by columnar epithelium. Several in vivo and in vitro BE models were developed with questionable translational relevance when implemented separately. Therefore, we aimed to screen Gene Expression Omnibus 2R (GEO2R) databases to establish whether clinical BE molecular profile was comparable with animal and optimized human esophageal squamous cell lines-based in vitro models. The GEO2R tool and selected databases were used to establish human BE molecular profile. BE-specific mRNAs in human esophageal cell lines (Het-1A and EPC2) were determined after one, three and/or six-day treatment with acidified medium (pH 5.0) and/or 50 and 100 ”M bile mixture (BM). Wistar rats underwent microsurgical procedures to generate esophagogastroduodenal anastomosis (EGDA) leading to BE. BE-specific genes (keratin (KRT)1, KRT4, KRT5, KRT6A, KRT13, KRT14, KRT15, KRT16, KRT23, KRT24, KRT7, KRT8, KRT18, KRT20, trefoil factor (TFF)1, TFF2, TFF3, villin (VIL)1, mucin (MUC)2, MUC3A/B, MUC5B, MUC6 and MUC13) mRNA expression was assessed by real-time PCR. Pro/anti-inflammatory factors (interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, tumor necrosis factor α, interferon Îł, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor) serum concentration was assessed by a Luminex assay. Expression profile in vivo reflected about 45% of clinical BE with accompanied inflammatory response. Six-day treatment with 100 ”M BM (pH 5.0) altered gene expression in vitro reflecting in 73% human BE profile and making this the most reliable in vitro tool taking into account two tested cell lines. Our optimized and established combined in vitro and in vivo BE models can improve further physiological and pharmacological studies testing pathomechanisms and novel therapeutic targets of this disorder

    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) navigate to find hidden fruit in a virtual environment

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    The Ethnic 'Other' in Ukrainian History Textbooks: The Case of Russia and the Russians

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    This paper examines portrayals of Russia and the Russians in two generations of Ukrainian history textbooks. It observes that the textbooks are highly condemning of Ukraine's main ethnic other in the guise of foreign ruler: the tsarist authorities and the Soviet regime are always attributed dubious and malicious intentions even if there is appreciation for some of their policies. By contrast, the books, certainly those of the second generation, refrain from presenting highly biased accounts of the ethnic other as a national group (i.e. Russians). Instances where negative judgements do fall onto Russians are counterbalanced by excerpts criticizing ethnic Ukrainians or highlighting conflicting interests within the Ukrainian ethnic group. The negative appraisal of the ethnic other as foreign ruler is clearly instrumental for the nation-building project as it sustains a discourse legitimating the existence of Ukraine as independent state. However, recent trends in history education, the paper concludes, suggest that the importance of nurturing patriotism as a national policy objective is diminishing
