43 research outputs found

    Garbage in the diet of carnivores in an agricultural area

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    Human food waste is considered to be richer in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins than most natural food supplies; however, it is very well digested in scats. So, as an indication of this kind of food in the diet, we have used each indigestible, anthropogenic origin element found in faeces (e.g., glass, plastic, rubber, etc.). There are few studies discussing the importance of garbage in the diet of mammalian predators living in farmland; definitely,  most focus on this issue in urban areas. We studied the contribution of garbage in the diet of raccoon dog  (Nyctereutes procyonoides), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), marten (Martes sp.), polecat (Mustela putorius), stoat (Mustela erminea), American mink (Neovison vison) and Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in the agricultural areas of western Poland in 2006-2010. In addition, we examined the spatial changes in the diet of red fox and polecat. The largest contribution of garbage was found in scats of raccoon dog (8.8%), red fox (4.8%) and marten (4.3%). The diet of polecat, stoat and Eurasian otter contained 2.5%, 1.7% and 0.2% garbage items respectively. The most frequent item was plastic. Our analysis showed that garbage consumption by red fox and polecat was greater  closer to human settlements. The results reveal a continuous gradient in the garbage consumption that corresponds with the degree of synanthropization of particular species

    Congruence between breeding and wintering biodiversity hotspots: A case study in farmlands of Western Poland

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    Farmland landscapes are recognized as important ecosystems, not only for their rich biodiversity but equally so for the human beings who live and work in these places. However, biodiversity varies among sites (spatial change) and among seasons (temporal change). In this work, we tested the hypothesis that bird diversity hotspots distribution for breeding is congruent with bird diversity hotspots for wintering season, focusing also the representation of protected areas for the conservation of local hotspots. We proposed a framework based on the  use of species richness, functional diversity, and evolutionary distinctiveness to characterize avian communities. Although our findings show that the spatial distribution of local bird hotspots differed slightly between seasons, the protected areas’ representation was similar in both seasons. Protected areas covered 65% of the most important zones for breeding and 71% for the wintering season in the farmland studied. Functional diversity showed similar patterns as did bird species richness, but this measure can be most effective for highlighting differences on bird community composition. Evolutionary distinctiveness was less congruent with species richness and functional diversity, among seasons. Our findings suggest that inter-seasonal spatial congruence of local hotspots can be considered as suitable areas upon which to concentrate greater conservation efforts. However, even considering the relative congruence of avian diversity metrics at a local spatial scale, simultaneous analysis of protected areas while inter-seasonally considering hotspots, can provide a more complete representation of ecosystems for assessing the conservation status and designating priority areas

    Szlakiem białoruskich Poleszuków (raport z badań terenowych)

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    Tracing the Belorussian Poleszuks (a report on field research)The present article is a report on field research conducted in summer 2010 in order to collect dialectological material. 13 localities were researched altogether: Pinsk and 11 villages of the Pinsk district and one village of the Stolin district. During the interviews the following topics were discussed: the language situation in the village, issues of national identity, visions of Polesia and Poleszuks, traditions and customs, issues of confession, attitude towards the process of draining bogs or image of Poland and Poles. Belorussian linguists (e.g. A. Krywicki) take note of the fact that Polesia, despite frequent dialectological research, has not been described accurately enough by linguists. The rich material collected showed not only well-preserved dialects of Polesia of Ukrainian basis (slight influence mainly of the Russian language can be observed with people of the oldest generation) but also strong though disappearing spiritual and material culture of the inhabitants of Polesia. По следам белорусских полешуков (отчёт по итогам полевых исследований) Настоящая статья является рапортом полевых исследований, проведённых летом 2010 г. с целью сбора диалектологического материала. Исследование охватило 13 населённых пунктов – город Пинск, 11 деревень Пинского района и одну деревню Столинского района Брестской области Беларуси. В интервью затрагивались следующие темы: языковая ситуация в деревне, вопросы национального самосознания, образы Полесья и полешуков, традиции и обычаи, вопросы вероисповедания, отношение к процессу мелиорации, а также образ Польши и поляков. Белорусские филологи (напр. А. Кривицкий) обращают внимание на то, что несмотря на многочисленные диалектологические исследования, Полесье остаётся территорией, которая всё ещё недостаточно подробно описана языковедами. Собранный обширный материал показал не только хорошо сохранившиеся полесские диалекты с украинской основой (среди респондентов старшего поколения видны незначительные влияния в основном русского языка), но и до сих пор сильную, хотя и угасающую духовную и материальную культуру полешуков

    Waterbird counts on large water bodies: comparing ground and aerial methods during different ice conditions

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    The aerial and ground methods of counting birds in a coastal area during different ice conditions were compared. Ice coverage of water was an important factor affecting the results of the two methods. When the water was ice-free, more birds were counted from the ground, whereas during ice conditions, higher numbers were obtained from the air. The first group of waterbirds with the smallest difference between the two methods (average 6%) contained seven species: Mute Swan Cygnus olor, Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus, Greater Scaup Aythya marila, Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula, Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, Smew Mergellus albellus and Goosander Mergus merganser; these were treated as the core group. The second group with a moderate difference (average 20%) included another six species: Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Eurasian Wigeon Mareca penelope, Common Pochard Aythya ferina, Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus and Eurasian Coot Fulica atra. The third group with a large difference (average 85%) included five species, all of the Anatini tribe: Gadwall Mareca strepera, Northern Pintail Anas acuta, Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata, Eurasian Teal Anas crecca and Garganey Spatula querquedula. During ice conditions, smaller numbers of most species were counted from the ground. The exception here was Mallard, more of which were counted from the ground, but the difference between two methods was relatively small in this species (7.5%). Under ice-free conditions, both methods can be used interchangeably for the most numerous birds occupying open water (core group) without any significant impact on the results. When water areas are frozen over, air counts are preferable as the results are more reliable. The cost analysis shows that a survey carried out by volunteer observers (reimbursement of travel expenses only) from the land is 58% cheaper, but if the observers are paid, then an aerial survey is 40% more economical

    Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland

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    To study the seasonal changes in avian communities, we collected data in an extensively used farmland in Western Poland during 2006-2013. Generalized additive mixed models were used in order to study the effects of seasonality and protected areas on the overall bird species richness. A similarity percentage analysis was also conducted in order to identify the species that contribute most strongly to dissimilarity among each bird according to the phenological season. Furthermore, the differences in bird communities were investigated applying the decomposition of the species richness in season, trend, and remainder components. Each season showed significant differences in bird species richness (seasonality effect). The effect of the protected areas was slightly positive on the overall species richness for all seasons. However, an overall negative trend was detected for the entire period of eight years. The bird community composition was different among seasons, showing differences in terms of dominant species. Greater differences were found between breeding and wintering seasons, in particular, the spatial pattern of sites with higher bird richness (hotspots) were different between breeding and wintering seasons. Our findings showed a negative trend in bird species richness verified in the Polish farmlands from 2006. This result mirrors the same negative trend already highlighted for Western Europe. The role of protected areas, even if slightly positive, was not enough to mitigate this decline process. Therefore, to effectively protect farmland birds, it is necessary to also consider inter-seasons variation, and for this, we suggest the use of medium-term temporal studies on bird communities’ trends

    Birds crossing over roads: species, flight heights and infrastructure use

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    How high do birds fly above roads, and how do they use the road infrastructure (bridges, lampposts etc.)? These questions are rarely explored in ecological studies but were addressed by us during research in 2016–2018 in southern Poland. In total, 1665 individual birds belonging to 24 species were recorded. Species differed significantly in the height at which they crossed over roads, but about 30% of all crossings were at heights below 12 m, hence at potential collision heights. The proportion of birds perching on lampposts in the central reservation between carriageways also differed significantly between species. The surrounding landscape and road infrastructure, especially lampposts, modified the species composition associated with roads. This knowledge has practical importance, not only in regard to collisions, but also to much less studied aspects such as plant seed dispersal and/or corrosion of the infrastructure. Lampposts, as a taller component of the infrastructure, may not directly affect vehicle-bird collisions, but a flight to them may be a risky business, and we recommended higher lampposts to discourage low-level flights. This information may need to be incorporated into future studies on road ecology, as well as in mitigation programs

    Trophic relationships between predators in an agricultural landscape

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    Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii ŚrodowiskaBadania dotyczące diety oraz zależności – głównie konkurencji pokarmowej – między drapieżnymi ssakami i ptakami, oraz powiązania między drapieżnymi ptakami i ich siedliskiem, prowadzone były w południowej Wielkopolsce. Prace terenowe wykonano w latach 2006-2012 w ekstensywnie użytkowanym krajobrazie rolniczym. Do badanych gatunków zaliczono drapieżne ssaki z rzędu drapieżnych (Carnivora) i drapieżne ptaki z rzędu szponiastych (Acciptriformes), sów (Strigiformes), oraz jeden gatunek spośród wróblowych (Passeriformes). Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że główną ofiarą większości badanych drapieżników krajobrazu rolniczego był nornik zwyczajny (Microtus arvalis). Wykazano, że frekwencja tego gatunku w diecie myszołowa (Buteo buteo) oraz lisa (Vulpes vulpes) zależy od jego wczesno-wiosennych zagęszczeń. Stwierdzono również, różny stopień nakładania się nisz pokarmowych między badanymi drapieżnikami, w zależności od pory roku, aktywności, masy ciała oraz szerokości niszy pokarmowej. Ogólna analiza pokrycia nisz wskazuje, że konkurencja między drapieżnikami mogłaby być oceniona jako intensywna, głównie ze względu na wysokie spożycie nornika. Jednakże szczegółowa analiza diet poszczególnych gatunków sugeruje, że konkurujące ze sobą drapieżniki, dietę tą różnicowały zgodnie z koncepcją segregacji nisz, m.in. różniły się w konsumpcji ofiar uzupełniających. Wykazano, że u gatunków drapieżnych ssaków – uznawanych jako bardziej synantropijne – udział materiału pochodzenia antropogenicznego w diecie był większy, co pozwala wnioskować, że składnik ten jest łatwym do zdobycia i energetycznie korzystnym rodzajem pokarmu. Przeanalizowane dane wskazują, że za rozmieszczenie ptaków drapieżnych zimą odpowiedzialne były dwa gradienty środowiskowe: rosnące pokrycie polami ornymi i jednoczesny spadek udziału łąk, oraz gradient między układem powierzchni otwartych, a wzrastającym pokryciem lasów. Przedstawione wyniki świadczą o istnieniu wśród drapieżników krajobrazu rolniczego mechanizmów umożliwiających im współwystępowanie. W celu przedstawienia pełniejszego obrazu zależności troficznych wśród drapieżników konieczne będzie w przyszłości: (1) przeprowadzanie badań telemetrycznych; (2) dalsze monitorowanie diety drapieżników; (3) uzupełnienie listy badanych drapieżników o nowe gatunki; (4) dokładniejsze badania zagęszczenia drapieżników oraz ich ofiar.The surveys about diet and interaction (mainly competition) between predators, and relationship between raptors and habitats were studied in southern Wielkopolska (Poland) in 2006-2012. The study area was characterized as an extensive farmland. To the study were selected mammalian species from Carnivora, birds of prey, owls and one selected passerine. The presented results suggested, that main prey of predators living in farmland was common vole (Microtus arvalis). The consumption of this rodent in the diet of common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) depended on voles early spring abundances. The trophic niche overlap significantly changed in relation to: period of the year, activity of predators, body mass and trophic niche breadth. Generally, the analysis showed that due to high consumption of voles the competition between the studied species was quite high, because of high consumption of voles. However, if consider detailed diet analysis of particular species it revealed that competing species differed their food niche at least in consumption of alternative preys. The results suggested a continuous gradient in the garbage consumption what correspond with degree of synanthropization of particular species, what could be related to the fact, that this source of food is easy to feed and energy rich. At the community level the distribution of raptors in winter was governed by two major habitat gradients in farmland landscape: increasing coverage of arable land as well as decreasing amount of moved meadows and increasing coverage of forests. The study has revealed the mechanism of co-occurrence between predators of agricultural landscape. To obtain a more holistic picture of trophic interaction it seems necessary to do in the future: (1) telemetric surveys; (2) continuation of diet studies; (3) including new predator species; (4) more detailed study on abundance of predators and theirs preys

    Szlakiem białoruskich Poleszuków (raport z badań terenowych)

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    Tracing the Belorussian Poleszuks (a report on field research)The present article is a report on field research conducted in summer 2010 in order to collect dialectological material. 13 localities were researched altogether: Pinsk and 11 villages of the Pinsk district and one village of the Stolin district. During the interviews the following topics were discussed: the language situation in the village, issues of national identity, visions of Polesia and Poleszuks, traditions and customs, issues of confession, attitude towards the process of draining bogs or image of Poland and Poles. Belorussian linguists (e.g. A. Krywicki) take note of the fact that Polesia, despite frequent dialectological research, has not been described accurately enough by linguists. The rich material collected showed not only well-preserved dialects of Polesia of Ukrainian basis (slight influence mainly of the Russian language can be observed with people of the oldest generation) but also strong though disappearing spiritual and material culture of the inhabitants of Polesia. По следам белорусских полешуков (отчёт по итогам полевых исследований) Настоящая статья является рапортом полевых исследований, проведённых летом 2010 г. с целью сбора диалектологического материала. Исследование охватило 13 населённых пунктов – город Пинск, 11 деревень Пинского района и одну деревню Столинского района Брестской области Беларуси. В интервью затрагивались следующие темы: языковая ситуация в деревне, вопросы национального самосознания, образы Полесья и полешуков, традиции и обычаи, вопросы вероисповедания, отношение к процессу мелиорации, а также образ Польши и поляков. Белорусские филологи (напр. А. Кривицкий) обращают внимание на то, что несмотря на многочисленные диалектологические исследования, Полесье остаётся территорией, которая всё ещё недостаточно подробно описана языковедами. Собранный обширный материал показал не только хорошо сохранившиеся полесские диалекты с украинской основой (среди респондентов старшего поколения видны незначительные влияния в основном русского языка), но и до сих пор сильную, хотя и угасающую духовную и материальную культуру полешуков

    Similarity of Microplastic Characteristics between Amphibian Larvae and Their Aquatic Environment

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    Microplastics, pervasive environmental pollutants, are found across various ecosystems, including small inland water bodies. They are reported in different environmental media, yet little is known about the mutual relationships of microplastics’ properties across components of small inland water bodies. Here, having extracted and analyzed these particles from water, sediment, and amphibian larvae from 23 sites, we test within-site similarities regarding shape (morphological type), color, and chemical composition (polymer type). We also provide a brief characterization of the microplastics extracted from water and sediment regarding these parameters. We observed a statistically significant similarity of microplastics’ shapes and colors between those extracted from water and amphibian larvae. Such a similarity, though less pronounced, was also found between amphibian larvae and sediment. However, the chemical composition (polymer type) of the microplastics from water, sediment, and amphibian larvae did not exhibit any similarities beyond what would be expected by chance. The observed congruence in the colors and shapes of microplastics between amphibian larvae and their corresponding aquatic habitats underscores the profound interconnectedness among the constituents of freshwater ecosystems