19 research outputs found


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    Poland wants to maintain the pace of economic development needs to increase entrepreneurship society. In the twenty-first century, it is entrepreneurship together with small enterprises it will be determined by the success of the economies of developed countries. There are many tools affecting the development of entrepreneurship. One of them are cooperative, that "activate" part of society which is outside the market. The article presents the fundamental reasons for small and medium-sized enterprises and presents social cooperatives as instruments which increase the entrepreneurship society.Polska chcąc utrzymać wysokie tempo rozwoju gospodarczego musi zwiększyć przedsiębiorczość społeczeństwa. W XXI wieku to właśnie przedsiębiorczość w połączeniu z niewielkimi przedsiębiorstwami będzie decydowała o sukcesie gospodarek krajów rozwiniętych. Istnieje wiele instrumentów wpływających na rozwój przedsiębiorczości. Jednym z nich są spółdzielnie socjalne, które „uaktywniają” część społeczeństwa będącą poza rynkiem pracy. Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe argumenty za małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami oraz syntetycznie prezentuje spółdzielnię socjalną jako instrument zwiększający przedsiębiorczość społeczeństwa

    Primary preconditions of benefits from the construction of nuclear power plants in Poland

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    PURPOSE: This paper synthesises the current state of the Polish power engineering sector, the process of developing nuclear power plants (henceforth, “NPPs”) and the primary preconditions to consider when formulating contracts for NPP construction projects.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: In consideration of future economic growth of the country and its energy security, in 2005 the central government decided to start building NPPs in Poland. However, it was only at the end of 2022 that letters of intent were signed with two contractors for NPP construction (Westinghouse of the USA Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power of South Korea).FINDINGS: The critical conclusions from this paper follow: Poland is stricken by a high degree of decapitalisation of assets in the power engineering sector. Legacy power plants do not only pose a high risk of high failure rates, their performance efficiency is low, which drives the costs and, ultimately, the pricing of electrical power. The Polish government assumes the following breakdown of shares and funding for the NPP projects: 51% with the State Treasury and 49% with a foreign developer.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The positive effects on the economy from the construction of NPPs will be achieved if the contracts for NPP projects are properly formulated – limiting the risks that the project developers will want to pass on to the Polish public in the contracts. It will be especially important to establish in the NPP project contracts the conditions that contribute to an increase of NPP construction, protraction of implementation time, and the precise procedure for the NPP construction driving the price of electrical power.peer-reviewe

    Related statistical anomalies in the determination of royalty rates : comments on the problem

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    PURPOSE: This study aims at synthesising the impact of the human factor on the occurrence of statistical anomalies in the distribution of the incidence of royalty rates in license contracts. As a research basis for our study we have used the results of two empirical studies on royalty rates in contracts.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The methods used to value intangible rights for licensing purposes should theoretically ensure objectivity. As a result, the analysis of statistical data on the frequency of royalty percentages should provide information on the profitability of licensing specific rights, both in the industry studied and in the economy as a whole. However, statistics of actual royalty rates show an above-average use of some percentage rates (e.g., 5%, 10%) against a relatively low representation of others.FINDINGS: This paper points to the human factor as the cause of the anomalies found. This influence manifests itself in arbitrary decision-making without economic justification in the valuation process, as well as in the negotiation of royalty rates. The arbitrariness of valuation experts and negotiators, as indicated in the paper, manifests itself primarily in a tendency to round up and rely on numerical schemes.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The research we have carried out can contribute to analyses covering the broad spectrum of human factor influences in the royalty valuation and negotiation process.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Analysis of the fee for services on statistical anomalies in determining Royalty Rates. The human factor was indicated as the source of these anomalies.peer-reviewe


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    The development of small business in Poland began only after the change of the economic system. Small business in the initial stage o f the transformation successfully contributed to diminishing unemployment, and consequently lessened the negative effects of the liquidation and restructuring of state-owned companies, particularly in the areas that could not attract investment for their lack of appropriate infrastructure. After Poland joins the EU, small and medium-sized companies will also have a fundamental role in maintaining the high pace of economic growth. To fulfil that role, however, small and medium-sized business companies will need appropriate national policies. The ways of supporting small and medium-sized business have not been effective so far. The policies on this sector have been asynchronous if at all visible, while the measures have had only short-term effects. Consequently, the necessity arises to restructure the approach toward supporting small and medium-sized business so that the funds invested in that sector are not wasted. In the article an attempt has been made to formulate fundamental criteria that should constitute the basis for supporting small and medium-sized business


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    The development of small business in Poland began only after the change of the economic system. Small business in the initial stage o f the transformation successfully contributed to diminishing unemployment, and consequently lessened the negative effects of the liquidation and restructuring of state-owned companies, particularly in the areas that could not attract investment for their lack of appropriate infrastructure. After Poland joins the EU, small and medium-sized companies will also have a fundamental role in maintaining the high pace of economic growth. To fulfil that role, however, small and medium-sized business companies will need appropriate national policies. The ways of supporting small and medium-sized business have not been effective so far. The policies on this sector have been asynchronous if at all visible, while the measures have had only short-term effects. Consequently, the necessity arises to restructure the approach toward supporting small and medium-sized business so that the funds invested in that sector are not wasted. In the article an attempt has been made to formulate fundamental criteria that should constitute the basis for supporting small and medium-sized business

    Entrusting Services to Municipal Company and the Permitted Debt of Local Government Units

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    Artykuł syntetycznie prezentuje sposób stosowany przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego do zwiększania zadłużenia powyżej limitu określonego przez Ministerstwo Finansów. Polega on na wykorzystaniu możliwości zadłużania spółek komunalnych, których długi nie są liczone do ustalonego przez państwo limitu dla samorządów. Jako przykład zaprezentowano miasto Łódź, które takie działania realizowało. Proces zadłużania samorządu przy pomocy spółki komunalnej przebiega w etapach. W pierw-szym, następuje powierzenie przedsiębiorstwu przez jednostkę samorządu terytorialnego wykonywania zadań, co nie stanowi zamówienia publicznego i nie wymaga zastosowania procedur o udzieleniu zamówień publicznych określonych w ustawie. W drugim etapie samorząd natomiast wstrzymuje płatności za wykonywaną usługę, pod które to zobowiązania przedsiębiorstwo zwiększa swoje zadłużenie na rynku finansowym. Dług jednostki samorządu terytorialnego zostaje więc „przerzucony” na przedsiębiorstwo. Przy tej operacji wykorzystywany jest fakt, że regulacje UE i krajowe skupiają się na zminimalizowaniu zniekształcenia konkurencji na rynku, wynikającego z bezpośredniego udzielenia zamówienia. Mają więc za zadanie niedopuszczenie do nadmiernego finansowania przedsiębiorstw, którym powierzono wykonywanie usługi, a nie biorą pod uwagę możliwości niedofinansowania lub opóźnień w płatnościach.The article, synthetically presents a method used by local governments to increase debt above the limit set by the Ministry of Finance. It consists of the use the possibilities of indebtedness of municipal companies whose debts are not counted to the limit set by the state for local govern-ments. As an example the city of Łódź was presented, which performs such activities. The process of indebting with the help of local municipal company proceeds in stages. In the first, followed by entrusting the enterprise by the local government unit perform tasks, which is not a public contract and does not require the use of procedures to award public contracts specified in the Act. In the second stage, the local government withholds payment for a service performed, under which enterprise increases its debt on the financial market. Debt of local government units is "flipped" on enterprise. For this operation EU and national regulations focus on minimizing the distortion of competition on the market, stemming from the direct award of the contract. They are designed to prevent excessive corporate financing, which were entrusted with the service and do not take into account the possibility of under-funding or delays in payments

    Restructuring of Enterprise Local Government on the Example of MPK-Łódź Sp. z o.o.

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    The article presents the process of managing the MPK-Łódź Sp. z o.o. in the years 2004-2013 and synthetically analyzes the impact of management decisions on the effects actions of the firm. Conclusions of the research show that in the municipal company possible is process of restructuring, and the effectiveness of its actions is similar to private enterprise. It requires only employment of management personnel with the appropriate skills and competence. For this type of companies disappoints owner supervision, which is the biggest barrier to their development

    Экономика с низким уровнем зягрязнения как основа развития региона

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    Polska, już od kilkudziesięciu lat odnotowuje wzrost gospodarczy. Jednak, cały czas poziom PKB per capita znacznie odbiega od poziomu w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych. Znacznie gorzej jest z rozwojem, którego tempo było niższe niż wzrostu gospodarczego. Dlatego mamy m.in. duży poziom ubóstwa, problem z zapewnieniem odpowiednich warunków mieszkaniowych i zdrowotnych, czy relatywnie wysokie obciążenia podatkowe osób o najniższych dochodach. W następnej dekadzie średnie tempo przyrostu PKB może znacznie się zmniejszyć, ponieważ nie zbudowaliśmy trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Dotychczasowy sukces zawdzięczamy głównie niskim kosztom pracy, a nie innowacyjności. Regiony, które chcą uzyskać długookresowe i wysokie tempo rozwoju gospodarczego muszą zbudować przewagę opartą na nowoczesnych technologicznie produktach i usługach. Szansę taką stwarza gospodarka niskoemisyjna. Szczególnie, że w obecnej perspektywie finansowania (2014– 2020) UE przeznaczyła znaczne środki na działania związane z niskoemisyjnością. W artkule zwrócono uwagę na korzyści, jakie może uzyskać region po wdrożeniu gospodarki niskoemisyjnej. Dotyczą one m.in. zwiększenia lokalnej produkcji dóbr i usług, wzrostu zatrudnienia i średniego wynagrodzenia, poprawy jakości środowiska przyrodniczego oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Stworzenie gospodarki niskoemisyjnej pozwoli więc na systematyczny wzrost dobrobytu ludności oraz poprawę jakości życia osób mieszkających na terenie JST. Artykuł zawiera również syntetycznie zdefiniowane pojęcie gospodarki niskoemisyjnej oraz zrównoważonego rozwoju gospodarczego.All the time GDP per capita is far from the level in developed countries. Much worse was with the development, which was lower than the rate of economic growth. That is why we have in Poland, among others, a high level of poverty, the problem with providing adequate housing and health conditions, relatively high tax burden on people with the lowest incomes. In the next decade, the average growth rate of GDP may be significantly reduced because we have failed to build a sustainable competitive advantage. The previous success was mainly due to low labor costs, rather than innovation. Regions that wish to obtain long-term and high rate of economic development must build an advantage based on modern technology products and services. A low emission economy creates the chance. Especially that in the current financing perspective (2014-2020) the EU has allocated considerable resources for activities related to carbon efficiency. The article focuses on the benefits that region can get after the implementation of low emission economy. They concern, inter alia, the increase in local production of goods and services, growth in employment and average wages, improvement of the quality of the natural environment and ensuring energy security. These benefits come down to sustainable economic development in the long term. Building a low emission economy will allow to systematically increase the well-being of the population and improve the quality of life of people living in the municipality

    Activities Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Context of Poland’s Inergration with the European Union

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are and will be of a fundamental importance for economic development. Basing economic development on large private companies, which arc owned primarily by foreign investors in Poland, can produce negative effects for the Polish economy in the long term. Hence, it is necessary to develop the SME sector, which calls for an effective support by the State. I he author performed a synthetic assessment of government programmes addressed to SMEs in the context of Poland’s accession to the EU. An attempt was also made to present indispensable changes in the government SME policy, which should allow to harmonise the support for this sector with the EU recommendations and achieve long-term high rate of economic growth through the SME sector development.Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Renewable energy sources as a barrier to the EU’s common energy policy – on the example of Poland and Germany

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    The main objective of the EU is to achieve a high rate of economic development. High rate of economic growth can be achieved, inter alia, by increasing economic cohesion. In the last period, the Community put special emphasis on the creation of a single electricity market. This market has led to lower prices, provided more secure supplies and facilitated the optimization of production plants based on renewable sources and thus their development. The aim of this article is a synthetic presentation of the problems that transmission system operators have with unscheduled electricity flows as a consequence of the production of renewable energy, which is difficult to predict. Solving this problem is crucial to the integration of the electricity market in the EU and thereby economic cohesion