23 research outputs found

    Responsibilities of Financial Technology Company Due To Failure to Pay By Loan Recipients

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    One form of business is due to current developments in financial technology (abbreviated as fintech), which means using technology to provide financial solutions. This study aims to see the responsibility of PT. Dana Agung Nusantara as the financial technology (fintech) lending provider due to default by lending recipients in the case of Central Jakarta Commercial Court Decision Number 113/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2021/PN Jkt.Pst. This research is normative juridical research. In this study, the source of legal materials used consisted of 3 (three) legal materials, namely primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The technique of collecting data on legal materials is by using a literature study model using analysis of legal materials, which is used in descriptive qualitative content analysis. The results showed that the responsibility of PT. Dana Agung Nusantara as the financial technology (fintech) lending provider due to default by loan recipients by the case of Central Jakarta Commercial Court Decision Number 113/Pdt.Sus- PKPU/2021/PN Jkt.Pst that according to an OJK spokesperson, the party is responsible if The fintech collapsed is a P2P lending fintech provider. Meanwhile, if the borrower causes a default, it is the responsibility of the lender or investor

    Responsibilities of Financial Technology Company Due To Failure to Pay By Loan Recipients

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    One form of business is due to current developments in financial technology (abbreviated as fintech), which means using technology to provide financial solutions. This study aims to see the responsibility of PT. Dana Agung Nusantara as the financial technology (fintech) lending provider due to default by lending recipients in the case of Central Jakarta Commercial Court Decision Number 113/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2021/PN Jkt.Pst. This research is normative juridical research. In this study, the source of legal materials used consisted of 3 (three) legal materials, namely primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The technique of collecting data on legal materials is by using a literature study model using analysis of legal materials, which is used in descriptive qualitative content analysis. The results showed that the responsibility of PT. Dana Agung Nusantara as the financial technology (fintech) lending provider due to default by loan recipients by the case of Central Jakarta Commercial Court Decision Number 113/Pdt.Sus- PKPU/2021/PN Jkt.Pst that according to an OJK spokesperson, the party is responsible if The fintech collapsed is a P2P lending fintech provider. Meanwhile, if the borrower causes a default, it is the responsibility of the lender or investor

    Customers’ Legal Protection Related to Online Financial Lending Services with Financial Technology Basis Based on Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77/PJOK.01/2016 Concerning Information of Borrowing and Lending Services Utilizing Information Technology Basis

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    This study aims to determine the legal protection of customers related to financial technology-based online lending services based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/ 2016 concerning Information of Borrowing and Lending Services Utilizing Information Technology Basis. This research is a normative juridical research. In this study, the source of legal materials utilized consists of 3 (three) legal materials, namely primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials using a literature study model is in the form of a qualitative descriptive content analysis. The results shows that legal protection for customers related to financial technology-based online fund lending services based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016 concerning Information of Borrowing and Lending Services Utilizing Information Technology Basis consists of preventive legal protection, which is reviewed from the Financial Service Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016 concerning Information of Borrowing and Lending Services Utilizing Information Technology Basis. The regulation covers (1) risk mitigation, (2) management of information technology systems, (3) information technology loans, (4) loan services, (5) technology-information-based loans, (6) borrower education and protection, (7) customer principles, (8) technical specifications, and (8) prohibitions on service delivery. Technologybased loans, credit, and periodic reports must be submitted to the Financial Services Authority. Furthermore, there is repressive legal protection by imposing administrative sanctions on the providers in the form of written warnings,fines, restrictions on business activities, and license revocation

    The State Role in Guaranteeing the Rights of Consumers (Apartment Buyers) to the Bankrupt Developers

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    This research purpose is to reveal the state role in guaranteeing the rights of consumers who buy apartments / housing to certificates guaranteed by the bankrupt developer. The research method used in this research is normative juridical or doctrinal research, which is research conducted by analyzing legal norms established by the competent institution. While, the approach used is the statute approach and the conceptual approach. The sources of legal materials in this study consist of primary and secondary legal materials. The results of this study indicate that the role of the state in guaranteeing the rights of consumers of apartment (housing buyers) to certificates guaranteed by the bankruptcy developer provides legal protection through legal tools (instruments) through state organs and apparatus in accordance with their respective duties and authorities. Purchasing an apartment / housing with a certificate guaranteed by the developer is a big risk for consumers because they will lose some of their rights. However, the responsibility of the developer does not just disappear, even though it is declared bankrupt by the court. The imposition of responsibility on the developer / developer still exists both from a civil and criminal perspective. Developers are still burdened with absolute responsibility (strict liability) to provide compensation to buyers / consumers according to the level of losses suffered. A bankruptcy statement on a court decision that has permanent legal force to the debtor (developer) does not obstruct his obligation to resolve the certificate problem guaranteed by the developer. Therefore, legally the developer still has the legal responsibility to continue the PPJB although the curator and supervisory judge have settled it. The existence of Article 34 of Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Suspension of Liability which has provided restrictions not to carry out something that has been agreed upon prior to the pronouncement of the bankruptcy declaration can be distracted because it is considered to injure legal justice for buyers / consumers, so it becomes the judge's duty to explore and understand the values of law and a sense of justice that live in society to make legal discoveries and reforms (mujtahij and mujaddid), because a good law is the law that is in accordance with the values of community life and has benefits for society


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    Abstract— Copyright is intellectual property in the fields of science, art, and literature which has a strategi c role in supporting nation building and advancing public welfare. Film is a part of cultural art work that is realized based on cinematographic rules is a cultural phenomenon. This means that the film is the result of a creative process of citizens that is carried out by combining the beauty, technological sophistication, and the system of values, ideas, norms, and human actions in society, nation and state. therefo re the development of science, technology, art, and literature, has been so rapid that it requires increased protection and guarantees of legal certainty for the creator, copyright holder, and owner of related rights. With the legal regulation on Copyright, it does not automatically stop any legal problems that occur as in the case between RAC and Director HB and RJP film producers who question the Scenario Script film "Soekarno" that is not in accordance with the Manuscript. The formulation of the problem in this case study is whether HB as the director and RJP as the Soekarno Film Producer are responsible for making a screenplay script that is not in accordance with the Manuscript owned by the RAC. This thesis writing aims to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Surabaya. The writing of this research uses normative juridical legal research type, from legal research conducted with the method, it is obtained that the script of Soekarno's screenplay is the work of HB's director in the Sinema trogafi field which is expressed in real form, so that HB can be called a creator with moral rights. and economic rights to the creation of the "Soekarno" Screenplay Script. The two RJPs of a Soekarno Film Producer, in this case referred to as a phonogram producer, hav e related rights in the form of economic rights to the "Soekarno" Film creation. The three RACs are the owners of the manuscript "Bung Karno: Indonesia Merdeka", whose script is used as a basic reference for making HB's "Soekarno" screenplay script, so that in this c ase the RAC cannot be called the creator of the film "Soekarno" because of the Soekarno Scenario Script HB has done the development of a more innovative storyline. Keywords: (copyright, Film, Cinematography) Abstrak— Hak cipta merupakan kekayaan intelektual di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra yang mempunyai peranan strategis dalam mendukung pembangunan bangsa dan memajukan kesejahteraan umum. Film merupakan bagian karya seni budaya yang terwujud berdasarkan kaidah sinematografi merupakan fenomena kebudayaan. Hal itu bermakna bahwa film merupakan hasil proses kreatif warga negara yang dilakukan dengan memadukan keindahan, kecanggihan teknologi, serta sistem nilai, gagasan, norma, dan tindakan manusia dalam bermasyarakat,berbangsa, dan bernegara. oleh karena itu perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dan sastra, sudah demikian pesat sehingga memerlukan peningkatan pelindungan dan jaminan kepastian hukum bagi pencipta, pemegang Hak Cipta, dan pemilik Hak terkait. Dengan adanya pengaturan hukum tentang Hak Cipta tidak secara otomatis menghentikan adanya persoalan hukum yang terjadi seperti di dalam kasus antara RAC dengan Sutradara HB dan Produser film RJPyang mempersoalkan Script Skenario film “Soekarno” yang tidak sesuai dengan Naskah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian kasus ini adalah Apakah HB selaku sutradara dan RJP selaku Produser Film Soekarno bertanggung gugat atas pembuatan Script Skenario film yang tidak sesuai dengan Naskah yang dimiliki oleh RAC. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Hukum di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya. Penulisian penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum yuridis normatif, dari penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan metode tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa Script sk enario film Soekarno merupakan hasil karya cipta sutrdara HB di bidang Sinematrogafi yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk nyata, sehingga HB dapat disebut sebagai pencipta yang mempunyai hak moral dan hak ekonomi atas ciptaan Script Skenario film “Soekarno”. Kedua RJP seorang Produser Film Soekarno yang dalam hal ini disebut sebagai produser fonogram mempunyai hak terkait berupa hak ekonomi atasciptaan Film “Soekarno’. Ketiga RAC merupakan pemilik Naskah “Bung Karno : Indonesia Merdeka”, yang naskahnya dijadikan sebagai referensi dasar untuk pembuatan Script Skenario film “Soekarno” milik HB, sehingga dalam hal ini RAC tidak dapat disebut sebagai pencipta dari film “ Soekarno” karena Script Skenario film soekarno oleh HB sudah dilakukan pengembangan alur cerita yang lebih di inovasi. Kata kunci: Hak Cipta, Film, Sinematograf


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    Abstract— Copyright is intellectual property in the fields of science, art, and literature which has a strategi c role in supporting nation building and advancing public welfare. Film is a part of cultural art work that is realized based on cinematographic rules is a cultural phenomenon. This means that the film is the result of a creative process of citizens that is carried out by combining the beauty, technological sophistication, and the system of values, ideas, norms, and human actions in society, nation and state. therefo re the development of science, technology, art, and literature, has been so rapid that it requires increased protection and guarantees of legal certainty for the creator, copyright holder, and owner of related rights. With the legal regulation on Copyright, it does not automatically stop any legal problems that occur as in the case between RAC and Director HB and RJP film producers who question the Scenario Script film "Soekarno" that is not in accordance with the Manuscript. The formulation of the problem in this case study is whether HB as the director and RJP as the Soekarno Film Producer are responsible for making a screenplay script that is not in accordance with the Manuscript owned by the RAC. This thesis writing aims to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Surabaya. The writing of this research uses normative juridical legal research type, from legal research conducted with the method, it is obtained that the script of Soekarno's screenplay is the work of HB's director in the Sinema trogafi field which is expressed in real form, so that HB can be called a creator with moral rights. and economic rights to the creation of the "Soekarno" Screenplay Script. The two RJPs of a Soekarno Film Producer, in this case referred to as a phonogram producer, hav e related rights in the form of economic rights to the "Soekarno" Film creation. The three RACs are the owners of the manuscript "Bung Karno: Indonesia Merdeka", whose script is used as a basic reference for making HB's "Soekarno" screenplay script, so that in this c ase the RAC cannot be called the creator of the film "Soekarno" because of the Soekarno Scenario Script HB has done the development of a more innovative storyline. Keywords: (copyright, Film, Cinematography) Abstrak— Hak cipta merupakan kekayaan intelektual di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra yang mempunyai peranan strategis dalam mendukung pembangunan bangsa dan memajukan kesejahteraan umum. Film merupakan bagian karya seni budaya yang terwujud berdasarkan kaidah sinematografi merupakan fenomena kebudayaan. Hal itu bermakna bahwa film merupakan hasil proses kreatif warga negara yang dilakukan dengan memadukan keindahan, kecanggihan teknologi, serta sistem nilai, gagasan, norma, dan tindakan manusia dalam bermasyarakat,berbangsa, dan bernegara. oleh karena itu perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dan sastra, sudah demikian pesat sehingga memerlukan peningkatan pelindungan dan jaminan kepastian hukum bagi pencipta, pemegang Hak Cipta, dan pemilik Hak terkait. Dengan adanya pengaturan hukum tentang Hak Cipta tidak secara otomatis menghentikan adanya persoalan hukum yang terjadi seperti di dalam kasus antara RAC dengan Sutradara HB dan Produser film RJPyang mempersoalkan Script Skenario film “Soekarno” yang tidak sesuai dengan Naskah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian kasus ini adalah Apakah HB selaku sutradara dan RJP selaku Produser Film Soekarno bertanggung gugat atas pembuatan Script Skenario film yang tidak sesuai dengan Naskah yang dimiliki oleh RAC. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Hukum di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya. Penulisian penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum yuridis normatif, dari penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan metode tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa Script sk enario film Soekarno merupakan hasil karya cipta sutrdara HB di bidang Sinematrogafi yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk nyata, sehingga HB dapat disebut sebagai pencipta yang mempunyai hak moral dan hak ekonomi atas ciptaan Script Skenario film “Soekarno”. Kedua RJP seorang Produser Film Soekarno yang dalam hal ini disebut sebagai produser fonogram mempunyai hak terkait berupa hak ekonomi atasciptaan Film “Soekarno’. Ketiga RAC merupakan pemilik Naskah “Bung Karno : Indonesia Merdeka”, yang naskahnya dijadikan sebagai referensi dasar untuk pembuatan Script Skenario film “Soekarno” milik HB, sehingga dalam hal ini RAC tidak dapat disebut sebagai pencipta dari film “ Soekarno” karena Script Skenario film soekarno oleh HB sudah dilakukan pengembangan alur cerita yang lebih di inovasi. Kata kunci: Hak Cipta, Film, Sinematograf

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pihak Ketiga Dalam Actio Pauliana

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    Actio Pauliana is a term for the cancellation of a legal action carried out by the debtor because the legal action can harm the creditor and is not required to be carried out. Actio Pauliana is closely related to bankruptcy law because it can have implications for the process of settling bankrupt assets of debtors who are undergoing the bankruptcy process. In the settlement of bankruptcy assets, the curator will conduct an examination of the ownership of the debtor's bankrupt property which will be used to resolve the bankruptcy process to its creditors. If Actio Pauliana's lawsuit is granted, as a result, the legal action of the debtor being sued by Actio Pauliana will be canceled. The canceled legal action involves a third party in transactions in general and creates an obligation for the third party to return the debtor's bankrupt property. The formulation of the problem in this research is what is the legal protection for third parties in Actio Pauliana's lawsuit. The purpose of writing this thesis is to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Law degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Surabaya. The writing of this study uses a normative juridical legal research type, from legal research carried out with this method, the results obtained that legal protection for third parties in the Actio Pauliana lawsuit gives a third party the right to get back the object that has been received by the debtor or its replacement value or the price of the goods. which has been paid to the debtor. Meanwhile, for the lack of the replacement value of the object or the price of the goods that have been paid by a third party to the Debtor, the third party in the Actio Pauliana lawsuit may appear as a Concurrent Creditor

    Kedudukan Anak Luar Kawin

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    Anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan yang tidak memenuhi syarat sahnya perkawinan dikenal dengan anak luar kawin. Pasal ini menegaskan secara hukum anak tersebut berada dalam asuhan dan pengawasan ibunya sehingga timbul kewajiban hanya bagi ibunya dan keluarga ibunya untuk mendidik dan memelihara. Anak yang dilahirkan diluar perkawinan tidak ada hubungan keperdataan dengan ayah biologis dan tidak bisa mendapatkan warisan dari harta peninggalan bapak biologisnya. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi ini menimbulkan suatu ketidakjelasan berkaitan dengan prosedur pembuktian dan pengesahan hubungan keperdataan anak luar kawin dengan laki-laki sebagai ayahnya dan keluarga ayahnya sehingga banyak anggapan setelah adanya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi ini serta merta anak yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan memiliki hubungan keperdataan dengan ayah biologis sejauh dapat dibuktikan. Hal tersebut diatas menimbulkan banyak keresahan bagi masyarakat khususnya keluarga dari ayah biologis, mereka akan secra otomatis memiliki hubungan perdata dengan anak luar kawin tersebut. Apabila putusan MK dapat diterapkan pada semua kriteria anak luar kawin maka putusan MK hanya memberikan perlindungan hukum pada anak yang dilahirkan diluar perkawinan saja yaitu dengan memberikan kepastian status namun disisi lain tidak memberikan perlindungan bagi istri dan/atau anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan yang sah menurut UU Perkawinan yang berlaku yaitu Pasal 2 ayat (I) dan (2)

    Legal Analysis on the Use of Deepfake Technology: Threats to Indonesian Banking Institutions

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    Rencana transformasi digital yang dilaksanakan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dalam industri perbankan telah memberikan dampak nyata dalam mempercepat evolusi perbankan Indonesia menuju basis teknologi informasi. Digitalisasi di sektor perbankan dengan mengadopsi penggunaan teknologi untuk setiap produk dan layanan terus dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan daya saing di antara para pelaku bisnis. Sementara itu, ada ancaman potensial yang dibawa oleh penggunaan teknologi yang disebut "Deepfake". Deepfake merupakan implementasi kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk mereplikasi dan menghasilkan gambar palsu, suara, pola, dan/atau kombinasi dari mereka pada suatu subjek tertentu sehingga terlihat seperti aslinya. Teknologi ini berkembang tanpa disadari oleh sebagian besar orang mengenai potensi pencurian dan pemalsuan data identitas yang dapat dilakukan olehnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ancaman potensial dari penyalahgunaan teknologi Deepfake di lembaga keuangan dan kesiapan regulasi serta lembaga keuangan untuk menghadapinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan normatif dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia perlu memiliki kerangka regulasi yang komprehensif dan implementasi yang akurat dari langkah-langkah pencegahan oleh lembaga keuangan terkait penggunaan teknologi dalam operasional bisnis mereka untuk menghindari bahaya penyalahgunaan teknologi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan agar penyalahgunaan Deepfake dalam industri perbankan dapat diantisipasi dan dicegah sebelum muncul lebih banyak masalah hukum yang dapat merugikan bisnis dan pengguna.     The digital transformation plan carried out by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in banking industry has made real impact on accelerating the evolution of Indonesian banking towards an information-technology-basis. Digitalization on banking sector by adapting the use of technology to each line of products and services continues to be developed to increase competitiveness among business actors. At the same time, there is a potential threat brought by the use of technology called “Deepfake”. Deepfake is an implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) to replicate and produce fake images, sounds, patterns, and/or combination of them on a particular subject so that it looks like the original. This technology evolved without being realized by most people regarding the potential for identity data theft and fabrication that can be carried out by it. This research conducted to find out the potential threat of Deepfake technology misuses in financial institutions and the readiness of regulations and financial institutions to deal with it. This study is juridical-normative research using statutory and conceptual approach. The results show that Indonesia needs to have a comprehensive regulatory framework and accurate implementation of preventive measures by financial institutions regarding the use of technology in their business operations to avoid the dangers of technology misuse. This study intended so that the misuse of Deepfake in the banking industry can be anticipated and prevented before more legal issues that can harm businesses and users arise