150 research outputs found

    The impact of alkyl chain purity on lipid based nucleic acid delivery systems – is the utilization of lipid components with technical grade justified?

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    The physicochemical properties and transfection efficacies of two samples of a cationic lipid have been investigated and compared in 2D (monolayers at the air/liquid interface) and 3D (aqueous bulk dispersions) model systems using different techniques. The samples differ only in their chain composition due to the purity of the oleylamine (chain precursor). Lipid 8 (using the oleylamine of technical grade for cost-efficient synthesis) shows lateral phase separation in the Langmuir layers. However, the amount of attached DNA, determined by IRRAS, is for both samples the same. In 3D systems, lipid 8 p forms cubic phases, which disappear after addition of DNA. At physiological temperatures, both lipids (alone and in mixture with cholesterol) assemble to lamellar aggregates and exhibit comparable DNA delivery efficiency. This study demonstrates that non-lamellar structures are not compulsory for high transfection rates. The results legitimate the utilization of oleyl chains of technical grade in the synthesis of cationic transfection lipid

    SARS‑CoV‑2 entry into and evolution within a skilled nursing facility

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    SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the family Coronaviridae which includes multiple human pathogens that have an outsized impact on aging populations. As a novel human pathogen, SARS-CoV-2 is undergoing continuous adaptation to this new host species and there is evidence of this throughout the scientific and public literature. However, most investigations of SARS-CoV-2 evolution have focused on largescale collections of data across diverse populations and/or living environments. Here we investigate SARS-CoV-2 evolution in epidemiologically linked individuals within a single outbreak at a skilled nursing facility beginning with initial introduction of the pathogen. The data demonstrate that SARSCoV- 2 was introduced to the facility multiple times without establishing an interfacility transmission chain, followed by a single introduction that infected many individuals within a week. This largescale introduction by a single genotype then persisted in the facility. SARS-CoV-2 sequences were investigated at both the consensus and intra-host variation levels. Understanding the variability in SARS-CoV-2 during transmission chains will assist in understanding the spread of this disease and can ultimately inform best practices for mitigation strategies

    Transcriptome and translatome co-evolution in mammals.

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    Gene-expression programs define shared and species-specific phenotypes, but their evolution remains largely uncharacterized beyond the transcriptome layer <sup>1</sup> . Here we report an analysis of the co-evolution of translatomes and transcriptomes using ribosome-profiling and matched RNA-sequencing data for three organs (brain, liver and testis) in five mammals (human, macaque, mouse, opossum and platypus) and a bird (chicken). Our within-species analyses reveal that translational regulation is widespread in the different organs, in particular across the spermatogenic cell types of the testis. The between-species divergence in gene expression is around 20% lower at the translatome layer than at the transcriptome layer owing to extensive buffering between the expression layers, which especially preserved old, essential and housekeeping genes. Translational upregulation specifically counterbalanced global dosage reductions during the evolution of sex chromosomes and the effects of meiotic sex-chromosome inactivation during spermatogenesis. Despite the overall prevalence of buffering, some genes evolved faster at the translatome layer-potentially indicating adaptive changes in expression; testis tissue shows the highest fraction of such genes. Further analyses incorporating mass spectrometry proteomics data establish that the co-evolution of transcriptomes and translatomes is reflected at the proteome layer. Together, our work uncovers co-evolutionary patterns and associated selective forces across the expression layers, and provides a resource for understanding their interplay in mammalian organs

    Investigating 3R in vivo approaches for bio-distribution and efficacy evaluation of nucleic acid nanocarriers: studies on peptide-mimicking ionizable lipid

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    Formulations based on ionizable amino-lipids have been put into focus as nucleic acid delivery systems. Recently, the in vitro efficacy of the lipid formulation OH4:DOPE has been explored. However, in vitro performance of nanomedicines cannot correctly predict in vivo efficacy, thereby considerably limiting pre-clinical translation. This is further exacerbated by limited access to mammalian models. The present work proposes to close this gap by investigating in vivo nucleic acid delivery within simpler models, but which still offers physiologically complex environments and also adheres to the 3R guidelines (replace/reduce/refine) to improve animal experiments. The efficacy of OH4:DOPE as a delivery system for nucleic acids is demonstrated using in vivo approaches. It is shown that the formulation is able to transfect complex tissues using the chicken chorioallantoic membrane model. The efficacy of DNA and mRNA lipoplexes is tested extensively in the zebra fish (Danio rerio) embryo which allows the screening of biodistribution and transfection efficiency. Effective transfection of blood vessel endothelial cells is seen, especially in the endocardium. Both model systems allow an efficacy screening according to the 3R guidelines bypassing the in vitro-in vivo gap. Pilot studies in mice are performed to correlate the efficacy of in vivo transfection.Drug Delivery Technolog

    Epigenetic Silencing of the Circadian Clock Gene CRY1 is Associated with an Indolent Clinical Course in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    Disruption of circadian rhythm is believed to play a critical role in cancer development. Cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) is a core component of the mammalian circadian clock and we have previously shown its deregulated expression in a subgroup of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Using real-time RT-PCR in a cohort of 76 CLL patients and 35 normal blood donors we now demonstrate that differential CRY1 mRNA expression in high-risk (HR) CD38+/immunoglobulin variable heavy chain gene (IgVH) unmutated patients as compared to low-risk (LR) CD38−/IgVH mutated patients can be attributed to down-modulation of CRY1 in LR CLL cases. Analysis of the DNA methylation profile of the CRY1 promoter in a subgroup of 57 patients revealed that CRY1 expression in LR CLL cells is silenced by aberrant promoter CpG island hypermethylation. The methylation pattern of the CRY1 promoter proved to have high prognostic impact in CLL where aberrant promoter methylation predicted a favourable outcome. CRY1 mRNA transcript levels did not change over time in the majority of patients where sequential samples were available for analysis. We also compared the CRY1 expression in CLL with other lymphoid malignancies and observed epigenetic silencing of CRY1 in a patient with B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL)
