111 research outputs found

    Extreme responses of a coupled scalar-particle system during turbulent mixing

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    Extreme responses of a droplet ensemble during an entrainment and mixing process as present at the edge of a cloud are investigated by means of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations in the Euler–Lagrangian framework. We find that the Damköhler number Da, a dimensionless parameter which relates the fluid time scale to the typical evaporation time scale, can capture all aspects of the initial mixing process within the range of parameters accessible in this study. The mixing process is characterized by the limits of strongly homogeneous (Da > 1) regimes. We explore these two extreme regimes and study the response of the droplet size distribution to the corresponding parameter settings through an enhancement and reduction of the response constant K in the droplet growth equation. Thus, Da is varied while Reynolds and Schmidt numbers are held fixed, and initial microphysical properties are held constant. In the homogeneous limit minimal broadening of the size distribution is observed as the new steady state is reached, whereas in the inhomogeneous limit the size distribution develops strong negative skewness, with the appearance of a pronounced exponential tail. The analysis in the Lagrangian framework allows us to relate the pronounced negative tail of the supersaturation distribution to that of the size distribution

    \u27Harlem Exchange\u27 Relies on Letters Between Friends of Three Decades

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    News release announces the Harlem Exchange, an epistolary play, will be presented at the University of Dayton

    Bring it to the Pitch: Combining Video and Movement Data to Enhance Team Sport Analysis

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    Analysts in professional team sport regularly perform analysis to gain strategic and tactical insights into player and team behavior. Goals of team sport analysis regularly include identification of weaknesses of opposing teams, or assessing performance and improvement potential of a coached team. Current analysis workflows are typically based on the analysis of team videos. Also, analysts can rely on techniques from Information Visualization, to depict e.g., player or ball trajectories. However, video analysis is typically a time-consuming process, where the analyst needs to memorize and annotate scenes. In contrast, visualization typically relies on an abstract data model, often using abstract visual mappings, and is not directly linked to the observed movement context anymore. We propose a visual analytics system that tightly integrates team sport video recordings with abstract visualization of underlying trajectory data. We apply appropriate computer vision techniques to extract trajectory data from video input. Furthermore, we apply advanced trajectory and movement analysis techniques to derive relevant team sport analytic measures for region, event and player analysis in the case of soccer analysis. Our system seamlessly integrates video and visualization modalities, enabling analysts to draw on the advantages of both analysis forms. Several expert studies conducted with team sport analysts indicate the effectiveness of our integrated approach

    First-principles study of TMNan (TM= Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni; n = 4-7) clusters

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    Geometry, electronic structure, and magnetic properties of TMNan (TM=Cr-Ni; n = 4-7) clusters are studied within a gradient corrected density functional theory (DFT) framework. Two complementary approaches, the first adapted to all-electron calculations on free clusters, and the second been on plane wave projector augmented wave (PAW) method within a supercell approach are used. Except for NiNan, the clusters in this series are found to retain the atomic moments of the TM atoms, and the magnetic moment presented an odd-even oscillation with respect to the number of Na atoms. The origin of these odd-even oscillations is explained from the nature of chemical bonding in these clusters. Differences and similarities between the chemical bonding and the magnetic properties of these clusters and the TMNan (TM = Sc, V and Ti; n = 4-6) clusters on one hand, and TM-doped Au and Ag clusters on the other hand, are discussed

    Model-Based Methods for Assessment, Learning, and Instruction: Innovative Educational Technology at Florida State University

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    Abstract In this chapter, we describe our research and development efforts relating to eliciting, representing, and analyzing how individuals and small groups conceptualize complex problems. The methods described herein have all been devel-oped and are in various states of being validated. In addition, the methods we describe have been automated and most have been integrated in an online model-based set of tools called HIMATT (Highly Interactive Model-based Assessment Tools and Technologies; available for research purposes a

    Extreme responses of a coupled scalar–particle system during turbulent mixing

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    Extreme responses of a droplet ensemble during an entrainment and mixing process as present at the edge of a cloud are investigated by means of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations in the Euler–Lagrangian framework. We find that the Damköhler number Da, a dimensionless parameter which relates the fluid time scale to the typical evaporation time scale, can capture all aspects of the initial mixing process within the range of parameters accessible in this study. The mixing process is characterized by the limits of strongly homogeneous (Da Lt 1) and strongly inhomogeneous (Da Gt 1) regimes. We explore these two extreme regimes and study the response of the droplet size distribution to the corresponding parameter settings through an enhancement and reduction of the response constant K in the droplet growth equation. Thus, Da is varied while Reynolds and Schmidt numbers are held fixed, and initial microphysical properties are held constant. In the homogeneous limit minimal broadening of the size distribution is observed as the new steady state is reached, whereas in the inhomogeneous limit the size distribution develops strong negative skewness, with the appearance of a pronounced exponential tail. The analysis in the Lagrangian framework allows us to relate the pronounced negative tail of the supersaturation distribution to that of the size distribution
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