520 research outputs found

    Living with Liberation: Quebec Drama in the Feminist Age

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    Responding to feminism, Quebec male dramatists have re-examined sex roles and the relationships between the sexes in the 1980s. The antifeminist reactions of the 1970s have given way to reluctant acceptance of women's equality and serious reconsiderations of masculinity. The male critique of patriarchy has led to new forms of male dramatic discourse. This paper focuses on Jean Barbeau's 1983 play, Les Gars, as an example of how the presentation of Quebec men has changed in the feminist age.Répondant au féminisme, les hommes dramaturges du Québec ont examiné de nouveau les rôles sexuels et les rapports entre les sexes dans les années 80. Les réactions antiféministes des années 70 ont cédé à une acceptation sans enthousiasme de l’égalité des femmes et à des remises en cause de la masculinité. La cri tique mâle du patriarcat a abouti à la création de nouvelles formes du discours dramatique masculin. Ce texte analyse Les Gars, pièce de Jean Barbeau montée en 1983, comme exemple du changement dans la présentation des hommes québécoise depuis l’avènement de l’âge féministe

    Larry Tremblay et la dramaturgie de la parole

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    Hematological parameters, intraerythrocytic phosphates, hemoglobin, and whole blood Bohr effect of the South American armored catfish Hoplostenum littorale were studied during different seasons of the year. In addition, the degree of dependence on air breathing was determined for this species. The hematological parameters presented seasonal variations, which were not correlated to oxygen, temperature, and water level oscillations. Five anodic hemoglobin fractions were detected in starch gel electrophoresis. In addition to ATP, GTP and Fe-GTP being detected, 2,3-DPG was also detected in red blood cells of H. littorale. The latter is an intraerythrocytic phosphate characteristic to red blood cells of mammalians. The increased production of 2,3-DPG could be associated with decreasing Hb-O2 affinity and both features could be related to environmental temperature increase. Whole blood Bohr effect was influenced by water temperature. This study confirms H. littorale to be continuous and not obligate air breather, under all dissolved oxygen level conditions.Os parâmetros hematológicos, os fosfatos intraeritrocitários, a hemoglobina e o efeito Bohr do sangue de Hoplostenum littorale foram estudados em diferentes períodos do ano. Além disso, foi determinado o grau de dependência da respiração aérea nesta espécie. Os parâmetros hematológicos apresentaram variações sazonais, as quais não foram relacionadas com as variações no oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura e nível de água. Além de ATP, GTP e Fe-GTP terem sido detectados nos eritrócitos de H. littorale, 2,3-DPG também foi detectado. Este último é um fosfato intraeritrocitário característico de células vermelhas de mamíferos. O efeito deste composto sobre a afinidade da Hb-O2 pode estar relacionado com o aumento da temperatura. O efeito Bohr do sangue foi influenciado pela temperatura da água. Este estudo confirma que H. littorale é um respirador aéreo facultativo que utiliza a respiração aérea mesmo em condições normóxicas

    Larry Tremblay et la dramaturgie de la parole

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    Le corp(u)s théâtral des femmes

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    À partir des années 1960 – et dans le but de changer l’image des femmes sur la scène théâtrale québécoise –, des actrices, des écrivaines, des dramaturges et des regroupements féministes commencèrent à dénoncer l’aliénation et l’exploitation dont les femmes étaient victimes. Dans cet article, je propose d’analyser comment ces artistes mirent en scène et firent parler le corps féminin. Je vais explorer la représentation scénique du corps aussi bien que l’expression de la sexualité féminine. De nombreux sujets liés à cette théâtralisation du corps seront traités : l’idéal de la beauté ; l’anorexie et l’obésité ; la grossesse et la maternité ; l’érotisme, tant lesbien qu’hétérosexuel ; le viol ; et la ménopause. Les pièces du théâtre des femmes furent écrites, montées et jouées uniquement par des comédiennes pour que les spectatrices puissent se reconnaître dans les personnages féminins qui évoluaient sous leurs yeux, et s’identifier à l’ensemble de la production du spectacle. Afin de créer des personnages féminins plus crédibles, il fallut rejeter les conventions du réalisme dramatique et imaginer d’autres stratégies de représentation. Il fallut aussi transgresser les tabous associés au corps féminin et inventer un nouveau discours dramatique qui permettait aux femmes de parler honnêtement de leur corporéalité.Beginning in the sixties, actresses, writers, playwrights, and feminist collectives began to denounce their alienation and exploitation with the goal of changing the image of women in Québec theatre. In this article, I propose to analyse how these artists placed the female body center stage in order to generate a discourse of the body. I will explore the scenic representation of the body as well as the expression of female sexuality. Numerous other issues related to the theatricalization of the body will be examined, including the ideal of beauty, anorexia and obesity, pregnancy and maternity, lesbian and heterosexual eroticism, rape, and menopause. Produced and performed by women, the plays of women’s theatre were written to allow female spectators to see themselves reflected in the dramatic spectacle. To create more believable female characters, it was necessary to reject the conventions of theatrical realism and imagine other strategies of representation. It was also imperative to transgress taboos associated with the female body and to invent a new dramatic discourse that allowed women to speak honestly about their corporeality

    Item-specific proactive interference in olfactory working memory.

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    We examine item-specific olfactory proactive interference (PI) effects and undertake comparisons with verbal and non-verbal visual stimuli. Using a sequential recent-probes task, we show no evidence for PI with hard-to-name odours (Experiment 1). However, verbalisable odours do exhibit PI effects (Experiment 2). These findings occur despite above chance performance and similar serial position functions across both tasks. Experiments 3 and 4 apply words and faces, respectively, to our modified procedure, and show that methodological differences cannot explain the null finding in Experiment 1. The extent to which odours exhibit analogous PI effects to that of other modalities is, we argue, contingent on the characteristics of the odours employed


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    This project explores the juxtaposition of classical and contemporary architectural forms as they coexist within Richmond City’s urban fabric. It is an assessment and understanding of how the built environment can reinforce transitions between old and new in ways that both integrate architectural differences and embrace historical identity. Richmond, and a large part of Virginia in general, has been shaped by the historical events of its existence. The sights of the city reveal a clash of the old and new. It is a city where newer developments and traditional elements have been trying to co-mingle. The design incorporates a contemporary architectural language that joins with the building’s historical surroundings without breaking the balance of the composition

    Volcanic Rift-zones and Flank Instability : An Evaluation of Ground Deformation Monitoring Techniques

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    Collapse is part of the growth cycle of volcanoes with active rift-zones. As the\ud volcano develops and grows disequilibrium between the strength of the edifice\ud and the applied stresses, produce instability within the edifice which can\ud potentially lead to catastrophic lateral collapse. The intra-eruptive periods on\ud persistently active volcanoes are often short-lived. The recent intra-eruptive\ud windows at Piton de la Foumaise, Reunion Island (1994-1996), Etna, Sicily\ud (1994-1997) and the less-frequently-active Cumbre Vieja ridge on La Palma\ud (1994-1998), have provided a valuable opportunity in which to compare the\ud background deformation (which can indicate whether the edifice is stable\ud between eruptions). Influences such as gravitational loading, tectonic activity,\ud creep or the intrusion of fresh magma would cause coherent deformation patterns,\ud and even small movements within the estimated errors of the measuring\ud techniques are assessed over time to identify patterns. For each site the\ud background seismicity has remained low and no flank eruptions were recorded\ud during the monitoring program.\ud The results suggest that each site is stable between eruptions. Etna has shown\ud increasing activity since 1995 reflected by a general pattern of inflation. This\ud inflation and a small isolated pocket of inflation on the SW flank are attributed to\ud the intrusion of magma in 1995. A coherent pattern of very minor deformation\ud was observed spanning the 1949 fault of the Cumbre Vieja from 1994 to 1997,\ud however, this was not sustained in 1998. Piton de la Fournaise remained stable\ud during the monitoring program and then erupted at the end of the study in 1998.\ud This inter-eruptive period also provides an optimal time for the transition from\ud one technique to another. On each site the existing EDM (Electronic Distance\ud Measurement) networks were re-occupied using GPS (Global Positioning\ud System), the comparison of individual vectors indicated that the accuracy was\ud approximately 5-12mm, which was less than the expected error between EDM\ud surveys. The networks at all sites have been expanded during the quiescent period\ud and the use of GPS has permitted the optimal positioning of survey stations in\ud order to assess future ground deformation
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