24 research outputs found

    Suicidality as a problem in contemporary society

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    The diploma thesis is focused on the topic of suicidal behavior as a phenomenon that still represents a significant problem in many respects in today's society. The theoretical part was divided into three main chapters, where the issue of suicidal syndrome and its related aspects were first described in detail. In the second chapter, attention was focused on the core topic of the context of this meeting at the present time, where the occurrence of suicides both in the Czech Republic and on a global scale was described. Selected myths related to suicidal issues were also presented, which were later used in the questionnaire survey of this work. Lastly, the theoretical part was focused on the possibilities of helping both suicidal individuals and their loved ones, while the key prevention system in this area was also described. The practical part presented the processed and interpreted results of the questionnaire survey, which was carried out among 178 individuals from the public. The goal of this investigation was to map the public's awareness of the current occurrence of completed suicides in the Czech Republic and at the same time to describe the level of public belief in the misconceptions of suicidal behavior, which were presented in the theoretical part. The results of the questionnaire survey...Diplomová práce je zaměřena na téma suicidálního jednání jako na jev, který v dnešní společnosti představuje stále značný problém v mnoha ohledech. Část teoretická byla rozdělena do tří hlavních kapitol, kde byla zprvu detailně popsána problematika suicidálního syndromu spolu s jeho souvisejícími aspekty. V druhé kapitole byla pozornost zaměřena na stěžejní téma kontextu tohoto jednání v současné době, kde byl popsán výskyt suicidalit jak v České republice, tak v celosvětovém měřítku. Uvedeny byly také vybrané mýty v rámci suicidální problematiky, které byly později využity v dotazníkovém šetření této práce. V poslední řadě byla část teoretická zaměřena na možnosti pomoci jak suicidálním jedincům, tak jejich osobám blízkým, přičemž popsán byl také stěžejní systém prevence v této oblasti. Praktická část předložila zpracované a interpretované výsledky dotazníkového šetření, které bylo realizováno u 178 jedinců z řad veřejnosti. Cílem tohoto šetření bylo zmapovat povědomí veřejnosti v oblasti současného výskytu dokonaných sebevražd v České republice a zároveň popsat míru přesvědčení u veřejnosti v oblasti mylných představ suicidálního jednání, které byly uvedeny v části teoretické. Výsledky dotazníkového šetření přinesly jak zjištění v rámci povědomí veřejnosti v oblasti výskytu, tak zjištění ohledně...HTF - Katedra psychosociálních věd a etikyHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

    Precipitated K-promoted Co-Mn-Al mixed oxides for direct NO decomposition: Preparation and properties

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    Direct decomposition of nitric oxide (NO) proceeds over Co-Mn-Al mixed oxides promoted by potassium. In this study, answers to the following questions have been searched: Do the properties of the K-promoted Co-Mn-Al catalysts prepared by different methods differ from each other? The K-precipitated Co-Mn-Al oxide catalysts were prepared by the precipitation of metal nitrates with a solution of K2CO3/KOH, followed by the washing of the precipitate to different degrees of residual K amounts, and by cthe alcination of the precursors at 500 degrees C. The properties of the prepared catalysts were compared with those of the best catalyst prepared by the K-impregnation of a wet cake of Co-Mn-Al oxide precursors. The solids were characterized by chemical analysis, DTG, XRD, N-2 physisorption, FTIR, temperature programmed reduction (H-2-TPR), temperature programmed CO2 desorption (CO2-TPD), X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), and the species-resolved thermal alkali desorption method (SR-TAD). The washing of the K-precipitated cake resulted in decreasing the K amount in the solid, which affected the basicity, reducibility, and non-linearly catalytic activity in NO decomposition. The highest activity was found at ca 8 wt.% of K, while that of the best K-impregnated wet cake catalyst was at about 2 wt.% of K. The optimization of the cake washing conditions led to a higher catalytic activity.Web of Science97art. no. 59

    Protected Areas: Geotourist Attractiveness for Weekend Tourists Based on the Example of Gorczański National Park in Poland

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    The aim of the publication was to assess the geotourist attractiveness of protected areas in Poland among weekend tourists based on the example of Gorczański National Park. The park location near urbanized areas makes it an attractive field for research on weekend tourism development. The tourist potential of the park is presented, starting from geological aspects and geotourist values. Then, the tourist potential was analysed, with a focus on geotourist resources, which include tourist trails and didactic routes. The tourist traffic volume was also examined. On the basis of legal documents, such as nature conservation plans, threats related to tourism development in protected areas were presented as indicated by park managers. In accordance with the Act on Nature Conservation, the threats are divided into four groups: internal existing and potential threats and external existing and potential threats. The tourists’ opinion on the geotourist attractiveness of the park was investigated with surveys conducted during selected weekends significant in the context of tourist traffic volume. Thus, a profile of people visiting the park for short stays was obtained, as well as their assessment of the tourist resources of the area, with particular emphasis on geotourist values

    Molecular analyses reveal consistent food web structure with elevation in rainforest Drosophila – parasitoid communities

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    The analysis of interaction networks across spatial environmental gradients is a powerful approach to investigate the responses of communities to global change. Using a combination of DNA metabarcoding and traditional molecular methods we built bipartite Drosophila-parasitoid food webs from six Australian rainforest sites across gradients spanning 850 m in elevation and 5° Celsius in mean temperature. Our cost-effective hierarchical approach to network reconstruction separated the determination of host frequencies from the detection and quantification of interactions. The food webs comprised 5-9 host and 5-11 parasitoid species at each site, and showed a lower incidence of parasitism at high elevation. Despite considerable turnover in the relative abundance of host Drosophila species, and contrary to some previous results, we did not detect significant changes to fundamental metrics of network structure including nestedness and specialisation with elevation. Advances in community ecology depend on data from a combination of methodological approaches. It is therefore especially valuable to develop model study systems for sets of closely-interacting species that are diverse enough to be representative, yet still amenable to field and laboratory experiments

    Molecular analyses reveal consistent food web structure with elevation in rainforest Drosophila – parasitoid communities

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    The analysis of interaction networks across spatial environmental gradients is a powerful approach to investigate the responses of communities to global change. Using a combination of DNA metabarcoding and traditional molecular methods we built bipartite Drosophila – parasitoid food webs from six Australian rainforest sites across gradients spanning 850 m in elevation and 5°C in mean temperature. Our cost-effective hierarchical approach to network reconstruction separated the determination of host frequencies from the detection and quantification of interactions. The food webs comprised 5–9 host and 5–11 parasitoid species at each site, and showed a lower incidence of parasitism at high elevation. Despite considerable turnover in the relative abundance of host Drosophila species, and contrary to some previous results, we did not detect significant changes to fundamental metrics of network structure including nestedness and specialisation with elevation. Advances in community ecology depend on data from a combination of methodological approaches. It is therefore especially valuable to develop model study systems for sets of closely-interacting species that are diverse enough to be representative, yet still amenable to field and laboratory experiments

    Radiotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer

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    The trude annual incidence of prostate vandr is the most common caver in men. Subclinikal prostate cancer is common in men >50 years. Screening of healty men using prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing increases the incidence and lead to overdiagnosis. The effect of screening and early intervention on mortality is not knot and cannot corrently recommended

    Suicidality as a problem in contemporary society

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    The diploma thesis is focused on the topic of suicidal behavior as a phenomenon that still represents a significant problem in many respects in today's society. The theoretical part was divided into three main chapters, where the issue of suicidal syndrome and its related aspects were first described in detail. In the second chapter, attention was focused on the core topic of the context of this meeting at the present time, where the occurrence of suicides both in the Czech Republic and on a global scale was described. Selected myths related to suicidal issues were also presented, which were later used in the questionnaire survey of this work. Lastly, the theoretical part was focused on the possibilities of helping both suicidal individuals and their loved ones, while the key prevention system in this area was also described. The practical part presented the processed and interpreted results of the questionnaire survey, which was carried out among 178 individuals from the public. The goal of this investigation was to map the public's awareness of the current occurrence of completed suicides in the Czech Republic and at the same time to describe the level of public belief in the misconceptions of suicidal behavior, which were presented in the theoretical part. The results of the questionnaire survey..

    Porovnání účinků sinusového magnetického pole 0.1 mT a 0.05 mT na inhibici adherence leukocytů a účinků střídavého a stejnosměrného magnetického pole

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    Effects of exposure to magnetic fields are investigated by means of the Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition assay using T lymphocytes taken from healthy humans and from patients with malignant tumors before and after medical treatment. Exposures to magnetic field 0.1 mT and 0.05 mT have similar effects. Effects of exposure to AC and DC magnetic fields are similar too. Increase of adherence after exposure support the hypothesis that magnetic field changes immune function in humans

    The role of a nurse in a prevention and a treatment of intestinal parasites of children

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    The best-known intestinal parasites are Pinworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms and the disease called Toxocarosis. The oftenest parasite is, according to sources, the Pinworm. Intestinal parasites affect mostly young children of pre-school age, sometimes even older. The first goal of the thesis was to investigate parents' awareness of the prevention of parasitic diseases in children. There is a hypothesis set to this goal: Parents of children who suffered from parasitic disease are more informed than parents of children who have not had this disease. The second goal was to map the specifics of nursing care for children with parasitic diseases at GPCHA practice. A research question was chosen for this aim: What are the specifics of nursing care at GPCHA in parasitic diseases? In methodology, the empirical part was chosen and it was a qualitative - quantitative research survey. For the quantitative part, the interrogation method and technique of non-standardized questionnaire was used. The research sample of quantitative survey consisted of 223 respondents, it means parents whose child is aged from 0 to 6 years. The questionnaires were distributed on social networking and others in a nursery school in Týn nad Vltavou. At the very beginning, respondents were acquainted with the topic of the thesis. The results of a quantitative survey were processed with the help of a data matrix and were further processed within twenty-arranged bar charts. To verify the hypothesis, we used the Chi- Quadrat test, which in this case is not satisfactory, therefore, there had to be chosen to merge the responses. An interrogation method, technique-depth interview was used in the qualitative part. The research group consisted of five nurses; three nurses working at GPCHA in Týn nad Vltavou and two working at GPCHA in České Budějovice. While processing the interviews, there open coding was used and an analysis of interviews was conducted by using the method of Pencil and Paper Interview. The results of this bachelor thesis will be published in the journal Paediatrics practice

    Fulfillment of the support measures of the 1st grade of the primary school via distance studies

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá naplňováním podpůrných opatření, zejména 1.-3. stupně, na prvním stupni základní školy prostřednictvím distančního vzdělání. Teoretická část se zabývá speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami, distanční výukou a související legislativou v ČR i v okolních státech. Byly popsány a porovnány postupy ve školství během jednotlivých vln pandemie COVID-19. Praktická část je zaměřena na postoje samotných pedagogů, žáků a rodičů k distančnímu vzdělávání v průběhu pandemie a na zkušenosti s naplňováním podpůrných opatření v tomto režimu výuky.ObhájenoThe diploma thesis deals with the fulfillment of support measures, especially 1st-3rd degree, at the first stage of the primary school via distance studies. The theoretical part deals with special educational needs, distance learning and related legislation in the Czech Republic and neighbor countries. Procedures in education during the individual waves of the COVID-19 pandemic were described and compared. The practical part is focused on the attitude of teachers, pupils and parents to distance studies during a pandemic and on the experience with the implementation of support measures in such teaching style