37 research outputs found

    Study of the reactivity of Kraft and organosolv lignins with 4, 4’–diphenylmethane diisocyanate and characterization of the obtained products

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    The interaction of two types of lignins: Kraft lignin (KL), isolated according to the LignoBoost process (Sweden), and Alcell organosolv (OL) lignin (Canada), with 4,4’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) in the dry dioxane media at 25 degrees of Celsius, was investigated. In the presence of dibutiltin dilaurate (DBTD) the second order rate reaction and 43-56 % conversion were observed. After that the negative deviation from the second order kinetic was observed. The complete NCO conversion in the case of KL takes more time than that of OL

    The functioning of the State Audit in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Montenegro

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    The growing awareness of the functioning of the state audit in recent years has been increasing,indicating its importance. In the 21st century, it is precisely this type of audit that is examininggovernment spending in terms of legal and earmarked spending and evaluating the quality ofpublic sector programs. An auditor examines the information contained in the financialstatements in terms of the truthfulness and objectivity of the financial position and results ofoperations and compliance with auditing standards and the generally accepted accountingframework. For us, as citizens, this audit is important because we all want to know where themoney goes that we as taxpayers pay the state and whether they are available in aneconomical, efficient and effective way. The answers to these questions are contained in thestate audit reports.A state audit is performed by Supreme Audit Institutions. In the Republic of North Macedonia,the Supreme Audit Institution is the State Audit Office, while in the Republic of Montenegro, theSupreme Audit Institution is the State Audit Institution. The Republic of North Macedonia, aswell as the Republic of Montenegro, are candidate countries for membership of the EuropeanUnion, located on the Balkan Peninsula, both of them are in transition and they areapproximately similar in economic terms, which is an indication of the similarities between them.The functioning of the state audit in these countries has some similarities and some differences,but the purpose of the state audit in all Supreme Audit Institutions as well as in the State AuditOffice of the Republic of North Macedonia and the State Audit Institution in the Republic ofMontenegro is the same

    Tannins of Deciduous Trees Bark As a Potential Source for Obtaining Ecologically Safe Wood Adhesives

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    The bark of deciduous trees grown in Latvia: grey alder, black alder, ash tree and goat willow were sequentially extracted using solvents of increasing polarity. The data about total content of both lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds were obtained using sequentially extraction with hexane and ethanol. The highest yields of hydrophilic extractives were found for grey alder and ash tree barks (25.7% and 25.8%, respectively). Hydrophilic extract from the both alder species contained high amount (up to 12% on bark dry mass) of condensed tannins (CT) or oligomeric proanthocyanidins, whereas CT content of extract from ach tree was negligible. The main component of ethanol-water extract from alder bark was identified using 13C NMR and MALDI–TOF MS spectroscopy as a mixture of A- and B-type oligomeric procyanidins with the epicatechin units polymerization degree of 2-7. Ecologically friendly wood adhesives were obtained on the condensed tannin basis

    Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Waste Biomass after Harvesting as a Source of Valuable Biologically Active Compounds with Nutraceutical and Antibacterial Potential

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    Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by ERDF project nr. Nr. “Biorefinery processing of sea buckthorn non-fruit biomass using innovative techniques and comprehensive analytical investigation, for obtaining prospective for Latvian bioeconomy high value-added products, including serotonin”. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.For sustainable sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry production, the task at hand is to find an application for the large amount of biomass waste arising at harvesting. Sea buckthorn (SBT) vegetation is currently poorly studied. The purpose of this research was to assess the composition and potential of SBT twigs as a source of valuable biologically active substances. Water and 50% EtOH extracts of twigs of three Latvian SBT cultivars with a high berry yield and quality, popular for cultivation in many countries (H. rhamnoides ‘Maria Bruvele', ‘Tatiana', ‘Botanicheskaya Lubitelskaya'), were investigated for the first time. The phytochemical composition (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis) and biological activity of the obtained hydrophilic extracts were determined. The highest yield of polyphenolic compounds and serotonin was observed for ‘Maria Bruvele'. Hydrophilic extracts were investigated for radical scavenging activity (DPPH' test), antibacterial/antifungal activity against five pathogenic bacteria/yeast, cytotoxicity, and the enzymatic activity of alpha-amylase (via in vitro testing), which is extremely important for the treatment of people with underweight, wasting, and malabsorption. The results showed a high potential of sea buckthorn biomass as a source of valuable biologically active compounds for the creation of preparations for the food industry, nutraceuticals, and cosmetics.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Bark anatomy, chemical composition and ethanol-water extract composition of Anadenanthera peregrina and Anadenanthera colubrina

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    The bark of Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg and Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan were characterized in relation to anatomical and chemical features. The barks were similar and included a thin conducting phloem, a largely dilated and sclerified non-conducting phloem, and a rhyridome with periderms with thin phellem interspersed by cortical tissues. Only small differences between species were observed that cannot be used alone for taxonomic purposes. The summative chemical composition of A. peregrina and A. colubrina was respectively: 8.2% and 7.7% ash; 28.8% and 29.3% extractives; 2.4% and 2.6% suberin; and 18.9% lignin. The monosaccharide composition showed the predominance of glucose (on average 82% of total neutral sugars) and of xylose (9%). The ethanol-water extracts of A. peregrina and A. colubrina barks included a high content of phenolics, respectively: total phenolics 583 and 682 mg GAE/g extract; 148 and 445 mg CE/g extract; tannins 587 and 98 mg CE/g extract. The antioxidant activity was 238 and 269 mg Trolox/g extract. The barks of the Anadenanthera species are a potential source of polar extractives that will represent an important valorization and therefore contribute to improve the overall economic potential and sustainability of A. peregrina and A. colubrinainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    MedicīnaVeselības aprūpeMedicineHealth CareTīklenes vēnas tromboze ir otrā biežākā tīklenes saslimšana pēc diabētiskās retinopātijas un piektais biežākais akluma cēlonis. Līdz ar populācijas novecošanas tendenci un pieaugošo sirds un asinsvadu slimību slogu, kas ir riska faktori tīklenes vēnas trombozes attīstībā, ir sagaidāms arī tīklenes centrālās vēnas oklūzijas (TCVO) prevalences pieaugums. TCVO ir redzi apdraudošs stāvoklis oftalmoloģijā, kam ir nepieciešama precīza diagnostika ar sekojošu terapijas uzsākšanu potenciālu komplikāciju novēršanai. Kā “zelta standartu” TCVO diagnostikā izmanto optiskās koherences tomogrāfiju, kas ir kvalitatīvu un kvantitatīvu datu ieguves metode, ar kuru ātri un ne-invazīvā veidā ir iespējams iegūt augstas izšķirtspējas tīklenes šķērsgriezuma attēlus tās strukturālo parametru izvērtēšanai. Šī literatūras apskata ietvaros tika apkopota informācija no vienas grāmatas, 62 zinātniskām publikācijām un četriem interneta resursiem par tīklenes centrālās vēnas trombozi un tās radītām strukturālām izmaiņām, ko var izvērtēt ar optiskās koherences tomogrāfiju. Tika raksturota attiecīgā atradne, tās saistība ar TCVO un sastopamības biežums TCVO skartās acīs. Šāds informācijas apkopojums varētu noderēt klīniskajā praksē un turpmākajos pētījumos kā potenciālie kritēriji TCVO diagnostikā, slimības smaguma noteikšanā, terapijas efektivitātes izvērtēšanā vai redzes asuma prognozēšanā.Retinal vein thrombosis is the second most common retinal disease after diabetic retinopathy and the fifth most common cause of blindness. Along with the population aging trend and the increasing burden of cardiovascular diseases, which are risk factors for the development of retinal vein thrombosis, an increase in the prevalence of central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) is also expected. CRVO is a vision-threatening condition in ophthalmology that requires an accurate diagnosis followed by initiation of therapy to prevent potential complications. Optical coherence tomography, a method of obtaining qualitative and quantitative data that allows fast and non-invasive retrieval of high-resolution retinal cross-sectional images to evaluate its structural parameters, is used as a gold standard in CRVO diagnostics. This literature review gathered information from one book, 62 scientific publications, and four internet resources on central retinal vein thrombosis and its structural changes, which can be assessed by optical coherence tomography. Findings were collected and described, as well as their relation to CRVO and prevalence in the eyes of CRVO. Such review could be useful in a clinical practice and future studies as the potential criteria for diagnosing CRVO, determining disease severity, evaluating treatment efficacy, or predicting visual acuity

    Теоретско методолошки основи и примена на концептот на материјалност во процесот на ревизијата

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    Од појавувањето па сè до денес со ревизијата на финансиските извештаи на деловните субјекти извршена од страна на независен надворешен равизор, се подига кредибилитетот и довербата за вистинитоста и точноста на информациите презентирани во финансиските извештаи. Бенефитот од ревизијата е што обезбедува уверување дека менаџментот на компанијата има обезбедено „вистински и објективен“ пристап при утврдувањето на финансиските резултати и состојби на деловниот субјект чии финансиски извештаи се предмет на ревизија – ентитет на ревизија. Ревизијата овозможува градење на доверба меѓу оние кои управуваат со деловниот субјект и оние кои го поседуваат - акционерите. Ревизијата, подразбира примена на ревизорски постапки и техники кои ревизорот ги користи за да обезбеди достатен и соодветен ревизорски доказ кој ќе биде основа за оформување на ревизорско мислење дали финансиските извештаи содржат или не содржат материјално значајни пропусти и грешки. Во таа насока е и примената на концептот на материјалност за да се утврди нивото на материјалност на информациите кои влијаат врз одлуките на стеикхолдерите. Клучни зборови: ревизор, ревизорско мислење, ревизорски доказ, ревизорски техники, материјалност, ревизорски ризи

    In vitro possibilities for vegetative multiplication of carnation (Dinathus sp.)

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    For in vitro regeneration of carnation (Dinathus sp.) as initial explants were used apical buds. The explants were cultivated on MS mineral solution, sucrose, agar-agar, inoslitol, casein, Vitamines B1, B6, nicotine acid and phytohormones: 0.5 mg/l IAA and 1 mg/l KIN. The cultures were kept under controlled conditions. Shoot of apical buds iniciated the hinges multiplication on MS medium with 0.5 mg/l IAA + 1 mg/l KIN + 0.5 mg/l BA. Rooting of shoots were obtained at 2 mg/l IAA + 0.1 mg/l KIN + 2 mg/l adenine. Rooted plants obtained from apical buds after 15-20 days in clime room conditions on a sterile mixture of pert, send and perlit (1:1:1) were will adapted. They normally grew and developed there

    The importance of anti-dsDNA antibodies screening as a useful tool for evaluation and treatment of patients with systemic rheumatic disease

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    Objective. Anti-Double Stranded DNA or anti-dsDNA antibodies are anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) typically produced by the immune system, who target the antigens of the double-stranded DNA. These anti-nuclear antibodies target the essential parts of the cell’s nucleus especially the genetic material. In normal condition the antibodies protect the organism from different types of infections and inflammations, contrary to that these anti-antibodies don’t differentiate their own cells. In those circumstances the anti-nuclear antibodies attack their own healthy cells, causing pathophysiological changes in the tissue and the organ itself. By direct binding to self-antigens or indirect formation of immune complexes, anti-dsDNA antibodies can be accumulated in the glomerular and tubular basal membranes. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is characterized by high-titer serological autoantibodies, including double-stranded DNA molecule (dsDNA) antibodies. The main objective of this research is to define the importance of anti-dsDNA antibodies screening as a useful tool for the evaluation and treatment of patients with systemic rheumatic disease. Methods. Evaluation and screening of anti-dsDNA antibodies is done and confirmed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on patients with SLE in the period from July to December 2020, monitored at the University Clinic for Rheumatology in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. Results: The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for anti-dsDNA antibodies shows 98-100% specificity and 40-60% sensitivity for SLE. The prevalence for SLE is around 4/100.000 of the population, but more than 99% of the cases occur in young women, although there is no age range. Conclusion: If a patient has a positive ANA test results plus shows symptoms like SLE, the laboratory diagnostics and anti-dsDNA antibodies screening is very useful tool for evaluation and treatment of patients with systemic rheumatic disease. Early diagnostic of SLE and lupus nephritis is very important for suitable therapy, it could stop the progression of the disease, decrease the mortality, and increase the degree’s quality of life on these patients


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    Од појавувањето па сѐ до денес, со ревизијата на финансиските извештаи на деловните субјекти извршена од страна на независен надворешен равизор, се подига кредибилитетот и довербата за вистинитоста и точноста на информациите презентирани во финансиските извештаи. Бенефитот од ревизијата е што обезбедува уверување дека менаџментот на компанијата има обезбедено ‘вистински и објективен’ пристап при утврдувањето на финансиските резултати и состојби на деловниот субјект чии финансиски извештаи се предмет на ревизија – ентитет на ревизија. Ревизијата овозможува градење на доверба меѓу оние кои управуваат со деловниот субјект и оние кои го поседуваат - акционерите. Ревизијата, подразбира примена на ревизорски постапки и техники кои ревизорот ги користи за да обезбеди достатен и соодветен ревизорски доказ кој ќе биде основа за оформување на ревизорско мислење дали финансиските извештаи содржат или не содржат материјално значајни пропусти и грешки. Во таа насока е и примената на концептот на материјалност за да се утврди нивото на материјалност на информациите кои влијаат врз одлуките на стеикхолдерите