10 research outputs found

    Ant based heuristic for OS service distribution on ad hoc networks

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    This paper presents a basic and an extended heuristic to distribute operating system (OS) services over mobile ad hoc networks. The heuristics are inspired by the foraging behavior of ants and are used within our NanoOS, an OS for distributed applications. The NanoOS offers an uniform environment of execution and the code of the OS is distributed among nodes. We propose a basic and an extended swarm optimization based heuristic to control the service migration in order to reduce the communication overhead. In the basic one, each service request leaves pheromone in the nodes on its path to the service provider (like ants leave pheromone when foraging). An optimization step occurs when the service provider migrates to the neighbor node with the higher pheromone concentration. The proposed extension takes into account the position of the node in the network and its energy. Realized simulations have shown that the basic heuristic performs well. The total communication cost in average is just 40% higher than the global optimum. In addition, both heuristics have a low computational requirement.1st IFIP International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing - Biological Inspiration 2Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ant based heuristic for OS service distribution on ad hoc networks

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    This paper presents a basic and an extended heuristic to distribute operating system (OS) services over mobile ad hoc networks. The heuristics are inspired by the foraging behavior of ants and are used within our NanoOS, an OS for distributed applications. The NanoOS offers an uniform environment of execution and the code of the OS is distributed among nodes. We propose a basic and an extended swarm optimization based heuristic to control the service migration in order to reduce the communication overhead. In the basic one, each service request leaves pheromone in the nodes on its path to the service provider (like ants leave pheromone when foraging). An optimization step occurs when the service provider migrates to the neighbor node with the higher pheromone concentration. The proposed extension takes into account the position of the node in the network and its energy. Realized simulations have shown that the basic heuristic performs well. The total communication cost in average is just 40% higher than the global optimum. In addition, both heuristics have a low computational requirement.1st IFIP International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing - Biological Inspiration 2Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Emergent distribution of operating system services in wireless ad hoc networks

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    Despite the advances in wireless, energy-constrained ad hoc networks, there are still many challenges given the limited capabilities of the current hardware. Therefore, our aim is to develop a lightweight, yet powerful operating system (OS) for these networks. We reject the brute force method of provisioning all necessary OS services at each node of the system. Instead, our approach aims to distribute the set of requested OS services over the network to reduce and balance load, improve quality of service, increase fairness and predictability. To limit the burden imposed on the network by the service distribution mechanism, only a subset of nodes, the coordinators, chosen by an underlying stateof- the-art topology control, are concerned with this task. Coordinators observe the state of nodes and OS services within their one-hop vicinity, i.e. their decision area, incorporating different aspects, such as energy, utilisation, or available resources in their decisions. Although each coordinator acquires information and triggers migrations of service states only locally within its decision area, a global-level result emerges, as decision areas naturally overlap. In this manner, an increased amount of work load e.g. in one decision area “floats” to the surrounding decision areas attracted by better conditions. In ns-2 simulations we demonstrate that the mechanism of emergence, which produces many fascinating results in natural systems, can successfully be applied in artificial systems to considerably increase the efficiency and quality of OS service distribution.1st IFIP International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing - Robotics and Sensor NetworksRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The effect of load on agent-based algorithms for distributed task allocation

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    Multi-agent algorithms inspired by the division of labour in social insects and by markets, are applied to a constrained problem of distributed task allocation. The efficiency (average number of tasks performed), the flexibility (ability to react to changes in the environment), and the sensitivity to load (ability to cope with differing demands) are investigated in both static and dynamic environments. A hybrid algorithm combining both approaches, is shown to exhibit improved efficiency and robustness. We employ nature inspired particle swarm optimisation to obtain optimised parameters for all algorithms in a range of representative environments. Although results are obtained for large population sizes to avoid finite size effects, the influence of population size on the performance is also analysed. From a theoretical point of view, we analyse the causes of efficiency loss, derive theoretical upper bounds for the efficiency, and compare these with the experimental results

    P2P, ad hoc and sensor networks – All the different or all the same?

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    Currently, data management technologies are in the process of finding their way into evolving networks, i.e. P2P, ad hoc and wireless sensor networks. We examine the properties, differences and commonalities of the different types of evolving networks, in order to enable the development of adequate technologies suiting their characteristics. We start with presenting definitions for the different network types, before arranging them in a network hierarchy, to gain a clear view of the area. Then, we analyze and compare the example applications for each of the types using different design dimensions. Based on this work, we finally present a comparison of P2P, ad hoc and wireless sensor networks

    Biologically Inspired Methods for Organizing Distributed Services on Sensor Networks

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    We propose to make use of a completely distributed way of implementing OS services for wireless sensor networks (WSN). I.e. instead of having an instance of the OS on each node of a WSN the services of the OS are distributed over the WSN. Of course this approach implies specific challenges. Two of them are discussed in the paper: Migration of services to nodes such that the overall communication costs are minimized and forming clusters with the tendency to concentrate service requests inside the clusters and at the same time minimizing intra-cluster communication. For both problems biologically inspired solutions are discussed. Service migration is mapped on an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique while as a clustering heuristics Division of Labor in swarms of social insects is used

    Autonomic MPSoCs for Reliable Systems

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    Future MPSoCs have to cope with unreliable functionality of their nanometer-scale internal components, mainly due to increasing sensitivity for technology parameter variations and natural radiation. While error correction is widely known in memory design, protection for arithmetic logic units within CPUs is an issue for future research. For on-chip communication resources there are many error protection techniques available, but a tradeoff has to be found between techniques on various levels. In this paper we present our concept for Autonomic MPSoCs with capabilities for runtime detection and correction of sporadic errors, and adaptation of performance, power, and dependability on changing environmental conditions. Functional elements of the MPSoC are continuously monitored and controlled by autonomic elements. Re-distribution of tasks is supported by run-time performance analysis and an autonomic operating system. Life time dependability of the MPSoC is introduced in the design optimization process

    06431 Working Group Report on Managing and Integrating Data in P2P Databases

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    In this report, to our best recollection, we provide a summary of the working group results at the Dagstuhl Seminar nr.6431 on `Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks', held on October 23 􀀀 27 in Dagstuhl (Germany)