12 research outputs found

    Gender stereotypes in books written by Alexandra Berková, Irena Dousková and Petra Hůlová

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    U ovom diplomskom radu analizirat ćemo rodne stereotipe u prozama Temná láska (Mračna ljubav) Alexandre Berkove, Někdo s nožem (Netko s nožem) Irene Douskove i Paměť mojí babičce (Sve ovo pripada meni) Petre Hůlove. U drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća u etičkim i bioetičkim raspravama pojavila se tzv. »rodna teorija«. U okviru rodne teorije definiran je pojam rod (gender) koji se razlikuje od pojma spol (sex). Važan pojam za ovaj diplomski rad jest i pojam ženskog pisma koje je važan dio feminizma. Bavi se položajem žena u društvu te definira novi način književnog izražavanja i upotrebe jezika. Cilj samog rada jest ukazati na ženske i muške stereotipe koji se nalaze u navedenim prozama. Autorice se koncentriraju na shvaćanje muško-ženskih odnosa te se iz analize njihovih djela može vidjeti kako je ženski identitet pod velikim utjecajem usvojenih rodnih stereotipa, ali ima i slučajeva subverzije rodnih stereotipa.In this graduate thesis we shall analyze gender stereotypes in the prose Temná láska (Dark Love) by Alexandra Berkova, Někdo s nožem (Someone with a Knife) by Irena Douskova and Paměť mojí babičce (All this belongs to me) by Petra Hůlova. In the second half of the 20th century, in ethical and bioethical debates, the so-called “Gender theory” appeared. Within the framework of gender theory, the term gender is defined, which differs from the term sex. An important term for this thesis is the notion of women's writing, which is an important part of feminism. It deals with the position of women in society and defines a new way of literary expression and the use of language. The aim of the paper is to point out the female and male stereotypes found in these prose. The authors concentrate on understanding male-female relationships, and from the analysis of their works it can be seen that female identity is greatly influenced by adopted gender stereotypes, but there are also cases of subversion of gender stereotypes

    The education of members of the Czech national minority based on the example of Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević Elementary School in Zagreb

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    Cilj ovoga rada jest dobiti uvid u specifičnosti obrazovanja pripadnika češke nacionalne manjine po Modelu C. U teorijskom dijelu se prikazuju zakoni koji pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina omogućuju pravo na odgoj i obrazovanja na svom jeziku te kako se u Hrvatskoj, kao multikulturalnoj državi, provodi njihovo obrazovanje. Istraživanje je kvalitativnog tipa i provedeno je s nastavnicom predmeta Češki jezik i kultura te s učenicima od prvog do osmog razreda osnovne škole. Podaci su prikupljeni promatranjem nastave te intervjuiranjem nastavnice metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. Rezultati pokazuju da su specifičnosti Češke dopunske škole Češke besede Zagreb to što je to inkluzivna škola, škola u kojoj je svatko prihvaćen i gdje se djeca različitih sposobnosti u heterogenim skupinama zajedno igraju i uče.The purpose of this study is to give insight into the specificities of education of members of the Czech national minority based on the “C Model”. The theoretical part provides an explanation of the laws pertaining to national minorities' right to education in their native language and it explains the education process in multicultural Croatia. This is a qualitative research conducted in collaboration with the teacher of the subject “Czech Language and Culture” and pupils from first through eighth grade of elementary school. Data was collected upon observing the class and interviewing the teacher using the semi-structured interview method. The results show that the Czech Supplementary School of the Czech Beseda Zagreb is an inclusive school where everyone is accepted and where children of different abilities play and learn together in heterogeneous groups

    The education of members of the Czech national minority based on the example of Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević Elementary School in Zagreb

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    Cilj ovoga rada jest dobiti uvid u specifičnosti obrazovanja pripadnika češke nacionalne manjine po Modelu C. U teorijskom dijelu se prikazuju zakoni koji pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina omogućuju pravo na odgoj i obrazovanja na svom jeziku te kako se u Hrvatskoj, kao multikulturalnoj državi, provodi njihovo obrazovanje. Istraživanje je kvalitativnog tipa i provedeno je s nastavnicom predmeta Češki jezik i kultura te s učenicima od prvog do osmog razreda osnovne škole. Podaci su prikupljeni promatranjem nastave te intervjuiranjem nastavnice metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. Rezultati pokazuju da su specifičnosti Češke dopunske škole Češke besede Zagreb to što je to inkluzivna škola, škola u kojoj je svatko prihvaćen i gdje se djeca različitih sposobnosti u heterogenim skupinama zajedno igraju i uče.The purpose of this study is to give insight into the specificities of education of members of the Czech national minority based on the “C Model”. The theoretical part provides an explanation of the laws pertaining to national minorities' right to education in their native language and it explains the education process in multicultural Croatia. This is a qualitative research conducted in collaboration with the teacher of the subject “Czech Language and Culture” and pupils from first through eighth grade of elementary school. Data was collected upon observing the class and interviewing the teacher using the semi-structured interview method. The results show that the Czech Supplementary School of the Czech Beseda Zagreb is an inclusive school where everyone is accepted and where children of different abilities play and learn together in heterogeneous groups

    Gender stereotypes in books written by Alexandra Berková, Irena Dousková and Petra Hůlová

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    U ovom diplomskom radu analizirat ćemo rodne stereotipe u prozama Temná láska (Mračna ljubav) Alexandre Berkove, Někdo s nožem (Netko s nožem) Irene Douskove i Paměť mojí babičce (Sve ovo pripada meni) Petre Hůlove. U drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća u etičkim i bioetičkim raspravama pojavila se tzv. »rodna teorija«. U okviru rodne teorije definiran je pojam rod (gender) koji se razlikuje od pojma spol (sex). Važan pojam za ovaj diplomski rad jest i pojam ženskog pisma koje je važan dio feminizma. Bavi se položajem žena u društvu te definira novi način književnog izražavanja i upotrebe jezika. Cilj samog rada jest ukazati na ženske i muške stereotipe koji se nalaze u navedenim prozama. Autorice se koncentriraju na shvaćanje muško-ženskih odnosa te se iz analize njihovih djela može vidjeti kako je ženski identitet pod velikim utjecajem usvojenih rodnih stereotipa, ali ima i slučajeva subverzije rodnih stereotipa.In this graduate thesis we shall analyze gender stereotypes in the prose Temná láska (Dark Love) by Alexandra Berkova, Někdo s nožem (Someone with a Knife) by Irena Douskova and Paměť mojí babičce (All this belongs to me) by Petra Hůlova. In the second half of the 20th century, in ethical and bioethical debates, the so-called “Gender theory” appeared. Within the framework of gender theory, the term gender is defined, which differs from the term sex. An important term for this thesis is the notion of women's writing, which is an important part of feminism. It deals with the position of women in society and defines a new way of literary expression and the use of language. The aim of the paper is to point out the female and male stereotypes found in these prose. The authors concentrate on understanding male-female relationships, and from the analysis of their works it can be seen that female identity is greatly influenced by adopted gender stereotypes, but there are also cases of subversion of gender stereotypes

    Gender stereotypes in books written by Alexandra Berková, Irena Dousková and Petra Hůlová

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    U ovom diplomskom radu analizirat ćemo rodne stereotipe u prozama Temná láska (Mračna ljubav) Alexandre Berkove, Někdo s nožem (Netko s nožem) Irene Douskove i Paměť mojí babičce (Sve ovo pripada meni) Petre Hůlove. U drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća u etičkim i bioetičkim raspravama pojavila se tzv. »rodna teorija«. U okviru rodne teorije definiran je pojam rod (gender) koji se razlikuje od pojma spol (sex). Važan pojam za ovaj diplomski rad jest i pojam ženskog pisma koje je važan dio feminizma. Bavi se položajem žena u društvu te definira novi način književnog izražavanja i upotrebe jezika. Cilj samog rada jest ukazati na ženske i muške stereotipe koji se nalaze u navedenim prozama. Autorice se koncentriraju na shvaćanje muško-ženskih odnosa te se iz analize njihovih djela može vidjeti kako je ženski identitet pod velikim utjecajem usvojenih rodnih stereotipa, ali ima i slučajeva subverzije rodnih stereotipa.In this graduate thesis we shall analyze gender stereotypes in the prose Temná láska (Dark Love) by Alexandra Berkova, Někdo s nožem (Someone with a Knife) by Irena Douskova and Paměť mojí babičce (All this belongs to me) by Petra Hůlova. In the second half of the 20th century, in ethical and bioethical debates, the so-called “Gender theory” appeared. Within the framework of gender theory, the term gender is defined, which differs from the term sex. An important term for this thesis is the notion of women's writing, which is an important part of feminism. It deals with the position of women in society and defines a new way of literary expression and the use of language. The aim of the paper is to point out the female and male stereotypes found in these prose. The authors concentrate on understanding male-female relationships, and from the analysis of their works it can be seen that female identity is greatly influenced by adopted gender stereotypes, but there are also cases of subversion of gender stereotypes

    The education of members of the Czech national minority based on the example of Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević Elementary School in Zagreb

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    Cilj ovoga rada jest dobiti uvid u specifičnosti obrazovanja pripadnika češke nacionalne manjine po Modelu C. U teorijskom dijelu se prikazuju zakoni koji pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina omogućuju pravo na odgoj i obrazovanja na svom jeziku te kako se u Hrvatskoj, kao multikulturalnoj državi, provodi njihovo obrazovanje. Istraživanje je kvalitativnog tipa i provedeno je s nastavnicom predmeta Češki jezik i kultura te s učenicima od prvog do osmog razreda osnovne škole. Podaci su prikupljeni promatranjem nastave te intervjuiranjem nastavnice metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. Rezultati pokazuju da su specifičnosti Češke dopunske škole Češke besede Zagreb to što je to inkluzivna škola, škola u kojoj je svatko prihvaćen i gdje se djeca različitih sposobnosti u heterogenim skupinama zajedno igraju i uče.The purpose of this study is to give insight into the specificities of education of members of the Czech national minority based on the “C Model”. The theoretical part provides an explanation of the laws pertaining to national minorities' right to education in their native language and it explains the education process in multicultural Croatia. This is a qualitative research conducted in collaboration with the teacher of the subject “Czech Language and Culture” and pupils from first through eighth grade of elementary school. Data was collected upon observing the class and interviewing the teacher using the semi-structured interview method. The results show that the Czech Supplementary School of the Czech Beseda Zagreb is an inclusive school where everyone is accepted and where children of different abilities play and learn together in heterogeneous groups

    How can occupational therapy improve the daily performance and communication of an older patient with dementia and his primary caregiver?:A case study

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    Objective: To enhance insight into the process of occupational therapy (OT) and the changes after OT, in an older patient with mild dementia and his primary caregiver. Design and setting: Case study: content analysis of an OT patient record. Intervention: System-based OT at home using a guideline focusing on both patient's performance in daily activities and caregiver's cognition on patient behaviour and caregiver role and focusing on adaptation of the physical environment. Measures: Triangulation of results of qualitative content analysis and quantitative description using the following measures: Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS), Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS), Interview of Deterioration in Daily Activities in Dementia (IDDD), Canadian Occupational Performance Measurement (COPM), Dementia Quality of Life Instrument (DQOL), Sense of Competence Scale (SCQ) and the Mastery Scale. Results: The global categories derived from content analysis were: daily performance and communication. The specific categories were the patient with dementia, his or her caregiver and the occupational therapist. Important themes derived from content analysis were: patient's capacity for pleasure, autonomy and appreciation in performing daily activities and caregiver's competence. Patient's changes reported after OT: more initiative, autonomy and pleasure in performing daily activities, increase of quality of life; caregiver's changes reported after OT: improved communication and supervision skills, changed cognition on patient behaviour and caregiver role, improved sense of competence. The quantitative results showed an improved daily performance (e.g. initiative, motor and process skills, need for assistance) and quality of life of the patient and improved sense of competence, quality of life and mastery of the situation of the caregiver after OT intervention. Thus the results of the qualitative content analysis were supported by the quantitative results. Additionally, based on the results of the content analysis an exploratory and system-based model has been developed connecting OT diagnosis and OT treatment at home for patients with dementia and their primary caregivers. Conclusion: This case study provides information on how occupational therapy can improve the daily performance, communication, sense of competence and quality of life of an older patient with dementia and his or her primary caregiver. A combination of education, setting feasible goals, using adaptations in physical environment, training compensatory skills, training supervision skills, and changing dysfunctional cognitions on patient behaviour and caregiver role seemed to be successful. A randomized controlled trial must provide information on the effects of OT at home for older patients with dementia and their primary caregivers

    Self-management develops through doing of everyday activities - a longitudinal qualitative study of stroke survivors during two years post-stroke

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    Background A description of the complexity of the process of self-management and the way stroke survivors give meaning to their process of self-management post-stroke is lacking. This study explores how stroke survivors managed their lives, gave meaning to their self-management post-stroke and how this evolved over time. Methods Data was generated through participant observations and interviews of 10 stroke survivors at their homes at 3, 6, 9, 15 and 21 months post-discharge. A constant comparative method was chosen to analyse the data. Results ‘Situated doing’ was central in stroke survivors’ simultaneous development of self-management and their sense of being in charge of everyday life post-stroke. Doing everyday activities provided the stroke survivors with an arena to explore, experience, evaluate, develop and adapt self-management and being in charge of everyday activities and daily life. The influence of stroke survivors’ partners on this development was sometimes experienced as empowering and at other times as constraining. Over time, the meaning of self-management and being in charge changed from the opinion that self-management was doing everything yourself towards self-managing and being in charge, if necessary, with the help of others. Moreover, the sense of self-management and being in charge differed among participants: it ranged from managing only at the level of everyday activities to full role management and experiencing a meaningful and valuable life post-stroke. Conclusions The findings of this study indicate the doing of activities as an important arena in which to develop self-management and being in charge post-stroke. Stroke self-management programs could best be delivered in stroke survivors’ own environment and focus on not only stroke survivors but also their relatives. Furthermore, the focus of such interventions should be on not only the level of activities but also the existential level of self-management post-stroke