24 research outputs found

    The Financing Evaluation of the Non-Profit Organization

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na problematiku neziskového sektoru, nestátních neziskových organizací a jejich financování. Práce obsahuje teoretické zpracování daného tématu a v části praktické zhodnocení financování konkrétního občanského sdružení a následná navržení doporučení, která by měla vést ke zlepšení hospodaření této organizace a její celkové finanční situace.Bachelor thesis is focused on problematics of non-profit sector and financing of non-profit organizations. The thesis contains theoretical backround of this topic. In the practical part is completed evaluation of financing of specific civic organization and then proposal of recommendations, which should improve economy and financial situation of this organisation.

    Economic aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disorders

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    Výskyt tyreopatií v graviditě v České republice dosahuje 10-15 %. Důraz na včasnou diagnostiku a léčbu je kladen nejen v průběhu těhotenství, ale i v době před otěhotněním z důvodu vlivu tyreopatií na fertilitu, průběh těhotenství, porod a vývoj plodu. Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit efektivitu a ekonomické aspekty screeningu tyreopatií těhotných žen a žen s poruchou fertility v podmínkách České republiky. Práci tvoří čtyři publikované studie. První je prospektivní průřezová studie 200 pozitivně screenovaných těhotných žen. Ve studii docházíme k závěru, že těhotné ženy s vysokým a nízkým rizikem tyreopatií mají podobné klinické a laboratorní charakteristiky a screening, v současnosti zaměřený pouze na rizikové skupiny, je neefektivní. Druhá studie 5 223 těhotných žen je studií případů a kontrol. Zjišťujeme, že věk ženy nad 30 let není rizikovým faktorem pro tyreopatie v těhotenství, ačkoliv jeho přidání do strategie cíleného screeningu rizikových skupin zlepšuje záchyt a ATA (American Thyroid Association) jej přidala do svého doporučení 2011. Třetí publikace je retrospektivní průřezová studie 188 těhotných žen léčených levothyroxinem, které byly v graviditě pravidelně laboratorně kontrolovány v souladu s doporučením ATA 2011 a ES (Endocrine Society) 2012. Docházíme zde ke zjištění, že laboratorní...The incidence of thyroid diseases in pregnancy in the Czech Republic reaches 10- 15%. Emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment is laid not only during pregnancy but also in the time preceding conception due to the impact of thyroid diseases on fertility, the course of pregnancy, birth and fetal development. The aim of the dissertation was to assess the effectiveness and economical aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disorders in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The dissertation consists of four published studies. The first study is a prospective cross-sectional study of 200 positively screened pregnant women. In the study we come to conclusion that pregnant women who are at high- and low-risk for thyroid disease have similar clinical and laboratory characteristics and screening, currently focused only on risk groups, is ineffective. The second study of 5 223 pregnant women is a case-control study. We find that the age of women over 30 cannot be regarded as a risk factor for thyroid disease in pregnancy, although addition this age criterion to the case-finding screening strategy improve its efficiency and ATA (American Thyroid Association) include it in their guideline 2011. The third publication is a retrospective cross-sectional study of 188...III. interní klinika - klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1. LF UK a VFN3rd Medical Department - Clinical Department of Endocrinology and MetabolismFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Microbial diversity of internal environment of Johann Gregor Mendel Station, Antarctica

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    During January and February 2011 two sets of microbiological samples were collected inside the main building of Johann Gregor Mendel station located at the James Ross Island near the coast of Antarctica. The aim was to examine the changes of microbial profile of the antarctic station environment. The first set of samples was collected from the station environment before the staff entry, i.e. after 10 months of quiescent state when nobody was present at the station. The second set of samples was collected from the same places before the Antarctic expedition staff left the station after 45 days of the stay. The cultivation of samples was focused on mesophilic bacteria. Twenty-three strains were obtained from the Set No. 1 and 27 strains were obtained from the Set No. 2. However, 8 strains from each set were not reliably identified by mass spectrometry. Altogether 13 strains of Gram-positive bacteria were identified in the Set. No. 1, while only 7 in the Set No. 2. Contrastingly, Gram-negative bacteria were much more abundant in the Set No. 2 (12 strains) than in the Set No. 1 (2 strains). Bacillus sp. was the most common Gram-positive strain (9 isolations from the first set, 2 isolations from the second set). Pantoea agglomerans was the most common Gram-negative strain (2 isolations from the first set, 7 isolations from the second set). The first experience with the microbial profile of the research station showed that we were able to detect mainly bacteria commonly present in the outer environment that could survive under extreme conditions. We did not isolate any microbes related to human colonisation except of enterococci and Escherichia vulneris. For further investigation of the station environment, it will be necessary to choose alternative way of collection and storage of samples to ensure survival of all present bacteria

    Possibility to predict early postpartum glucose abnormality following gestational diabetes mellitus based on the results of routine mid-gestational screening

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    Introduction: Women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have increased risk of developing glucose abnormality, but current diagnostic criteria are evidence-based for adverse pregnancy outcome. The aims of our study were: (i) to ascertain a frequency of early conversion of GDM into permanent glucose abnormality, (ii) to determine predictive potential of current GDM diagnostic criteria for prediction of postpartum glucose abnormality and (iii) to find optimal cut-off values of oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) to stratify GDM population according to postpartum risk. Materials and methods: Electronic medical records of an ethnically homogenous cohort of women diagnosed and treated for GDM in a single medical centre during the period 2005–2011 who completed postpartum oGTT up to 1 year after the index delivery were retrospectively analysed (N = 305). Results: Postpartum glucose abnormality was detected in 16.7% subjects. Mid-trimester oGTT values, respective area under the curve and HbA1c were significantly associated with early postpartum glucose abnormality (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney) and exhibited significant predictive potential for postpartum glucose abnormality risk assessment. Optimal cut-off values for discrimination of at-risk sub-population were identified using ROC analysis and their comparison with WHO and IADPSG criteria exhibited superiority of IADPSG for risk-stratification of GDM population. Conclusion: Risk-based stratification at the time of GDM diagnosis could improve efficiency of the post-gestational screening for diabetes. IADPSG criteria seem to optimally capture both perinatal and maternal metabolic risks and are therefore medically and economically justified

    Vitamin D Status in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus during Pregnancy and Postpartum

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    Of many vitamin D extraskeletal functions, its modulatory role in insulin secretion and action is especially relevant for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The aims of the present study were to determine midgestational and early postpartum vitamin D status in pregnant women with and without GDM and to describe the relationship between midgestational and postpartum vitamin D status and parallel changes of glucose tolerance. A total of 76 pregnant women (47 GDM and 29 healthy controls) were included in the study. Plasma levels of 25(OH)D were measured using an enzyme immunoassay. Vitamin D was not significantly decreased in GDM compared to controls during pregnancy; however, both groups of pregnant women exhibited high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. Prevalence of postpartum 25(OH)D deficiency in post-GDM women remained significantly higher and their postpartum 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower compared to non-GDM counterparts. Finally, based on the oGTT repeated early postpartum persistent glucose abnormality was ascertained in 15% of post-GDM women; however, neither midgestational nor postpartum 25(OH)D levels significantly differed between subjects with GDM history and persistent postpartum glucose intolerance and those with normal glucose tolerance after delivery

    The Quality of Public Service

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    The aim of graduation theses is to show the application of public services quality methods in town Tabor. Thanks to controlled interview with secretary I wil find out the concrete methods using by the town to improve the quality of its services. Then I will try to explain the esence and benefit of this methods for choice office

    Ochrana vodních zdrojů

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