255 research outputs found

    I see what you mean

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    The ability to understand and predict others' behavior is essential for successful interactions. When making predictions about what other humans will do, we treat them as intentional systems and adopt the intentional stance, i.e., refer to their mental states such as desires and intentions. In the present experiments, we investigated whether the mere belief that the observed agent is an intentional system influences basic social attention mechanisms. We presented pictures of a human and a robot face in a gaze cuing paradigm and manipulated the likelihood of adopting the intentional stance by instruction: in some conditions, participants were told that they were observing a human or a robot, in others, that they were observing a human-like mannequin or a robot whose eyes were controlled by a human. In conditions in which participants were made to believe they were observing human behavior (intentional stance likely) gaze cuing effects were significantly larger as compared to conditions when adopting the intentional stance was less likely. This effect was independent of whether a human or a robot face was presented. Therefore, we conclude that adopting the intentional stance when observing others' behavior fundamentally influences basic mechanisms of social attention. The present results provide striking evidence that high-level cognitive processes, such as beliefs, modulate bottom-up mechanisms of attentional selection in a top-down manner

    Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD

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    We study the light scalar mesons a_0(980) and kappa using N_f = 2+1+1 flavor lattice QCD. In order to probe the internal structure of these scalar mesons, and in particular to identify, whether a sizeable tetraquark component is present, we use a large set of operators, including diquark-antidiquark, mesonic molecule and two-meson operators. The inclusion of disconnected diagrams, which are technically rather challenging, but which would allow us to extend our work to e.g. the f_0(980) meson, is introduced and discussed

    Reality of big data adoption in supply chain for sustainable manufacturing SMEs

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    The paper provides a literature review of Big Data Application (BDA) in Sustainable Manufacturing (SM) as focus of supply chain management. First of all, the concept of Big Data (BD) is explained followed by focusing on the dimensions and the potential of BD. It discusses the principle of SM, which is identified by literature as world-class sustainable manufacturing (WCSM). The literature review critically indicates differences and similarities between literatures in the research area to generate an entire understanding of the topic. Proper literature is provided to investigate the following aspects: utilization of BDA in manufacturing, BDA in manufacturing processes, principle of servitisiation, logistics and supplier integration, decision making processes and forecasting and finally sustainable aspects. Resulting research gaps are summarized and clustered to identify common gaps. Finally, the conclusion outlines cognitions provided by this literature review. The aim of this paper is to provide a literature review about BDA in SM as part of supply chain management to provide a general understanding of the topic and to identify common research gaps for further research projects. For achieving the aim some objectives have to be fulfilled. The concept of BD has to be explained first, before outlining the importance and the advantages of BDA. The meaning of SM is explained afterwards. A critical analysis of literature that combines both aspects leads to the understanding of BDA in Sustainable Manufacturing

    Konflikte um Wohnen in Gentrifizierungsgebieten

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    In diesem Beitrag diskutieren wir die Frage, wann und in welchen Formen WiderstĂ€nde und Konflikte in Gentrifizierungsprozessen entstehen, und wann diese ausbleiben, am Gentrifizierungsprozess in Altona-Altstadt. Der Hamburger Stadtteil weist seit knapp zwei Jahrzehnten starke Mietsteigerungen, Immobilienpreise, stadtpolitische Aufwertungsstrategien und deutliche Zeichen von VerdrĂ€ngung auf. Initiativen des Hamburger Recht auf Stadt-Netzwerkes haben auch hier gegen Gentrifizierung protestiert. Gleichzeitig haben uns Bewohner*innen im Rahmen eines qualitativ-ethnographischen Forschungsprojektes zwar vielfach ĂŒber die Gentrifizierung des Stadtteils, aber kaum ĂŒber selbst ausgetragene Konflikte etwa um Mieterhöhungen berichtet. Diesen vermeintlichen Widerspruch untersuchen wir mit Fokus auf verdrĂ€ngungsrelevante Situationen aus einer praxisanalytischen Perspektive, die kritisch-materialistische Sozialforschung mit einer symbolisch-interaktionistischen Methodologie verbindet. Als zentraler Befund zeigt sich, dass normative Definitionen ‚impliziter MietvertragsverhĂ€ltnisse‘ sowie Typisierungen der jeweiligen Vermieter*innen und Selbstzuschreibungen eigener Handlungs(un)fĂ€higkeit von entscheidender Bedeutung dafĂŒr sind, ob Bewohner*innen Mieterhöhungen ĂŒberhaupt als problematisch definieren und ob und wie sie in Aushandlungen mit Vermieter*innen treten. Konfliktorientierter Widerstand gegen drohende VerdrĂ€ngung resultiert also nicht einfach aus eigener Betroffenheit, sondern ist deutlich voraussetzungsvoller, wobei die normative wie strategische Dimension von agency in verdrĂ€ngungsrelevanten Situationen in Rechnung gestellt werden muss

    Kein Einzelfall: Über den Tod von Adel B., der wĂ€hrend eines Polizeieinsatzes in Essen-Altendorf erschossen wurde

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    Im Sommer 2019 wird Adel B. im Essener Stadtteil Altendorf bei einem Polizeieinsatz erschossen. Zuvor hatte er angekĂŒndigt, sich selbst töten zu wollen. In der Presse wird er als „Deutscher mit algerischen Wurzeln“ beschrieben. Sein Wohnort Altendorf gilt als problematisches und gefĂ€hrliches Viertel und wird entsprechend polizeilich bearbeitet. Polizei und Stadtpolitik in Essen bagatellisieren die Erschießung als Einzelfall, polizeiinterne Ermittlungen gegen einen Polizisten erkennen Nothilfe. Angehörige, Nachbar*innen und Aktivist*innen dagegen organisieren Proteste und fordern „Gerechtigkeit fĂŒr Adel“. Wir argumentieren, dass sich in der Erschießung des Bewohners eines ‚Problemquartiers‘, eines Mannes mit zugeschriebenem Migrationshintergrund, der sich in einer psychischen Notsituation befand, verschiedene polizeiliche SelektivitĂ€ten auf fatale Weise verbinden. Basierend auf eigenen qualitativen Forschungen in Altendorf rekonstruieren wir, wie sich hier alltĂ€gliche und institutionalisierte Rassismen zu einem spezifischen sozialen Klima verdichten. Wir beleuchten, wie in dieser lokalen Konstellation rassistische Polizeipraktiken verleugnet werden. Gleichzeitig plĂ€dieren wir dafĂŒr, dass kritische Stadtforschung an der Dokumentation, Sichtbarmachung und Kritik rassistischer Polizeigewalt aktiv mitarbeiten sollte, um die öffentliche Anerkennung der Existenz institutionalisierter polizeilicher Rassismen zu stĂ€rken und dadurch daran mitzuwirken, die ArtikulationsrĂ€ume fĂŒr Betroffene zu verbreitern.&nbsp

    Actuation and stiffening in fluid-driven soft robots using low-melting-point material

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    Soft material robots offer a number of advantages over traditional rigid robots in applications including human-robot interaction, rehabilitation and surgery. These robots can navigate around obstacles, elongate, squeeze through narrow openings or be squeezed - and they are considered to be inherently safe. The ability to stiffen compliant soft actuators has been achieved by embedding various mechanisms that are generally decoupled from the actuation principle. Miniaturisation becomes challenging due to space limitations which can in turn result in diminution of stiffening effects. Here, we propose to hydraulically actuate soft manipulators with low-melting-point material and, at the same time, be able to switch between a soft and stiff state. Instead of allocating an additional stiffening chamber within the soft robot, one chamber only is used for actuation and stiffening. Low Melting Point Alloy is integrated into the actuation chamber of a single-compartment soft robotic manipulator and the interfaced robotic syringe pump. Temperature change is enabled through embedded nichrome wires. Our experimental results show higher stiffness factors, from 9-12 opposing the motion of curvature, than those previously found for jamming mechanisms incorporated in separate additional chambers, in the range of 2-8 for the same motion

    3D-printed rotating spinnerets create membranes with a twist

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    Round hollow fiber membranes are long-established in applications such as gas separation, ultrafiltration and blood dialysis. Yet, it is well known that geometrical topologies can introduce secondary ow patterns counteracting mass transport limitations, stemming from diffusion resistances and fouling. We present a new systematic method- ology to fabricate novel membrane architectures. We use the freedom of design by 3D-printing spinnerets, having multiple bore channels of any geometry. First, such spinnerets are stationary to fabricate straight bore channels inside a monolithic membrane. Second, in an even more complex design, a new mechanical system enables rotating the spinneret. Such rotating multibore spinnerets enable (A) the preparation of twisted channels inside a porous monolithic membrane as well as (B) a helical twist of the outside geometry. The spun material systems comprise classical polymer solutions as well as metal-polymer slurries resulting in solid porous metallic monolithic membrane after thermal post-processing. It is known that twisted spiral-type bore channel geometries are potentially superior over straight channels with respect to mass and heat polarization phenomena, however their fabrication was cumber- some in the past. Now, the described methodology enables membrane fabrication to tailor the membrane geometry to the needs of the membrane process

    Behind the fog : Forest degradation despite logging bans in an East African cloud forest

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    Habitat destruction and deterioration are amongst the main drivers of biodiversity loss. Increasing demand for agricultural products, timber and charcoal has caused the rapid destruction of natural forests, especially in the tropics. The Taita Hills in southern Kenya are part of the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot and represent a highly diverse cloud forest ecosystem. However, the cloud forest suffers extremely from wood and timber exploitation and transformation into exotic tree plantations and agricultural fields. Existing conservation regulations and moratoriums aim to prevent further forest destruction. In this study, we analyzed land cover change and shifts in landscape configuration for a fraction of the Taita Hills, based on satellite imageries for the years 2003, 2011 and 2018. We found that the coverage of natural cloud forest further decreased between 2003 and 2018, despite the effort to conserve the remaining cloud forest patches and to reforest degraded areas by various conservation and management initiatives. In parallel, the proportion of exotic tree plantations and bushland strongly increased. Moreover, mean natural forest patch size decreased and the degree of interspersion with other land cover types increased notably. Logging bans for indigenous trees seem to have resulted in local opposition to the planting of indigenous trees and thereby hindered the recovering of the cloud forest. We suggest to enhance local awareness on the ecological value of the natural forest by community-based Conservation Forest Associations and to encourage the planting of indigenous tree species in farmer-owned woodlots. Besides, bottom-up management systems that allow for local participation in decision-making and benefit-sharing related to forest resources would be a way forward to achieve the sustainable use and conservation of the last remaining natural forest patches in the Taita Hills. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe
