8 research outputs found

    Analysis of mastitis occurrence on chosen farm

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    Mastitida je zánět mléčné žlázy způsobený mikroorganismy, které produkují toxiny nebezpečné pro živý organismus. Bakalářská práce pojednává o vzniku, projevech, původcích, diagnostice, léčbě, a prevenci mastitid. Ve druhé části je představena úroveň mastitid na farmě Šedivec. Zdravotní stav mléčné žlázy se především odvíjí od celkové zoohygieny a welfare chovu. S projevením zánětu přichází odpovědnost správné diagnózy a léčby. Mastitidy se řadí mezi nejvýznamnějších onemocnění mléčného skotu. Ekonomické ztráty pro chovatele zahrnují přímé náklady na léčiva a nepřímé způsobené ztrátou mléka poklesem dojivosti či zkrácenou laktací, sníženou reprodukcí, vyšší náchylnosti k další infekci, zvýšenou brakací a pracovní náročností

    Replication Data for: Evaluation of convolutional neural networks using a large multi-subject P300 dataset

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    File: containing all extracted Guess The Number EEG epochs. Data format: contains two arrays accessible using keys 'allTargetData' and 'allNonTargetData'. Balancing of examples across two classes was achieved by picking only one random non-target number for 'allNonTargetData' in each participant. Each of the two arrays has the following structure: "number of epochs" x "number of EEG channels" (= 3 - Fz, Cz, Pz) x "number of time samples in each epoch" ( = 1200 - epochs with Fs = 1 kHz extracted between -0.2 s and 1 s relative to stimuli onsets) The original paper describing the experiment and referencing to original raw EEG data: Mouček, R., Vařeka, L., Prokop, T., Štěbeták, J., & Brůha, P. (2017). Event-related potential data from a guess the number brain-computer interface experiment on school children. Scientific data.</p

    Interdisciplinární výzkum archeologických artefaktů pomocí moderních technologií

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    The paper introduces results of project of interdisciplinary research of artifacts through modern technologies based on archaeometric study of Prehistoric and Middle Age pottery and on chemical analyses of soils around a deserted medieval village. Processes of production and use of the ceramic artifacts in the past society may be studied in a better way through modern archaeometric methods; chemical analyses of soils enable a non-destructive understanding of inner structure of areas of activities and components on archaeological sites. Chemical analyses of soils on the basis of phosphate analysis were applied on example of the deserted medieval village called Sloupek (Rokycany region) where it was possibleto define spatial structure of activities in terms of one farmstead on the basis of phosphate distribution and we were able to interpret processes related to abandonment of the site followed by organic remains. Archaeometric analyses of the settlement pottery from the Younger Bronze Age and Middle Age pottery from České Budějovice enabled us to understand the structure of the ceramic raw material and character of the pottery production. It is possible to take into consideration local or regional production of Middle Ageas well as Prehistoric pottery on the basis of the identified characteristics which was not related to any other production spheres

    Genetic Parameters for a Weighted Analysis of Survivability in Dairy Cattle

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    The genetic parameters for the survival of Holstein cows, analysed in nine consecutive time periods during the first three calving intervals, were estimated. The earlier the animals are culled, the more they are informationally underestimated. This undervaluing can be remedied by using a weighted analysis that balances the amount of information. If the method of estimating breeding values changes, the genetic parameters will also change. The Holstein cattle dataset from 2005 to 2017 used in this study included 1,813,636 survival records from 298,290 cows. The pedigree with three generations of ancestors included 660,476 individuals. Linear repeatability models estimated genetic parameters for overall and functional survivability. Due to weights, heritability increased from 0.013 to 0.057. Repeatability with weights was 0.505. The standard deviations of breeding values were 1.75 and 2.18 without weights and 6.04 and 6.20 with weights. Including weights in the calculation increased the additive variance proportion and the breeding values’ reliabilities. We conclude that the main contribution of the weighted method we have presented is to compensate for the lack of records in culled individuals with a positive impact on the reliability of the breeding value