50 research outputs found

    Junge Migrantinnen und Migranten auf dem Weg in die Ausbildung: ungleiche Platzierung durch Diskriminierung?

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    'Während ethnische Ungleichheiten in der Schule oder im Arbeitsmarkt mittlerweile intensiv beforscht werden, gibt es bisher kaum theoriegeleitete Untersuchungen, die insbesondere den Übergang an der ersten Schwelle hinsichtlich dieser Frage genauer in den Blick nehmen. In der gegenwärtigen Debatte zu Fragen ethnischer Benachteiligung werden derzeit insbesondere zwei Arten von Erklärungen kontrovers diskutiert: a) solche, die ethnische Ungleichheit entweder auf unterschiedliche kulturelle, sozio-ökonomische oder klassenspezifische Voraussetzungen von Mehrheits- und Minderheitsbevölkerung oder b) auf Prozesse von Diskriminierung zurückführen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden empirische Belege dafür erbracht, dass an der ersten Schwelle Diskriminierung durchaus relevant sein könnte. Die Analysen der Daten des Übergangspanels des Deutschen Jugendinstituts zeigen, dass selbst unter Kontrolle der Produktivität, Pläne der Jugendlichen und kontextuellen Merkmalen dem Merkmal Migrationshintergrund eine substantielle Rolle bei der Platzierung an der ersten Schwelle zukommt.' (Autorenreferat)'While ethnic inequality in the school and in the labour market is already under intense research there is a lack of research focussing on ethnic inequality in the transition form school to work (erste Schwelle). In the actual debate about ethnic inequality two kinds of explanations are surrounded with controversy: a) explanations putting down ethnic inequalities either to cultural, socio-economic or class-specific capital or b) to processes of discrimination. Having this in mind empirical findings are presented that discrimination in the transition from school to apprenticeship may be relevant. The analysis of data from the Übergangspanel of the German Youth Institute shows that under the control of productivity, individual plans of the youngsters and aspects of the context an ethnic background nonetheless plays a substantial role in leading from school to apprenticeship.' (author's abstract)

    Soziale Identifikationstypen?: Anmerkungen zur ganzheitlichen Erfassung der Typik von "Identifikation"

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    According to the theses that regional identification is a complex phenomenon this paper presents a method to examine interactions between single regional identifications. The methodological background is introduced as a \"principle of personality\" that is based on the understanding of identification as a structural phenomenon. It is argued, that all elements of that structure have to be taken into account by specifying the interrelations between the single identifications. Using questionnaire data concerning regional identification the analysis is going to be represented on a population of 18 years old youngsters of Saxony by focusing on the relation between the specific structure of identification and xenophobia. First it is shown, that one can find a heterogeneous set of structures of regional identifications. Secondly it is argued, that the proposed way of analysing identification supplies more information about its characteristics and correlations to other personal habits than bivariate strategies.:Einleitung; Theoretischer Hintergrund; Stichprobe und Messinstrumente; 3. Darstellung wesentlicher Ergebnisse der Strukturanalyse; Identifikationsstruktur und Einstellung gegenüber Ausländern; Resüme

    Setting out for new Shores! An explorative Analysis of Agency in Youth Employment Mobility

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    Based on biographical interviews from an intra-European youth mobility study in Luxembourg and Norway the article aims to contribute to the debate on how to understand and account for complexities of agency in youth intra-European employment mobility. Critically reflecting and operationalising Emirbayer and Misches’s conceptualisation of agentic orientations in the field of intra-European employment mobility of young people, we a) explore the usefulness of researching agency from a relational perspective, we b) elaborate on how young mobile reflect their manoeuvring under perceived contingent moments and we c) augment our ken of the complex interlacement of habit, imagination and judgement with (contingent) employment mobility contexts and young people’s concrete employment mobility practices. Our results emphasise the importance of considering how differently agentic orientations interlace with contingent employment mobility contexts ranging from radical self-realisation, adaptive interplay of self-realisation and situational constraints and agentic orientations strongly bounded by situational constraints. In addition, the empirical analysis shows that some of the theoretical propositions of Emirbayer and Mische’s approach have to be revisited

    Migration und Ungleichheit: Objektkonstruktionen im sozialwissenschaftlichen Feld

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    'Mit Blick auf die gegenwärtige Debatte zu Fragen der Integration oder Desintegration von Migrantinnen und Migranten existiert eine auffallende Zurückhaltung bei der Problematisierung der kulturellen Einbettung wissenschaftlicher Praxis. Diese ist jedoch notwendig, um die Rolle der Wissenschaft bei der Konstruktion von Über- bzw. Unterordnungsrelationen kultureller Kapitalien abschätzen zu können. Unter Bezug auf Pierre Bourdieus Theorie symbolischer Gewalt und seiner Konzeption des wissenschaftlichen Feldes wird vermutet, dass im Bereich der Migrationsforschung die soziale Konstruktion der Geltungsordnung von kulturellen Kapitalien eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen Inhaltsanalyse von vier ausgewählten sozialwissenschaftlichen Journalen wird untersucht, ob und in welchem Ausmaß symbolisches und (herkunfts)spezifisches kulturelles Kapital im Datenmaterial problematisiert und in welches spezifische Verhältnis beide Kapitalformen zueinander gebracht werden.' (Autorenreferat)'When it comes to question the cultural anchorage of scientific practice a noticeable reservation can be observed with refer to the ongoing debate about the integration or disintegration of immigrants. But this is essential to assess the role that social science plays in constructing the relation between domination and subordination of cultural capital. According to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of symbolic violence and his conception of the scientific field it is supposed that in migration research the social construction of those relations are particularly relevant. By means of a systematic content analysis of four selected socio-scientific journals it is scrutinised if and to what extent do the scientific studies expound the problem of symbolic and (origin)specific cultural capital and how the relation between both types of cultural capital is designed.' (author's abstract)

    Capturing agency in different educational settings: A comparative study on youth perceptions of mobility-framing structures

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    The geographical mobility of young Europeans takes place within institutional realms that frame young people´s educational and vocational situations. These institutional framings provide unequal preconditions for going abroad. Starting from an action-oriented theoretical approach, the aim of this work was to explore young people´s international moves within different mobility settings. Based on 52 qualitative interviews with mobile youth from three mobility fields in three countries (students from Luxembourg, employees in Norway and Luxembourg and apprentices from Germany), the dynamic concept of context-sensitive mobility-related modes of action (MRMA) was developed. The applied analytic framework reflects the fact that individual perceptions and actions relating to going abroad differ greatly according to the young people’s specific current educational/vocational situations. Moreover, the comparative approach sheds light on different dimensions of inequality caused by these framing systems.publishedVersio

    Prekäre Lebenslagen von Kindern und Jugendlichen - Herausforderungen für die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Expertise zum 9. Kinder- und Jugendbericht des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

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    [Diese Expertise] ist als Beitrag zu einer landesspezifischen Sozialberichterstattung über Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene sowie über das Leistungsspektrum der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe zu verstehen. Damit ist sie nach Anspruch und Methode zwischen Wissenschaft, Forschung und Politik zu verorten. Sie basiert großteils auf einer empirisch-quantitativen Datengrundlage [und rückt] auf einer deskriptiven Basis relevante Aspekte der Bedingungen des Aufwachsens, der gegenwärtigen Lebensverhältnisse und der Teilhabechancen von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Nordrhein-Westfalen in den Mittelpunkt. Mit der Fokussierung auf prekäre Lebenslagen werden überwiegend die Lebensbedingungen und Teilhabechancen von Heranwachsenden aus schwierigen sozialen Verhältnissen betrachtet. … In der Expertise werden überwiegend diejenigen Ausschnitte der Lebensbedingungen der nachwachsenden Generation beleuchtet, die sich auf das Aufwachsen in öffentlicher Verantwortung beziehen. Infolgedessen geht es sowohl um eine Ausrichtung an den Akteuren selbst, d.h. den Kindern und Jugendlichen, als auch um eine Berücksichtigung der Institutionen, insbesondere der Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. (DIPF/Orig.

    Capturing agency in different educational settings: A comparative study on youth perceptions of mobility-framing structures

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    The geographical mobility of young Europeans takes place within institutional realms that frame young people´s educational and vocational situations. These institutional framings provide unequal preconditions for going abroad. Starting from an action-oriented theoretical approach, the aim of this work was to explore young people´s international moves within different mobility settings. Based on 52 qualitative interviews with mobile youth from three mobility fields in three countries (students from Luxembourg, employees in Norway and Luxembourg and apprentices from Germany), the dynamic concept of context-sensitive mobility-related modes of action (MRMA) was developed. The applied analytic framework reflects the fact that individual perceptions and actions relating to going abroad differ greatly according to the young people’s specific current educational/vocational situations. Moreover, the comparative approach sheds light on different dimensions of inequality caused by these framing systems

    Structural framework conditions and individual motivations for youth-mobility: A macro-micro level approach for different European country-types

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    European youth mobility seems to be fostering Europe's unequal pace of integration, which sees certain countries benefit at the expense of others (Ohmacht et al., 2009; van Mol & Timmerman, 2014). Using a comparative approach, the paper aims to relate a macro-level country-typology focussing on human capital with individual mobility-motivations on the micro-level. Our methodological approach is based on a secondary macro-data analysis and analyses of mobility-motivations of young people (micro-data) deriving from qualitative (N=152) and quantitative data (N=5,499) collected in six European countries. In order to examine correspondence between macro-conditions and micro-aspects, we relate information on mobility-motivations to the country-typology by allocating mobile youth to the respective types of their home country. The results show that the country-types compose different opportunity structures, which are reflected in individual motivations. Accordingly, different country-types can be seen as an example of the heterogeneity and inequality of European social and territorial mobility frames

    Why is it so hard? And for whom? Obstacles to intra-European mobility

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    Even though intra-European youth mobility is valued as a boost for personal and professional development, few opt for it. While obstacles preventing young people to become mobile have been discussed broadly, less attention has been paid to the obstacles for the youth who are already on the move. We offer this rare perspective in regard to intra-European mobility. We focus on youth in four types: pupil mobility, vocational (education and training) mobility, higher education student (degree and credit) mobility and employment mobility, in six countries: Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania and Spain. Our analysis, based on qualitative (140 interviews) and quantitative (N=1.682) data, reveals that the perceived obstacles vary between the mobility types, with the greatest divergence between the educational and work-related mobilities. Obstacles such as lack of financial resources and guidance, the perceived incompatibility of institutional regulations within Europe, are shared by all mobile youth