39 research outputs found

    Исторический опыт подбора и расстановки научно-педагогических кадров на руководящие должности в высших учебных заведениях Сибири (конец 50-х - начало 90-х гг. XX в.)

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    В статье на широкой документальной основе рассматривается деятельность центральных и региональных структур управления высшей школой в конце 1950-х - начале 1990-х гг. Большое место отводится малоизученной проблеме активного привлечения к руководству сибирскими вузами и их подразделениями кадров высшей квалификации, молодых научно-педагогических работников

    Students' mental health during the pandemic:results of the observational cross-sectional COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for university Students (COMET-S) study

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to search rates of depression and mental health in university students, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study. A protocol gathering sociodemographic variables as well as depression, anxiety and suicidality and conspiracism was assembled, and data were collected anonymously and online from April 2020 through March 2021. The sample included 12,488 subjects from 11 countries, of whom 9,026 were females (72.2%; aged 21.11 ± 2.53), 3,329 males (26.65%; aged 21.61 ± 2.81) and 133 “non-binary gender” (1.06%; aged 21.02 ± 2.98). The analysis included chi-square tests, correlation analysis, ANCOVA, multiple forward stepwise linear regression analysis and Relative Risk ratios. Results: Dysphoria was present in 15.66% and probable depression in 25.81% of the total study sample. More than half reported increase in anxiety and depression and 6.34% in suicidality, while lifestyle changes were significant. The model developed explained 18.4% of the development of depression. Believing in conspiracy theories manifested a complex effect. Close to 25% was believing that the vaccines include a chip and almost 40% suggested that facemask wearing could be a method of socio-political control. Conspiracism was related to current depression but not to history of mental disorders. Discussion: The current study reports that students are at high risk for depression during the COVID-19 pandemic and identified specific risk factors. It also suggested a role of believing in conspiracy theories. Further research is important, as it is targeted intervention in students' groups that are vulnerable both concerning mental health and conspiracism

    Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study.

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    INTRODUCTION: There are few published empirical data on the effects of COVID-19 on mental health, and until now, there is no large international study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, an online questionnaire gathered data from 55,589 participants from 40 countries (64.85% females aged 35.80 ± 13.61; 34.05% males aged 34.90±13.29 and 1.10% other aged 31.64±13.15). Distress and probable depression were identified with the use of a previously developed cut-off and algorithm respectively. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics were calculated. Chi-square tests, multiple forward stepwise linear regression analyses and Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tested relations among variables. RESULTS: Probable depression was detected in 17.80% and distress in 16.71%. A significant percentage reported a deterioration in mental state, family dynamics and everyday lifestyle. Persons with a history of mental disorders had higher rates of current depression (31.82% vs. 13.07%). At least half of participants were accepting (at least to a moderate degree) a non-bizarre conspiracy. The highest Relative Risk (RR) to develop depression was associated with history of Bipolar disorder and self-harm/attempts (RR = 5.88). Suicidality was not increased in persons without a history of any mental disorder. Based on these results a model was developed. CONCLUSIONS: The final model revealed multiple vulnerabilities and an interplay leading from simple anxiety to probable depression and suicidality through distress. This could be of practical utility since many of these factors are modifiable. Future research and interventions should specifically focus on them

    Staging of Schizophrenia with the Use of PANSS: An International Multi-Center Study

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    Introduction: A specific clinically relevant staging model for schizophrenia has not yet been developed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the factor structure of the PANSS and develop such a staging method.Methods: Twenty-nine centers from 25 countries contributed 2358 patients aged 37.21 ± 11.87 years with schizophrenia. Analysis of covariance, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Discriminant Function Analysis, and inspection of resultant plots were performed.Results: Exploratory Factor Analysis returned 5 factors explaining 59% of the variance (positive, negative, excitement/hostility, depression/anxiety, and neurocognition). The staging model included 4 main stages with substages that were predominantly characterized by a single domain of symptoms (stage 1: positive; stages 2a and 2b: excitement/hostility; stage 3a and 3b: depression/anxiety; stage 4a and 4b: neurocognition). There were no differences between sexes. The Discriminant Function Analysis developed an algorithm that correctly classified >85% of patients.Discussion: This study elaborates a 5-factor solution and a clinical staging method for patients with schizophrenia. It is the largest study to address these issues among patients who are more likely to remain affiliated with mental health services for prolonged periods of time.<br /

    Proximity Beacons. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Näherungssensoren am Beispiel einer Android Applikation

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    Proximity Beacons sind kleine Sender, die als Näherungssensoren verwendet werden. Die auf Bluetooth Low Energy gestützte Technologie, ist für Entfernungen von kurzer bis mittlerer Distanz ausgelegt. Mobile Endgeräte, wie Smartphones und Tablet PCs, können die Signale der Sender empfangen und die Entfernung zu Ihnen ermitteln. Durch Einführung des von Apple entwickelten iBeacon Standards sollen Beacons nun für eine große Nutzerzahl zugänglich gemacht werden. Die Softwareentwicklung für diese Technik steht noch ganz am Anfang, wodurch die Einsatzmöglichkeiten noch nicht vollständig erschlossen sind. Durch die Entwicklung einer iBeacon Anwendung für Android werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Bluetooth Näherungssensoren betrachtet.Proximity beacons are small Bluetooth transmitters - based on the Bluetooth Low Energy standard - used as proximity sensors for short to medium range distances. Mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, are able to receive these transmitted signals and calculate the distance to the emitter. To make this technology available to a broader clientele, Apple introduced the iBeacon standard. The capabilities of this technology are limited due to the early state of software development within this field. The potential and limitations of Bluetooth proximity sensors will be explored further by using the iBeacon standard in an Android application

    Prevalence of suicidal behaviour in vilnius accor¬ding to age and gender

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    Although the high and only slowly decreasing level of suicide rates in Lithuania is well known, little data has been gathered about the prevalence and character of suicide intents and attempts. However such knowledge is imperative when seeking to implement efficient measures of prevention and treatment for patients intending or attempting to commit a suicide. In this paper, one year`s data on suicidal behavior, patients` characteristics and the location of follow-up treatment gathered by the emergency medical service in the municipality of Vilnius was analised with respect to age and gender. In 2007 Emergency medical service was called 815 times (146.8 per 100 000 inhabitants) because of suicidal behaviour in general, of which 734 (132.2 per 100 000 inhabitants) cases where due to suicidal intent or attempt and 81 (14.6 per 100 000 inhabitants) due to completed suicide. A detailed analysis of suicidal behaviour according to suicide form, gender and age is presented. Based on these findings the possible extend of prevention services required is discussed. Conclusions: 1. Suicidal behaviour of males and females in Vilnius is similar. 2. Highest prevalence of suicidal behaviour was found to be amongst young citizens: 19 to 34 year old males and 10-18 year old females. 3. Forms of suicidal behaviour in Vilnius differ significantly depending on age: suicide intents and attempts prevail amongst younger citizens while suicidal behaviour becomes more dangerous and lethal at a higher age. 4. Male gender is an important factor connected to higher lethality of suicidal behaviour. 5. Of all resources set aside for suicide prevention 10.3% should be allocated to services for children and teenagers, 81.5% to adult facilities and 8.2% to services for the elderly

    Atsparumas, psichikos sutrikimai ir fizinis aktyvumas – kaip jie susiję?

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    Physical activity has been consistently shown to be associated with improved physical health, life satisfaction, cognitive functioning and psychological well-being. Physically active people have less complaints on bad mood, anxiety, emotional stress symptoms, depression and have higher self-confidence. Resilience, as an ability to withstand and rebound from crisis and adversity, has become a conceptual umbrella for protective factors and processes involved in preservation of mental health despite the exposure to adversity that significantly increases the probability for psychopathology. A plethora of protective factors has been identified. These factors have generally been divided into three overarching categories of 1) personal dispositions, 2) family cohesion and 3) external social support from outside the family. The aim of this study was to analize the impact physical activity has on resilience to mental disorders as well as symptoms of depression and anxiety. Two questionnaires were used: 1. Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), which consisted of the 6 factors: (1) Perception of self, (2) Planned future, (3) Social competence, (4) Structured style, (5) Family cohesion and (6) Social resources. 2. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a self-assessment screening questionnaire and provides information on the potential presence as well as the severity of anxiety and/or depression disorders. Two groups of female students were tested twice using RSA and HADS scales. The main group consisted of 75 female students (age 19-24) attending fitness aerobics workouts (2 months, 2 times per week for 1 hour). In order to determine possible changes 37 participants were retested. 28 female students serving as a control group (not engaged in regular aerobics) were tested twice with an interval of 2 months. In the main group the overall mean score of RSA increased (180.35 to 185.35 (p= 0.061)). The overall mean as well as separate anxiety and depression scores of the HADS measure decreased. A tendency opposite to changes in the aerobic group was observed in the control group. The overall mean score of RSA decreased (185.17 to 182.88 (p= 0.342)). Decrease in resilience scores was led by an increase in the overall mean and separate anxiety and depression scores of the HADS measure. Results observed suggest regular physical acitivity to have a positive effect on resilience lead by a decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms.Fizinis aktyvumas siejamas su geresne fizine sveikata, pasitenkinimu savo gyvenimu, psichologine gerove. Fiziškai aktyvūs žmonės rečiau skundžiasi bloga nuotaika, nerimastingumu, emocinio streso simptomais, depresija, jiems būdingas didesnis pasitikėjimas savimi. Atsparumas – kaip gebėjimas atsilaikyti prieš krizę ir nelaimes, atsitiesti po jų – pastaruoju metu tapo koncepcija, vienijančia apsauginius veiksnius ir procesus, padedančius išsaugoti psichinę sveikatą nepaisant nepalankių veiksnių, smarkiai didinančių psichopatologijos tikimybę. Yra nemažai apsauginių veiksnių, kurie bendrai skirstomi į tris tarpusavyje susijusias kategorijas: 1) asmens psichologiniai ypatumai; 2) šeimos palaikymas ir sutelktumas; 3) išorinės paramos struktūros. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo ištirti fizinio aktyvumo poveikį atsparumui bei depresijos ir nerimo simptomams. Naudoti du klausimynai: pirmasis – Atsparumo skalė suaugusiesiems (RSA, Resilience Scale for Adults), joje buvo išskirti šeši veiksniai: 1) savęs suvokimas, 2) ateities planavimas, 3) socialinė kompetencija, 4) struktūravimo stilius, 5) šeimos palaikymas ir sutelktumas, 6) socialiniai ištekliai; antrasis – Hospitalinė nerimo ir depresijos skalė (HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) – savęs įvertinimo klausimynas, kuriuo gaunama informacija apie potencialų nerimo ir / arba depresijos simptomų buvimą ir jų stiprumą. Tyrime dalyvavo dvi merginų studenčių grupės, kurios du kartus buvo ištirtos naudojant RSA ir HADS skales. Pagrindinę tiriamųjų grupę sudarė 75 studentės (19–24 metų amžiaus), jos du mėnesius du kartus per savaitę lankė aerobikos pratybas. Siekiant įvertinti galimus pokyčius, 37 dalyvės buvo testuotos dar kartą. Kontrolinę grupę sudarė 28 studentės (reguliariai nesportuojančios, aerobikos nelankančios), jos buvo testuotos du kartus dviejų mėnesių intervalu. Pagrindinės grupės bendrasis RSA įverčių vidurkis išaugo nuo 180,35 iki 185,35 (p = 0,061), HADS anketos bendrasis vidurkis, taip pat ir atskiri nerimo bei depresijos įverčiai sumažėjo. Priešingos tendencijos pastebėtos kontrolinės grupės abiejų klausimynų rodiklių. Bendrasis RSA įverčio vidurkis sumažėjo nuo 185,17 iki 182,88 (p = 0,342), o HADS anketos bendrasis vidurkis, taip pat ir atskiri nerimo bei depresijos įverčiai išaugo. Gautieji tyrimo rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad fizinis aktyvumas turi teigiamą poveikį atsparumui, taip pat daro įtaką ir depresijos bei nerimo simptomų mažėjimui

    Event related-potentials for overt manual grasping movements

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    Westerholz J, Schack T, Koester D. Event related-potentials for overt manual grasping movements. In: Bröder A, Erdfelder E, Hilbig BE, Meiser T, Pohl RF, Stahlberg D, eds. Abstracts of the 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 2012). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers; 2012: 364