165 research outputs found

    A Short History of the Informal Economy

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    When coined about half a century ago, employment in the informal economy was discussed by what it was not: formal. Addressed as a sector of the urban workforce, its definition was a summing up of descriptive traits which made manifest how people in the Global South, deprived of most or all means of production, earned their livelihood by selling their labour power. Investigating their predicament zoomed in on the restructuring of peasant economies and societies to post-peasant ones. The anticipated upward mobility, which was supposed to be boosted by the bargaining power of collective action, did not materialise. Rather than expanding formalisation of labour relations, the reverse took place. The small segment which had been promoted to and protected by regular and regulated employment was subjected to informalisation. In the onslaught of neo-liberal capitalism from the last quarter of the twentieth century onwards, labour flexibilisation and casualisation not only intensified in the Global South but also spread to the Global North. The new policies ended the brokerage which the nation–state once developed to mediate between the interests of capital and labour, leading to a worldwide shrinking of public institutions, space and representation. While the debate with regard to informality has remained firmly focused on labour and employment, I argue that corporate capital in collusion with étatist authority has not only effectuated the deregulation of paid work but also abandoned the legal code of formality ending in a state of lawlessness for the people at the bottom of the pile. In the reconfiguration, both politics and governance are next to big business as stakeholders in a regime of informality erosive of equality, democracy, civil rights, solidarity and shared well-being for humankind at large. KEYWORDS: Capitalism; trade unionism; public sector; welfarism; footloose; self-relianc

    Mobilizing Labour for the Global Coffee Market: Profits From an Unfree Work Regime in Colonial Java

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    Coffee has been grown on Java for the commercial market since the early eighteenth century, when the Dutch East India Company began buying from peasant producers in the Priangan highlands. What began as a commercial transaction, however, soon became a system of compulsory production. This book shows how the Dutch East India Company mobilised land and labour, why they turned to force cultivation, and what effects the brutal system they installed had on the economy and society

    Neo-Bondage: A Fieldwork-Based Account

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    On the basis of anthropological fieldwork carried out in South Gujarat in the early 1960s, I described and analyzed a system of bonded labor that dominated the relationship between low-caste farm servants and high-caste landowners (Patronage and Exploitation: Changing Agrarian Relations in South Gujarat, India, 1974). More recently, I have gone back to the study of agrarian bondage of the past in order to explore in greater detail the emergence of unfree labor in the precolonial era and comment on its demise as a result of efforts made by the colonial state, the nationalist movement, and peasant activists (Labour Bondage in West India from Past to Present, 2007). A recurrent research theme during my fieldwork in the last few decades has been drawing attention to practices of neo-bondage (neo because the relationship between bosses and workers is less personalized, of shorter duration, more contractual, and monetized) at the bottom of India's informal-sector economy. Additionally, the elements of patronage that offered a modicum of protection and security to bonded clients in the past have disappeared while the transition to a capitalist mode of production accelerated

    Informalizzare l’economia: il ritorno della questione sociale a livello globale

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    Ethische politiek verbeeld als de christelijke beschavingsmissie

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    Dit recensieartikel is gewijd aan een beoordeling van de biografie van Hans van der Jagt over de Nederlandse antirevolutionaire politicus en koloniale functionaris Alexander Willem Frederik Idenburg (Engelen uit Europa, 2022). Van der Jagt portretteert Idenburg ten onrechte als het boegbeeld van de ethische politiek, die aan het begin van de twintigste eeuw werd ontvouwd, en schetst daarvan een te rooskleurig beeld. Deze ethische politiek, zo wordt in dit artikel betoogd, is veeleer als een schaamlap gebruikt, waarachter de voortzetting van het koloniale oogmerk schuilging, namelijk de handhaving van Nederlands gezag met vergaande uitbuiting van land en volk. Voortgekomen uit sociale bewogenheid over de verarming van de Indonesische bevolking diende de vergaarde rijkdom tot lastenverlichting van de kolonie en mondigheid van haar inwoners te leiden. Hoewel de verwezenlijking van deze politieke opdracht uitbleef had de volgehouden verwijzing ernaar, zowel in het laatkoloniale als postkoloniale tijdperk, als doel de voortgaande Nederlandse heerschappij te rechtvaardigen. Mijn betoog brengt de ontluisterende praktijk van de erbij betrokken partijen en hun belangen in beeld. In dit relaas evalueer ik de rol van Idenburg als de politieke spilfiguur van de ethische politiek. Op de hoge koloniale posten hem toevertrouwd vertolkte hij de antirevolutionaire leer in het gevoerde beleid. Maar ook andere spelers, voor- en tegenstanders van ethische politiek met hun beweegredenen, komen aan bod, vanaf het trage en zuinige begin tot de vroege eclips ervan

    The Entrapment of Unfree Labor: Theory and Examples from India

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    In this article we explore some aspects of contemporary unfree labor in rural south India. We draw on 130 case studies and (informally) extensive field research. We do so in order to make the central point that the conditions of unfreedom are variable and subject to change but that the basic vulnerabilities are significant. Being unfree in a labor relationship is a contingent effect of a set of factors. We stress the role of (a) entrapment of laborers, (b) immiseration within bondage, and (c) barriers to exit from the labor contract. In explanations, structural factors are also important. The article forms a basis for further empirical research in a variety of global settings even beyond India

    Participatieve monitoring in Lumbricus : Een brug tussen innovatie en implementatie

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    Nederland staat voor een aantal grote uitdagingen op het gebied van het waterbeheer, dat heeft de zomer van 2018 nog maar eens extra duidelijk gemaakt. Omdat het klimaat verandert krijgen we vaker te maken met extreme neerslag en langdurige perioden van droogte. Dit heeft direct consequenties voor onder andere de waterkwaliteit en de waterkwantiteit. Op de hoger gelegen zandgronden in Nederland zijn deze consequenties zo mogelijk nog groter omdat hier de mogelijkheden om water tijdelijk te bergen of van elders aan te voeren vaak veel beperkter zijn
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