1,845 research outputs found

    Sejarah dan Dampak Misi Kristen di Kampung Besiq, Kutai Barat Tahun 1966

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    The existence of the Dutch ruling in Indonesia brought the development of Protestant Christianity. Continued with the entry of zending who came with the spirit of Pietism (pious people who practice God's word) which in principle prioritizes repentance, teaching faith experiences in daily life and in worship. They were sent to carry out the mission of preaching the gospel to all mankind who do not yet believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. In West Kutai, Christianity is also growing rapidly as evidenced by the existence of the majority of people who embrace Protestant Christianity. One of them is Besiq village, which is located in the interior of West Kutai, Christianity has also developed in this village where the majority of the people embrace Protestant Christian

    Attractor Solutions in f(T) Cosmology

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    In this paper, we explore the cosmological implications of interacting dark energy model in a torsion based gravity namely f(T)f(T). Assuming dark energy interacts with dark matter and radiation components, we examine the stability of this model by choosing different forms of interaction terms. We consider three different forms of dark energy: cosmological constant, quintessence and phantom energy. We then obtain several attractor solutions for each dark energy model interacting with other components. This model successfully explains the coincidence problem via the interacting dark energy scenario.Comment: 10 pages, 23 figures, version accepted for publication in European Physical Journal C (2012

    Quintessential Quartic Quasi-topological Quartet

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    We construct the quartic version of generalized quasi-topological gravity, which was recently constructed to cubic order in arXiv: 1703.01631. This class of theories includes Lovelock gravity and a known form of quartic quasi-topological gravity as special cases and possess a number of remarkable properties: (i) In vacuum, or in the presence of suitable matter, there is a single independent field equation which is a total derivative. (ii) At the linearized level, the equations of motion on a maximally symmetric background are second order, coinciding with the linearized Einstein equations up to a redefinition of Newton's constant. Therefore, these theories propagate only the massless, transverse graviton on a maximally symmetric background. (iii) While the Lovelock and quasi-topological terms are trivial in four dimensions, there exist four new generalized quasi-topological terms (the quartet) that are nontrivial, leading to interesting higher curvature theories in d≥4d \geq 4 dimensions that appear well suited for holographic study. We construct four dimensional black hole solutions to the theory and study their properties. A study of black brane solutions in arbitrary dimensions reveals that these solutions are modified from the `universal' properties these solutions have. This result may lead to interesting consequences for the dual CFTs.Comment: 46 pages, 1 figure. Discussion of black branes added to section

    I am the melting pot: Multiple identity integration among gay/bisexual/questioning male ethnic minority adolescents

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    For adolescents who belong to multiple minority groups, such as those who are ethnic and sexual minorities, they must develop both their ethnic and sexual identities as they develop their overall identity (Chung & Katayama, 1998). The goal of this study was to examine the ways in which ethnic and sexual minority male adolescents integrate their multiple identities, and to examine how their presentation of their identities changes depending on context. Because of the various types of data collected for each participant, a case study analysis (Yin, 1981) was employed to determine the themes and differences across participants and within each participant. The data that composed each individual participant’s case included the quantitative survey, the qualitative interview, and the Man Drawings. The results indicated that the youth in the study were able to integrate their multiple identities into their larger self-concept in spite of the various barriers to identity integration in all the communities in which they interacted. However, this was not completed without significant effort, as the participants indicated that they were developing their sense of ethnic, sexual, and gender identities at the time of data collection. The results indicated that the youth were able to develop a complex sense of self despite the presence of both positive and negative messages maintained by elements of all the communities of their membership. This process was further complicated because these identities were still under development during the integration process. Despite these challenges, the youth were able to integrate the many parts of themselves into one larger cohesive self-concept. Concerning the presentation of these multiple identities, the youth also engaged in a creative process to avoid the negative elements within their multiple communities by managing the expression of particular identities while participating in various aspects of their communities. The youth were adept in understanding the level of acceptance concerning their identities, and managed their behaviors to either minimize or enhance the visibility of particular aspects of themselves. Similar to the process of identity integration, the ways in which youth presented their identities was unique to the individual and their circumstances

    Evolution of Primordial Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    In this work, we study the evolution of Primordial Black Holes within the context of Loop Quantum Gravity. First we calculate the scale factor and energy density of the universe for different cosmic era and then taking these as inputs we study evolution of primordial black holes. From our estimation it is found that accretion of radiation does not affect evolution of primordial black holes in loop quantum gravity even though a larger number of primordial black holes may form in early universe in comparison with Einstein's or scalar-tensor theories.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Pengaruh Return On Equity dan Dividend Payout Ratio terhadap Price Book Value

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perusahaan BUMN. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh return on equity dan dividend payout ratio secara parsial dan simultan terhadap price book value. Return on equity adalah salah satu profitabilitas yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan Perusahaan untuk menghasilkan laba sesuai dengan ekuitasnya. Selanjutnya dividend payout ratio adalah persentase dari laba yang didistribusikan sebagai dividen. Teori ini merupakan aturan dividen yang dibayarkan kepada investor. Teori selanjutnya PBV yang digunakan untuk membandingkan nilai harga saham dengan nilai buku. Objek dari penelitian ini yaitu 13 Perusahaan dan projek ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling untuk mengumpulkan data. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS 23 dimana sebelumnya data telah diuji dengan menggunakan uji asumsi klasik. Kesimpulannya return on equity dan dividend payout ratio secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap price book value dengan nilai R Square yaitu 16,1%. return on equity sendiri berpengaruh terhadap price book value, tetapi dividend payout ratio tidak berpengaruh terhadap price book value

    On Contra SS-Continuous Functions

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    In this paper, we apply the notion of -open set in topological spaces to introduce and investigate the concept of contra -continuous which is a subclass of the class of contra semi continuous functions. Keywords: -closed, contra -continuous, contra SS –closed and strongly contra SS –closed

    Numerical study of resistivity of model disordered three-dimensional metals

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    We calculate the zero-temperature resistivity of model 3-dimensional disordered metals described by tight-binding Hamiltonians. Two different mechanisms of disorder are considered: diagonal and off-diagonal. The non-equilibrium Green function formalism provides a Landauer-type formula for the conductance of arbitrary mesoscopic systems. We use this formula to calculate the resistance of finite-size disordered samples of different lengths. The resistance averaged over disorder configurations is linear in sample length and resistivity is found from the coefficient of proportionality. Two structures are considered: (1) a simple cubic lattice with one s-orbital per site, (2) a simple cubic lattice with two d-orbitals. For small values of the disorder strength, our results agree with those obtained from the Boltzmann equation. Large off-diagonal disorder causes the resistivity to saturate, whereas increasing diagonal disorder causes the resistivity to increase faster than the Boltzmann result. The crossover toward localization starts when the Boltzmann mean free path relative to the lattice constant has a value between 0.5 and 2.0 and is strongly model dependent.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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