777 research outputs found
Estranging the loop
Loops make a fitful, but not insignificant appearance in Amin Samman’s History in Financial Times. Are we locked into the category of causality by human nature, or would it be possible to invent a new one to give conceptuality to what, in the form of the loop, seems for the moment to be mere figural malaise
Globalization and architecture
Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 14. bis 16. Oktober 1999 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚global village - Perspektiven der Architektur
Ancient Society and the New Politics: from Kant to Modes of Production
Review of The Structure of World History: From Modes of Production to Modes of Exchange by Kojin Karatani, translated by Michael K. Bourdaghs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014. Pp. 376, 1 illustration. 26.95 paper
Post-modernismen og den sene kapitalismes kulturelle logik
Post-modernismen og den sene kapitalismes kulturelle logi
Reflexões para concluir
Este texto foi originalmente publicado como posfácio ao livro Asthetics and politics, que traz textos de intervenção de T. Adorno, W. Benjamin, E. Bloch, B. Brecht e G. Lukács no debate sobre o realismo. Cf. T. Adorno et al., Asthetics and politics, London, Verso, 1977. Tradução: Ana Paula Pacheco e Betina Bischof
Autor raščlanjuje sporni koncept globalizacije na njezine tehnologijske, političke, kulturalne, ekonomske i društvene aspekte. Pritom polemizira sa S. Huntingtonom, a dijelom i s J. Grayom, pridružujući se argumentima P. Chatterjeea o nacionalističkoj strategiji i politici. Jameson zaključuje da su udruživanje (combination), društveni kolektivitet i globalna regulacija fokusi svakoga strategijski uspješnog odgovora na trendove globalizacije.The author analyses the controversial concept of globalization from its technological, political, cultural, economic and social aspects. He refers to S. Huntington, and also to J. Gray, and uses P. Chaterjee’s arguments on nationalist strategy and politics. Jameson concludes that combination, social collective and global regulation are the at the core of all strategically successful responses to the globalization trends
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