3,918 research outputs found

    Local Government Law

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    Covers time in which claims must be filed against cities, the Metro Act, urban renewal law, the local assessment procedure, and air pollution

    Freezing of Labor in Wartime

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    Regardless of the institutional or political structure of the countries engaged in modem warfare, competition for manpower among the armed forces, agriculture and industries creates labor shortage problems which, of necessity, must be solved by similar methods as long as the total amount of human resources is limited. A cursory glance at the wartime labor legislation of Great Britain, Canada, the U.S.S.R., and Germany shows that the means of coping with the steadily increasing labor shortage are on the whole similar in all four countries. Recent developments in the field of manpower allocation and wage freezing in the United States, while they have not nearly reached the extent of the European countries, presage the introduction of labor control measures the character of which can be best envisaged by reviewing the principal features of major legislative enactments designed to overcome increasing labor scarcity during the past three and one-half years in these four countries. [On the same page where the comment begins is an announcement of the wartime death of former student Carl R. Heussy.

    Synthesis and experimental validation of a new probabilistic strategy to minimize heat transfers used in conditioning of dry air in buildings with fluctuating ambient and room occupancy

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    Steady-state unit-operations are globally used in chemical engineering. Advantages include ease of control and a uniform product quality. Nonetheless there will be naturally occurring, random (stochastic) fluctuations about any steady-state ‘set’ value of a process parameter. Traditional chemical engineering does not explicitly take account of these. This is because, generally, fluctuation in one parameter appears to be off-set by change in another – with the process outcome remaining apparently steady. However Davey and co-workers (e.g. Davey et al., 2015; Davey, 2015 a; Zou and Davey, 2016; Abdul-Halim and Davey, 2016; Chandrakash and Davey, 2017 a) have shown these naturally occurring fluctuations can accumulate and combine unexpectedly to leverage significant impact and thereby make apparently well-running processes vulnerable to sudden and surprise failure. They developed a probabilistic and quantitative risk framework they titled Fr 13 (Friday 13th) to underscore the nature of these events. Significantly, the framework can be used in ‘second-tier’ studies for re-design to reduce vulnerability to failure. Here, this framework is applied for the first time to show how naturally occurring fluctuations in peak ambient temperature (T₀) and occupancy (room traffic flows) (Lᴛ) can impact heat transfers for conditioning of room air. The conditioning of air in large buildings, including hotels and hospitals, is globally important (Anon., 2012 a). The overarching aim is to quantitatively ‘use’ these fluctuations to develop a strategy for minimum energy. A justification is that methods that permit quantitative determination of reliable strategies for conditioning of air can lead to better energy use, with potential savings, together with reductions in greenhouse gases (GHG). Oddly many buildings do not appear to have a quantitative strategy to minimize conditioning heat transfers. Wide-spread default practice is to simply use an on-off strategy i.e. conditioning-on when the room is occupied and conditioning-off, when un-occupied. One alternative is an on-only strategy i.e. leave the conditioner run continuously. A logical and stepwise combined theoretical-and-experimental, approach was used as a research strategy. A search of the literature showed that work had generally focused on discrete, deterministic aspects and not on mathematically rigorous developments to minimise overall whole-of-building conditioning heat transfers. A preliminary steady-state convective model was therefore synthesized for conditioning air in a (hotel) room (4.5 x 5.0 x 2.5, m) in dry, S-E Australia during summer (20 ≤ T₀ ≤ 40, °C) to an auto-set room bulk temperature of 22 °C for the first time. This was solved using traditional, deterministic methods to show the alternative on-only strategy would use less electrical energy than that of the default on-off for Lᴛ > 36 % (Chu et al., 2016). Findings underscored the importance of the thermal capacitance of a building. The model was again solved using the probabilistic Fr 13 framework in which distributions to mimic fluctuations in T₀ and Lᴛ were (reasonably) assumed and a new energy risk factor (p) was synthesized such that all p > 0 characterized a failure in applied energy strategy (Chu and Davey, 2015). Predictions showed on-only would use less energy on 86.6 % of summer days. Practically, this meant that a continuous on-only strategy would be expected to fail in only 12 of the 90 days of summer, averaged over the long term. It was concluded the Fr 13 framework was an advance over the traditional, deterministic method because all conditioning scenarios that can practically exist are simulated. It was acknowledged however that: 1) a more realistic model was needed to account for radiative heat transfers, and; 2) to improve predictive accuracy, local distributions for T₀ and Lᴛ were needed. To address these: 1) the model was extended mathematically to account for radiative transfers from ambient to the room-interior, and; 2) distributions were carefully-defined based on extensive historical data for S-E Australia from, respectively, Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) (Essendon Airport) and Clarion Suites Gateway Hotel (CSGH) (Melbourne) – a large (85 x 2-room suites) commercial hotel (latitude -37.819708, longitude 144.959936) – for T₀ and Lᴛ for 541 summer days (Dec. 2009 to Feb. 2015) (Chu and Davey, 2017 a). Predictions showed that radiative heat transfers were significant and highlighted that for Lᴛ ≥ 70 %, that is, all commercially viable occupancies, the on-only conditioning strategy would be expected to use less energy. Because findings predicted meaningful savings with the on-only strategy, ‘proof-of-concept’ experiments were carried out for the first time in a controlled-trial in-situ in CSGH over 10 (2 x 5 contiguous) days of summer with 24.2 ≤ T₀ ≤ 40.5, °C and 13.3 ≤ Lᴛ ≤ 100, %. Independent invoices (Origin Energy Ltd, or Simply Energy Ltd, Australia) (at 30 min intervals from nationally registered ‘smart’ power meters) for geometrically identical control and treated suites showed a mean saving of 18.9 % (AUD 2.23persuiteperday)withtheononlystrategy,withaconcomitant20.7Itwasconcludedthatbecausefindingssupportedmodelpredictions,andbecauserobustexperimentalSOPshadbeenestablishedandagreedbyCSGH,alargescalevalidationtestofenergystrategiesshouldbeundertakeninthehotel.Commercialscaletestingover77contiguousdaysofsummer(Jan.toMar.,2016)wascarriedoutintwo,dimensionallyidentical2roomsuites,withthesamefitoutand(SE)aspect,togetherwithidenticalairconditioner(8.1kW)andnationallyregisteredmeterstoautomaticallytransmitcontiguous(247)electricaluse(at30minintervals)(n=3,696)forthefirsttime.Eachsuite(10.164x9.675,mfloorplan)wasautosettoabulkairtemperatureof22°C(ChuandDavey,2017b).Inthetreatedsuitetheairconditionerwasoperatedononly,whilstinthecontrolitwaslefttowidespreadindustrypracticeofonoff.Thesuiteshad(standard)singleglazedpanewindowswithheatattenuating(fabric)internalcurtains.Peakambientrangedfrom17.8T039.1,°C.Therewere32dayswithrecordedrainfall.TheoveralloccupancyLofbothsuiteswasalmostidenticalat69.7and71.2,AnactualreductioninelectricalenergycostsofAUD2.23 per suite per day) with the on-only strategy, with a concomitant 20.7 % reduction (12.2 kg CO₂-e) in GHG. It was concluded that because findings supported model predictions, and because robust experimental SOPs had been established and agreed by CSGH, a large-scale validation test of energy strategies should be undertaken in the hotel. Commercial-scale testing over 77 contiguous days of summer (Jan. to Mar., 2016) was carried out in two, dimensionally-identical 2-room suites, with the same fit-out and (S-E) aspect, together with identical air-conditioner (8.1 kW) and nationally registered meters to automatically transmit contiguous (24-7) electrical use (at 30 min intervals) (n = 3,696) for the first time. Each suite (10.164 x 9.675, m floor plan) was auto-set to a bulk air temperature of 22 °C (Chu and Davey, 2017 b). In the treated suite the air-conditioner was operated on-only, whilst in the control it was left to wide-spread industry practice of on-off. The suites had (standard) single-glazed pane windows with heat-attenuating (fabric) internal curtains. Peak ambient ranged from 17.8 ≤ T₀ ≤ 39.1, °C. There were 32 days with recorded rainfall. The overall occupancy Lᴛ of both suites was almost identical at 69.7 and 71.2, % respectively for the treated and control suite. Importantly, this coincided with a typical business period for the CSGH hotel. Based on independent electrical invoices, results showed the treated suite used less energy on 47 days (61 %) of the experimental period, and significantly, GHG was reduced by 12 %. An actual reduction in electrical energy costs of AUD 0.75 per day (9 %) averaged over the period was demonstrated for the treated suite. It was concluded therefore that experimental findings directly confirmed the strategy hypothesis that continuous on-only conditioning will use less energy. Although the hypothesis appeared generalizable, and adaptable to a range of room geometries, it was acknowledged that a drawback was that extrapolation of results could not be reliably done because actual energy used would be impacted by seasons. The in-situ commercial-scale experimental study was therefore extended to encompass four consecutive seasons. The research aim was to provide sufficient experimental evidence (n = 13,008) to reliably test the generalizability of the on-only hypothesis (Chu and Davey, 2017 c). Ambient peak ranged from 9.8 ≤ T₀ ≤ 40.5, °C, with rainfall on 169 days (62 %). Overall, Lᴛ was almost identical at 71.9 and 71.7, % respectively, for the treated and control suite. Results based on independent electrical energy invoices showed the on-only strategy used less energy on 147 days (54 %) than the on-off. An overall mean energy saving of 2.68 kWh per suite per day (9.2 %) (i.e. AUD 0.58or8.00.58 or 8.0 %) with a concomitant reduction in indirect GHG of 3.16 kg CO₂-e was demonstrated. Extrapolated for the 85 x 2-room suites of the hotel, this amounted to a real saving of AUD 18,006 per annum - plus credit certificates that could be used to increase savings. Overall, it was concluded therefore the on-only conditioning hypothesis is generalizable to all seasons, and that there appears no barrier to adaption to a range of room geometries. Highly significantly, the methodology could be readily applied to existing buildings without capital outlays or increases in maintenance. A total of five (5) summative research presentations of results and findings were made to the General Manager and support staff of CSGH over the period to July 2017 inclusive (see Appendix I) that maintained active industry-engagement for the study. To apply these new findings, the synthesis of a computational algorithm in the form of a novel App (Anon., 2012 b; Davey, 2015 b) was carried out for the first time (Chu and Davey, 2017 d). The aim was to demonstrate an App that could be used practically to minimize energy in conditioning of dry air in buildings that must maintain an auto-set temperature despite the impact of fluctuations in T₀ and Lᴛ . The App was synthesized from the extensive experimental commercial-scale data and was applied to compute energy for both strategies from independently forecast T₀ and Lᴛ . Practical performance of the App was shown to be dependent on the accuracy of locally forecast T₀ and Lᴛ . Overall results predicted a saving of 2.62 kWh per 2-room suite per day ($47,870 per annum for CSGH) where accuracy of forecast T₀ is 77 % and Lᴛ is 99 %, averaged over the long term. A concomitant benefit was a predicted reduction greenhouse emissions of 3.1 kg CO₂-e per day. The App appears generalizable – and importantly it is not limited by any underlying heat-model. Its predictive accuracy can be refined with accumulation of experimental data for a range of geo-locations and building-types to make it globally applicable. It was concluded that the App is a useful new tool to minimize energy transfers in conditioning of room dry air in large buildings – and could be readily developed commercially 6. Importantly, it can be applied without capital outlays or additional maintenance cost and at both design and analysis stages. This research is original and not incremental work. Results of this research will be of immediate benefit to risk analysts, heat-design engineers, and owners and operators of large buildings.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Chemical Engineering, 201

    Improving sensitivity of oral fluid testing in IgG prevalence studies: application of mixture models to a rubella antibody survey

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    A method for the analysis of age-stratified antibody prevalence surveys is applied to a previously reported survey of antibody to rubella virus using oral fluid samples in which the sensitivity of the assay used was shown to be compromised. The age-specific distribution of the quantitative results of antibody tests using oral fluids is modelled as a mixture of strong positive, weak positive and negative components. This yields maximum likelihood estimates of the prevalence at each age and demonstrates that, when used in conjunction with mixture modelling techniques, the results of antibody prevalence studies using oral fluids accurately reflect those obtained using sera

    Vascular plants near the margins of their range in Cedarburg Bog. Part II. Dicots

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    There are two species of gymnosperms and 18 monocots that are near the southern edge of their geographic range in Cedarburg Bog (Reinartz and Reinartz 1981). Six of these may actually reach their range boundary in the bog. Nine species of the Cyperaceae and seven Orchidaceae comprise the bulk of the monocot species that are near their southern limits. The purpose of this paper is to provide an annotated listing of dicot species which have geographically marginal populations in Cedarburg Bog

    Vascular plants near the margins of their range in Cedarburg Bog. Part 1. Gymnosperms and Monocots

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    Marginal populations are those located at the extreme or periphery of a species\u27 range. In the context of this paper, marginal populations refer to a geographical periphery rather than to possible ecological margins. A wide ranging species may be composed of several different varieties or ecotypes. Marginal populations of plants are of special interest to plant taxonomists, ecologists, ecological geneticists and biogeographers because they may exhibit different characteristics than more centrally located populations. This is likely because plants at the boundaries of their species\u27 range may experience extreme ecological conditions beyond which they cannot survive

    A Code of Conduct for Computer Forensic Investigators

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    The amount of electronic data that is held about individuals and their activities is staggering. Tools enabling data recovery, believed deleted, vary in consistency and reliability of result. Data under review can be fed into investigative tools which also vary immensely in reliability, consistency, quality and indeed price. Conclusions and inferences drawn from the use of these tools can be morally, socially and commercially damaging for the individuals or entities being investigated. Often not purely because of the lack of experience of the investigator, but also because of the simplistic operation of the toolsets. Whilst prescriptive guidelines exist in the public sector for the proper handling, analysis and reporting of computer evidence, little commercially independent professional guidance exists in the private sector. This lack of guidance has led to a position whereby actors in the field of data forensics have few challenges as to their expertise or experience. Recent cases of incompetence and crossing ethical and professional boundaries provide strong support for a National, preferably International certification and training scheme for data forensic analysts, supported by clear ethical codes. This research in light of the above challenges, provides examples of failures in extrapolation, operator understanding and tool use; argues a proposal for a code of conduct to ensure correct and repeatable process is followed; along with a suggested outline for the creation of the supervision of conformity to that code in the private sector. The current forensics community and academic research body of knowledge, supported by the extensive experience of the researcher have been the major inputs to the work. The outputs of this work are intended to form a solid base for the furtherance of the Computer Forensics profession, and as such will represent a significant contribution to the advancement and knowledge base of that profession

    Typing Copyless Message Passing

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    We present a calculus that models a form of process interaction based on copyless message passing, in the style of Singularity OS. The calculus is equipped with a type system ensuring that well-typed processes are free from memory faults, memory leaks, and communication errors. The type system is essentially linear, but we show that linearity alone is inadequate, because it leaves room for scenarios where well-typed processes leak significant amounts of memory. We address these problems basing the type system upon an original variant of session types.Comment: 50 page