1,189 research outputs found

    Pregnant Women’s Satisfaction about Antenatal Care Services in Umbada Hospital for Maternal and Child Health Care Sudan, 2020

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    يعتبر مستوى رضا النساء الحوامل مؤشر مهم لتقييم خدمات رعاية الام الحامل المقدمة للزبائن القادمين في المراكز الصحية لتلقي العلاج او الوقاية، الحصول على اعلى مسويات الرضى لدى النساء الحوامل يقلل معدل وفيات الأمهات والامراضية وكذلك تخفيض معدل وفيات الاجنة وحديثي الولادة وتمنع ولادة الاطفال ناقصي الوزن. الهدف: دراسة مستوى رضا النساء الحوامل عن خدمات رعاية الام الحامل بمستشفى امبدة لصحة الام والطفل، نوع الدراسة والطريقة: أُجريت دراسة وصفية مقطعية في المستشقى،مجتمع الدراسة هو كل النساء الحوامل المترددات بوحدة متابعة الحمل بالمستشفى وتم اختيار التغطية الشاملة للنساء المترددات بالمركز لمدة شهر (1-30/12/ 2020م، فترة الدراسة) وشملت العدد الكلي 188امرأة. تم استخدام الاستبيان وعمل ثلاث مجموعات النقاش لعدد 22امرأة من الستهدفين واجراء المقابلة الشخصية مع المدير الطبي لجمع البيانات ومعلومات بالدراسة، النتائــج والخاتمــة: من ابرز النتائج التي توصلت اليها هذه الدراسة هي ان مستوى الرضا العام للنساء الحوامل المترددات بالمركز تجاه خدمات رعاية الحوامل هو 78.22%، مقسمة الى 39.2% منهن راضيات جدا، 28.42%منهن راضيات الى حد معقول، 10.6% منهن راضيات الى حد قليل، بينما 21.7% منهن غير راضيات بالخدمات المقدمة اليهن، وايضا وجد ان متوسط مستوى الرضا العام هو 51.9 ±52.9 اوضحت الدراسة ان هنالك فجوات كبيرة في خدمات رعاية الام الحامل المقدمة بالمركز وتتمثل في عدم الاهتمام بعلاج حالات الامراض المعدية الاخرى وغياب قسم امراض النساء في سن الانجاب وغياب خدمات الصحة النفسية والاراشاد النفسي للنساء المترددات بالمركز نسبة لعدم وجود الطبيب النفسي او الباحث الاجتماعي بالمركز واطالة زمن الانتظار لتلقي الخدمة الصحية (يستغرق اكثر من 60دقيقة). كما ان الاغلبية العظمى منهن (90%) لم تتلق اي مواد النظافة الشخصية ومواد غسل اليدين،وكذلك حوالي اكثر من ثلثين (65%) منهن لم يجدن اي خدمات التوعية الصحية عن صحتهن اثناء الحمل، اضافة الى ان ( 88%) منهن لم يتم اخبارهن عن اي ارشادات و طرق الوقاية من عدوى الامراض المنقولة جنسيا كالايدز وطرق الكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي وسرطان عنق الرحم. وايضا توصلت الدراسة من خلال المقابلة الشخصية مع المدير الطبي ونتائج مجموعات النقاش الثلاثة الى ان من المعوقات او الصعوبات التي تعيق تلقي خدمات رعاية الام الحامل هي: نقص أدوية الرعاية الصحية الاساسية، عدم وجود قسم التحصين ضد التيتانوس بداخل مركز متابعة الحمل وقلة الوعي لديهن تجاه اهمية التطعيم ضد التيتانوس، عدم الاهتمام بعلاج الامراض المعدية والمزمنة، صعوبة المواصلات، اثار انتشار جائحة الكرونا، تكاليف العميات القيصرية وبعض الادوية ، ضعف التزام بعض الاطباء لتقديم الخدمة الصحية للنساء الحوامل في الزمن المحدد مما تسبب ذلك في اطالة زمن الانتظار. على الرغم من ذلك وجد ان 16(74%) من النساء في مجموعات النقاش راضيات بالخدمة المقدمة اليهن. ختامــــاً، على الرغم من ان ارتفاع مستوى الرضا العام الى (78.22%) نجد ان كل نقاط القصور في خدمات رعاية الام الحامل المذكورة سابقاً تشير بشكل واضح الى ضعف جودة خدمات الرعاية الصحية للحوامل بهذا المستشفى، وخلصت الدراسـة الى التوصيات الاتية لإدارة المستشفى ووزارة الصحة الولائية: توفير ادوية الرعاية الصحية الاساسية في المستشفى وتوزيعها بشكل مستمر، انشاء قسم خاص بتدريب مقدمي الخدمة الصحية على كيفية التعرف وعلاج الامراض المعدية الاخري والاهتمام بالصحة النفسية والارشاد النفسي للنساء الحوامل، زيادة عدد اطباء قسم متابعة الحوامل وتنظيم العمل لتغطية الخدمة في وقت وجيز ولتفادي مشقة الانتظار الطويل والازدحام و كذلك ارجاع قسم التحصين/التطعيم الخاص بالحوامل من االخارج الى قسم متابعة الحوامل وان تكون خدمات رعاية الام ومتابعة الحمل مجانية بالمركز مع توفير برنامج التأمين ال

    Artistic control over the glitch in AI-generated motion capture

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) models are prevalent today and provide a valuable tool for artists. However, a lesser-known artifact that comes with AI models that is not always discussed is the glitch. Glitches occur for various reasons; sometimes, they are known, and sometimes they are a mystery. Artists who use AI models to generate art might not understand the reason for the glitch but often want to experiment and explore novel ways of augmenting the output of the glitch. This paper discusses some of the questions artists have when leveraging the glitch in AI art production. It explores the unexpected positive outcomes produced by glitches in the specific context of motion capture and performance art

    Identity Development of Somali College Student

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.August 2017. Major: Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development. Advisors: Jarrett Gupton, Darwin Handel. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 196 pages.While there has been a considerable research on college students’ experiences and identity development, there is a gap on literature on immigrant college students and their collegiate experiences. This scarcity of knowledge on immigrant students has deleterious effect on these students’ academic success and psychosocial wellbeing. This is particularly critical at a time when these students face multiple and intersecting marginalizations because of their racial, ethnic, religious identities. This dissertation examines the identity development of Somali college students and how its impacted by the overlapping contextual environments in which their lives are embedded. The dissertation project uses qualitative method. Using in-depth semi-structured interviews and grounded theory constructivist methodology, data collection and analyses were conducted in tandem. Findings suggest the presence of four salient dimensions of racial, ethnic, religious and gender identity as well as meanings associated with each dimension. Racial identity was associated with experiences of political subjectivities as Blacks struggling for equality in a racialized society whereas ethnic identity was associated solidarity and belonging informed by diasporic experiences of longing and memories of participants’ ancestral homeland, Somalia. Religious identity, owing to racialization of Islam in media and society, was associated with experiences that mirrored their racial identity while gender identity was associated sense of individual agency that challenged gender norms in Somali culture. These four dimensions of identity often intersected in ways that either amplified or erased an aspect of identity. In each of these dimensions, participants contrasted their experiences as second-generation immigrants with those of their first-generation parents

    Technical Guidelines to Extract and Analyze VGI from Different Platforms

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    An increasing number of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms have been continuously growing in size, which have provided massive georeferenced data in many forms including textual information, photographs, and geoinformation. These georeferenced data have either been actively contributed (e.g., adding data to OpenStreetMap (OSM) or Mapillary) or collected in a more passive fashion by enabling geolocation whilst using an online platform (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, or Flickr). The benefit of scraping and streaming these data in stand-alone applications is evident, however, it is difficult for many users to script and scrape the diverse types of these data. On 14 June 2016, a pre-conference workshop at the AGILE 2016 conference in Helsinki, Finland was held. The workshop was called “LINK-VGI: LINKing and analyzing VGI across different platforms”. The workshop provided an opportunity for interested researchers to share ideas and findings on cross-platform data contributions. One portion of the workshop was dedicated to a hands-on session. In this session, the basics of spatial data access through selected Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and the extraction of summary statistics of the results were illustrated. This paper presents the content of the hands-on session including the scripts and guidelines for extracting VGI data. Researchers, planners, and interested end-users can benefit from this paper for developing their own application for any region of the world


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    The behaviour of concrete, whether fresh or hardened, depends basically on the behaviour of its components and the relationship between them, therefore, obtaining a concrete with certain properties depends fundamentally on the concrete mix design. Concrete mix design generally includes two main steps: 1-Selection of the main components suitable for the concrete (cement, aggregate, water, and additives); 2-Determination of more economical mix ratios to fulfil the workability, strength and efficiency requirements. Currently, there are many international methods locally approved for mix designs. They are all related to each other, they give relatively the same quantities of the mix components and they are all capable of providing a good concrete mix. It is important to consider that these methods give approximate quantities which should be checked by experimental mixes in order to obtain results suitable for the requirements of the local environment and local materials. The ACI and BS methods are the most commonly used. Both of these methods depend on graphs and standard tables derived from previous research experience and actual concrete production as well as studies of the properties of the materials used. This paper illustrates a new approach for concrete mix design named as: “Double Coating Method”, which is currently used in some research centers in the republic of Poland and was recently applied in the laboratories of the Civil Engineering Departments in the Universities of Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya. This paper describes experiment in which 24 mixtures were used to assess the usefulness of this technique for problem of proportioning concrete mixtures in general


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    This study aims to see how the policies carried out by the Mahakam Ulu Regency Government in handling Covid-19. This is based on the fact that in the midst of the widespread spread of Covid-19 cases in East Kalimantan, Mahakam Ulu Regency was able to maintain a status of zero cases from March to early August 2020. Furthermore, this research is a qualitative study. Primary and secondary data are used as data sources in this study. This study uses a purposive sample approach to select sources to determine informants. There were two informants in this study including the Head of the Department of Health, Population Control and Family Planning of Mahakam Ulu Regency who also served as the Covid-19 Rapid Response Team (first informant) and Chairman of Commission III of the Mahakam Ulu Regency DPRD (second informant). The results of the study stated that temporary opening and closing access was carried out with a period of 2 weeks open and 2 weeks closed. Furthermore, in the closed situation, travelers are not allowed to enter except with special permission from the Regent of Mahakam Ulu Regency and during the opening period for travelers who want to enter Mahakam Ulu Regency, they must first fill out SIMAS (Entry Permit) through the Task Force Team and follow the requirements- other requirements such as PCR or Antigen Swab Test according to the decision of the Task Force Team

    The three stages of building and testing mid-level theories in a realist RCT: a theoretical and methodological case-example.

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    BACKGROUND: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of social interventions are often criticised as failing to open the 'black box' whereby they only address questions about 'what works' without explaining the underlying processes of implementation and mechanisms of action, and how these vary by contextual characteristics of person and place. Realist RCTs are proposed as an approach to evaluation science that addresses these gaps while preserving the strengths of RCTs in providing evidence with strong internal validity in estimating effects. METHODS: In the context of growing interest in designing and conducting realist trials, there is an urgent need to offer a worked example to provide guidance on how such an approach might be practically taken forward. The aim of this paper is to outline a three-staged theoretical and methodological process of undertaking a realist RCT using the example of the evaluation of a whole-school restorative intervention aiming to reduce aggression and bullying in English secondary schools. DISCUSSION: First, informed by the findings of our initial pilot trial and sociological theory, we elaborate our theory of change and specific a priori hypotheses about how intervention mechanisms interact with context to produce outcomes. Second, we describe how we will use emerging findings from the integral process evaluation within the RCT to refine, and add to, these a priori hypotheses before the collection of quantitative, follow-up data. Third, we will test our hypotheses using a combination of process and outcome data via quantitative analyses of effect mediation (examining mechanisms) and moderation (examining contextual contingencies). The results are then used to refine and further develop the theory of change. CONCLUSION: The aim of the realist RCT approach is thus not merely to assess whether the intervention is effective or not, but to develop empirically informed mid-range theory through a three-stage process. There are important implications for those involved with reporting and reviewing RCTs, including the use of new, iterative protocols. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN10751359 (Registered 11 March 2014)

    Prediction of mefenamic acid solubility and molecular interaction energies in different classes of organic solvents and water

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    Determination of solubility data either through experimental or model based approaches become a necessity in crystallization of pharmaceutical compound. The current work predicts the mefenamic acid solubility and molecular interaction energy, namely electrostatic (HMF), hydrogen bonding (H-HB) and van der Waals (H-vdW) in different solvents at temperatures from 298 to 323 K using Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS). The solvents used were N, N-dimethylacetamide, N,N-dimethylformamide, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethanol, iso-propyl alcohol, n-hexane, n-heptane, cyclohexane and water. The Gibbs free energy of fusion required in COSMO-RS computation was determined using differential scanning calorimetry and reference solubility method. The accuracy of methods employed in prediction of solubility were evaluated using mean squared quadratic error (MSE). The mefenamic acid solubility predicted using COSMO-RS with reference solubility method showed a small MSE value, which was less than 2%. The predicted solubility also follows the same trend as the experimental values and increases with temperature. The predicted H-HB energy and Gibbs free energy changes of mefenamic acid dissolution in the solvents studied highly influence the solubility data. Therefore, COSMO-RS with reference solubility method is promising approach to predict solubility and intermolecular interaction energy of mefenamic acid in different solvents

    Solubility and dissolution thermodynamic data of mefenamic acid crystals in different classes of Organic solvents

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    Different classes of solvents provide different polarity values, which influence the solubility of pharmaceutical solids. In this article, the solubility of mefenamic acid in different classes of organic solvents, including polar protic, dipolar aprotic, and apolar aprotics at a range of temperatures from (298 to 323) K are reported. It has been found that mefenamic acid shows high solubility in dipolar aprotic solvents (N,N-dimethylacetamide, N,N-dimethylformamide, ethyl acetate, and propanone), moderate solubility in polar protic solvents (ethanol and propan-2-ol), and poor solubility in apolar aprotic solvents (hexane, heptane, and cyclohexane) and water

    Realist complex intervention science: applying realist principles across all phases of the Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions

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    The integration of realist evaluation principles within randomised controlled trials (‘realist RCTs’) enables evaluations of complex interventions to answer questions about what works, for whom and under what circumstances. This allows evaluators to better develop and refine mid-level programme theories. However, this is only one phase in the process of developing and evaluating complex interventions. We describe and exemplify how social scientists can integrate realist principles across all phases of the Medical Research Council framework. Intervention development, modelling, and feasibility and pilot studies need to theorise the contextual conditions necessary for intervention mechanisms to be activated. Where interventions are scaled up and translated into routine practice, realist principles also have much to offer in facilitating knowledge about longer-term sustainability, benefits and harms. Integrating a realist approach across all phases of complex intervention science is vital for considering the feasibility and likely effects of interventions for different localities and population subgroups