76 research outputs found


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    Biopolimer seperti polisakarida, protein dan lipida dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan edible film atau edible coating, yang sering digunakan sebagai pelengkap atau pengganti kemasan tradisional. Pada edible film/coating juga sering ditambahkan active filler yang bersifat antimikroba dan atau antioksidan untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya melindungi bahan makanan yang dibungkus. Bawang hitam adalah bawang putih yang telah difermentasi dengan suhu dan kelembapan tinggi, cirinya dapat dilihat dari warnanya yang hitam, tekstur yang kenyal dan baunya yang tidak sekuat bawang putih segar. Proses fermentasi ini akan menghasilkan senyawa S-allyl sistein yang disebut sebagai antioksidan kuat. Penelitian ini ingin melihat karakteristik edible film yang ditambahkan antioksidan dari ekstrak bawang hitam. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu pembuatan ekstrak bawang hitam dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan edible film yang ditambahi ekstrak bawang hitam. Bawang hitam diperoleh setelah dipanaskan dalam suhu 70-80ºC selama 7 hari. Ekstrak bawang hitam yang diperoleh mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan 5 kali lebih tinggi dari bawang putih segar. Rancangan penelitian yaitu perlakuan penambahan ekstrak bawang hitam sebesar 0%, 1%, 2% dan 3% (v/v). Kemudian diuji dengan cara mengemas minyak kelapa tradisional dalam kemasan edible film untuk mengetahui kerusakan minyak selama penyimpanan. Pengemasan yang diuji adalah P0 (minyak dikemas dalam botol plastik), P1 (minyak dikemas dalam plastik klip), P2 (minyak dikemas dalam edible film tanpa penambahan bawang hitam), P3 (minyak dikemas dalam edible film penambahan bawang hitam 1%), P4 (minyak dikemas dalam edible film penambahan bawang hitam 2%) dan P5 (minyak dikemas dalam edible film penambahan bawang hitam 3%). Minyak kelapa tradisional diuji kadar air, asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksidanya pada hari ke-0, 5 dan 10. Edible film yang ditambahkan ekstrak bawang hitam dapat melindungi minyak kelapa tradisional dibandingkan kemasan botol plastik atau plastik klip. Dilihat dari parameter kadar air, asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksidanya, edible film yang ditambah ekstrak bawang hitam mempunyai beda nyata dibanding kemasan plastik.Kata kunci : asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, edible film, ekstrak bawang hitam, kadar air, minyak kelapa tradisiona

    Nitrate affects transcriptional regulation of UPBEAT1 and ROS localisation in roots of Zea mays L.

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    Nitrogen is an indispensable nutrient for crops but its availability in agricultural soils is subject to considerable fluctuation. Plants have developed plastic responses to external N fluctuations in order to optimise their development. The coordinated action of nitric oxide and auxin seems to allow the cells of the transition zone (TZ) of the root apex of N-deprived maize to rapidly sense nitrate. Preliminary results support the hypothesis that reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling might also have a role in this pathway, probably through a putative maize orthologue of UPBEAT1 (UPB1). To expand on this hypothesis and better understand the different roles played by different root portions, we investigated the dynamics of ROS production, and the molecular and biochemical regulation of the main components of ROS production and scavenging in tissues of the Meristem, Transition Zone, Elongation Zone and Maturation Zone of maize roots. The results suggest that the inverse regulation of ZmUPB1 and ZmPRX112 transcription observed in cells of the TZ in response to nitrogen depletion or nitrate supply affects the balance between H2O2 and O2 12 in the root apex and consequently triggers differential root growth. This explanation is supported by additional results on the overall metabolic and transcriptional regulation of ROS homeostasis


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    Tanaman kelapa (Cocos nucifera) merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian utama di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Hal ini memberikan peluang yang sangat bagus bagi perkembangan industri pengolahan berbasis kelapa. Salah satu produk terbaru dari hasil pengolahan buah kelapa yang beberapa tahun terakhir semakin terkenal adalah virgin coconut oil (VCO). Sebagai respon terhadap hal ini, Pemerintah Kota Bitung telah mendirikan sebuah sentra industri kelapa terpadu. Namun setelah beroperasi dalam skala kecil, sentra industri ini ternyata menghasilkan air limbah dalam jumlah signifikan berupa air kelapa, air sisa santan, dan air sisa pencucian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang IPAL yang dibutuhkan.IPAL yang dirancang terdiri atas dua alternatif. Alternatif pertama meruapakan pengembangan dari bangunan IPAL yang telah ada sementara alternatif yang ke dua merupakan rancangan yang sama sekali baru. Alternatif ke dua dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan rencana pengembangan sentra industry selama beberapa tahun ke dapan, dimana sentra industry tersebut akan mampu menghasilkan sekitar 72.000 liter VCO per bulan. Kedua alternatif menggunakan pengolahan secara biologis maupun fisika. Alternatif pertama menggunakan proses aerobic dan filtrasi, dimana kolam aerobiknya memiliki daya tampung 8,694m3. Sementara itu, alternatif ke dua juga menggunakan proses sedimentasi di samping proses aerobic dan filtrasi. Kolam aerobic pada alternatif ke dua memiliki daya tampung sebesar 275 m3. Dengan air limbah yang masuk ke system sebanyak 15 m3 per hari, kolam aerobic ini akan memiliki waktu retensi lebih dari 18 hari. Kedua alternatif juga berbeda dalam hal aliran limbah cairnya. Pada alternatif pertama, limbah cair harus dipompa terlebih dahulu dari kolam pengumpul ke kolam aerobic sebelum akhirnya mengalir dengan bantuan gravitasi. Sebaliknya, alternatif ke dua menggunakan gravitasi sepenuhnya untuk mengalirkan limbah cair yang masuk.Kata kunci : Instalasi pengolahan air limbah, kelapa, VC

    Metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses identify external conditions and key genes underlying high levels of toxic glycoalkaloids in tubers of stress-sensitive potato cultivars

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    Introduction: High levels of toxic steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) in potato tubers constitute a recognized food quality problem. Tuber SGA levels vary between potato cultivars and can increase after post-harvest stresses such as wounding and light exposure. A few cultivars, e.g., 'Magnum Bonum' and 'Lenape,' have been withdrawn from commercial sales due to excessive SGA levels during some cultivation years. However, these sudden SGA increases are diffucult to predict, and their causes are not understood. To identify external and genetic factors that underlie sudden SGA increases in certain potato cultivars, we have here in a 2-year study investigated 'Magnum Bonum' and five additional table potato cultivars for their SGA levels after wounding and light exposure.Results: and methods Results showed that 'Magnum Bonum' has an unusual strong SGA response to light exposure, but not to wounding, whereas 'Bintje' displayed an opposite regulation. Levels of calystegine alkaloids were not significantly altered by treatments, implicating independent metabolic regulation of SGA and calystegine levels also under conditions of high SGA accumulation. Metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses identified a small number of key genes whose expression correlated with SGA differences between cultivars. Overexpression of two key genes in transgenic low-SGA potato cultivars increased their leaf SGA levels significantly.Discussion: The results show that a strong response to light can underlie the SGA peaks that occasionally occur in certain potato cultivars and indicate that a between-cultivar variation in the expression of single SGA key genes can account for cultivar SGA differerences. We propose that current attempts to mitigate the SGA hazard will benefit from an increased consideration of cultivar-dependent SGA responses to post-harvest conditions, particularly light exposure. The identified key SGA genes can now be used as a molecular tool in this work

    Phthalate precursor mediated synthesis of cadmium oxide nanoparticles and their photocatalytic application 

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    Cadmium oxide samples have been prepared by thermal decomposition of their precursors [Cd(pht)(H2O)] (1), [Cd(pht)(Im)(H2O)0.5] (2), [Cd(pht)(MeIm)] (3) and [Cd(pht)(bpy)(H2O)2] (4) respectively (pht = phthalate, Im = imidazole, MeIm = 2-methylimidazole, bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine). Precursor 1 has been synthesized by a reaction of in situ generated disodium phthalate with cadmium acetate, while 2-4 were prepared by adding Im, MeIm and bpy respectively, to the solution of 1. All compounds are characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermal techniques (TG/DTA). The particle size of CdO nanoparticles ranges from 53–62 nm as evident by PXRD, SEM/ TEM studies. The band gap values for CdO samples lie in the range 1.95–1.98 eV. The photolytic degradation rates of methylene blue by CdO are inversely proportional to the crystallite sizes of CdO samples.

    Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the coordinated mechanisms of Populus × canadensis ‘Neva’ leaves in response to cadmium stress

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    Cadmium (Cd), a heavy metal element has strong toxicity to living organisms. Excessive Cd accumulation directly affects the absorption of mineral elements, inhibits plant tissue development, and even induces mortality. Populus × canadensis ‘Neva’, the main afforestation variety planted widely in northern China, was a candidate variety for phytoremediation. However, the genes relieving Cd toxicity and increasing Cd tolerance of this species were still unclear. In this study, we employed transcriptome sequencing on two Cd?treated cuttings to identify the key genes involved in Cd stress responses of P. × canadensis ‘Neva’ l induced by 0 (CK), 10 (C10), and 20 (C20) mg/L Cd(NO3)2 4H2O. We discovered a total of 2,656 (1,488 up-regulated and 1,168 downregulated) and 2,816 DEGs (1,470 up-regulated and 1,346 down-regulated) differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the CK vs C10 and CK vs C20, respectively. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses in response to the Cd stress indicated that many DEGs identified were involved in the catalytic activity, the oxidoreductase activity, the transferase activity, and the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Based on the enrichment results, potential candidate genes were identified related to the calcium ion signal transduction, transcription factors, the antioxidant defense system, and transporters and showed divergent expression patterns under the Cd stress. We also validated the reliability of transcriptome data with the real-time PCR. Our findings deeper the understanding of the molecular responsive mechanisms of P. × canadensis ‘Neva’ lon Cd tolerance and further provide critical resources for phytoremediation applications

    Standarisasi buah naga merah (hylocereus polyrhizus) yang dikoleksi dari tiga daerah berbeda secara farmakognosi-fitokimia

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    Seiring berkembangnya industri obat bahan alam Indonesia, maka sangat dibutuhkan bahan baku simplisia dan ekstrak yang terstandar supaya mutunya terjamin, hal ini berkaitan dengan zat identitas, fingerprint, dan komposisi kandungan kimia yang spesifikasinya berdasarkan standarisasi dalam monografi Indonesia. Buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) merupakan tanaman yang simplisia maupun ekstraknya termasuk yang belum ada parameter standarisasinya. Buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) yang termasuk dalam suku Cactaceae ini, telah banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia dan semakin populer di masyarakat, selain itu buah naga merah mengandung senyawa kimia yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, seperti vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E dan flavonoid yang mampu menurunkan tekanan darah, kadar kolesterol, kadar gula darah dan mencegah terjadinya kanker. Berkaitan dengan banyaknya manfaat dari buah naga merah dalam pengobatan, maka penting sekali dilakukan standarisasi terhadap simplisia dan ekstrak buah naga merah yang meliputi parameter-parameter standarisasi seperti tercantum didalam monografi Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan standarisasi terhadap simplisia dan ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) yang meliputi pemeriksaan karakterisasi mikroskopik, mutu fisik berdasarkan organoleptis, parameter spesifik dan non-spesifik, karakterisasi pola kromatogram berdasarkan kromatografi lapis tipis, serta penetapan kadar flavonoid total dengan metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis secara kolorimetri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai standar dari simplisia dan ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan standarisasi didalam monografi Indonesia. Hasil pengamatan karakteristik simplisia buah naga merah secara mikroskopik yaitu terlihat adanya berkas pembuluh dengan penebalan bentuk tangga, kristal prisma dan kristal rapida. Ekstrak kental diperoleh dengan metode maserasi menggunakan etanol 96% dan diuapkan dengan menggunakan Rotary evaporator. Hasil pengamatan standarisasi simplisia buah naga merah didapatkan nilai standarisasi kadar susut pengeringan ≤ 6,53 %, kadar air ≤ 5,11%, kadar abu total ≤ 7,90%, kadar abu tidak larut asam ≤7,56%, kadar abu larut air ≤7,09%, kadar sari yang larut dalam air ≥ 38,26 %, kadar sari larut etanol ≥ 41,36 %, sedangkan nilai standarisasi untuk ekstrak buah naga merah didapatkan hasil kadar susut pengeringan ≤ 6,09%, kadar air ≤ 6,45%, kadar abu total ≤ 3,09%, kadar abu tidak larut asam ≤ 3,04%, kadar abu larut air ≤ 3,21%, kadar sari larut air ≥ 64,96%, dan kadar sari larut etanol ≥ 71,16%. Hasil skrining fitokimia terhadap simplisia dan ekstrak buah naga merah mengandung flavonoid. Hasil karakteristik profil kromatogram dengan menggunakan fase gerak metanol:kloroform (3:1) didapatkan harga Rf 0,67;0,68, dengan pembanding kuersetin memiliki harga Rf 0,68. Hasil penetapan kadar flavonoid total ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus)dari masing daerah Malang sebesar 1,82 %, Banyuwangi 2,19 %, dan Pasuruan 3,03 %

    ROS mediated MAPK signaling in abiotic and biotic stress- striking similarities and differences

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    Plants encounter a number of environmental stresses throughout their life cycles, most of which activate mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. The MAPKs show crosstalks at several points but the activation and the final response is known to be specific for particular stimuli that in-turn activates specific set of downstream targets. Interestingly, reactive oxygen species (ROS) is an important and common messenger produced in various environmental stresses and is known to activate many of the MAPKs. ROS activates a similar MAPK in different environmental stimuli, showing different downstream targets with different and specific responses. In animals and yeast, the mechanism behind the specific activation of MAPK by different concentration and species of ROS is elaborated, but in plants this aspect is still unclear. This review mainly focuses on the aspect of specificity of ROS mediated MAPK activation. Attempts have been made to review the involvement of ROS in abiotic stress mediated MAPK signaling and how it differentiates with that of biotic stress


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    Higher Order Thinking Skill is the complex of thinking process in transfer information, critical thinking, creative thinking; problem solving and making decision that involve student’s realistic reasoning. The background of the problem are students were lack of transfer information of their background knowledge and the students were still lack of expressing their idea. This research used descriptive quantitative research. The data analysed by using document analysis method proposed by Sugiyono. The researcher used the first semester final test, multiple choice analyse Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) question and students test result to collect the data. The population of this research was 139 third grade students of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi. This research used cluster random sampling technique. The researcher took 20% respondents there were 28 students as informants. The researcher analysed students’ test result of seven samples in each class. The results of the study generally indicate that the teacher has applied some Higher Order Thinking Skills test  in english subject. The total of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) question was 15% and students’ test result of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) was 58.2%. From these data, it can be concluded that ability of students to answer Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions was low
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