314 research outputs found

    Adoption Behavior in Food Retailers' Decision to Offer Fresh Irradiated Ground Beef

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    During the 14-month period from May 2002 to June 2003, approximately 10 percent of U.S. supermarkets began to offer fresh irradiated ground beef under the stores' own labels. Using a survey of supermarket store managers from this time period, this paper investigates the factors that influenced stores' adoption of irradiated ground beef. Results from the adoption model show that factors associated with competition, merchandising philosophy, and structure in the food retailing industry play a strong role in the decision. Among other results, we find that variables relating to a competitor's adoption status and proximity can increase the likelihood of a store's adoption decision.Marketing,


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    This study ascertains residential electricity consumers' support and willingness to pay for electricity from renewable sources. Then, willingness to pay for specified renewable energy sources (solar, wind, landfill wastes, bioenergy from fast growing crops, and bioenergy from forest products wastes). Effects of demographics and environmental behaviors are estimated.Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Follow the Leader: Adoption Behavior in Food Retailers' Decision to Offer Fresh Irradiated Ground Beef

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    During the 14-month period from May 2002 to June 2003, approximately 10 percent of U.S. supermarkets began to offer fresh irradiated ground beef under the stores' own labels. Using a survey of supermarket store managers from this time period, this paper investigates the factors that influenced new product offerings and adoptions. Results from the adoption model show that factors associated with competition and structure in the food retailing industry play a strong role in the decision. Among other results, we find that variables relating to a competitor's adoption status and proximity significantly affect a store's decision to offer fresh irradiated ground beef.Marketing,

    Platelets mediate lymphovenous hemostasis to maintain blood-lymphatic separation throughout life

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    Mammals transport blood through a high-pressure, closed vascular network and lymph through a low-pressure, open vascular network. These vascular networks connect at the lymphovenous (LV) junction, where lymph drains into blood and an LV valve (LVV) prevents backflow of blood into lymphatic vessels. Here we describe an essential role for platelets in preventing blood from entering the lymphatic system at the LV junction. Loss of CLEC2, a receptor that activates platelets in response to lymphatic endothelial cells, resulted in backfilling of the lymphatic network with blood from the thoracic duct (TD) in both neonatal and mature mice. Fibrin-containing platelet thrombi were observed at the LVV and in the terminal TD in wild-type mice, but not Clec2-deficient mice. Analysis of mice lacking LVVs or lymphatic valves revealed that platelet-mediated thrombus formation limits LV backflow under conditions of impaired valve function. Examination of mice lacking integrin-mediated platelet aggregation indicated that platelet aggregation stabilizes thrombi that form in the lymphatic vascular environment to prevent retrograde blood flow. Collectively, these studies unveil a newly recognized form of hemostasis that functions with the LVV to safeguard the lymphatic vascular network throughout life


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    Priključak distribuiranih izvora energije na distribucijsku mrežu, između ostalih utjecaja, ima za posljedicu preraspodjelu tokova snaga u mreži, a time i promjenu iznosa gubitaka radne energije. U određenom trenutku, ovisno o potrošnji u mreži i snazi koju u mrežu injektira vjetroelektrana, gubici radne snage mogu biti veći ili manji u odnosu na stanje bez priključene elektrane. Međutim, trenutačna vrijednost gubitaka radne snage nije bitna, već prvenstveno ukupni gubici radne energije na godišnjoj razini. Zbog toga je u radu razrađena metodologija proračuna godišnjih gubitaka radne energije u distribucijskoj mreži u uvjetima priključenog distribuiranog izvora, pri čemu se polazi od poznatih kronoloških krivulja opterećenja i proizvodnje. Odgovarajući proračuni su izvršeni na primjeru realne distribucijske mreže i vjetroelektrane koja se planira priključiti na nju.Connecting distributed generation to a distribution network affects the load flows in the network, resulting in the redistribution of load flows in the network and thereby changing the amount of active energy losses. At a given moment, depending upon the network consumption and the power injected from a wind power plant into the network, the active power losses can be higher or lower than they were before the wind power plant was connected. However, the aggregate annual energy losses, rather than instantaneous active power losses, are of significance. Therefore, a methodology has been developed for calculating the annual active energy losses in a distribution network in the case of a distributed generation connection, assuming the known chronological consumption and production curves. The corresponding calculations have been performed for an existing distribution network and a wind power plant scheduled to be connected to it

    Complex Propagation Patterns Characterize Human Cortical Activity during Slow-Wave Sleep

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    Cortical electrical activity during nonrapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep is dominated by slow-wave activity (SWA). At larger spatial scales (similar to 2-30 cm), investigated by scalp EEG recordings, SWA has been shown to propagate globally over wide cortical regions as traveling waves, which has been proposed to serve as a temporal framework for neural plasticity. However, whether SWA dynamics at finer spatial scales also reflects the orderly propagation has not previously been investigated in humans. To reveal the local, finer spatial scale (similar to 1-6 cm) patterns of SWA propagation during non-REM sleep, electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings were conducted from subdurally implanted electrode grids and a nonlinear correlation technique [mutual information (MI)] was implemented. MI analysis revealed spatial maps of correlations between cortical areas demonstrating SWA propagation directions, speed, and association strength. Highest correlations, indicating significant coupling, were detected during the initial positive-going deflection of slow waves. SWA propagated predominantly between adjacent cortical areas, albeit spatial noncontinuities were also frequently observed. MI analysis further uncovered significant convergence and divergence patterns. Areas receiving the most convergent activity were similar to those with high divergence rate, while reciprocal and circular propagation of SWA was also frequent. We hypothesize that SWA is characterized by distinct attributes depending on the spatial scale observed. At larger spatial scales, the orderly SWA propagation dominates; at the finer scale of the ECoG recordings, non-REM sleep is characterized by complex SWA propagation patterns

    Platelets mediate lymphovenous hemostasis to maintain blood-lymphatic separation throughout life

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    Mammals transport blood through a high-pressure, closed vascular network and lymph through a low-pressure, open vascular network. These vascular networks connect at the lymphovenous (LV) junction, where lymph drains into blood and an LV valve (LVV) prevents backflow of blood into lymphatic vessels. Here we describe an essential role for platelets in preventing blood from entering the lymphatic system at the LV junction. Loss of CLEC2, a receptor that activates platelets in response to lymphatic endothelial cells, resulted in backfilling of the lymphatic network with blood from the thoracic duct (TD) in both neonatal and mature mice. Fibrin-containing platelet thrombi were observed at the LVV and in the terminal TD in wild-type mice, but not Clec2-deficient mice. Analysis of mice lacking LVVs or lymphatic valves revealed that platelet-mediated thrombus formation limits LV backflow under conditions of impaired valve function. Examination of mice lacking integrin-mediated platelet aggregation indicated that platelet aggregation stabilizes thrombi that form in the lymphatic vascular environment to prevent retrograde blood flow. Collectively, these studies unveil a newly recognized form of hemostasis that functions with the LVV to safeguard the lymphatic vascular network throughout life

    Manufacturing process of a brain aneurysm biomodel in PDMS using rapid prototyping

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    Cerebral aneurysm is an abnormal dilatation of the blood vessel into a saccular form. They can originate in congenital defects, weakening of the arterial wall with increasing age, atherosclerotic changes, trauma and infectious emboli. The in vivo experiments are an effective way of investigating the appearance, validating new practices and techniques, but beyond ethical issues, these types of experiments are expensive and have low reproducibility. Thus, to better understand the pathophysiological and geometric aspects of an aneurysm, it is important to fabricate in vitro models capable of improving existing endovascular treatments, developing and validating theoretical and computational models. Another difficulty is in the preoperative period of the non-ruptured cerebral aneurysm, known for the success of the skilled acts because there is an anatomical structure of the aneurysm as its current position. Although there are technologies that facilitate three-dimensional video visualization in the case of aneurysms with complex geometries the operative planning is still complicated, so the development of the real three-dimensional physical model becomes advantageous. In this work, the entire process of manufacturing an aneurysm biomodel using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is disassembled by rapid prototyping technology. The manufactured biomodels are able to perform different hemodynamic studies, validate theoretical data, numerical simulations and assist in the preoperative planning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neutrophil-specific deletion of the CARD9 gene expression regulator suppresses autoantibody-induced inflammation in vivo

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    Neutrophils are terminally differentiated cells with limited transcriptional activity. The biological function of their gene expression changes is poorly understood. CARD9 regulates transcription during antifungal immunity but its role in sterile inflammation is unclear. Here we show that neutrophil CARD9 mediates pro-inflammatory chemokine/cytokine but not lipid mediator release during non-infectious inflammation. Genetic deficiency of CARD9 suppresses autoantibody-induced arthritis and dermatitis in mice. Neutrophil-specific deletion of CARD9 is sufficient to induce that phenotype. Card9(-/-) neutrophils show defective immune complex-induced gene expression changes and pro-inflammatory chemokine/cytokine release but normal LTB4 production and other short-term responses. In vivo deletion of CARD9 reduces tissue levels of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines but not LTB4. The CARD9-mediated signalling pathway involves Src-family kinases, Syk, PLCÎł2, Bcl10/Malt1 and NFÎşB. Collectively, CARD9-mediated gene expression changes within neutrophils play important roles during non-infectious inflammation in vivo and CARD9 acts as a divergence point between chemokine/cytokine and lipid mediator release
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