663 research outputs found
Financialisation of official development assistance
Official Development Assistance is a significant global enterprise. Organsiations engaged in funding and implementing ODA (the bilateral donors, multilateral organsiations such as the World Bank and IMF) have unprecedented political and economic influence over a large number of sovereign developing countries. This paper analyses if, and how financialisation impacts on development aid, and implications for effective aid policy agendas, drawing on and linking critical debate on finacialisation, and ODA. Subsequent to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the persistence of the European Monitory Crisis (EMC), specific needs of developing countries became increasingly sub-ordinated to political and ideological power relations between ‘real’ economics and financial economics otherwise known as financialisation. The paper finds ‘financialisation’ as the ideological, political and economic catalyst for economic growth potentially confusing long-term development to combat poverty, and a short term need to overcome the lack of financial capacity in developing recipient countries. Sustainable economic development requires developing countries to forsake the pursuit of financialisation and to re-delineate their national finance, trade and investment regimes, and re-state it in a balanced manner as to take into account their unique economic development needs rather that the donor agencies’ demands and to advance their own ‘real’ economies
Economic edifice, urbanisation and rural education in developing countries
The nexus between economic edifice, urbanisation and education is a somewhat understudied area in the academic literature. This applies especially to the urban-rural nexus and its impact on transition in economic edifice, which are especially pronounced in developing countries. This article addresses some selected consequences of urbanisation on education in developing countries within a context of transition in economic edifice. It is argued that transitions in economic edifice are for rural populations at times unrestrained and precipitous. It is further argued that the transition economic edifice impacts on social, economic and personal interests of not only the school-aged population, but also of the working and retired population. Against this background, this article discusses factors relating to effects of urbanization within a context of urbanisation and urbanisation theories, including transition in economic edifice, globalization, employment and employability, and vocationalisation of education. In conclusion opportunities and challenges for education in the context of transforming an economic structure in rural areas in a contemporary context is brought to the fore
Beef intramuscular fatty acid (FA) profile was investigated on a sample of Simmental beef bulls from an intensive rearing system in Croatia. Animals were housed indoor in common pens on a concrete slatted floor (SF group, n=15) or a full floor with straw bedding (FF group, n=15). Diet in both groups was given as total mixture ration composed from maize grain and stalk silage, super-concentrate and hay (average composition per kg: 599 g of DM, 76 g of crude protein and 4.59 MJ of ME as feed). Bulls were slaughter at similar age (494±17 days) and body weight (597.5±56.4 kg) and the intramuscular fat (IMF) content (g/kg) and FA composition (g/100g of total FA) of the M. longissimus thoracis were determined. The average IMF content was 25.49±9.21 with C18:1 (36.28±3.99), C16:0 (22.61±1.81), C18:0 (17.18±1.71) and C18:2n-6 (9.15±3.08) as the most represented FAs. The average proportions of total saturated FA (SFA) and monounsaturated FA (MUFA) were 44.33±1.89 and 41.78±4.31, while the share of total polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) was 13.89±4.72, with the averages of n-6 and n-3 PUFA totals of 12.93±4.52 and 0.68±0.24, respectively. The PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios were out of the nutritionally recommended limits; while the proportion of beneficial conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) averaged 0.285±0.082 g/100g of FA. Floor type had no major effect on FA profile, except for slightly higher CLA and C20:1 and lower C12 and n-6/n-3 in SF group. It is concluded that the obtained results imply a need for feeding strategy that could enhance the nutritional quality of beef FA under the intensive production systems.Profil intramuskularnih masnih kiselina (MK) mesa goveda istraživan je na uzorku simentalskih tovnih bikova iz intenzivnog sustava uzgoja u Hrvatskoj. Smještaj životinje bio je unutar objekata u zajedničkim betonskim boksovim na rešetkastom podu (RP grupa, n=15) ili na punom podu uz steljenje (PP grupa, n=15). Hranidba u obje grupe bila je u obliku potpuno izmiješanog obroka sastavljenog iz silaže kukuruznog zrna i stabljike, super koncentrata i sijena (prosječni sastav kg obroka: 599 g ST, 76 g sirovog proteina i 4,59 MJ ME). Bikovi su zaklani pri sličnoj dobi (494±17 dana) i tjelesnoj masi (597,5±56,4 kg) te je određen sadržaj intramuskularne masti (IMM, g/kg) i sastav MK (g/100g of total FA) M. longissimus thoracis-a. Prosječan sadržaj IMM iznosio je 25,49±9,21, dok su najzastupljenije MK bile C18:1 (36,28±3,99), C16:0 (22,61±1,81), C18:0 (17,18±1,71) i C18:2n-6 (9,15±3,08). Prosječni sadržaji ukupnih zasićenih MK (ZMK) i mono-nezasićenih MK (MNK) iznosili su 44,33±1,89 i 41,78±4,31, dok je sadržaj ukupnih poli-nezasićenih MK (PNMK) bio 13,89±4,72, s prosjecima ukupnih n-6 i n-3 PNMK od 12,93±4,52, odnosno 0,68±0,24. Omjeri PNMK/ZMK i n-6/n-3 bili su izvan nutritivno preporučenih vrijednosti, dok je sadržaj korisne konjugirane linolne kiseline (KLK) u prosjeku iznosio 0,285±0,082 g/100g ukupnih MK. Tip poda nije imao značajniji utjecaj na MK profil, osim nešto višeg sadržaja KLK i C20:1 te nižeg sadržaja C12:0 i n-6/n-3 omjera u RP grupi. Zaključeno je da dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za hranidbenom strategijom koja može poboljšati nutritivnu kakvoću MK u goveđem mesu iz intenzivnog sustava proizvodnje
The Cultural Analysis of the Popular Culture Phenomenon "Ćaća se vraća"
Rad istražuje popularno kulturni fenomen povezan s Facebook stranicom ĆAĆA SE VRAČA koju se poima kao platformu za pružanje semiotičkog otpora dominantnom medijsko-političkom diskursu, a razmatra se i subverzivni potencijal fenomena u širem društvenom smislu. Slučaj se teorijski kontekstualizira, analizira se sadržaj stranice, te se, sukladno literaturi, ispituje postavljenu tezu o praksama ko/kreatora stranice kao o praksama otpora dominantnom diskursu, dotičući se i mogućnosti prerastanja tako ostvarenog semiotičkog otpora u onaj društveni. Ta se tvrdnja, nakon višestruke razrade problema, u zaključnim poglavljima dovodi u pitanje
Burnout of nurses
Posao medicinskih sestara veoma je human, jer se bavi pomaganjem ljudima u vidu unaprjeđenja zdravlja, sprječavanja bolesti, liječenja te rehabilitacije. One pomažu svojim pacijentima u ublažavanju, rješavanju i podnošenju problema koje imaju zbog bolesti, propisanih pretraga, načina liječenja, boravka u bolnici i odvajanja od obitelji. Medicinske sestre čine najveći postotak zdravstvenih radnika i dio su svakog tima. Kako bi svoj posao mogle obavljati u potpunosti, od medicinskih se sestara iziskuje potpuna emocionalna zrelost i stabilnost te sposobnost razumijevanja ljudske patnje. Trebaju se znati adekvatno postaviti, funkcionirati u hitnim slučajevima te pravilno reagirati u rješavanju mnogih etičkih dilema. Izvršavanje ovih zadataka dovodi do fizičkog te intelektualnog iscrpljivanja koje se iz dana u dan sve više produbljuje. Medicinske sestre kao pomagačko tijelo u velikoj su mjeri izložene takvom obliku iscrpljivanja, pa se posljednjih godina uvodi termin 'burn out syndrome' ili sindrom izgaranja medicinskih sestara. On označava niz tjelesnih i mentalnih simptoma iscrpljenosti koji se najčešće javljaju kao odloženi odgovor na kronične emocionalne i inerpesonalne stresne događaje na radnom mjestu
Application of whey protein isolates and zein in system of alginate carriers for encapsulation of ginger (Zingiber officinale) polyphenols
Zbog svojih ljekovitih svojstava đumbir (Zingiber officinale) ima dugu tradiciju primjene u medicini, a u novije vrijeme ti se pozitivni zdravstveni učinci potkrjepljuju sve većim brojem podataka o njegovom bogatom bioaktivnom sastavu. Budući da nema dostupnih podataka o inkapsulaciji polifenola đumbira, cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinkovitost inkapsulacije polifenolnih ekstrakata đumbira metodom ionskog geliranja te odrediti utjecaj sastava nosača na učinkovitost inkapsulacije. Kao nosač za imobilizaciju korišten je čisti alginat te kombinacije alginata s izolatima proteina sirutke i zeinom. Dobivenim česticama određen je udjel vode, fizikalno-kemijske i morfološke karakteristike, učinkovitost inkapsulacije polifenola i zadržavanja antioksidacijskog kapaciteta, kao i profili otpuštanja polifenola i antioksidacijskog kapaciteta u simuliranim gastrointestinalnim uvjetima. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je dodatak izolata proteina sirutke u alginatni nosač rezultirao tvorbom manjih čestica, a dodatkom zeina dobivene su veće čestice, dok su obje vrste proteina uzrokovale smanjenje tvrdoće čestica, njihove elastičnosti te udjela vode. Dodatkom proteina povećala se inkapsulacijska učinkovitost i zadržavanje antioksidacijskog kapaciteta te usporilo otpuštanje polifenola iz njihovog sastava. Najefikasnijim nosačem pokazao se alginat u kombinaciji sa zeinom s učinkovitošću inkapsulacije polifenola od 93,05%, najvišim zadržavanjem antioksidacijskog kapaciteta (86,79% određeno ABTS metodom i 89,67% određeno DPPH metodom) i kontinuiranim otpuštanjem polifenola iz čestica.Due to its medicinal properties ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a long tradition of application in medicine and in more recent times those positive effects on health are being substantiated by growing number of facts about its rich bioactive composition. Since there are no available information about encapsulation of ginger polyphenols, the aim of this thesis was to investigate encapsulation efficiency of ginger polyphenolic extracts using the method of ionic gelation and to determine the influence of composition of carriers on encapsulation efficiency. Pure alginate and combinations of alginate with whey protein isolates and zein were used as carriers for immobilization. The acquired hydrogel beads had their water content, physical, chemical and morphological properties, encapsulation and retention of antioxidant capacity efficiency, as well as the release profiles of total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity in simulated gastrointestinal conditions determined. The results showed that the addition of whey protein isolates in the alginate-based carrier resulted in formation of smaller particles, and the addition of zein particles resulted in bigger particles, while both proteins caused decreased hardness, elasticity and water content in the particles. The addition of proteins increased the encapsulation efficiency and retention of antioxidative capacity and slowed the release of polyphenols. The most efficient carrier was alginate in combination with zein with encapsulation efficiency of 93,05%, highest retention of antioxidation capacity (86,79% measured by ABTS method and 89,67% measured by DPPH method), and a continuous release of polyphenols from beads
Application of whey protein isolates and zein in system of alginate carriers for encapsulation of ginger (Zingiber officinale) polyphenols
Zbog svojih ljekovitih svojstava đumbir (Zingiber officinale) ima dugu tradiciju primjene u medicini, a u novije vrijeme ti se pozitivni zdravstveni učinci potkrjepljuju sve većim brojem podataka o njegovom bogatom bioaktivnom sastavu. Budući da nema dostupnih podataka o inkapsulaciji polifenola đumbira, cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinkovitost inkapsulacije polifenolnih ekstrakata đumbira metodom ionskog geliranja te odrediti utjecaj sastava nosača na učinkovitost inkapsulacije. Kao nosač za imobilizaciju korišten je čisti alginat te kombinacije alginata s izolatima proteina sirutke i zeinom. Dobivenim česticama određen je udjel vode, fizikalno-kemijske i morfološke karakteristike, učinkovitost inkapsulacije polifenola i zadržavanja antioksidacijskog kapaciteta, kao i profili otpuštanja polifenola i antioksidacijskog kapaciteta u simuliranim gastrointestinalnim uvjetima. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je dodatak izolata proteina sirutke u alginatni nosač rezultirao tvorbom manjih čestica, a dodatkom zeina dobivene su veće čestice, dok su obje vrste proteina uzrokovale smanjenje tvrdoće čestica, njihove elastičnosti te udjela vode. Dodatkom proteina povećala se inkapsulacijska učinkovitost i zadržavanje antioksidacijskog kapaciteta te usporilo otpuštanje polifenola iz njihovog sastava. Najefikasnijim nosačem pokazao se alginat u kombinaciji sa zeinom s učinkovitošću inkapsulacije polifenola od 93,05%, najvišim zadržavanjem antioksidacijskog kapaciteta (86,79% određeno ABTS metodom i 89,67% određeno DPPH metodom) i kontinuiranim otpuštanjem polifenola iz čestica.Due to its medicinal properties ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a long tradition of application in medicine and in more recent times those positive effects on health are being substantiated by growing number of facts about its rich bioactive composition. Since there are no available information about encapsulation of ginger polyphenols, the aim of this thesis was to investigate encapsulation efficiency of ginger polyphenolic extracts using the method of ionic gelation and to determine the influence of composition of carriers on encapsulation efficiency. Pure alginate and combinations of alginate with whey protein isolates and zein were used as carriers for immobilization. The acquired hydrogel beads had their water content, physical, chemical and morphological properties, encapsulation and retention of antioxidant capacity efficiency, as well as the release profiles of total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity in simulated gastrointestinal conditions determined. The results showed that the addition of whey protein isolates in the alginate-based carrier resulted in formation of smaller particles, and the addition of zein particles resulted in bigger particles, while both proteins caused decreased hardness, elasticity and water content in the particles. The addition of proteins increased the encapsulation efficiency and retention of antioxidative capacity and slowed the release of polyphenols. The most efficient carrier was alginate in combination with zein with encapsulation efficiency of 93,05%, highest retention of antioxidation capacity (86,79% measured by ABTS method and 89,67% measured by DPPH method), and a continuous release of polyphenols from beads
Nutritional and energy utilization of the dates (Phoenix dactilyfera)
Datulja (lat. Phoenix dactilyfera L.) je jedina vrsta iz roda palmi čiji plod ima komercijalnu upotrebu. Plodovi su jestivi, a koštice služe za hranidbu stoke. Zbog visokog udjela šećera (čak do 80 %), važna je u prehrani lokalnog stanovništva u Egiptu, Alžiru, Iranu, Iraku, itd.. Zbog njezine višenamjenske upotrebe u ovom radu ispitivana su nutritivna svojstva datulje te energetska svojstva koštica datulja.
Nakon prikupljanja uzorka, za svaku sortu su određena nutritivna svojstva mesa datulja (voda, pepeo, škrob, masti) i energetska svojstva koštica datulja (voda, pepeo, koks, gornja ogrjevna vrijednost). Na uzorku koštica datulja svih sorti (Medjool, Deglet Noor, Fard, Lulu, Sag'ai, Khouri, Sellaj) proveden je pokus pirolize kako bi se odredila količina bioulja i biougljena.
Prosječan udio vode u mesu datulja iznosi 15,94 %, dok u košticama datulja iznosi 10,13 %. Prosječan udio pepela u mesu datulja iznosi 2,21 %, dok u košticama datulja iznosi 1,32 %. Prosječan udio masti u mesu datulja iznosi 2,97 %, a škroba u mesu datulja iznosi 4,38 %. Prosječan udio koksa u košticama datulja iznosi 13,95 %. Procesom pirolize koštica datulja dobiveno je 61,61 % bioulja i 22,12 % biougljena. Prosječna gornja ogrjevna vrijednost koštica datulja iznosi 17,55 MJ/kg, dok gornja ogrjevna vrijednost biougljena iznosi 31,64 MJ/kg. Udio pepela u biougljenu iznosi 4,76 %, a udio koksa u biougljenu iznosi 83,76 %. Prosječna visina koštica datulja je 23,16 mm, prosječna širina koštica datulja je 7,87 mm, a prosječna debljina koštica datulja je 6,89 mm. Sferičnost koštice datulja iznosi 47 %.Date palm (lat. Phoenix dactilyfera L.) is only species from palm family whose fruit has commercial use. The fruit is edible, and the seeds are used for cattle feeding. Because of its high sugar content (up to 80 %), it is important in nutrition of local population in Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, etc. Due to its multipurpose use, the nutritional properties of the date palm and the energy properties of the date palm seed were studied in this paper.
After sample collection, for each variety were determined nutritive properties of flesh of date palm (water, ash, starch, fats) and energy properties of the date palm seed (water, ash, coke, top calorific value). A pyrolysis experiment was carried out on the sample of the seeds from all varieties (Medjool, Deglet Noor, Fard, Lulu, Sag'ai, Khouri, Sellaj) to determine the amount of bio-oil and bio-coal.
The average portion of water in flesh of date palm is 15,94 %, while in date palm seed is 10,13 %. The average portion of ash in flesh of date palm is 2,21 %, while in date palm seed is 1,32 %. The average portion of fats in flesh of date palm is 2,97 %, and starch in flesh of date palm is 4,38 %. The average portion of coke in date palm seed is 13,95 %. By the pyrolysis process, date palm seed yielded 61,61 % of bio-oil, and 22,12 % of bio-coal. The average top calorific value of date palm seed is 17,55 MJ/kg, while top calorific value of bio-coal is 31,64 MJ/kg. The portion of ash in bio-coal is 4,76 %, and portion of coke in bio-coal is 83,76 %. The average height of date palm seed is 23,16 mm, the average width of date palm seed is 7,87 mm, and average thickness of date palm seed is 6,89 mm. The sphericality of date palm seed is 47 %
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