33 research outputs found

    Microplastics; occurrence, levels and implications for environment and human health related to food. Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

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    Report from the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) 2019:16. Microplastics; occurrence, levels and implications for environment and human health related to food. Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Source at https://www.vkm.no/. The steering committee of VKM has self-initiated a mandate for an opinion on microplastics based on recently published international and/or national reports complemented with literature from December 2016 to February 2019. The mandate requested a summary of the state of knowledge on the presence of microplastics in the environment and the implications for the ecosystem, terrestrial and aquatic organisms, food production and human health. An overview of main national and international ongoing initiatives was also requested, and highlighting of data gaps where specific Norwegian data was needed

    Review and Assessment of Existing and Future Techniques for Traceability with Particular Focus on Applicability to ABS Plastics

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    It is generally recognized that the use of physical and digital information-based solutions for tracking plastic materials along a value chain can favour the transition to a circular economy and help to overcome obstacles. In the near future, traceability and information exchange between all actors in the value chain of the plastics industry will be crucial to establishing more effective recycling systems. Recycling plastics is a complex process that is particularly complicated in the case of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic because of its versatility and use in many applications. This literature study is part of a larger EU-funded project with the acronym ABSolEU (Paving the way for an ABS recycling revolution in the EU). One of its goals is to propose a suitable traceability system for ABS products through physical marking with a digital connection to a suitable data-management system to facilitate the circular use of ABS. The aim of this paper is therefore to review and assess the current and future techniques for traceability with a particular focus on their use for ABS plastics as a basis for this proposal. The scientific literature and initiatives are discussed within three technological areas, viz., labelling and traceability systems currently in use, digital data sharing systems and physical marking. The first section includes some examples of systems used commonly today. For data sharing, three digital technologies are discussed, viz., Digital Product Passports, blockchain solutions and certification systems, which identify a product through information that is attached to it and store, share and analyse data throughout the product’s life cycle. Finally, several different methods for physical marking are described and evaluated, including different labels on a product’s surface and the addition of a specific material to a polymer matrix that can be identified at any point in time with the use of a special light source or device. The conclusion from this study is that the most promising data management technology for the near future is blockchain technology, which could be shared by all ABS products. Regarding physical marking, producers must evaluate different options for individual products, using the most appropriate and economical technology for each specific product. It is also important to evaluate what information should be attached to a specific product to meet the needs of all actors in the value chain

    Accelerated ageing and degradation characteristics of rigid polyurethane foam

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    The urgent need for revision of the normative test method (EN 253) for the lifetime prediction of districtheating pipes requires a better understanding of the failure mechanisms involved. Therefore, variousmethods were used to study thermal degradation characteristics of rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam inboth air and nitrogen atmosphere. Accelerated ageing in nitrogen caused insignificant changes, whereasageing in air caused significant changes in weight, dimensions, chemical structure and cell gas composition,indicating importance of the thermo-oxidative type of degradation. A clear indication of thethermo-oxidative type of degradation was the formation of new carbonyl groups in PUR together withthe loss of CH2 groups after ageing in air. Another result of ageing in air was the loss of pentane andcyclopentane, and the formation of some new volatile compounds in the cells of PUR foam. However,despite a large difference in degradation characteristics between the samples aged in air and in nitrogen,no significant difference in the flexural strength of PUR foam was recorded during the induction stage ofthe degradation process. Furthermore, it is shown that the significant drop in shear strength, whichreflects the adhesion force between PUR foam and steel pipe, observed during the early stage ofaccelerated ageing of district heating pipes is not caused by thermo-oxidative degradation