81 research outputs found

    Detection and genotypisation of human cytomegalovirus and epstein-barr virus in chronic periapical lesions.

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    Periapikalne lezije karakteriše hronična zapaljenska reakcija koja uzrokuje razgradnju alveolarnog koštanog tkiva u predelu vrha korena avitalnih zuba. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da su bakterijski mikroorganizmi i njihovi štetni produkti najčešći uzročnici nastanka zapaljenske reakcije u apeksnom parodoncijumu. Početkom 21. veka dokazano je prisustvo herpesvirusa u tkivu periapikalnih lezija i postavljena je hipoteza da pomenuti virusi učestvuju u procesu njihovog nastanka po modelu kojim doprinose razgradnji alveolarnog koštanog tkiva, kao i u marginalnom parodontitisu. Do danas je publikovano 20 istraživanja koja su ispitivala učestalost herpesvirusne infekcije u tkivu periapikalnih lezija. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da su Epštajn-Bar virus (EBV) i Humani citomegalovirus (HCMV) najčešće detektovani pripadnici porodice Herpesviridae u periapikalnim lezijama. Pojedina istraživanja su pokazala da su herpesvirusi češće detektovani u simptomatskim i velikim u odnosu na asimptomatske i male lezije. Međutim, njihova uloga u patogenezi periapikalnih lezija još uvek nije u potpunosti razjašnjena. Iako se smatra da genetička varijabilnost herpesvirusa može uticati na odnos virusa i imunskog odgovor domaćina, u naučnoj literaturi još uvek nema podataka o učestalosti pojedinih genotipova EBV i HCMV u periapikalnim lezijama. Takođe, nedovoljno je ispitan odnos povećanog broja genskih kopija herpesvirusa i nivoa proinflamatornih citokina u patogenezi periapikalnih lezija. CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Ovo istraživanje je imalo za cilj da odredi učestalost prisustva, broja genskih kopija i vrste genotipova EBV i HCMV u tkivu periapikalnih lezija i kontrolnog pulpnog tkiva, kao i da uporedi dobijeni nalaz među periapikalnim lezijama sa različitim kliničkim, radiološkim i patohistološkim karakteristikama. Takođe, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je i da se odredi vrednost proinflamatornih citokina (TNF-α, IL-1β i IL-6) u tkivu periapikalnih lezija i kontrolnog pulpnog tkiva, te da se dobijene vrednosti uporede sa brojem genskih kopija EBV i HCMV u ispitivanom uzorku. MATERIJAL I METOD. U istraživanju je analizirano 100 uzoraka hroničnih periapikalnih lezija i 25 uzoraka kontrolnog pulpnog tkiva. Uzorci su prikupljani od zdravih pacijenata kod kojih je indikovana resekcija vrha korena zuba ili hirurško vađenje imapaktiranih umnjaka...Periapical lesions are characterized by chronic inflammation and destruction of tooth-supporting tissues in the periapical area of non-vital teeth. Previous studies confirmed that polymicrobial infection of endodontic origin is essential for its development. At the beginning of 21st century herpesviruses have been detected in tissue samples of periapical lesions. It has been hypothesized that concomitant herpesviral infection may contribute to the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis in the same way as it has been proposed for marginal periodontitis. Up to now, 20 studies investigated the occurrence of herpesviral infection in apical periodontitis. Their results indicate that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are the most frequently detected species of Herpesviridae family in apical periodontitis. Previous studies showed that herpesviruses occurred more frequently in symptomatic and large compared to asymptomatic and small periapical lesions. However, their exact role in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis has not been fully elucidated. Although it is considered that a great diversity of viral strains may influence the course and severity of disease there are no scientific data about the occurrence of different EBV and HCMV genotypes in apical periodontitis samples. Furthermore, there is a lack of data about the relationship between levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and herpesviral copy number in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis. AIMS. This study aimed to detect the occurrence of HCMV and EBV, to assess their copy number and the distribution of their genotypes in periapical lesions and healthy control tissues. Additionally, this study aimed to compare these findings between symptomatic and asymptomatic, large and small periapical lesions, and periapical granulomas and radicular cysts. The goal of the study was also to determine the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6) in periapical lesions and healthy control tissues, and to correlate these data with the copy number of investigated herpesviruses..

    Detekcija i genotipizacija humanog citomegalovirusa i Epštajn-Bar virusa u hroničnim periapikalnim lezijama

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    Periapical lesions are characterized by chronic inflammation and destruction of tooth-supporting tissues in the periapical area of non-vital teeth. Previous studies confirmed that polymicrobial infection of endodontic origin is essential for its development. At the beginning of 21st century herpesviruses have been detected in tissue samples of periapical lesions. It has been hypothesized that concomitant herpesviral infection may contribute to the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis in the same way as it has been proposed for marginal periodontitis. Up to now, 20 studies investigated the occurrence of herpesviral infection in apical periodontitis. Their results indicate that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are the most frequently detected species of Herpesviridae family in apical periodontitis. Previous studies showed that herpesviruses occurred more frequently in symptomatic and large compared to asymptomatic and small periapical lesions. However, their exact role in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis has not been fully elucidated. Although it is considered that a great diversity of viral strains may influence the course and severity of disease there are no scientific data about the occurrence of different EBV and HCMV genotypes in apical periodontitis samples. Furthermore, there is a lack of data about the relationship between levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and herpesviral copy number in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis. AIMS. This study aimed to detect the occurrence of HCMV and EBV, to assess their copy number and the distribution of their genotypes in periapical lesions and healthy control tissues. Additionally, this study aimed to compare these findings between symptomatic and asymptomatic, large and small periapical lesions, and periapical granulomas and radicular cysts. The goal of the study was also to determine the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6) in periapical lesions and healthy control tissues, and to correlate these data with the copy number of investigated herpesviruses...Periapikalne lezije karakteriše hronična zapaljenska reakcija koja uzrokuje razgradnju alveolarnog koštanog tkiva u predelu vrha korena avitalnih zuba. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da su bakterijski mikroorganizmi i njihovi štetni produkti najčešći uzročnici nastanka zapaljenske reakcije u apeksnom parodoncijumu. Početkom 21. veka dokazano je prisustvo herpesvirusa u tkivu periapikalnih lezija i postavljena je hipoteza da pomenuti virusi učestvuju u procesu njihovog nastanka po modelu kojim doprinose razgradnji alveolarnog koštanog tkiva, kao i u marginalnom parodontitisu. Do danas je publikovano 20 istraživanja koja su ispitivala učestalost herpesvirusne infekcije u tkivu periapikalnih lezija. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da su Epštajn-Bar virus (EBV) i Humani citomegalovirus (HCMV) najčešće detektovani pripadnici porodice Herpesviridae u periapikalnim lezijama. Pojedina istraživanja su pokazala da su herpesvirusi češće detektovani u simptomatskim i velikim u odnosu na asimptomatske i male lezije. Međutim, njihova uloga u patogenezi periapikalnih lezija još uvek nije u potpunosti razjašnjena. Iako se smatra da genetička varijabilnost herpesvirusa može uticati na odnos virusa i imunskog odgovor domaćina, u naučnoj literaturi još uvek nema podataka o učestalosti pojedinih genotipova EBV i HCMV u periapikalnim lezijama. Takođe, nedovoljno je ispitan odnos povećanog broja genskih kopija herpesvirusa i nivoa proinflamatornih citokina u patogenezi periapikalnih lezija. CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Ovo istraživanje je imalo za cilj da odredi učestalost prisustva, broja genskih kopija i vrste genotipova EBV i HCMV u tkivu periapikalnih lezija i kontrolnog pulpnog tkiva, kao i da uporedi dobijeni nalaz među periapikalnim lezijama sa različitim kliničkim, radiološkim i patohistološkim karakteristikama. Takođe, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je i da se odredi vrednost proinflamatornih citokina (TNF-α, IL-1β i IL-6) u tkivu periapikalnih lezija i kontrolnog pulpnog tkiva, te da se dobijene vrednosti uporede sa brojem genskih kopija EBV i HCMV u ispitivanom uzorku. MATERIJAL I METOD. U istraživanju je analizirano 100 uzoraka hroničnih periapikalnih lezija i 25 uzoraka kontrolnog pulpnog tkiva. Uzorci su prikupljani od zdravih pacijenata kod kojih je indikovana resekcija vrha korena zuba ili hirurško vađenje imapaktiranih umnjaka..

    Primena ibuprofena u suzbijanju postoperacionog bola u stomatologiji

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    Postoperative pain is common complication after daily dental care. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are among most widely prescribed analgesics for management of postoperative pain. The analgesic effect of a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) is related to its ability to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. Ibuprofen (2-proprionic acid derivate) was discovered in the 1960s as a representative of NSAIDs. It is a peripherally acting analgesic with a potent anti-inflammatory action. An extensive retrospective analysis of randomized clinical trials conducted over the last 40 years demonstrated that ibuprofen is effective in moderate to severe postoperative pain for different indications in dentistry. In comparison to other NSAIDs, ibuprofen is characterized by its efficiency, safety and good tolerance. The aim of this article was to present the most important pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics and side effects of ibuprofen used for postoperative pain treatment in dentistry.Bol koji se javi nakon hirurške intervencije je vrlo česta komplikacija u svakodnevnoj stomatološkoj praksi. U suzbijanju (lečenju) postoperacionog bola najčešće se prepisuju nesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi (NSAIL). Njihov analgetski efekat se zasniva, pre svega, na sprečavanju sinteze prostaglandina. Ibuprofen (derivat 2-propionske kiseline) je predstavnik velike grupe NSAIL, a otkriven je 1960. godine. Ovaj analgetik deluje na periferne nervne završetke s izrazitim protivupalnim efektom. Opsežna retrospektivna analiza randomiziranih kliničkih istraživanja u proteklih 40 godina pokazala je da je ibuprofen efikasan u suzbijanju umerenog i izraženog postoperacionog bola kod različitih indikacija. Osim efikasnosti, ibuprofen se odlikuje dobrom podnošljivošću i sigurnošću u poređenju sa drugim NSAIL. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ukaže na najznačajnije farmakološke i terapeutske odlike, kao i neželjena dejstva ibuprofena u lečenju postoperacionog bola pri različitim indikacijama u stomatologiji

    Srednjovjekovno Brečevo i Polje Kanjane – još jedan pokušaj ubikacije

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    U radu se, na osnovi objavljenih i neobjavljenih diplomatičkih izvora i osmanskih popisnih deftera (tāpū tahrῑr defterleri), iznose nove spoznaje i revidiraju pojedini zaključci dosadašnje historiografije o pitanjima ubikacije utvrđenoga grada Brečeva i Polja (Polja Kanjane), za koje se navedena utvrda vezivala u srednjovjekovnoj građi. Analizom izvora došlo se do zaključka da je spomenuto Polje najvjerojatnije predstavljalo Petrovo polje ili barem njegov veći dio, a da se Brečevo nalazilo negdje na njegovome jugoistočnom rubu

    Radiographic assessment of lower third molar eruption in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns and age-related groups

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    Objective: To analyze radiographic predictors for lower third molar eruption among subjects with different anteroposterior skeletal relations and of different age groups. Materials and Methods: In total, 300 lower third molars were recorded on diagnostic digital orthopantomograms (DPTs) and lateral cephalograms (LCs). The radiographs were grouped according to sagittal intermaxillary angle (ANB), subject age, and level of lower third molar eruption. The DPT was used to analyze retromolar space, mesiodistal crown width, space/width ratio, third and second molar angulation (alpha, gamma), third molar inclination (beta), and gonion angle. The LC was used to determine ANB, angles of maxillar and mandibular prognathism (SNA, SNB), mandibular plane angle (SN/MP), and mandibular lengths. A logistic regression model was created using the statistically significant predictors. Results: The logistic regression analysis revealed a statistically significant impact of 6 angle and distance between gonion and gnathion (Go-On) on the level of lower third molar eruption (P lt .001 and P lt .015, respectively). The retromolar space was significantly increased in the adult subgroup for all skeletal classes. The lower third molar impaction rate was significantly higher in the adult subgroup with the Class II (62.3%) compared with Class III subjects (31.7%; P lt .013). Conclusion: The most favorable values of linear and angular predictors of mandibular third molar eruption were measured in Class III subjects. For valid estimation of mandibular third molar eruption, certain linear and angular measures (beta angle, Go-On), as well as the size of the retromolar space, need to be considered

    Sadržaj i odnos apsorbovanog Ca i Mg u serpentinitskim zemljištima Srbije

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    The contents of adsorbed Ca and Mg and their ratio (Ca/Mg) were researched in the serpentinite rankers of Serbia. The samples were taken from seven wider locations (Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Miroč, Maljen, Bukovi, Suvobor and Bubanj Potok) in the altitudinal belt between 100 and 1700 m. Altogether 32 soil profiles were opened and 47 soil samples were analyzed. The percentages of adsorbed Ca and Mg were determined by the method of the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, after extraction with NH4-acetate. The study results show that the content of adsorbed Mg-ions in almost all analyzed samples was higher than the percentage of adsorbed Ca-ions, so their ratio (Ca/Mg) is less than 1. This Ca/Mg ratio has an unfavorable impact on the plant development and it was concluded that this is one of the basic reasons of the low productive capacity of the serpentinite rankers in Serbia.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja sadržaja adsorbovanog Ca i Mg kao i njihovog odnosa (Ca/Mg) u serpentinitskim rankerima Srbije. Uzorci su uzeti iz sedam širih lokacija (Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Miroč, Maljen, Bukovi, Suvobor i Bubanj Potok) u visinskom pojasu između 100 i 1700 m nad.visine. Ukupno su otvorena 32 pedološka profila i analizirano je 47 uzoraka zemljišta. Sadržaj apsorbovanog Ča i Mg određen je metodom atomske aprsorpcione spektrofotometrije, posle ekstrakcije sa NH4-acetatom. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je skoro u svim ispitanim uzorcima sadržaj apsorbovanog Mg-jona veći od sadržaja apsorbovanog Ca-jona, te je i njihov odnos (Ca/Mg) manji od jedinice. Ovakav odnos Ca/Mg se nepovoljno odražava na uspevanje biljaka i smatramo da je jedan od osnovnih uzroka niske produktivne sposobnosti serpentinitskih rankera Srbije

    Thrombocytosis as a predictor of thromboembolic complications in patients with malignant diseases

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    Background: To prove the frequency of thrombocytosis in patients with cancer, and the importance of anticoagulant therapy. Thrombocytosis represents an elevated platelet count of more than 350,000/mm3 which is one of the risk factors for venous thromboembolism.Methods: This study has analyzed 146 patients who were hospitalized at the Oncology Clinic of the University Clinical Centre, Banja Luka and the Day Oncology Hospital “S.tetik”, Banja Luka in the period between 2009 and 2014. These were patients with breast tumor, gastrointestinal or gynecological malignancies. Thrombocytosis was detected in 38 patients in the moment of diagnosing. All examinees were analyzed by sex, age, primary site of tumor, presence of comorbidity, relevant laboratory analyses, clinical stage of the disease (metastatic or localized disease).Results: In the observed sample of 146 patients, thrombocytosis was detected in 38 patients in the moment of diagnosing the disease (26%). Through the follow-up, DVT (deep venous thrombosis) was found in 13 patients (34.2%) and anticoagulant therapy was administered. Out of patients who were not on anticoagulant therapy because they had no thrombotic manifestations (25 patients, 65.8%), 2 ended up experiencing the development of a clinical presentation of massive pulmonary embolism with fatal outcome.Conclusions: The occurrence of thromboembolism significantly increases morbidity and mortality, as well as the total cost of treating cancer patients. Regardless of the fact that cancer patients are at a high risk of thromboembolic events, thromboembolic prophylaxis has not been adopted as a standard therapeutic modality because of potential bleeding

    Influence of mental disorders on working ability assessment

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    Background/Aim. There is an increasing need for evaluation of working ability due to lower level of social protection of workers and growing number of patients with mental diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The aim of this study was to establish the influence of mental diseases on the occurrence of disability of I and III categories in B&H during the period from January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2006. Methods. This study involved 1 792 examinees with the complete loss of working ability (I disability category) (n = 921). Disability category III consisted of persons with limited working ability (n = 871). The instruments of research in this multricentric and retrospective study were the forms P-6 and D-2 for the years of service in B&H, and the form IN for persons with years of service abroad and personal features questionnaire (EPQ). Results. The study included 1 494 men (78.5%) and 298 women (21.5%). Univariant analysis represented very high statistical significance (p = 0.001) concerning: age (χ2 = 65.428), years of service (χ2=28.438), drinking (χ2 = 33.234), smoking (χ2=70.880), father’s education (χ2 = 58.124), migrations (χ2 = 14.874), sick leave (χ2 = 29.190), medical treatment (χ2 = 95.073) and rehabilitation (χ2 = 29.453). Multivariant analysis represented the influence on disability category I by parameters such as: years of service, sick leave, psychoticism and depression (p = 0.001). Hospital treatment and fatigation had influence on disability in both groups. Mental diseases are the leading cause in disability category I in 14.98% and in disability category III in 9.3% persons. Leading diseases in both disability categories were depression and schizophrenia followed by alcoholism, anxiety, brain organ psychosyndrome (BOPS) and other diseases. Conclusion. The following parameters have highest influence on the disability category: the years of service, sick leave, psychoticism, depression, and long-lasting disease, medical treatments and fatigation on the disability category III